Subversion Repositories ALCASAR

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 2976 → Rev 3037

176,9 → 176,10
* generate a span tag
* @param {Number} id translation id in the xml file
* @param {String} [plugin] name of the plugin for which the tag should be generated
* @param {String} [defaultvalue] default value
* @return {String} string which contains generated span tag for translation string
function genlang(id, plugin) {
function genlang(id, plugin, defaultvalue) {
var html = "", idString = "", plugname = "",
langarrId = current_language + "_";
206,6 → 207,8
if ((langxml[langarrId] !== undefined) && (langarr[langarrId] !== undefined)) {
html += langarr[langarrId][idString];
} else if (defaultvalue !== undefined) {
html += defaultvalue;
html += "</span>";
630,7 → 633,23
* @param {jQuery} xml phpSysInfo-XML
function refreshVitals(xml) {
var hostname = "", ip = "";
var hostname = "", ip = "", stripid = 0;
function setAndStrip(id, value) {
if (value !== "") {
if (stripid%2 === 1) {
} else {
$(id).closest('tr').css("display", "");
} else {
$(id).closest('tr').css("display", "none");
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('vitals', blocks) < 0))) {
$("Vitals", xml).each(function getVitals(id) {
672,28 → 691,16
if ($(this).attr("SysLang") !== undefined) {
syslang = $(this).attr("SysLang");
if ($(this).attr("CodePage") !== undefined) {
codepage = $(this).attr("CodePage");
if ($(this).attr("SysLang") !== undefined) {
} else {
if ($(this).attr("Processes") !== undefined) {
processes = parseInt($(this).attr("Processes"), 10);
if ((($(this).attr("CodePage") !== undefined) && ($(this).attr("SysLang") === undefined)) ||
(($(this).attr("CodePage") === undefined) && ($(this).attr("SysLang") !== undefined))) {
} else {
if ($(this).attr("ProcessesRunning") !== undefined) {
prunning = parseInt($(this).attr("ProcessesRunning"), 10);
716,46 → 723,40
document.title = "System information: " + hostname + " (" + ip + ")";
$("#s_distro").html("<img src='./gfx/images/" + icon + "' alt='Icon' title='' style='width:16px;height:16px;vertical-align:middle;' onload='PNGload($(this));' />&nbsp;" + distro); //onload IE6 PNG fix
$("#s_os").html("<img src='./gfx/images/" + os + ".png' alt='OSIcon' title='' style='width:16px;height:16px;vertical-align:middle;' onload='PNGload($(this));' />&nbsp;" + os); //onload IE6 PNG fix
setAndStrip("#s_hostname", hostname);
setAndStrip("#s_ip", ip);
setAndStrip("#s_kernel", kernel);
setAndStrip("#s_distro", "<img src='./gfx/images/" + icon + "' alt='Icon' title='' style='width:16px;height:16px;vertical-align:middle;' onload='PNGload($(this));' />&nbsp;" + distro); //onload IE6 PNG fix
setAndStrip("#s_os", "<img src='./gfx/images/" + os + ".png' alt='OSIcon' title='' style='width:16px;height:16px;vertical-align:middle;' onload='PNGload($(this));' />&nbsp;" + os); //onload IE6 PNG fix
setAndStrip("#s_uptime", uptime);
if ((datetimeFormat !== undefined) && (datetimeFormat.toLowerCase() === "locale")) {
setAndStrip("#s_lastboot", lastboot.toLocaleString());
} else {
if (typeof(lastboot.toUTCString)==="function") {
setAndStrip("#s_lastboot", lastboot.toUTCString());
} else {
setAndStrip("#s_lastboot", lastboot.toGMTString());
if (prunning || psleeping || pstopped || pzombie || pwaiting || pother) {
$("#s_processes_1").append(" (");
$("#s_processes_2").append(" (");
setAndStrip("#s_users", users);
setAndStrip("#s_loadavg", loadavg);
setAndStrip("#s_syslang", syslang);
setAndStrip("#s_codepage", codepage);
setAndStrip("#s_processes", processes);
if ((processes > 0) && (prunning || psleeping || pstopped || pzombie || pwaiting || pother)) {
$("#s_processes").append(" (");
var typelist = {running:111,sleeping:112,stopped:113,zombie:114,waiting:115,other:116};
for (var proc_type in typelist) {
if (eval("p" + proc_type)) {
if (not_first) {
$("#s_processes_1").append(", ");
$("#s_processes_2").append(", ");
$("#s_processes").append(", ");
$("#s_processes_1").append(eval("p" + proc_type) + "&nbsp;" + genlang(typelist[proc_type]));
$("#s_processes_2").append(eval("p" + proc_type) + "&nbsp;" + genlang(typelist[proc_type]));
$("#s_processes").append(eval("p" + proc_type) + "&nbsp;" + genlang(typelist[proc_type]));
not_first = true;
$("#s_processes_1").append(") ");
$("#s_processes_2").append(") ");
$("#s_processes").append(") ");
771,9 → 772,10
function fillCpu(xml, tree, rootposition, collapsed) {
var cpucount = 0, html = "";
$("Hardware CPU CpuCore", xml).each(function getCpuCore(cpuCoreId) {
var model = "", speed = 0, bus = 0, cache = 0, bogo = 0, temp = 0, load = 0, speedmax = 0, speedmin = 0, cpucoreposition = 0, virt = "", manufacturer = "";
var model = "", speed = 0, voltage = 0, bus = 0, cache = 0, bogo = 0, temp = 0, load = 0, speedmax = 0, speedmin = 0, cpucoreposition = 0, virt = "", manufacturer = "";
model = $(this).attr("Model");
voltage = $(this).attr("Voltage");
speed = parseInt($(this).attr("CpuSpeed"), 10);
speedmax = parseInt($(this).attr("CpuSpeedMax"), 10);
speedmin = parseInt($(this).attr("CpuSpeedMin"), 10);
821,6 → 823,10
html += "<tr><td style=\"width:68%\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespan\">" + genlang(14) + ":</span></div></td><td>" + formatHertz(bus) + "</td></tr>\n";
if (!isNaN(voltage)) {
html += "<tr><td style=\"width:68%\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespan\">" + genlang(52) + ":</span></div></td><td>" + round(voltage, 2) + " V</td></tr>\n";
if (!isNaN(bogo)) {
html += "<tr><td style=\"width:68%\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespan\">" + genlang(16) + ":</span></div></td><td>" + bogo.toString() + "</td></tr>\n";
931,7 → 937,7
var html = "", tree = [], closed = [], index = 0, machine = "";
var html = "", tree = [], closed = [], index = 0, machine = "", virtualizer = "";
html += "<h2>" + genlang(10) + "</h2>\n";
html += " <div style=\"overflow-x:auto;\">\n";
941,6 → 947,10
$("Hardware", xml).each(function getMachine(id) {
machine = $(this).attr("Name");
$("Hardware", xml).each(function getVirtualizer(id) {
virtualizer = $(this).attr("Virtualizer");
if ((machine !== undefined) && (machine !== "")) {
html += " <tr><td colspan=\"2\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespanbold\">" + genlang(107) + "</span></div></td></tr>\n";
html += "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespan\">" + machine + "</span></div></td></tr>\n";
947,6 → 957,11
if ((virtualizer !== undefined) && (virtualizer !== "")) {
html += " <tr><td colspan=\"2\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespanbold\">" + genlang(134) + "</span></div></td></tr>\n";
html += "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespan\">" + virtualizer + "</span></div></td></tr>\n";
if (countCpu(xml)) {
html += " <tr><td colspan=\"2\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespanbold\">" + genlang(11) + "</span></div></td></tr>\n";
html += fillCpu(xml, tree, tree.push(0), closed);
1260,6 → 1275,9
if (!isNaN(inodes)) {
inodes_text = "<span style=\"font-style:italic\">&nbsp;(" + inodes.toString() + "%)</span>";
if (type === undefined) {
type = "";
if (!isNaN(ignore) && (ignore > 0) && showTotals) {
if (ignore >= 3) {
1552,12 → 1570,13
$("UPSInfo UPS", xml).each(function getUps(id) {
var name = "", model = "", mode = "", start_time = "", upsstatus = "", temperature = "", outages_count = "", last_outage = "", last_outage_finish = "", line_voltage = "", line_frequency = "", load_percent = "", battery_date = "", battery_voltage = "", battery_charge_percent = "", time_left_minutes = "";
var name = "", model = "", mode = "", start_time = "", upsstatus = "", beeperstatus = "", temperature = "", outages_count = "", last_outage = "", last_outage_finish = "", line_voltage = "", line_frequency = "", load_percent = "", battery_date = "", battery_voltage = "", battery_charge_percent = "", time_left_minutes = "";
name = $(this).attr("Name");
model = $(this).attr("Model");
mode = $(this).attr("Mode");
start_time = $(this).attr("StartTime");
upsstatus = $(this).attr("Status");
beeperstatus = $(this).attr("BeeperStatus");
temperature = $(this).attr("Temperature");
outages_count = $(this).attr("OutagesCount");
1589,6 → 1608,10
html += "<tr><td style=\"width:36%\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespan\">" + genlang(73) + "</span></div></td><td>" + upsstatus + "</td></tr>\n";
if (beeperstatus !== undefined) {
html += "<tr><td style=\"width:36%\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespan\">" + genlang(133) + "</span></div></td><td>" + beeperstatus + "</td></tr>\n";
if (temperature !== undefined) {
html += "<tr><td style=\"width:36%\"><div class=\"treediv\"><span class=\"treespan\">" + genlang(84) + "</span></div></td><td>" + temperature + "</td></tr>\n";
106,9 → 106,10
* generate a span tag
* @param {Number} id translation id in the xml file
* @param {String} [plugin] name of the plugin for which the tag should be generated
* @param {String} [defaultvalue] default value
* @return {String} string which contains generated span tag for translation string
function genlang(id, plugin) {
function genlang(id, plugin, defaultvalue) {
var html = "", idString = "", plugname = "",
langarrId = current_language + "_";
137,6 → 138,8
if ((langxml[langarrId] !== undefined) && (langarr[langarrId] !== undefined)) {
html += langarr[langarrId][idString];
} else if (defaultvalue !== undefined) {
html += defaultvalue;
html += "</span>";
620,6 → 623,7
var processes = "", p111 = 0, p112 = 0, p113 = 0, p114 = 0, p115 = 0, p116 = 0;
var not_first = false;
processes = parseInt(this.Processes, 10);
if (processes > 0) {
if (this.ProcessesRunning !== undefined) {
p111 = parseInt(this.ProcessesRunning, 10);
651,6 → 655,7
processes += ")";
return processes;
718,6 → 723,11
return formatTemp(this.Cputemp, data.Options["@attributes"].tempFormat);
Voltage: {
html: function() {
return round(this.Voltage, 2) + ' V';
Bogomips: {
text: function () {
return parseInt(this.Bogomips, 10);
782,14 → 792,22
var html="";
if ((data.Hardware["@attributes"] !== undefined) && (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Name !== undefined)) {
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"] !== undefined) {
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Name !== undefined) {
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-Machine\">";
html+="<th style=\"width:8%;\">"+genlang(107)+"</th>"; //Machine
html+="<td colspan=\"2\"><span data-bind=\"Name\"></span></td>";
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Virtualizer !== undefined) {
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-Virtualizer\">";
html+="<th style=\"width:8%;\">"+genlang(134)+"</th>"; //Virtualizer
html+="<td colspan=\"2\"><span data-bind=\"Virtualizer\"></span></td>";
var paramlist = {CpuSpeed:13,CpuSpeedMax:100,CpuSpeedMin:101,Cache:15,Virt:94,BusSpeed:14,Bogomips:16,Cputemp:51,Manufacturer:122,Load:9};
var paramlist = {CpuSpeed:13,CpuSpeedMax:100,CpuSpeedMin:101,Cache:15,Virt:94,BusSpeed:14,Voltage:52,Bogomips:16,Cputemp:51,Manufacturer:122,Load:9};
try {
datas = items(data.Hardware.CPU.CpuCore);
for (i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
868,9 → 886,14
if ((data.Hardware["@attributes"] !== undefined) && (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Name !== undefined)) {
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"] !== undefined) {
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Name !== undefined) {
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Virtualizer !== undefined) {
try {
datas = items(data.Hardware.CPU.CpuCore);
1598,7 → 1621,7
if ((data.UPSInfo !== undefined) && (items(data.UPSInfo.UPS).length > 0)) {
var html="";
var paramlist = {Model:70,StartTime:72,Status:73,Temperature:84,OutagesCount:74,LastOutage:75,LastOutageFinish:76,LineVoltage:77,LineFrequency:108,LoadPercent:78,BatteryDate:104,BatteryVoltage:79,BatteryChargePercent:80,TimeLeftMinutes:81};
var paramlist = {Model:70,StartTime:72,Status:73,BeeperStatus:133,Temperature:84,OutagesCount:74,LastOutage:75,LastOutageFinish:76,LineVoltage:77,LineFrequency:108,LoadPercent:78,BatteryDate:104,BatteryVoltage:79,BatteryChargePercent:80,TimeLeftMinutes:81};
try {
datas = items(data.UPSInfo.UPS);