Subversion Repositories ALCASAR

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Regard whitespace Rev 1305 → Rev 1325

13,119 → 13,49
$l_title = "Catégories de la liste noire";
$l_error_open_file="Erreur d'ouverture du fichier";
$l_unknown_cat="Cette catégorie n'est pas décrite";
$l_description_cat="Cette catégorie n'est pas décrite";
$l_nb_domains="Nombre de noms de domaine filtrés :";
$l_nb_urls="Nombre d'URL filtrés :";
$l_explain_adult="Sites relatifs à l'érotisme et à la pornographie";
$l_explain_agressif="Sites extrémistes, racistes, antisémites ou incitant à la haine";
$l_explain_arjel="Sites de pari en ligne certifies par l'ARJEL (Autorité de Régulation des Jeux En Ligne)";
$l_explain_astrology="Sites relatifs à l'astrologie";
$l_explain_bank="Sites de banques en ligne";
$l_explain_audio_video="Sites de téléchargement de fichiers audio et vidéo";
$l_explain_blog="Sites d'hébergement de blogs";
$l_explain_celebrity="Sites « people », stars, etc.";
$l_explain_chat="Sites de dialogue en ligne";
$l_explain_child="Sites pour enfants";
$l_explain_cleaning="Sites relatifs à la mise à jour logicielle ou antivirale";
$l_explain_dangerous_material="Sites relatifs à la création de produits dangereux (explosif, poison, etc.)";
$l_explain_dating="Sites de rencontres en ligne";
$l_explain_drogue="Sites relatifs aux produits stupéfiants";
$l_explain_filehosting="Entrepôts de fichiers (vidéo, images, son, logiciels, etc.)";
$l_explain_financial="Sites d'informations financières, bourses, etc.";
$l_explain_forums="Sites d'hébergement de forums de discussion";
$l_explain_gambling="Sites de jeux d'argent en ligne (casino, grattage virtuel, etc.)";
$l_explain_games="Sites de jeux en ligne";
$l_explain_hacking="Sites relatifs au piratage informatique";
$l_explain_jobsearch="Sites de recherche d'emplois";
$l_explain_liste_bu="Liste de sites éducatifs pour bibliothèque";
$l_explain_malware="Site relatifs au logiciels malveillants (virus, vers, trojans, etc.)";
$l_explain_manga="Site de Mangas";
$l_explain_marketingware="Sites marchands douteux (X, organes, enfants, etc.)";
$l_explain_mixed_adult="Sites pour adultes (image-choc, gore, guerre, etc.)";
$l_explain_mobile_phone="Sites relatifs aux mobiles GSM (sonneries, logos, etc.)";
$l_explain_ossi="Noms de domaine et URLs que vous ajoutez à la liste noire (voir ci-dessous)";
$l_explain_phishing="Sites relatifs à l'hammeçonnage (pièges bancaires, redirection, etc.)";
$l_explain_press="Sites de presse";
$l_explain_publicite="Sites ou bannières publicitaires";
$l_explain_radio="Sites de radios en ligne ou de podcast";
$l_explain_reaffected="Sites connus ayant changé de propriétaire (et donc de contenu)";
$l_explain_redirector="Sites de redirection, d'anonymisation ou de contournement";
$l_explain_remote_control="Sites permettant la prise de controle a distance";
$l_explain_sect="Sites sectaires";
$l_explain_social_networks="Sites de réseaux sociaux";
$l_explain_sexual_education="Sites relatifs à l'éducation sexuelle";
$l_explain_shopping="Sites de vente et d'achat en ligne";
$l_explain_sport="Sites de sport";
$l_explain_strict_redirector="URL intentionnellement mal formées";
$l_explain_strong_redirector="URL mal formées dans une requête « google »";
$l_explain_tricheur="Sites relatifs aux tricheries (examens, concours, etc.)";
$l_explain_webmail="Site WEB permettant de consultation son courrier électronique";
$l_explain_warez="Sites relatifs aux logiciels piratés (crackés), aux générateurs de clés, etc.";
$l_nb_ip="Nombre d'IP filtrées :";
else {
$l_title = "Blacklist categories";
$l_error_open_file="Error opening the file";
$l_unknown_cat="This category isn't describe";
$l_description_cat="This category isn't describe";
$l_nb_domains="Number of filtered domain names :";
$l_nb_urls="Number of filtered URL :";
$l_explain_adult="Sites related to eroticism and pornography";
$l_explain_agressif="Sites extremist, racist, anti-Semitic or hate";
$l_explain_arjel="Online gambling sites allowed by the french authority 'ARJEL' (Autorité de Régulation des Jeux En Ligne)";
$l_explain_astrology="Sites related to astrology";
$l_explain_audio_video="Sites for downloading audio and video";
$l_explain_bank="Online bank sites";
$l_explain_blog="Sites hosting blogs";
$l_explain_celebrity="Sites « people », stars, etc.";
$l_explain_chat="Online chat sites";
$l_explain_child="Sites for children";
$l_explain_cleaning="Sites related to software update or antiviral";
$l_explain_dangerous_material="Sites related to the creation of dangerous goods (explosives, poison, etc.)";
$l_explain_dating="Online dating sites";
$l_explain_drogue="Sites related to narcotic";
$l_explain_filehosting="Warehouses of files (video, images, sound, software, etc.)";
$l_explain_financial="Sites of financial information";
$l_explain_forums="Sites hosting discussion forums";
$l_explain_gambling="Online gambling sites (casino, virtual scratching, etc.)";
$l_explain_games="Online games sites";
$l_explain_hacking="Sites related to hacking";
$l_explain_jobsearch="Job search sites";
$l_explain_liste_bu="List of educational sites for library";
$l_explain_malware="Malware sites (viruses, worms, trojans, etc.).";
$l_explain_manga="Manga site";
$l_explain_marketingware="doubtful commercial sites";
$l_explain_mixed_adult="Adult sites (shock, gore, war, etc.).";
$l_explain_mobile_phone="Sites related to GSM mobile (ringtones, logos, etc.)";
$l_explain_ossi="Domain names and URLs you add to the blacklist (see below)";
$l_explain_phishing="Phishing sites (traps banking, redirect, etc..)";
$l_explain_press="News sites";
$l_explain_publicite="Advertising sites";
$l_explain_radio="Online radio podcast sites";
$l_explain_reaffected="Sites that have changed ownership (and therefore content)";
$l_explain_redirector="redirects, anonymization or bypass sites";
$l_explain_remote_control="Sites for making remote control";
$l_explain_sect="Sectarian sites";
$l_explain_social_networks="Social networks sites";
$l_explain_sexual_education="Sites related to sex education";
$l_explain_shopping="Shopping sites and online shopping";
$l_explain_sport="Sport sites";
$l_explain_strict_redirector="Intentionally malformed URL";
$l_explain_strong_redirector="Malformed URL in a 'google' query";
$l_explain_tricheur="Sites related to cheating (tests, examinations, etc.)";
$l_explain_webmail="Web sites for e-mail consultation";
$l_explain_warez="Sites related to cracked softwares";
$l_nb_ip="Number of filtered IP :";
if (isset($_GET['cat'])){$categorie=$_GET['cat'];}
$bl_categorie_ip_file = "/usr/local/share/iptables-bl/".$categorie;
if (file_exists($bl_categorie_domain_file))
$nb_domains=exec ("wc -w $bl_categorie_domain_file|cut -d' ' -f1");
$nb_domains = exec("grep -vE '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' $bl_categorie_domain_file | wc -l | cut -d' ' -f1");
$nb_domains=$l_error_openfilei." ".$bl_categorie_domain_file;
$nb_domains=$l_error_openfile." ".$bl_categorie_domain_file;
if (file_exists($bl_categorie_url_file))
$nb_urls=exec ("wc -w $bl_categorie_url_file|cut -d' ' -f1");
$nb_urls=$l_error_openfile." ".$bl_categorie_url_file;
$nb_ip = exec("wc -w $bl_categorie_ip_file | cut -d' ' -f1");
$nb_ip = $l_error_openfile." ".$bl_categorie_ip_file;
$global_usage = file($bl_dir."global_usage");
$langue = strtoupper($Language);
for($i=0; $i<count($global_usage); $i++)
if(preg_match("#^NAME:.$categorie$#", $global_usage[$i]) == 1)
while(preg_match("#^DESC.$langue:#", $global_usage[$i]) == 0)
$l_description_cat = preg_replace("#^DESC.$langue:.#", "", $global_usage[$i]);
echo "<TITLE>$l_title</TITLE>";
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css" type="text/css">
139,11 → 69,10
<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">
if (!empty(${'l_explain_'.$compat_categorie}))
echo "<center><b>${'l_explain_'.$compat_categorie}</b></center>";
else echo "$l_unknown_cat";
echo "<br>$l_nb_domains <b>$nb_domains</b><br>";
echo "$l_nb_urls <b>$nb_urls</b><br>";
echo "<br><center><b>$l_description_cat</b></center><br>";
echo "$l_nb_domains <b><a href='./bl_categories_help2.php?cat=$categorie&filtre=$bl_categorie_domain_file'>$nb_domains</a></b><br>";
echo "$l_nb_urls <b><a href='./bl_categories_help2.php?cat=$categorie&filtre=$bl_categorie_url_file'>$nb_urls</a></b><br>";
echo "$l_nb_ip <b><a href='./bl_categories_help2.php?cat=$categorie&filtre=$bl_categorie_ip_file'>$nb_ip</a></b><br>";
0,0 → 1,101
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><!-- written by Rexy -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
# Choice of language
$Language = 'en';
$Langue = explode(",",$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
$Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]),0,2)); }
if($Language == 'fr'){
$l_title = "Catégories de la liste noire";
$l_error_open_file="Erreur d'ouverture du fichier";
$l_description_cat="Cette catégorie n'est pas décrite";
$l_nb_domains="Nombre de noms de domaine filtrés :";
$l_nb_urls="Nombre d'URL filtrés :";
$l_nb_ip="Nombre d'IP filtrées :";
$l_example = "Exemple(s) :";
else {
$l_title = "Blacklist categories";
$l_error_open_file="Error opening the file";
$l_description_cat="This category isn't describe";
$l_nb_domains="Number of filtered domain names :";
$l_nb_urls="Number of filtered URL :";
$l_nb_ip="Number of filtered IP :";
$l_example = "Example(s) :";
if (isset($_GET['cat'])){$categorie=$_GET['cat'];}
$bl_categorie_ip_file = "/usr/local/share/iptables-bl/".$categorie;
if (file_exists($bl_categorie_domain_file))
$nb_domains = exec("grep -vE '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' $bl_categorie_domain_file | wc -l | cut -d' ' -f1");
$nb_domains=$l_error_openfile." ".$bl_categorie_domain_file;
if (file_exists($bl_categorie_url_file))
$nb_urls=exec ("wc -w $bl_categorie_url_file|cut -d' ' -f1");
$nb_urls=$l_error_openfile." ".$bl_categorie_url_file;
$nb_ip = exec("wc -w $bl_categorie_ip_file | cut -d' ' -f1");
$nb_ip = $l_error_openfile." ".$bl_categorie_ip_file;
$global_usage = file($bl_dir."global_usage");
$langue = strtoupper($Language);
for($i=0; $i<count($global_usage); $i++)
if(preg_match("#^NAME:.$categorie$#", $global_usage[$i]) == 1)
while(preg_match("#^DESC.$langue:#", $global_usage[$i]) == 0)
$l_description_cat = preg_replace("#^DESC.$langue:.#", "", $global_usage[$i]);
echo "<TITLE>$l_title</TITLE>";
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css" type="text/css">
<TABLE width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><th><?php echo $categorie ;?></th></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#FFCC66"><td><img src="/images/pix.gif" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
<TABLE width="100%" border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">
echo "<br><center><b>$l_description_cat</b></center><br>";
echo "$l_nb_domains <b><a href='?cat=$categorie&filtre=$bl_categorie_domain_file'>$nb_domains</a></b><br>";
echo "$l_nb_urls <b><a href='?cat=$categorie&filtre=$bl_categorie_url_file'>$nb_urls</a></b><br>";
echo "$l_nb_ip <b><a href='?cat=$categorie&filtre=$bl_categorie_ip_file'>$nb_ip</a></b><br>";
<TABLE width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><th><?php echo $l_example;?></th></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#FFCC66"><td><img src="/images/pix.gif" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
<TABLE width="100%" border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">
if(isset($_GET["filtre"])){$nom_filtre = $_GET["filtre"];}
if(preg_match("#/domains$#", $nom_filtre) == 1)
exec("grep -vE '^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$' $nom_filtre | head -n 15", $resultat);
exec("cat $nom_filtre | head -n 15", $resultat);
for($i=0; $i<15; $i++)
echo $resultat[$i]."<br/>";
<center><a href="javascript:window.close();"><b><?php echo "$l_close"; ?></b></a></center>
69,7 → 69,7
if ($cols == 1) { echo "<tr>";}
echo "<td><a href='bl_categories_help.php?cat=$categorie' target='cat_help''bl_categories_help.php','cat_help','width=600,height=150,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes') title='categories help page'>$categorie</a><br>";
echo "<td><a href='bl_categories_help.php?cat=$categorie' target='cat_help''bl_categories_help.php','cat_help','width=600,height=450,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes') title='categories help page'>$categorie</a><br>";
echo "<input type='checkbox' name='chk-$categorie'";
// si la ligne est commentée -> categorie non selectionnée
if (preg_match('/^#/',$ligne, $r)) { echo ">";}
1,20 → 1,18
while ($j != $nb)
File deleted
File deleted
97,6 → 97,8
$l_are_you_sure = "&Ecirc;tes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer";
$l_yes_remove = "Oui, supprimer";
$l_create = "Créer";
$l_advanced_menu = "Menu avancé";
$l_simple_menu = "Menu simple";
$l_change = "Modifier";
$l_or = "Ou";
$l_create_multiple = "Créer plusieurs tickets";
197,6 → 199,8
$l_are_you_sure = "Are you sure to remove";
$l_yes_remove = "Yes, remove";
$l_create = "Create";
$l_advanced_menu = "Advanced menu";
$l_simple_menu = "Simple menu";
$l_change = "Change";
$l_or = "Or";
$l_create_multiple = "Create several tickets";
14,10 → 14,13
$tab = explode (" ", $full_version);
$installed_version = $tab[0];
# Choice of language
$Langue = explode(",",$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
$Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]),0,2)); }
if($Language == 'fr'){
$Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]),0,2));
if($Language == 'fr')
$l_home = "ACCUEIL";
$l_system = "SYSTÈME";
29,7 → 32,6
$l_ldap = "Ldap/A.D.";
$l_access_nb = "Accès au centre";
$l_create_user = "Créer un usager";
$l_create_voucher = "Créer un ticket rapide";
$l_edit_user = "Éditer un usager";
$l_create_group = "Créer un groupe";
$l_edit_group = "Éditer un groupe";
42,7 → 44,8
else {
$Language = 'en';
$l_home = "HOME";
$l_system = "SYSTEM";
54,7 → 57,6
$l_blacklist = "Domain names";
$l_ldap = "Ldap/A.D.";
$l_access_nb = "Access to center";
$l_create_voucher = "Create a quick ticket";
$l_create_user = "Create a user";
$l_edit_user = "Edit a user";
$l_create_group = "Create a group";