Subversion Repositories ALCASAR

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Regard whitespace Rev 2171 → Rev 2172

65,7 → 65,8
$Language = 'en';
$Langue = explode(",",$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
$Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]),0,2)); }
$Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]),0,2));
if($Language == 'es'){
$l_login1 = "El éxito de la autenticación";
$l_logout = "Conexión de cierre";
89,6 → 90,7
$l_connected = "logged"; // to translate
$l_a_connection = "You have"; // to translate
$l_a_connection_time = "active connections on the network"; // to translate
$l_close_warning = "Advertencia: se desconectará si cierra esta ventana";
else if ($Language == 'zh'){
$l_login1 = "验证通过";
109,10 → 111,11
$l_not_available = "不可用";
$l_error = "出错";
$l_welcome = "欢迎";
$l_conn_history = "您最近的$nb_connection_history次连接";
$l_conn_history = "您最近的{$nb_connection_history}次连接";
$l_connected = "已登录";
$l_a_connection = "您已经有";
$l_a_connection_time = "在线时间";
$l_close_warning = "警告: 您将会断开连接如果您在关闭此窗口";
else if ($Language == 'ar'){
$l_login1 = "نجاح المصادقة";
138,6 → 141,7
$l_connected = "دورة ناشطة";
$l_a_connection = "لديك";
$l_a_connection_time = "اتصالات ناشطة على الشبكة";
$l_close_warning = "تحذير: سيتم قطع الاتصال إذا قمت بإغلاق هذه النافذة";
else if ($Language == 'pt'){
$l_login1 = "Autenticação bem sucedida.";
162,6 → 166,7
$l_connected = "Conectado";
$l_a_connection = "Conexão ativa já detectada para essa LAN";
$l_a_connection_time = "Tempo (s)";
$l_close_warning = "Aviso: você será desconectado se fechar esta janela";
else if ($Language == 'de'){
$l_login1 = "Erfolgreiche Authentifizierung";
186,6 → 191,7
$l_connected = "logged"; // to translate
$l_a_connection = "You have"; // to translate
$l_a_connection_time = "active connections on the network"; // to translate
$l_close_warning = "Warnung: Sie werden getrennt, wenn Sie dieses Fenster schließen";
else if ($Language == 'nl'){
$l_login1 = "Succesvolle authenticatie";
210,6 → 216,7
$l_connected = "logged"; // to translate
$l_a_connection = "You have"; // to translate
$l_a_connection_time = "active connections on the network"; // to translate
$l_close_warning = "Waarschuwing: u zal worden afgebroken als u dit venster sluiten";
else if ($Language == 'fr'){
$l_login1 = "Authentification réussie";
234,6 → 241,7
$l_connected = "session active";
$l_a_connection = "Vous avez";
$l_a_connection_time = "connexions actives sur le réseau";
$l_close_warning = "Attention : vous serez déconnecté si vous fermez cette fenêtre";
else {
$l_login1 = "Successful authentication.";
258,6 → 266,7
$l_connected = "logged";
$l_a_connection = "You have";
$l_a_connection_time = "active connections on the network";
$l_close_warning = "Warning: you will be disconnected if you close this window";
if (isset($user[5])){
434,6 → 443,9
<tr id="conHistoryRow">
<td colspan=2 id="conHistory" class="chilliValue"><?php echo $connection_history; ?></td>
<td colspan=2 id="close-warning">(<?php echo $l_close_warning; ?>)</td>
<div id="waitPage">
459,6 → 471,4