Subversion Repositories ALCASAR

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1010,11 → 1010,12
radius_web ()
# copie de l'interface d'origine dans la structure Alcasar
[ -d /usr/share/freeradius-web ] && cp -rf /usr/share/freeradius-web/* $DIR_ACC/manager/
rm -f $DIR_ACC/manager/index.html $DIR_ACC/manager/readme
rm -f $DIR_ACC/manager/htdocs/about.html $DIR_ACC/manager/htdocs/index.html $DIR_ACC/manager/htdocs/content.html
#[ -d /usr/share/freeradius-web ] && cp -rf /usr/share/freeradius-web/* $DIR_ACC/manager/
#rm -f $DIR_ACC/manager/index.html $DIR_ACC/manager/readme
#rm -f $DIR_ACC/manager/htdocs/about.html $DIR_ACC/manager/htdocs/index.html $DIR_ACC/manager/htdocs/content.html
# copie des fichiers modifiés
cp -rf $DIR_INSTALL/web/acc/manager/* $DIR_ACC/manager/
cp -rf $DIR_CONF/freeradius-web/ /etc/
chown -R apache:apache $DIR_ACC/manager/
# Modification des fichiers de configuration
[ -e /etc/freeradius-web/admin.conf.default ] || cp /etc/freeradius-web/admin.conf /etc/freeradius-web/admin.conf.default
0,0 → 1,20
# Used by the User Accounting, the User finger and the Failed Logins page
# For the user finger page only callerid(9) and
# ip address(4) are applicable
# For the Failed Logins page only looged in(2), server(7),
# terminate cause(8) and callerid(9) are applicable
# attribute number Description Show in Show in Show in
# User Accounting User Finger Failed Logins
1 type no no no
2 logged in yes no yes
3 session time yes no no
4 ip address no yes no
5 upload yes no no
6 download yes no no
7 server yes no yes
8 terminate cause yes no yes
9 callerid yes yes yes
0,0 → 1,351
# Main Configuration File
# it can be default or whatever language. Only greek are supported
# from non latin alphabet languages
# These attribute only apply for ldap not for sql
general_prefered_lang: en
general_prefered_lang_name: English
# The charset which will be added as a meta tag in all pages
general_charset: utf-8
# Uncomment this if normal attributes (not the ;lang-xx ones) in ldap
# are utf8 encoded.
#general_decode_normal_attributes: yes
# The directory where dialupadmin is installed
general_base_dir: /usr/share/freeradius-web
# The base directory of the freeradius radius installation
general_radiusd_base_dir: /usr
general_domain: localdomain
# Set it to yes to use sessions and cache the various mappings
# You can also set use_session = 1 in config.php to also cache
# the admin.conf
#Remember to use the 'Clear Cache' page if you use sessions and do any changes
#in any of the configuration files.
general_use_session: no
# This is used by the failed logins page. It states the default back time
# in minutes.
general_most_recent_fl: 30
# Realm setup
# Set general_strip_realms to yes in order to stip realms from usernames.
# By default realms are not striped
#general_strip_realms: yes
# The delimiter used in realms. Default is @
general_realm_delimiter: @
# The format of the realms. Can be either suffix (realm is after the username)
# or prefix (realm is before the username). Default is suffix
general_realm_format: suffix
# Determines if the administrator will be able to see and change the user password through
# the user edit page
general_show_user_password: yes
general_raddb_dir: /etc/raddb
general_ldap_attrmap: %{general_raddb_dir}/ldap.attrmap
# Need to fix admin.conf file parser
#general_clients_conf: %{general_raddb_dir}/clients.conf
general_clients_conf: /etc/raddb/clients.conf
general_sql_attrmap: /etc/freeradius-web/sql.attrmap
general_accounting_attrs_file: /etc/freeradius-web/accounting.attrs
general_extra_ldap_attrmap: /etc/freeradius-web/extra.ldap-attrmap
general_username_mappings_file: /etc/freeradius-web/username.mappings
# it can be either ldap or sql
# This affects the user base not accounting. Accounting is always in sql
general_lib_type: sql
# Define which attributes will be visible in the user edit page
general_user_edit_attrs_file: /etc/freeradius-web/user_edit.attrs
# Used by the Accounting Report Generator
general_sql_attrs_file: /etc/freeradius-web/sql.attrs
# Set default values for various attributes
general_default_file: /etc/freeradius-web/default.vals
#general_ld_library_path: /usr/local/snmpd/lib
# can be 'snmp' (for snmpfinger) or empty to query the radacct table without first
# querying the nas
# This is used by the online users page
# general_finger_type: snmp
# Defines the nas type. This is only used by snmpfinger
# cisco, usrhiper and lucent are supported for now
general_nas_type: cisco
general_snmpfinger_bin: %{general_base_dir}/bin/snmpfinger
# Used by the 'Disconnect User' button in the Clear Open Sessions page
# Uses the Cisco AAA Session MIB or a telnet session
general_sessionclear_bin: %{general_base_dir}/bin/clearsession
# Can be one of telnet or snmp
general_sessionclear_method: snmp
general_radclient_bin: %{general_radiusd_base_dir}/bin/radclient
# this information is used from the server check page
general_test_account_login: test
general_test_account_password: testpass
# These are used as default values for the user test page
general_radius_server: localhost
general_radius_server_port: 1812
# can be either pap or chap
general_radius_server_auth_proto: pap
# sorry, single valued for now. Should become something like
# password[server-name]: xxxxx
general_radius_server_secret: XXXXXX
general_auth_request_file: /etc/freeradius-web/auth.request
# can be one of crypt,md5,clear
general_encryption_method: crypt
# can be either asc (older dates first) or desc (recent dates first)
# This is used in the user accounting and badusers pages
general_accounting_info_order: desc
# Use the totacct table in the user statistics page instead of the radacct
# table. That will make the page run quicker. totacct should have data for
# this to work :-)
general_stats_use_totacct: yes
# If set to yes then we only allow each administrator to examine it's own entries
# in the badusers table
general_restrict_badusers_access: no
# If set to yes then we restrict access to the nas administration page only to those
# users which are allowed by their username mapping (nasadmin is set to yes)
general_restrict_nasadmin_access: no
INCLUDE: /etc/freeradius-web/naslist.conf
INCLUDE: /etc/freeradius-web/captions.conf
# The ldap server to connect to.
# Both ldap_server and ldap_write_server can be a space-separated
# list of ldap hostnames. In that case the library will try to connect
# to the servers in the order that they appear. If the first host is down
# ldap_connect will ask for the second ldap host and so on.
ldap_server: ldap.%{general_domain}
# There are many cases where we have a small write master and
# a lot of fast read only replicas. If that is the case uncomment
# ldap_write_server and point it to the write master. It will be
# used only when writing to the directory, not when reading
#ldap_write_server: master.%{general_domain}
ldap_base: dc=company,dc=com
ldap_binddn: cn=Directory Manager
ldap_bindpw: XXXXXXX
ldap_default_new_entry_suffix: ou=dialup,ou=guests,%{ldap_base}
ldap_default_dn: uid=default-dialup,%{ldap_base}
ldap_regular_profile_attr: dialupregularprofile
# If set to yes then the HTTP credentials (http authentication)
# will be used to bind to the ldap server instead of ldap_binddn
# and ldap_bindpw. That way multiple admins with different rights
# on the ldap database can connect through one dialup_admin interface.
# The ldap_binddn and ldap_bindpw are still needed to find the DN
# to bind with (http authentication will only provide us with a
# username). As a result the ldap_binddn should be able to do a search
# with a filter of (uid=<username>). Normally, the anonymous (empty DN)
# user can do that.
#ldap_use_http_credentials: yes
# If we are using http credentials we can map a specific username to the
# directory manager (which usually does not correspond to a specific username)
#ldap_directory_manager: cn=Directory Manager
#ldap_map_to_directory_manager: admin
# Uncomment to enable ldap debug
ldap_debug: true
# Allow for defining the ldap filter used when searching for a user
# Variables supported:
# %u: username
# %U: username provided though http authentication
# %mu: mappings for userdb
# %ma: mappings for accounting
# %mn: mappings for nasdb
# %mN: mappings for nas administration
# One use of this would be to restrict access to only the user's belonging to
# a specific administrator like this:
# ldap_filter: (&(uid=%u)(manager=uid=%U,ou=admins,o=company,c=com))
#ldap_filter: (uid=%u)
# If ldap_userdn is set then we use that for user dns, we don't perform an ldap
# search. This can be somewhat faster. The variables supported for ldap_filter
# are also supported here
#ldap_userdn: uid=%u,%{ldap_base}
# can be one of mysql,pg,oracle,sqlrelay where:
# mysq: MySQL database (port 3306)
# pg: PostgreSQL database (port 5432)
# oracle: Oracle database (port 1521)
# sqlrelay: SQL Relay
sql_type: mysql
sql_server: localhost
sql_port: 3306
sql_username: radius
sql_password: KS3ShPIP
sql_database: radius
sql_accounting_table: radacct
sql_badusers_table: badusers
sql_check_table: radcheck
sql_reply_table: radreply
sql_user_info_table: userinfo
sql_groupcheck_table: radgroupcheck
sql_groupreply_table: radgroupreply
sql_usergroup_table: radusergroup
sql_total_accounting_table: totacct
sql_nas_table: nas
# If set to true then we show all the available groups with the groups
# that the user is a member of highlighted in the user edit page.
# Otherwise we only show the groups he is a member of.
sql_show_all_groups: true
# This variable is used by the scripts in the bin folder
# It should contain the path to the sql binary used to run
# sql commands (mysql, psql, oracle and sqlrelay are only supported for now)
sql_command: /usr/bin/mysql
#sql_command: /usr/bin/psql
#sql_command: /usr/bin/sqlplus
# This variable is used by the scripts in the bin folder
# It should contain the snmp type and path to the binary
# used to run snmp commands.
# (ucd = UCD-Snmp and net = Net-Snmp are only supported for now)
general_snmp_type: net
general_snmpwalk_command: /usr/bin/snmpwalk
general_snmpget_command: /usr/bin/snmpget
# Uncomment to enable sql debug
sql_debug: false
# If set to yes then the HTTP credentials (http authentication)
# will be used to connect to the sql server instead of sql_username
# and sql_password. That way multiple admins with different rights
# on the sql database can connect through one dialup_admin interface.
#sql_use_http_credentials: yes
# If set the query will be added to all of the queries on the accounting
# table
# Variables supported:
# %u: username
# %U: username provided though http authentication
# %mu: mappings for userdb
# %ma: mappings for accounting
# %mn: mappings for nasdb
# %mN: mappings for nas administration
#sql_accounting_extra_query: %ma
# true or false
sql_use_user_info_table: true
sql_use_operators: true
# Set this to the value of the default_user_profile in your
# sql.conf if that one is set. If it is not set leave blank
# or commented out
#sql_default_user_profile: DEFAULT
sql_password_attribute: Crypt-Password
sql_date_format: Y-m-d
sql_full_date_format: Y-m-d H:i:s
# Used in the accounting report generator so that we
# don't return too many results
sql_row_limit: 40
# These options are used by the log_badlogins script and by the
# mysql driver
# Set the sql connect timeout (secs)
sql_connect_timeout: 3
# Give a space separated list of extra mysql servers to connect to when
# logging bad logins or adding users in the badusers table
# Default values for the various user limits in case the counter module
# is used to impose such limits.
# The value should be the user limit in seconds or none for nothing
# Check out conf/sql.attrmap or extra.ldap-attrmap (depending on if you are
# using sql or ldap) for per user attributes. The mapping should be made to
# the attributes configured in the counter module. The attributes used by
# dialupadmin will always be the ones appearing in the attribute mapping files
# so you should make sure they are mapped to the correct attributes
#counter_default_daily: 14400
#counter_default_weekly: 72000
counter_default_daily: none
counter_default_weekly: none
counter_default_monthly: none
# Since calculating monthly usage can be quite expensive we make
# it configurable
# This is not needed if the monthly limit is not none
#counter_monthly_calculate_usage: true
# some of the date/time related functions need to know what timezone we are in
timezone: Europe/Luxembourg
0,0 → 1,351
# Main Configuration File
# it can be default or whatever language. Only greek are supported
# from non latin alphabet languages
# These attribute only apply for ldap not for sql
general_prefered_lang: en
general_prefered_lang_name: English
# The charset which will be added as a meta tag in all pages
general_charset: iso-8859-1
# Uncomment this if normal attributes (not the ;lang-xx ones) in ldap
# are utf8 encoded.
#general_decode_normal_attributes: yes
# The directory where dialupadmin is installed
general_base_dir: /usr/share/freeradius-web
# The base directory of the freeradius radius installation
general_radiusd_base_dir: /usr
# Set it to yes to use sessions and cache the various mappings
# You can also set use_session = 1 in config.php to also cache
# the admin.conf
#Remember to use the 'Clear Cache' page if you use sessions and do any changes
#in any of the configuration files.
general_use_session: no
# This is used by the failed logins page. It states the default back time
# in minutes.
general_most_recent_fl: 30
# Realm setup
# Set general_strip_realms to yes in order to stip realms from usernames.
# By default realms are not striped
#general_strip_realms: yes
# The delimiter used in realms. Default is @
general_realm_delimiter: @
# The format of the realms. Can be either suffix (realm is after the username)
# or prefix (realm is before the username). Default is suffix
general_realm_format: suffix
# Determines if the administrator will be able to see and change the user password through
# the user edit page
general_show_user_password: yes
general_raddb_dir: /etc/raddb
general_ldap_attrmap: %{general_raddb_dir}/ldap.attrmap
# Need to fix admin.conf file parser
#general_clients_conf: %{general_raddb_dir}/clients.conf
general_clients_conf: /etc/raddb/clients.conf
general_sql_attrmap: /etc/freeradius-web/sql.attrmap
general_accounting_attrs_file: /etc/freeradius-web/accounting.attrs
general_extra_ldap_attrmap: /etc/freeradius-web/extra.ldap-attrmap
general_username_mappings_file: /etc/freeradius-web/username.mappings
# it can be either ldap or sql
# This affects the user base not accounting. Accounting is always in sql
general_lib_type: sql
# Define which attributes will be visible in the user edit page
general_user_edit_attrs_file: /etc/freeradius-web/user_edit.attrs
# Used by the Accounting Report Generator
general_sql_attrs_file: /etc/freeradius-web/sql.attrs
# Set default values for various attributes
general_default_file: /etc/freeradius-web/default.vals
#general_ld_library_path: /usr/local/snmpd/lib
# can be 'snmp' (for snmpfinger) or empty to query the radacct table without first
# querying the nas
# This is used by the online users page
general_finger_type: snmp
# Defines the nas type. This is only used by snmpfinger
# cisco, usrhiper and lucent are supported for now
general_nas_type: cisco
general_snmpfinger_bin: %{general_base_dir}/bin/snmpfinger
# Used by the 'Disconnect User' button in the Clear Open Sessions page
# Uses the Cisco AAA Session MIB or a telnet session
general_sessionclear_bin: %{general_base_dir}/bin/clearsession
# Can be one of telnet or snmp
general_sessionclear_method: snmp
general_radclient_bin: %{general_radiusd_base_dir}/bin/radclient
# this information is used from the server check page
general_test_account_login: test
general_test_account_password: testpass
# These are used as default values for the user test page
general_radius_server: localhost
general_radius_server_port: 1812
# can be either pap or chap
general_radius_server_auth_proto: pap
# sorry, single valued for now. Should become something like
# password[server-name]: xxxxx
general_radius_server_secret: XXXXXX
general_auth_request_file: /etc/freeradius-web/auth.request
# can be one of crypt,md5,clear
general_encryption_method: crypt
# can be either asc (older dates first) or desc (recent dates first)
# This is used in the user accounting and badusers pages
general_accounting_info_order: desc
# Use the totacct table in the user statistics page instead of the radacct
# table. That will make the page run quicker. totacct should have data for
# this to work :-)
general_stats_use_totacct: no
# If set to yes then we only allow each administrator to examine it's own entries
# in the badusers table
general_restrict_badusers_access: no
# If set to yes then we restrict access to the nas administration page only to those
# users which are allowed by their username mapping (nasadmin is set to yes)
general_restrict_nasadmin_access: no
INCLUDE: /etc/freeradius-web/naslist.conf
INCLUDE: /etc/freeradius-web/captions.conf
# The ldap server to connect to.
# Both ldap_server and ldap_write_server can be a space-separated
# list of ldap hostnames. In that case the library will try to connect
# to the servers in the order that they appear. If the first host is down
# ldap_connect will ask for the second ldap host and so on.
ldap_server: ldap.%{general_domain}
# There are many cases where we have a small write master and
# a lot of fast read only replicas. If that is the case uncomment
# ldap_write_server and point it to the write master. It will be
# used only when writing to the directory, not when reading
#ldap_write_server: master.%{general_domain}
ldap_base: dc=company,dc=com
ldap_binddn: cn=Directory Manager
ldap_bindpw: XXXXXXX
ldap_default_new_entry_suffix: ou=dialup,ou=guests,%{ldap_base}
ldap_default_dn: uid=default-dialup,%{ldap_base}
ldap_regular_profile_attr: dialupregularprofile
# If set to yes then the HTTP credentials (http authentication)
# will be used to bind to the ldap server instead of ldap_binddn
# and ldap_bindpw. That way multiple admins with different rights
# on the ldap database can connect through one dialup_admin interface.
# The ldap_binddn and ldap_bindpw are still needed to find the DN
# to bind with (http authentication will only provide us with a
# username). As a result the ldap_binddn should be able to do a search
# with a filter of (uid=<username>). Normally, the anonymous (empty DN)
# user can do that.
#ldap_use_http_credentials: yes
# If we are using http credentials we can map a specific username to the
# directory manager (which usually does not correspond to a specific username)
#ldap_directory_manager: cn=Directory Manager
#ldap_map_to_directory_manager: admin
# Uncomment to enable ldap debug
ldap_debug: true
# Allow for defining the ldap filter used when searching for a user
# Variables supported:
# %u: username
# %U: username provided though http authentication
# %mu: mappings for userdb
# %ma: mappings for accounting
# %mn: mappings for nasdb
# %mN: mappings for nas administration
# One use of this would be to restrict access to only the user's belonging to
# a specific administrator like this:
# ldap_filter: (&(uid=%u)(manager=uid=%U,ou=admins,o=company,c=com))
#ldap_filter: (uid=%u)
# If ldap_userdn is set then we use that for user dns, we don't perform an ldap
# search. This can be somewhat faster. The variables supported for ldap_filter
# are also supported here
#ldap_userdn: uid=%u,%{ldap_base}
# can be one of mysql,pg,oracle,sqlrelay where:
# mysq: MySQL database (port 3306)
# pg: PostgreSQL database (port 5432)
# oracle: Oracle database (port 1521)
# sqlrelay: SQL Relay
sql_type: mysql
sql_server: localhost
sql_port: 3306
sql_username: dialup_admin
sql_password: XXXXXX
sql_database: radius
sql_accounting_table: radacct
sql_badusers_table: badusers
sql_check_table: radcheck
sql_reply_table: radreply
sql_user_info_table: userinfo
sql_groupcheck_table: radgroupcheck
sql_groupreply_table: radgroupreply
sql_usergroup_table: radusergroup
sql_total_accounting_table: totacct
sql_nas_table: nas
# If set to true then we show all the available groups with the groups
# that the user is a member of highlighted in the user edit page.
# Otherwise we only show the groups he is a member of.
sql_show_all_groups: true
# This variable is used by the scripts in the bin folder
# It should contain the path to the sql binary used to run
# sql commands (mysql, psql, oracle and sqlrelay are only supported for now)
sql_command: /usr/bin/mysql
#sql_command: /usr/bin/psql
#sql_command: /usr/bin/sqlplus
# This variable is used by the scripts in the bin folder
# It should contain the snmp type and path to the binary
# used to run snmp commands.
# (ucd = UCD-Snmp and net = Net-Snmp are only supported for now)
general_snmp_type: net
general_snmpwalk_command: /usr/bin/snmpwalk
general_snmpget_command: /usr/bin/snmpget
# Uncomment to enable sql debug
sql_debug: true
# If set to yes then the HTTP credentials (http authentication)
# will be used to connect to the sql server instead of sql_username
# and sql_password. That way multiple admins with different rights
# on the sql database can connect through one dialup_admin interface.
#sql_use_http_credentials: yes
# If set the query will be added to all of the queries on the accounting
# table
# Variables supported:
# %u: username
# %U: username provided though http authentication
# %mu: mappings for userdb
# %ma: mappings for accounting
# %mn: mappings for nasdb
# %mN: mappings for nas administration
#sql_accounting_extra_query: %ma
# true or false
sql_use_user_info_table: true
sql_use_operators: true
# Set this to the value of the default_user_profile in your
# sql.conf if that one is set. If it is not set leave blank
# or commented out
#sql_default_user_profile: DEFAULT
sql_password_attribute: User-Password
sql_date_format: Y-m-d
sql_full_date_format: Y-m-d H:i:s
# Used in the accounting report generator so that we
# don't return too many results
sql_row_limit: 40
# These options are used by the log_badlogins script and by the
# mysql driver
# Set the sql connect timeout (secs)
sql_connect_timeout: 3
# Give a space separated list of extra mysql servers to connect to when
# logging bad logins or adding users in the badusers table
# Default values for the various user limits in case the counter module
# is used to impose such limits.
# The value should be the user limit in seconds or none for nothing
# Check out conf/sql.attrmap or extra.ldap-attrmap (depending on if you are
# using sql or ldap) for per user attributes. The mapping should be made to
# the attributes configured in the counter module. The attributes used by
# dialupadmin will always be the ones appearing in the attribute mapping files
# so you should make sure they are mapped to the correct attributes
#counter_default_daily: 14400
#counter_default_weekly: 72000
counter_default_daily: none
counter_default_weekly: none
counter_default_monthly: none
# Since calculating monthly usage can be quite expensive we make
# it configurable
# This is not needed if the monthly limit is not none
#counter_monthly_calculate_usage: true
# some of the date/time related functions need to know what timezone we are in
timezone: Europe/Luxembourg
0,0 → 1,5
# Extra attributes that the test user/check server pages will send to
# the RADIUS server
Service-Type = Framed-User
0,0 → 1,0
general_caption_finger_free_lines: free lines
0,0 → 1,123
# Things should work even if register_globals is set to off
$testVer=intval(str_replace(".", "",'4.1.0'));
$curVer=intval(str_replace(".", "",phpversion()));
if( $curVer >= $testVer )
// import_request_variables('GPC');
foreach($_POST as $key => $value){
${$key} = $value;
# If using sessions set use_session to 1 to also cache the config file
$use_session = 0;
if ($use_session){
// Start session
if (isset($_SESSION['config']))
$config = $_SESSION['config'];
if (isset($_SESSION['nas_list']))
$nas_list = $_SESSION['nas_list'];
if (!isset($config)){
$EXTRA_ARR = array();
foreach($ARR as $val) {
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
if (preg_match("/%\{(.+)\}/",$v,$matches)){
if (preg_match("/^nas(\d+)_(\w+)$/",$key,$matches))
$nas_list[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = $v;
if ($key == 'INCLUDE'){
if (is_readable($v))
echo "<b>Error: File '$v' does not exist or is not readable</b><br>\n";
foreach($EXTRA_ARR as $val1) {
foreach($val1 as $val){
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
if (preg_match("/%\{(.+)\}/",$v,$matches)){
if (preg_match("/^nas(\d+)_(\w+)$/",$key,$matches))
$nas_list[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = $v;
if ($use_session){
if ($use_session == 0 && $config['general_use_session'] == 'yes'){
// Start session
if (isset($nas_list))
//Make sure we are only passed allowed strings in username
if (isset($login)){
if ($login != '')
$login = preg_replace("/[^\w\.\/\@\:\-]/",'',$login);
if ($login != '' && $config['general_strip_realms'] == 'yes'){
$realm_del = ($config['general_realm_delimiter'] != '') ? $config['general_realm_delimiter'] : '@';
$realm_for = ($config['general_realm_format'] != '') ? $config['general_realm_format'] : 'suffix';
$new = explode($realm_del,$login,2);
if (count($new) == 2)
$login = ($realm_for == 'suffix') ? $new[0] : $new[1];
if (isset($_SESSION['mappings']))
$mappings = $_SESSION['mappings'];
if (!isset($mappings) && $config['general_username_mappings_file'] != ''){
$ARR = file($config['general_username_mappings_file']);
foreach($ARR as $val){
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
if ($realm == 'accounting' || $realm == 'userdb' || $realm == 'nasdb' || $realm == 'nasadmin')
$mappings["$key"][$realm] = $v;
if ($realm == 'nasdb'){
$NAS_ARR = array();
$NAS_ARR = explode(',',$v);
foreach ($nas_list as $key => $nas){
foreach ($NAS_ARR as $nas_check){
if ($nas_check == $nas['name'])
if ($config['general_use_session'] == 'yes')
//Include missing.php if needed
if (!function_exists('array_change_key_case'))
@header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.$config['general_charset'].';');
0,0 → 1,117
# Things should work even if register_globals is set to off
$testVer=intval(str_replace(".", "",'4.1.0'));
$curVer=intval(str_replace(".", "",phpversion()));
if( $curVer >= $testVer )
# If using sessions set use_session to 1 to also cache the config file
$use_session = 0;
if ($use_session){
// Start session
if (isset($_SESSION['config']))
$config = $_SESSION['config'];
if (isset($_SESSION['nas_list']))
$nas_list = $_SESSION['nas_list'];
if (!isset($config)){
$EXTRA_ARR = array();
foreach($ARR as $val) {
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
if (preg_match("/%\{(.+)\}/",$v,$matches)){
if (preg_match("/^nas(\d+)_(\w+)$/",$key,$matches))
$nas_list[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = $v;
if ($key == 'INCLUDE'){
if (is_readable($v))
echo "<b>Error: File '$v' does not exist or is not readable</b><br>\n";
foreach($EXTRA_ARR as $val1) {
foreach($val1 as $val){
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
if (preg_match("/%\{(.+)\}/",$v,$matches)){
if (preg_match("/^nas(\d+)_(\w+)$/",$key,$matches))
$nas_list[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = $v;
if ($use_session){
if ($use_session == 0 && $config[general_use_session] == 'yes'){
// Start session
if (isset($nas_list))
//Make sure we are only passed allowed strings in username
if ($login != '')
$login = preg_replace("/[^\w\.\/\@\:\-]/",'',$login);
if ($login != '' && $config[general_strip_realms] == 'yes'){
$realm_del = ($config[general_realm_delimiter] != '') ? $config[general_realm_delimiter] : '@';
$realm_for = ($config[general_realm_format] != '') ? $config[general_realm_format] : 'suffix';
$new = explode($realm_del,$login,2);
if (count($new) == 2)
$login = ($realm_for == 'suffix') ? $new[0] : $new[1];
if (isset($_SESSION['mappings']))
$mappings = $_SESSION['mappings'];
if (!isset($mappings) && $config[general_username_mappings_file] != ''){
$ARR = file($config[general_username_mappings_file]);
foreach($ARR as $val){
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
if ($realm == 'accounting' || $realm == 'userdb' || $realm == 'nasdb' || $realm == 'nasadmin')
$mappings["$key"][$realm] = $v;
if ($realm == 'nasdb'){
$NAS_ARR = array();
$NAS_ARR = preg_split('/,/',$v);
foreach ($nas_list as $key => $nas){
foreach ($NAS_ARR as $nas_check){
if ($nas_check == $nas[name])
if ($config[general_use_session] == 'yes')
//Include missing.php if needed
if (!function_exists('array_change_key_case'))
@header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.$config[general_charset].';');
0,0 → 1,17
# Uncomment and edit these lines if you add corresponding default
# values in the users file
#Simultaneous-Use: 1
#Framed-MTU: 1500
#Framed-Protocol: PPP
#Framed-Compression: Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP
#Session-Timeout: 14400
#Idle-Timeout: 600
#Port-Limit: 1
#Max-Weekly-Session: 72000
#Max-Daily-Session: 14400
#Auth-Type: LDAP
0,0 → 1,12
# An extra file for radius -> ldap attribute mapping
checkItem Dialup-Lock-Msg radiuslockmsg
checkItem User-Password userpassword
checkItem Regular-Profile radiusProfileDn
checkItem Check-Item radiusCheckItem generic
checkItem Max-Daily-Session radiusMaxDailySession
checkItem Max-Weekly-Session radiusMaxWeeklySession
checkItem Max-Monthly-Session radiusMaxMonthlySession
replyItem Reply-Item radiusReplyItem generic
0,0 → 1,5
nas1_name: alcasar-esiea
nas1_model: Portail captif
nas1_port_num: 0
nas1_community: public
0,0 → 1,59
# A mapping between the attributes used by dialup_admin and the attribute
# names that will be stored in the SQL database
# Attributes that are not contained in this file are assumed to be reply
# items and map to the same name as the one used by dialup_admin
# Format:
# checkItem|replyItem Attribute-In-Dialup-Admin Attribute-In-SQL
checkItem Auth-Type Auth-Type
checkItem Simultaneous-Use Simultaneous-Use
checkItem Called-Station-Id Called-Station-Id
checkItem Calling-Station-Id Calling-Station-Id
checkItem Dialup-Access none
checkItem Max-All-Session Max-All-Session
checkItem Max-Daily-Session Max-Daily-Session
checkItem Max-Weekly-Session Max-Weekly-Session
checkItem Max-Monthly-Session Max-Monthly-Session
checkItem Login-Time Login-Time
checkItem Expiration Expiration
replyItem Service-Type Service-Type
replyItem Framed-Protocol Framed-Protocol
replyItem Framed-IP-Address Framed-IP-Address
replyItem Framed-IP-Netmask Framed-IP-Netmask
replyItem Framed-Route Framed-Route
replyItem Framed-Routing Framed-Routing
replyItem Filter-Id Filter-Id
replyItem Framed-MTU Framed-MTU
replyItem Framed-Compression Framed-Compression
replyItem Login-IP-Host Login-IP-Host
replyItem Login-Service Login-Service
replyItem Login-TCP-Port Login-TCP-Port
replyItem Callback-Number Callback-Number
replyItem Callback-Id Callback-Id
replyItem Framed-IPX-Network Framed-IPX-Network
replyItem Class Class
replyItem Session-Timeout Session-Timeout
replyItem Idle-Timeout Idle-Timeout
replyItem Termination-Action Termination-Action
replyItem Login-LAT-Service Login-LAT-Service
replyItem Login-LAT-Node Login-LAT-Node
replyItem Login-LAT-Group Login-LAT-Group
replyItem Framed-AppleTalk-Link Framed-AppleTalk-Link
replyItem Framed-AppleTalk-Network Framed-AppleTalk-Network
replyItem Framed-AppleTalk-Zone Framed-AppleTalk-Zone
replyItem Port-Limit Port-Limit
replyItem Login-LAT-Port Login-LAT-Port
replyitem Reply-Message Reply-Message
replyItem Dialup-Lock-Msg Reply-Message
replyItem User-Password User-Password
replyItem ChilliSpot-Max-Input-Octets ChilliSpot-Max-Input-Octets
replyItem ChilliSpot-max-Output-Octets ChilliSpot-Max-Output-Octets
replyItem ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets
replyItem ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Up ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Up
replyItem ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Down ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Down
replyItem WISPr-Redirection-URL WISPr-Redirection-URL
0,0 → 1,52
# A mapping between the attributes used by dialup_admin and the attribute
# names that will be stored in the SQL database
# Attributes that are not contained in this file are assumed to be reply
# items and map to the same name as the one used by dialup_admin
# Format:
# checkItem|replyItem Attribute-In-Dialup-Admin Attribute-In-SQL
checkItem Auth-Type Auth-Type
checkItem Simultaneous-Use Simultaneous-Use
checkItem Called-Station-Id Called-Station-Id
checkItem Calling-Station-Id Calling-Station-Id
checkItem Dialup-Access none
checkItem Max-Daily-Session Max-Daily-Session
checkItem Max-Weekly-Session Max-Weekly-Session
checkItem Max-Monthly-Session Max-Monthly-Session
checkItem Login-Time Login-Time
checkItem Expiration Expiration
replyItem Service-Type Service-Type
replyItem Framed-Protocol Framed-Protocol
replyItem Framed-IP-Address Framed-IP-Address
replyItem Framed-IP-Netmask Framed-IP-Netmask
replyItem Framed-Route Framed-Route
replyItem Framed-Routing Framed-Routing
replyItem Filter-Id Filter-Id
replyItem Framed-MTU Framed-MTU
replyItem Framed-Compression Framed-Compression
replyItem Login-IP-Host Login-IP-Host
replyItem Login-Service Login-Service
replyItem Login-TCP-Port Login-TCP-Port
replyItem Callback-Number Callback-Number
replyItem Callback-Id Callback-Id
replyItem Framed-IPX-Network Framed-IPX-Network
replyItem Class Class
replyItem Session-Timeout Session-Timeout
replyItem Idle-Timeout Idle-Timeout
replyItem Termination-Action Termination-Action
replyItem Login-LAT-Service Login-LAT-Service
replyItem Login-LAT-Node Login-LAT-Node
replyItem Login-LAT-Group Login-LAT-Group
replyItem Framed-AppleTalk-Link Framed-AppleTalk-Link
replyItem Framed-AppleTalk-Network Framed-AppleTalk-Network
replyItem Framed-AppleTalk-Zone Framed-AppleTalk-Zone
replyItem Port-Limit Port-Limit
replyItem Login-LAT-Port Login-LAT-Port
replyitem Reply-Message Reply-Message
replyItem Dialup-Lock-Msg Reply-Message
replyItem User-Password User-Password
0,0 → 1,28
# Used by the Accounting Report Generator page
# Mysql attributes Description Show Use function
RadAcctId Accounting Id no
AcctSessionId Session Id no
AcctUniqueId Unique Id no
UserName User Name yes
Realm Realm no
NASIPAddress Nas IP Address no
NASPortId Nas Port no
NASPortType NAS Port Type no
AcctStartTime Login Time yes
AcctStopTime Logout Time yes
AcctSessionTime Session Time yes time2str
AcctAuthentic AcctAuthentic no
ConnectInfo_start Start Connect Info no
ConnectInfo_stop Stop Connect Info no
AcctInputOctets Upload yes bytes2str
AcctOutputOctets Download yes bytes2str
CalledStationId CalledStationId no
CallingStationId Caller Id no
AcctTerminateCause Terminate Cause no
ServiceType Service Type no
FramedProtocol Protocol no
FramedIPAddress Client IP Address yes
AcctStartDelay Accounting Start Delay no time2str
AcctStopDelay Accounting Stop Delay no time2str
0,0 → 1,28
# Used by the Accounting Report Generator page
# Mysql attributes Description Show Use function
RadAcctId Accounting Id no
AcctSessionId Session Id no
AcctUniqueId Unique Id no
UserName User Name yes
Realm Realm no
NASIPAddress NAS IP Address yes
NASPortId NAS Port yes
NASPortType NAS Port Type no
AcctStartTime Login Time yes
AcctStopTime Logout Time yes
AcctSessionTime Session Time yes time2str
AcctAuthentic AcctAuthentic no
ConnectInfo_start Start Connect Info no
ConnectInfo_stop Stop Connect Info no
AcctInputOctets Upload yes bytes2str
AcctOutputOctets Download yes bytes2str
CalledStationId CalledStationId no
CallingStationId Caller Id no
AcctTerminateCause Terminate Cause no
ServiceType Service Type no
FramedProtocol Protocol no
FramedIPAddress Client IP Address yes
AcctStartDelay Accounting Start Delay no time2str
AcctStopDelay Accounting Stop Delay no time2str
0,0 → 1,59
# Attributes which will be visible in the user/group edit pages
# File from free-radiusweb project.
# Addons for ALCASAR by Steweb and Rexy
# Format: Attribute Comment
Expiration <a href="help/expiration_help.html" target=lt_help"help/expiration_help.html","lt_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Expiration Help Page"><font color="blue">Date d'expiration</font></a>
Max-All-Session <a href="help/max_all_session_help.html" target=st_help"help/max_all_session_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Max connection Time Help Page"><font color="blue">Dur&eacute;e totale de connexion autoris&eacute;e</font></a><BR>(en secondes)
Session-Timeout <a href="help/session_timeout_help.html" target=st_help"help/session_timeout_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Session Timeout Help Page"><font color="blue">Dur&eacute;e maximale d'une session</font></a><BR>(en secondes)
Max-Daily-Session <a href="help/session_timeout_help.html" target=st_help"help/session_timeout_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Session Timeout Help Page"><font color="blue">Dur&eacute;e limite journali&egrave;re</font></a><BR>(en secondes)
#Max-Weekly-Session Weekly Limit (secs)
Max-Monthly-Session <a href="help/session_timeout_help.html" target=st_help"help/session_timeout_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Session Timeout Help Page"><font color="blue">Dur&eacute;e limite mensuelle</font></a><BR>(en secondes)
Simultaneous-Use <a href="help/simultaneous_use_help.html" target=su_help"help/simultaneous_use_help.html","su_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Simultaneous Use Help Page"><font color="blue">Nombre de sessions simultan&eacute;es</font></a>
Login-Time <a href="help/login_time_help.html" target=lt_help"help/login_time_help.html","lt_help","width=600,height=370,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Login-Time Help Page"><font color="blue">P&eacute;riode hebdomadaire</font></a>
ChilliSpot-Max-Input-Octets <a href="help/chillispot_max_input_octets_help.html" target=st_help"help/chillispot_max_input_octets_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="ChilliSpot Max Input Octets Help Page"><font color="blue">Nombre d'octets max. en &eacute;mission</font></a><BR>(en octets)
ChilliSpot-Max-Output-Octets <a href="help/chillispot_max_output_octets_help.html" target=st_help"help/chillispot_max_output_octets_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="ChilliSpot Max Output Octets Help Page"><font color="blue">Nombre d'octets max. en r&eacute;ception</font></a><BR>(en octets)
ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets <a href="help/chillispot_max_total_octets_help.html" target=st_help"help/chillispot_max_total_octets_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="ChilliSpot Max Total Octets Help Page"><font color="blue">Nombre d'octets max. total transmit</font></a><BR>(en octets)
ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Up <a href="help/chillispot_bandwidth_max_up_help.html" target=st_help"help/chillispot_bandwidth_max_up_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="ChilliSpot Bandwidth Max Up Help Page"><font color="blue">Bande passante montante max.</font></a><BR>(en kbits/seconde)
ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Down <a href="help/chillispot_bandwidth_max_down_help.html" target=st_help"help/chillispot_bandwidth_max_down_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="ChilliSpot Bandwidth Max Down Help Page"><font color="blue">Bande passante descendante max.</font></a><BR>(en kbits/seconde)
WISPr-Redirection-URL <a href="help/wispr_redirection_url_help.html" target=st_help"help/wispr_redirection_url_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="ChilliSpot Bandwidth Max Down Help Page"><font color="blue">URL de redirection</font></a><BR>
##Auth-Type <a href="help/auth_type_help.html" target=su_help"help/auth_type_help.html","su_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Auth-Type Help Page"><font color="blue">Auth-Type</font></a>
#Framed-Protocol <a href="help/framed_protocol_help.html" target=fpr_help"help/framed_protocol_help.htlml","fpr_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Framed-Protocol Help PPage"><font color="blue">Protocol</font></a>
#Framed-IP-Address <a href="help/framed_ip_address_help.html" target=fia_help"help/framed_ip_address_help.html","fia_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Framed-IP-Address Help Page"><font color="blue">IP Address</font></a>
#Framed-IP-Netmask IP Netmask
#Framed-Route Route
Filter-Id <a href="help/filtering_help.html" target=fid_help"help/filtering_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Filtering Help Page"><font color="blue">Filtering</font></a>
#Framed-MTU <a href="help/framed_mtu_help.html" target=fid_help"help/framed_mtu_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Framed-MTU Help Page"><font color="blue">Framed-MTU</font></a>
#Framed-Compression <a href="help/framed_compression_help.html" target=fc_help"help/framed_compression_help.html","fc_help","width=600,height=210,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Framed Compression Help Page"><font color="blue">Compression Used</font></a>
#Service-Type <a href="help/service_type_help.html" target=st_help"help/service_type_help.html","st_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Service-Type Help Page"><font color="blue">Service Type</font></a>
#Callback-Number <a href="help/callback_number_help.html" target=fid_help"help/callback_number_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Callback-Number Help Page"><font color="blue">Callback-Number</font></a>
#Callback-Id <a href="help/callback_id_help.html" target=fid_help"help/callback_id_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Callback-ID Help Page"><font color="blue">Callback-ID</font></a>
#Class <a href="help/class_help.html" target=fid_help"help/class_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Class Help Page"><font color="blue">Class</font></a>
#Idle-Timeout <a href="help/idle_timeout_help.html" target=it_help"help/idle_timeout_help.html","it_help","width=600,height=170,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Idle Timeout Help Page"><font color="blue">Idle Timeout</font></a>
#Port-Limit <a href="help/port_limit_help.html" target=pl_help"help/port_limit_help.html","pl_help","width=600,height=170,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Port Limit Help Page"><font color="blue">Port Limit</font></a>
#Dialup-Access <a href="help/dialup_access_help.html" target=da_help"help/dialup_access_help.html","da_help","width=560,height=200,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Dialup Access Help Page"><font color="blue">Dialup Access (use FALSE to lock)</font></a>
#Dialup-Lock-Msg <a href="help/lock_message_help.html" target=lm_help"help/lock_message_help.html","lm_help","width=600,height=210,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Lock Message Help Page"><font color="blue">Lock Message</font></a>
#Reply-Message <a href="help/reply_message_help.html" target=lm_help"help/reply_message_help.html","lm_help","width=600,height=210,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Reply-Message Help Page"><font color="blue">Reply-Message</font></a>
#Login-Time <a href="login_time_create.php?val=$name1&first=yes" target=lt_create"login_time_create.php?val=$name1&first=yes","lt_create","width=600,height=490,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes") title="Login-Time Creation Page"><font color="blue">P&eacute;riode hebdomadaire</font></a><a href="help/login_time_help.html" target=lt_help"help/login_time_help.html","lt_help","width=600,height=370,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Login-Time Help Page"><font color="blue"><BR>(Format UUCP)</font></a>
# Uncomment this if you are using ldap and you are using user regular profiles.
# Also make sure that Regular-Profile maps to the correct ldap attribute in
# extra.ldap-attrmap
#Regular-Profile User Regular Profile DN
0,0 → 1,49
# Attributes which will be visible in the user/group edit pages
# Format: Attribute Comment
#Auth-Type <a href="help/auth_type_help.html" target=su_help"help/auth_type_help.html","su_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Auth-Type Help Page"><font color="blue">Auth-Type</font></a>
#Simultaneous-Use <a href="help/simultaneous_use_help.html" target=su_help"help/simultaneous_use_help.html","su_help","width=560,height=170,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Simultaneous Use Help Page"><font color="blue">Simultaneous Use</font></a>
Framed-Protocol <a href="help/framed_protocol_help.html" target=fpr_help"help/framed_protocol_help.htlml","fpr_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Framed-Protocol Help PPage"><font color="blue">Protocol</font></a>
Framed-IP-Address <a href="help/framed_ip_address_help.html" target=fia_help"help/framed_ip_address_help.html","fia_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Framed-IP-Address Help Page"><font color="blue">IP Address</font></a>
Framed-IP-Netmask IP Netmask
#Framed-Route Route
#Filter-Id <a href="help/filter_id_help.html" target=fid_help"help/filter_id_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Filter-ID Help Page"><font color="blue">Filter ID</font></a>
Framed-MTU <a href="help/framed_mtu_help.html" target=fid_help"help/framed_mtu_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Framed-MTU Help Page"><font color="blue">Framed-MTU</font></a>
Framed-Compression <a href="help/framed_compression_help.html" target=fc_help"help/framed_compression_help.html","fc_help","width=600,height=210,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Framed Compression Help Page"><font color="blue">Compression Used</font></a>
Service-Type <a href="help/service_type_help.html" target=st_help"help/service_type_help.html","st_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Service-Type Help Page"><font color="blue">Service Type</font></a>
#Callback-Number <a href="help/callback_number_help.html" target=fid_help"help/callback_number_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Callback-Number Help Page"><font color="blue">Callback-Number</font></a>
#Callback-Id <a href="help/callback_id_help.html" target=fid_help"help/callback_id_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Callback-ID Help Page"><font color="blue">Callback-ID</font></a>
#Class <a href="help/class_help.html" target=fid_help"help/class_help.html","fid_help","width=560,height=230,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Class Help Page"><font color="blue">Class</font></a>
Session-Timeout <a href="help/session_timeout_help.html" target=st_help"help/session_timeout_help.html","st_help","width=600,height=170,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Session Timeout Help Page"><font color="blue">Session Timeout</font></a>
Idle-Timeout <a href="help/idle_timeout_help.html" target=it_help"help/idle_timeout_help.html","it_help","width=600,height=170,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Idle Timeout Help Page"><font color="blue">Idle Timeout</font></a>
Port-Limit <a href="help/port_limit_help.html" target=pl_help"help/port_limit_help.html","pl_help","width=600,height=170,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Port Limit Help Page"><font color="blue">Port Limit</font></a>
#Dialup-Access <a href="help/dialup_access_help.html" target=da_help"help/dialup_access_help.html","da_help","width=560,height=200,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Dialup Access Help Page"><font color="blue">Dialup Access (use FALSE to lock)</font></a>
Dialup-Lock-Msg <a href="help/lock_message_help.html" target=lm_help"help/lock_message_help.html","lm_help","width=600,height=210,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Lock Message Help Page"><font color="blue">Lock Message</font></a>
#Reply-Message <a href="help/reply_message_help.html" target=lm_help"help/reply_message_help.html","lm_help","width=600,height=210,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Reply-Message Help Page"><font color="blue">Reply-Message</font></a>
#Max-Daily-Session Daily Limit (secs)
#Max-Weekly-Session Weekly Limit (secs)
#Max-Monthly-Session Monthly Limit (secs)
#Login-Time <a href="login_time_create.php?val=$name1&first=yes" target=lt_create"login_time_create.php?val=$name1&first=yes","lt_create","width=600,height=490,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes") title="Login-Time Creation Page"><font color="blue">User Login Period </font></a>(<a href="help/login_time_help.html" target=lt_help"help/login_time_help.html","lt_help","width=600,height=370,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Login-Time Help Page"><font color="blue">UUCP </font></a>Format)
#Expiration <a href="help/expiration_help.html" target=lt_help"help/expiration_help.html","lt_help","width=600,height=180,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="Expiration Help Page"><font color="blue">User Expiration Date</font></a>
# Uncomment this if you are using ldap and you are using user regular profiles.
# Also make sure that Regular-Profile maps to the correct ldap attribute in
# extra.ldap-attrmap
#Regular-Profile User Regular Profile DN
0,0 → 1,21
# Username mappings
# Format:
# Username:realm:query
# where realm is:
# accounting: for the map to be used when querying the accounting db
# userdb: for the map to be used when querying the user db
# nasdb: To only map specific NASes to the username (separated by ,)
# nasadmin: To allow the user to use the nas_admin page (yes or no)
library-admin:accounting:AND nasipaddress = ''
library-admin:userdb:AND Admin = 'library-admin'
lab-admin:accounting:AND nasipaddress = ''
lab-admin:userdb:AND Admin = 'lab-admin'
15,7 → 15,7
# ****** Alcasar needed RPMS - paquetages nécessaires au fonctionnement d'Alcasar ******
PACKAGES="vim-enhanced freeradius freeradius-mysql freeradius-ldap freeradius-web apache apache-mod_ssl apache-mod_php dansguardian postfix mariadb ntp bind-utils openssh-server php-xml php-ldap php-mysql php-mysqli php-mbstring php-sockets php-cli php-curl php-pdo_sqlite php-json rng-utils rsync clamav perl-rrdtool perl-MailTools perl-Socket6 fail2ban gnupg ulogd pm-fallback-policy ipset cronie-anacron gammu usbutils locales-en usb_modeswitch tinyproxy vnstat php-gd sudo iftop"
PACKAGES="vim-enhanced freeradius freeradius-mysql freeradius-ldap apache apache-mod_ssl apache-mod_php dansguardian postfix mariadb ntp bind-utils openssh-server php-xml php-ldap php-mysql php-mysqli php-mbstring php-sockets php-cli php-curl php-pdo_sqlite php-json rng-utils rsync clamav perl-rrdtool perl-MailTools perl-Socket6 fail2ban gnupg ulogd pm-fallback-policy ipset cronie-anacron gammu usbutils locales-en usb_modeswitch tinyproxy vnstat php-gd sudo iftop"
rpm_repository_sync ()
25,22 → 25,22
$operators=array( '=','<', '>', '<=', '>=', 'regexp', 'like' );
if ($config[sql_type] == 'pg'){
if ($config['sql_type'] == 'pg'){
$operators=array( '=','<', '>', '<=', '>=', '~', 'like', '~*', '~~*', '<<=' );
$link = @da_sql_pconnect ($config) or die('cannot connect to sql databse');
$fields = @da_sql_list_fields($config[sql_accounting_table],$link,$config);
$no_fields = @da_sql_num_fields($fields,$config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect ($config) or die('cannot connect to sql databse');
$fields = da_sql_list_fields($config[sql_accounting_table],$link,$config);
$no_fields = da_sql_num_fields($fields,$config);
$key = strtolower(@da_sql_field_name($fields,$i,$config));
$val = $sql_attrs[$key][desc];
$key = strtolower(da_sql_field_name($fields,$i,$config));
$val = $sql_attrs[$key]['desc'];
if ($val == '')
$show = $sql_attrs[$key][show];
$show = $sql_attrs[$key]['show'];
$selected[$key] = ($show == 'yes') ? 'selected' : '';
$items[$key] = "$val";
263,9 → 263,9
echo "</tr>\n";
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,$query);
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,$query);
if ($search){
while( $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config) ){
while( $row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config) ){
echo "<tr align=center>\n";
foreach($accounting_show_attrs as $val){
0,0 → 1,231
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo <<<EOM
<title>Unauthorized Service Usage History for $login</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$config[general_charset]">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<b>Could not include SQL library functions. Aborting</b>
$now = time();
$now_str = ($now_str != '') ? "$now_str" : date($config[sql_date_format],$now + 86400);
$prev_str = ($prev_str != '') ? "$prev_str" : "0001-01-01 00:00:00";
$now_str = da_sql_escape_string($now_str);
$prev_str = da_sql_escape_string($prev_str);
$num = 0;
$pagesize = ($pagesize) ? $pagesize : 10;
if (!is_numeric($pagesize) && $pagesize != 'all')
$pagesize = 10;
$limit = ($pagesize == 'all') ? '' : "$pagesize";
$selected[$pagesize] = 'selected';
$login = ($login != '') ? $login : 'anyone';
$usercheck = ($login == 'anyone') ? "LIKE '%'" : "= '$login'";
$order = ($order != '') ? $order : $config[general_accounting_info_order];
if ($order != 'desc' && $order != 'asc')
$order = 'desc';
$selected[$order] = 'selected';
echo <<<EOM
<title>Unauthorized Service Usage History for $login</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$config[general_charset]">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<table border=0 width=550 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<tr valign=top>
<td align=center><img src="images/title2.gif"></td>
if ($login != 'anyone'){
echo <<<EOM
<table border=0 width=400 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
print <<<EOM
if ($do_delete == 1 && ($row_id != 0 && is_numeric($row_id))){
$link = da_sql_connect($config);
if ($link){
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT id,admin FROM $config[sql_badusers_table]
WHERE id = '$row_id';");
if ($search){
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
if ($row[id] == $row_id){
$admin = "$row[admin]";
if (($admin != '-' && $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"] == $admin) || $admin == '-'){
$sql_servers = array();
if ($config[sql_extra_servers] != '')
$sql_servers = explode(' ',$config[sql_extra_servers]);
$sql_servers[] = $config[sql_server];
foreach ($sql_servers as $server){
$link2 = da_sql_host_connect($server,$config);
if ($link2){
$r = da_sql_query($link2,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_badusers_table]
WHERE id = '$row_id';");
if (!$r)
echo "<b>SQL Error:" . da_sql_error($link2,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>SQL Error: Could not connect to SQL database: $server</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
echo <<<EOM
<table border=0 width=740 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1>
<tr valign=top>
<td width=55%></td>
<td bgcolor="black" width=45%>
<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
<tr bgcolor="#907030" align=right valign=top><th>
<font color="white">Unauthorized Service Usage History for $login</font>&nbsp;
<tr bgcolor="black" valign=top><td colspan=2>
<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=12 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#ffffd0" valign=top>
<b>$prev_str</b> up to <b>$now_str</b>
<form action="badusers.php" method="get" name="master">
<input type=hidden name=do_delete value=0>
<input type=hidden name=row_id value=0>
<table border=1 bordercolordark=#ffffe0 bordercolorlight=#000000 width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#ffffe0" valign=top>
<tr bgcolor="#d0ddb0">
<th>#</th><th>user</th><th>date</th><th>admin</th><th>reason</th><th>administrator action</th>
$auth_user = $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"];
if ($config[general_restrict_badusers_access] == 'yes'){
$auth_user = da_sql_escape_string($auth_user);
$extra_query = "AND admin == '$auth_user'";
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT " . da_sql_limit($limit,0,$config) . " * FROM $config[sql_badusers_table]
WHERE username $usercheck $extra_query AND incidentdate <= '$now_str'
AND incidentdate >= '$prev_str' " . da_sql_limit($limit,1,$config) .
" ORDER BY incidentdate $order " . da_sql_limit($limit,2,$config) . " ;");
if ($search){
while( $row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config) ){
$id = $row[id];
$user = "$row[username]";
$User = urlencode($user);
$date = "$row[incidentdate]";
$reason = "$row[reason]";
$admin = "$row[admin]";
if ($admin == $auth_user || $admin == '-')
$action = "<td><input type=submit class=button value=\"Delete\" OnClick=\"this.form.do_delete.value=1;this.form.row_id.value=$id\"></td>";
$action = "<td>-</td>";
if ($admin == '')
$admin = '-';
if ($reason == '')
$reason = '-';
echo <<<EOM
<tr align=center>
<td><a href="user_admin.php?login=$User" title="Edit user $user">$user</a></td>
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
echo <<<EOM
<tr><td align="center">
<table border=0>
<tr><td colspan=6></td>
<td rowspan=3 valign="bottom">
the <b>from</b> date matches any login after the 00:00 that day,
and the <b>to</b> date any login before the 23:59 that day.
the default values shown are the <b>current week</b>.
<tr valign="bottom">
<td><small><b>user</td><td><small><b>from date</td><td><small><b>to date</td><td><small><b>pagesize</td><td><b>order</td>
<tr valign="middle"><td>
<input type="text" name="login" size="11" value="$login"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="prev_str" size="11" value="$prev_str"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="now_str" size="11" value="$now_str"></td>
<td><select name="pagesize">
<option $selected[5] value="5" >05
<option $selected[10] value="10">10
<option $selected[15] value="15">15
<option $selected[20] value="20">20
<option $selected[40] value="40">40
<option $selected[80] value="80">80
<option $selected[all] value="all">all
<td><select name="order">
<option $selected[asc] value="asc">older first
<option $selected[desc] value="desc">recent first
<td><input type="submit" class=button value="show"></td></tr>
3,6 → 3,7
if (is_file("../lib/langues.php"))
if(!isset($clear_sessions)) $clear_sessions = 0;
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/user_info.php"))
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
71,10 → 72,10
# delete open accounting sessions
$now = time();
$today_now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$now);
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link)
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"UPDATE $config[sql_accounting_table] SET acctstoptime = '$today_now', acctterminatecause='Admin-Reset'
WHERE username='$login' AND acctstoptime IS NULL;");
if (! $res)
85,13 → 86,13
# Count of accounting open sessions (in database)
$open_accnt_sessions = 0;
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM $config[sql_accounting_table]
WHERE username = '$login' AND acctstoptime IS NULL;");
if ($search){
if ($row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config))
if ($row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config))
$open_accnt_sessions = $row['counter'];
3,6 → 3,26
if (is_file("../lib/langues.php"))
$selected['username'] = '';
$selected['name'] = '';
$selected['department'] = '';
$selected['radius'] = '';
$selected['Expiration'] = '';
$selected['Max-All-Session'] = '';
$selected['Session-Timeout'] = '';
$selected['Max-Daily-Session'] = '';
$selected['Max-Monthly-Session'] = '';
$selected['Simultaneous-Use'] = '';
$selected['Login-Time'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Max-Input-Octets'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Up'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Down'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Max-Output-Octets'] = '';
$selected['WISPr-Redirection-URL'] = '';
if (isset($search_IN)) $selected[$search_IN] = 'selected';
if (isset ($radius_attr)) $selected[$radius_attr] = 'selected';
if (isset ($max_results)){ $max = ($max_results) ? $max_results : 40;}
46,6 → 66,7
if (isset($found_users)){
$num = 0;
$msg ='';
$msg .= <<<EOM
<table border=1 bordercolordark=#ffffe0 bordercolorlight=#000000 width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#ffffe0" valign=top>
3,11 → 3,11
if (is_file("../lib/langues.php"))
if ($show == 1 && isset($del_members)){
if (isset($show) && $show == 1 && isset($del_members)){
header("Location: user_admin.php?login=$del_members[0]");
if ($config[general_lib_type] != 'sql'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] != 'sql'){
echo <<<EOM
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$config[general_charset]">
28,7 → 28,7
if ($group_exists == 'no'){
echo <<<EOM
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$config[general_charset]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="$config[general_charset]">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
36,7 → 36,7
<form action="group_admin.php" method=get>
<b>Le groupe &nbsp;&nbsp;</b>
<input type="text" size=10 name="login" value="$login">
<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;n'existe pas</b><br>
<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;n''existe pas</b><br>
<input type=submit class=button value="Show Group">
49,7 → 49,7
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $config[general_charset]?>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="<?php echo $config['general_charset']?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
84,7 → 84,7
if ($do_changes == 1){
if (isset($do_changes) && $do_changes == 1){
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/group_admin.php"))
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/group_info.php"))
1,11 → 1,36
if (!isset ($create)) $create=0;
if (!isset ($login)) $login='';
if (!isset ($selected)) $selected=array();
$selected['username'] = '';
$selected['name'] = '';
$selected['department'] = '';
$selected['radius'] = '';
$selected['Expiration'] = '';
$selected['Max-All-Session'] = '';
$selected['Session-Timeout'] = '';
$selected['Max-Daily-Session'] = '';
$selected['Max-Monthly-Session'] = '';
$selected['Simultaneous-Use'] = '';
$selected['Login-Time'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Max-Input-Octets'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Up'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Bandwidth-Max-Down'] = '';
$selected['ChilliSpot-Max-Output-Octets'] = '';
$selected['WISPr-Redirection-URL'] = '';
//Gestion de la langue
if (is_file("../lib/langues.php"))
if ($config[general_lib_type] != 'sql'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] != 'sql'){
echo <<<EOM
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$config[general_charset]">
24,9 → 49,11
if ($config[general_lib_type] == 'sql' && $config[sql_use_operators] == 'true'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql' && $config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
if(!isset($selected[$op_eq])) $selected[$op_eq] = '';
$show_ops = 0;
134,7 → 161,13
if ($name == 'none')
$oper_name = $name . '_op';
$val = ($item_vals["$key"][0] != "") ? $item_vals["$key"][0] : $default_vals["$key"][0];
if(isset($item_vals["$key"][0]) && $item_vals["$key"][0] != ''){
$val = $item_vals["$key"][0];
} else if(isset($default_vals["$key"][0])) {
$val = $default_vals["$key"][0];
} else {
$val = '';
switch ($key)
// $advanced = 1 : champs de saisie amélioré (calendrier, convertisseur, etc.)
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
10,7 → 10,7
echo <<<EOM
<title>Find group</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$config[general_charset]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="$config[general_charset]">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
21,11 → 21,11
if ($config[general_lib_type] != 'sql'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] != 'sql'){
echo <<<EOM
<title>find group</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$config[general_charset]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="$config[general_charset]">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
2,6 → 2,17
//gestion de la langue
if (is_file("../lib/langues.php"))
if(!isset($selected['5'])) $selected['5'] = '';
if(!isset($selected['10'])) $selected['10'] = '';
if(!isset($selected['15'])) $selected['15'] = '';
if(!isset($selected['20'])) $selected['20'] = '';
if(!isset($selected['40'])) $selected['40'] = '';
if(!isset($selected['80'])) $selected['80'] = '';
if(!isset($selected['all'])) $selected['all'] = '';
if(!isset($selected['asc'])) $selected['asc'] = '';
if(!isset($selected['desc'])) $selected['desc'] = '';
29,20 → 40,22
$now = time();
$now_str = ($now_str != '') ? "$now_str" : date($config[sql_date_format],$now + 86400);
$prev_str = ($prev_str != '') ? "$prev_str" : date($config[sql_date_format], $now - 604800 );
$now_str = (isset($now_str) && $now_str != '') ? "$now_str" : date($config['sql_date_format'],$now + 86400);
$prev_str = (isset($prev_str) && $prev_str != '') ? "$prev_str" : date($config['sql_date_format'], $now - 604800 );
$num = 0;
$pagesize = ($pagesize) ? $pagesize : 10;
$pagesize = (isset($pagesize) && $pagesize) ? $pagesize : 10;
if (!is_numeric($pagesize) && $pagesize != 'all')
$pagesize = 10;
$limit = ($pagesize == 'all') ? '' : "$pagesize";
$selected[$pagesize] = 'selected';
$order = ($order != '') ? $order : $config[general_accounting_info_order];
$order = (isset($order) && $order != '') ? $order : $config['general_accounting_info_order'];
if ($order != 'desc' && $order != 'asc')
$order = 'desc';
$selected[$order] = 'selected';
$now_str = mysql_escape_string($now_str);
$prev_str = mysql_escape_string($prev_str);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
$now_str = da_sql_escape_string($link, $now_str);
$prev_str = da_sql_escape_string($link, $prev_str);
//$now_str = da_sql_escape_string($now_str);
//$prev_str = da_sql_escape_string($prev_str);
99,53 → 112,55
if (($acct_attrs['ua']["$i"] != '') && ($acct_attrs['ua']["$i"] != 'server') && ($acct_attrs['ua']["$i"] != 'callerid'))
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua']["$i"]) && ($acct_attrs['ua']["$i"] != '') && ($acct_attrs['ua']["$i"] != 'server') && ($acct_attrs['ua']["$i"] != 'callerid'))
echo "<td><b>" . $acct_attrs['ua']["$i"] . "</b></td>\n";
$sql_extra_query = '';
if ($config[sql_accounting_extra_query] != '')
$sql_extra_query = xlat($config[sql_accounting_extra_query],$login,$config);
if (isset($config['sql_accounting_extra_query']) && $config['sql_accounting_extra_query'] != '')
$sql_extra_query = xlat($config['sql_accounting_extra_query'],$login,$config);
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT " . da_sql_limit($limit,0,$config) . " * FROM $config[sql_accounting_table]
WHERE username = '$login' AND acctstarttime <= '$now_str'
AND acctstarttime >= '$prev_str' $sql_extra_query " . da_sql_limit($limit,1,$config) .
" ORDER BY acctstarttime $order " . da_sql_limit($limit,2,$config). " ;");
if ($search){
while( $row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config) ){
$acct_sessiontime_sum = 0;
$acct_upload_sum = 0;
$acct_download_sum = 0;
while( $row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config) ){
$acct_type = "$row[framedprotocol]/$row[nasporttype]";
if ($acct_type == '')
$acct_type = '-';
$acct_logedin = $row[acctstarttime];
$acct_sessiontime = $row[acctsessiontime];
$acct_logedin = $row['acctstarttime'];
$acct_sessiontime = $row['acctsessiontime'];
$acct_sessiontime_sum += $acct_sessiontime;
$acct_sessiontime = time2str($acct_sessiontime);
$acct_ip = $row[framedipaddress];
$acct_ip = $row['framedipaddress'];
if ($acct_ip == '')
$acct_ip = '-';
$acct_upload = $row[acctinputoctets];
$acct_upload = $row['acctinputoctets'];
$acct_upload_sum += $acct_upload;
$acct_upload = bytes2str($acct_upload);
$acct_download = $row[acctoutputoctets];
$acct_download = $row['acctoutputoctets'];
$acct_download_sum += $acct_download;
$acct_download = bytes2str($acct_download);
$acct_server = $row[nasipaddress];
$acct_server = $row['nasipaddress'];
if ($acct_server != ''){
$acct_server = $da_name_cache[$row[nasipaddress]];
$acct_server = (isset($da_name_cache)) ? $da_name_cache[$row['nasipaddress']] : null;
if (!isset($acct_server)){
$acct_server = @gethostbyaddr($row[nasipaddress]);
if (!isset($da_name_cache) && $config[general_use_session] == 'yes'){
$da_name_cache[$row[nasipaddress]] = $acct_server;
$acct_server = gethostbyaddr($row['nasipaddress']);
if (!isset($da_name_cache) && $config['general_use_session'] == 'yes'){
$da_name_cache[$row['nasipaddress']] = $acct_server;
$da_name_cache[$row[nasipaddress]] = $acct_server;
$da_name_cache[$row['nasipaddress']] = $acct_server;
154,29 → 169,29
$acct_terminate_cause = "$row[acctterminatecause]";
if ($acct_terminate_cause == '')
$acct_terminate_cause = '-';
if (ereg('Login-Incorrect',$acct_terminate_cause) ||
ereg('Multiple-Logins', $acct_terminate_cause) || ereg('Invalid-User',$acct_terminate_cause))
if (preg_match('/Login-Incorrect/',$acct_terminate_cause) ||
preg_match('/Multiple-Logins/', $acct_terminate_cause) || preg_match('/Invalid-User/',$acct_terminate_cause))
$acct_callerid = "$row[callingstationid]";
if ($acct_callerid == '')
if (!isset($acct_callerid) || $acct_callerid == '')
$acct_callerid = '-';
echo <<<EOM
<tr align=center>
if ($acct_attrs[ua][1] != '') echo "<td>$acct_type</td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][2] != '') echo "<td>$acct_logedin</td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][3] != '') echo "<td>$acct_sessiontime</td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][4] != '') echo "<td>$acct_ip</td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][5] != '') echo "<td>$acct_upload</td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][6] != '') echo "<td>$acct_download</td>\n";
// if ($acct_attrs[ua][7] != '') echo "<td>$acct_server</td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][8] != '') echo "<td>$acct_terminate_cause</td>\n";
// if ($acct_attrs[ua][9] != '') echo "<td>$acct_callerid</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][1]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][1] != '') echo "<td>$acct_type</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][2]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][2] != '') echo "<td>$acct_logedin</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][3]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][3] != '') echo "<td>$acct_sessiontime</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][4]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][4] != '') echo "<td>$acct_ip</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][5]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][5] != '') echo "<td>$acct_upload</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][6]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][6] != '') echo "<td>$acct_download</td>\n";
// if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][7]) && $acct_attrs[ua][7] != '') echo "<td>$acct_server</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][8]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][8] != '') echo "<td>$acct_terminate_cause</td>\n";
// if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][9]) && $acct_attrs[ua][9] != '') echo "<td>$acct_callerid</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
$acct_sessiontime_sum = time2str($acct_sessiontime_sum);
$acct_upload_sum = bytes2str($acct_upload_sum);
$acct_download_sum = bytes2str($acct_download_sum);
$acct_sessiontime_sum = (isset($acct_sessiontime_sum)) ? time2str($acct_sessiontime_sum) : "0 seconds";
$acct_upload_sum = (isset($acct_upload_sum)) ? bytes2str($acct_upload_sum) : "0.00 KBs";
$acct_download_sum = (isset($acct_download_sum)) ? bytes2str($acct_download_sum) : "0.00 KBs";
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
184,21 → 199,21
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
$colspan = 3;
if ($acct_attrs[ua][1] == '')
if ($acct_attrs[ua][2] == '')
if (!isset($acct_attrs['ua'][1]) || $acct_attrs['ua'][1] == ''){
if (!isset($acct_attrs['ua'][2]) || $acct_attrs['ua'][2] == ''){
echo <<<EOM
<tr bgcolor="lightyellow" align="center">
<td colspan=$colspan><b>Total</b></td>
if ($acct_attrs[ua][3] != '') echo "<td><b>$acct_sessiontime_sum</b></td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][4] != '') echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][5] != '') echo "<td><b>$acct_upload_sum</b></td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][6] != '') echo "<td><b>$acct_download_sum</b></td>\n";
// if ($acct_attrs[ua][7] != '') echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
if ($acct_attrs[ua][8] != '') echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
// if ($acct_attrs[ua][9] != '') echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][3]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][3] != '') echo "<td><b>$acct_sessiontime_sum</b></td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][4]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][4] != '') echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][5]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][5] != '') echo "<td><b>$acct_upload_sum</b></td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][6]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][6] != '') echo "<td><b>$acct_download_sum</b></td>\n";
// if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][7]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][7] != '') echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][8]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][8] != '') echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
// if (isset($acct_attrs['ua'][9]) && $acct_attrs['ua'][9] != '') echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
51,16 → 51,51
$monthly_limit = ($item_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0] != '') ? $item_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0] : $default_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0];
$monthly_limit = ($monthly_limit) ? $monthly_limit : $config[counter_default_monthly];
$weekly_limit = ($item_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0] != '') ? $item_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0] : $default_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0];
$weekly_limit = ($weekly_limit) ? $weekly_limit : $config[counter_default_weekly];
$daily_limit = ($item_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0] != '') ? $item_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0] : $default_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0];
$daily_limit = ($daily_limit) ? $daily_limit : $config[counter_default_daily];
$session_limit = ($item_vals['Session-Timeout'][0] != '') ? $item_vals['Session-Timeout'][0] : $default_vals['Session-Timeout'][0];
if(isset($item_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0]) && $item_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0] != ''){
$monthly_limit = $item_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0];
} else if (isset($default_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0])){
$monthly_limit = $default_vals['Max-Monthly-Session'][0];
} else {
$monthly_limit = '';
$monthly_limit = ($monthly_limit) ? $monthly_limit : $config['counter_default_monthly'];
if(isset($item_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0]) && $item_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0] != ''){
$weekly_limit = $item_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0];
} else if (isset($default_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0])){
$weekly_limit = $default_vals['Max-Weekly-Session'][0];
} else {
$weekly_limit = '';
$weekly_limit = ($weekly_limit) ? $weekly_limit : $config['counter_default_weekly'];
if(isset($item_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0]) && $item_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0] != ''){
$daily_limit = $item_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0];
} else if (isset($default_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0])){
$daily_limit = $default_vals['Max-Daily-Session'][0];
} else {
$daily_limit = '';
$daily_limit = ($daily_limit) ? $daily_limit : $config['counter_default_daily'];
if(isset($item_vals['Session-Timeout'][0]) && $item_vals['Session-Timeout'][0] != ''){
$session_limit = $item_vals['Session-Timeout'][0];
} else if (isset($default_vals['Session-Timeout'][0])){
$session_limit = $default_vals['Session-Timeout'][0];
} else {
$session_limit = '';
$session_limit = ($session_limit) ? $session_limit : 'none';
$total_limit = ($item_vals['Max-All-Session'][0] != '') ? $item_vals['Max-All-Session'][0] : $default_vals['Max-All-Session'][0];
if(isset($item_vals['Max-All-Session'][0]) && $item_vals['Max-All-Session'][0] != ''){
$total_limit = $item_vals['Max-All-Session'][0];
} else if (isset($default_vals['Max-All-Session'][0])){
$total_limit = $default_vals['Max-All-Session'][0];
} else {
$total_limit = '';
$total_limit = ($total_limit) ? $total_limit : 'none';
$remaining = 'unlimited time';
$log_color = 'green';
69,12 → 104,12
$now_str = date("$config[sql_date_format]",$now + 86400);
$week_str = date("$config[sql_date_format]",$week);
$day = date('w');
$week_start = date($config[sql_date_format],$now - ($day)*86400);
$month_start = date($config[sql_date_format],$now - date('j')*86400);
$week_start = date($config['sql_date_format'],$now - ($day)*86400);
$month_start = date($config['sql_date_format'],$now - date('j')*86400);
$today = $day;
$now_tmp = $now;
for ($i = $day; $i >-1; $i--){
$days[$i] = date($config[sql_date_format],$now_tmp);
$days[$i] = date($config['sql_date_format'],$now_tmp);
$now_tmp -= 86400;
82,7 → 117,7
$now -= 604800;
$now += 86400;
for ($i = $day; $i <= 6; $i++){
$days[$i] = date($config[sql_date_format],$now);
$days[$i] = date($config['sql_date_format'],$now);
// $now -= 86400;
$now += 86400;
91,9 → 126,9
$extra_msg = '';
$used = array('-','-','-','-','-','-','-');
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT sum(acctsessiontime) AS sum_sess_time,
sum(acctinputoctets) AS sum_in_octets,
sum(acctoutputoctets) AS sum_out_octets,
104,38 → 139,38
$config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE username = '$login'
AND acctstarttime >= '$week_str' AND acctstarttime <= '$now_str';");
if ($search){
$row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$tot_time = time2str($row[sum_sess_time]);
$tot_input = bytes2str($row[sum_in_octets]);
$tot_output = bytes2str($row[sum_out_octets]);
$avg_time = time2str($row[avg_sess_time]);
$avg_input = bytes2str($row[avg_in_octets]);
$avg_output = bytes2str($row[avg_out_octets]);
$tot_conns = $row[counter];
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$tot_time = time2str($row['sum_sess_time']);
$tot_input = bytes2str($row['sum_in_octets']);
$tot_output = bytes2str($row['sum_out_octets']);
$avg_time = time2str($row['avg_sess_time']);
$avg_input = bytes2str($row['avg_in_octets']);
$avg_output = bytes2str($row['avg_out_octets']);
$tot_conns = $row['counter'];
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT sum(acctsessiontime) AS sum_sess_time FROM $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE username = '$login'
AND acctstarttime >= '$week_start' AND acctstarttime <= '$now_str';");
if ($search){
$row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$weekly_used = $row[sum_sess_time];
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$weekly_used = $row['sum_sess_time'];
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
if ($monthly_limit != 'none' || $config[counter_monthly_calculate_usage] == 'true'){
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
if ($monthly_limit != 'none' || (isset($config['counter_monthly_calculate_usage']) && $config['counter_monthly_calculate_usage'] == 'true')){
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT sum(acctsessiontime) AS sum_sess_time FROM $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE username = '$login'
AND acctstarttime >= '$month_start' AND acctstarttime <= '$now_str';");
if ($search){
$row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$monthly_used = $row[sum_sess_time];
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$monthly_used = $row['sum_sess_time'];
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter FROM $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE username = '$login'
AND acctstoptime >= '$week_str' AND acctstoptime <= '$now_str'
AND (acctterminatecause LIKE 'Login-Incorrect%' OR
142,8 → 177,8
acctterminatecause LIKE 'Invalid-User%' OR
acctterminatecause LIKE 'Multiple-Logins%');");
if ($search){
$row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$tot_badlogins = $row[counter];
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$tot_badlogins = $row['counter'];
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
150,19 → 185,19
for($i = 0; $i <=6; $i++){
if ($days[$i] == '')
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT sum(acctsessiontime) AS sum_sess_time FROM $config[sql_accounting_table] WHERE
username = '$login' AND acctstoptime >= '$days[$i] 00:00:00'
AND acctstoptime <= '$days[$i] 23:59:59';");
if ($search){
$row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$used[$i] = $row[sum_sess_time];
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$used[$i] = $row['sum_sess_time'];
if ($daily_limit != 'none' && $used[$i] > $daily_limit)
$used[$i] = "<font color=red>" . time2str($used[$i]) . "</font>";
$used[$i] = time2str($used[$i]);
if ($today == $i){
$daily_used = $row[sum_sess_time];
$daily_used = $row['sum_sess_time'];
if ($daily_limit != 'none'){
$remaining = $daily_limit - $daily_used;
if ($remaining <=0)
207,7 → 242,7
$remaining = $tmp;
$log_color = ($remaining) ? 'green' : 'red';
if ($monthly_limit != 'none' || $config[counter_monthly_calculate_usage] == 'true'){
if ($monthly_limit != 'none' || (isset($config['counter_monthly_calculate_usage']) && $config['counter_monthly_calculate_usage'] == 'true')){
$monthly_used = time2str($monthly_used);
if ($monthly_limit != 'none' && !$tmp)
$monthly_used = "<font color=red>$monthly_used</font>";
219,14 → 254,14
$remaining = $session_limit;
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT " . da_sql_limit(1,0,$config) . " * FROM $config[sql_accounting_table]
WHERE username = '$login' AND acctstoptime IS NULL " . da_sql_limit(1,1,$config) . "
ORDER BY acctstarttime DESC " . da_sql_limit(1,2,$config). " ;");
if ($search){
if (@da_sql_num_rows($search,$config)){
if (da_sql_num_rows($search,$config)){
$logged_now = 1;
$row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$lastlog_time = $row['acctstarttime'];
$lastlog_server_ip = $row['nasipaddress'];
$lastlog_server_port = $row['nasportid'];
259,14 → 294,14
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
if (! $logged_now){
$search = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
if (!isset($logged_now) || !$logged_now){
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT " . da_sql_limit(1,0,$config) . " * FROM $config[sql_accounting_table]
WHERE username = '$login' AND acctsessiontime != '0' " . da_sql_limit(1,1,$config) . "
ORDER BY acctstoptime DESC " . da_sql_limit(1,2,$config). " ;");
if ($search){
if (@da_sql_num_rows($search,$config)){
$row = @da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
if (da_sql_num_rows($search,$config)){
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config);
$lastlog_time = $row['acctstarttime'];
$lastlog_server_ip = $row['nasipaddress'];
$lastlog_server_port = $row['nasportid'];
307,7 → 342,7
$msg =<<<EON
$l_user_remain_login<font color="$log_color"> <b>$remaining $extra_msg</b></font>
$lock_msg = $item_vals['Dialup-Lock-Msg'][0];
$lock_msg = (isset($item_vals['Dialup-Lock-Msg'][0])) ? $item_vals['Dialup-Lock-Msg'][0] : '';
if ($lock_msg != '')
$descr =<<<EON
<font color=red><b>$lock_msg </b</font>
315,7 → 350,7
$descr = '-';
$expiration = $default_vals['Expiration'][0];
$expiration = isset($default_vals['Expiration'][0]) ? $default_vals['Expiration'][0] : '';
if ($item_vals['Expiration'][0] != '')
$expiration = $item_vals['Expiration'][0];
if ($expiration != ''){
3,6 → 3,7
if (is_file("../lib/langues.php"))
if (!isset($type)) $type = 'user';
if ($type != 'group'){
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/user_info.php"))
19,6 → 20,9
if (!isset($user_type)) $user_type = 'user';
if (!isset($delete_user)) $delete_user = 0;
if ($user_type != 'group'){
$util = $l_user;
$title = $l_users_managment;}
75,7 → 79,7
if ($delete_users_of_group == 1){
if (isset($delete_users_of_group) && $delete_users_of_group == 1){
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/group_info.php")){
5,10 → 5,16
if(!isset($change)) $change = 0;
if(!isset($user_type)) $user_type = 'user';
if(!isset($badusers)) $badusers = 0;
if(!isset($cn)) $cn = '';
if ($user_type != 'group'){
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/user_info.php"))
if ($config[general_lib_type] == 'sql' && $config[sql_show_all_groups] == 'true'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql' && $config['sql_show_all_groups'] == 'true'){
$saved_login = $login;
$login = '';
if (is_file("../lib/sql/group_info.php"))
20,7 → 26,7
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/group_info.php"))
if ($config[general_lib_type] == 'sql' && $config[sql_use_operators] == 'true'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql' && $config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
$show_ops = 1;
33,7 → 39,7
<title>Users & groups edition</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $config[general_charset]?>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $config['general_charset']?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var chars='0123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ'
73,13 → 79,10
<table border=0 width=640 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=2>
if ($user_type != 'group')
if ($user_type != 'group'){
105,12 → 108,12
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/change_attrs.php"))
if ($user_type != 'group'){
if ($config[general_show_user_password] != 'no' && $passwd != ''
if ($config['general_show_user_password'] != 'no' && $passwd != ''
&& is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/change_passwd.php"))
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/user_info.php"))
if ($group_change && $config[general_lib_type] == 'sql' && $config[sql_show_all_groups] == 'true'){
if ($group_change && $config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql' && $config['sql_show_all_groups'] == 'true'){
145,7 → 148,7
<input type=hidden name=group_change value="0">
<table border=1 bordercolordark=#ffffe0 bordercolorlight=#000000 width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#ffffe0" valign=top>
if ($user_type != 'group' && $config[general_show_user_password] != 'no'){
if ($user_type != 'group' && $config['general_show_user_password'] != 'no'){
echo <<<EOM
<td align=right colspan=$colspan bgcolor="#d0ddb0">
163,7 → 166,7
foreach($show_attrs as $key => $desc){
$name = $attrmap["$key"];
$generic = $attrmap[generic]["$key"];
$generic = (isset($attrmap['generic']["$key"])) ? $attrmap['generic']["$key"] : '';
if ($name == 'none')
170,17 → 173,17
$def_added = 0;
if ($item_vals["$key"][count]){
if (isset($item_vals["$key"]['count']) && $item_vals["$key"]['count']){
$vals[] = $item_vals["$key"][$i];
$ops[] = $item_vals["$key"][operator][$i];
$ops[] = $item_vals["$key"]['operator'][$i];
if ($default_vals["$key"][count]){
if (isset($default_vals["$key"]['count']) && $default_vals["$key"]['count']){
$vals[] = $default_vals["$key"][$i];
$ops[] = $default_vals["$key"][operator][$i];
$ops[] = $default_vals["$key"]['operator'][$i];
190,20 → 193,20
$def_added = 1;
if ($generic == 'generic' && $def_added == 0){
$vals[] = $default_vals["$key"][$i];
$ops[] = $default_vals["$key"][operator][$i];
$ops[] = $default_vals["$key"]['operator'][$i];
if ($add && $name == $add_attr){
if (isset($add) && $add && $name == $add_attr){
$vals[] = $default_vals["$key"][0];
$ops[] = ($default_vals["$key"][operator][0] != '') ? $default_vals["$key"][operator][0] : '=';
$ops[] = ($default_vals["$key"]['operator'][0] != '') ? $default_vals["$key"]['operator'][0] : '=';
$i = 0;
foreach($vals as $val){
$name1 = $name . $i;
$val = ereg_replace('"','&quot;',$val);
$val = preg_replace('/\"/','&quot;',$val);
$oper_name = $name1 . '_op';
$oper = $ops[$i];
$selected[$oper] = 'selected';
291,6 → 294,7
<a href="$help_link" target=help"$help_link","help","width=600,height=250,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes") title="$l_click_for_help"><font color="blue">$desc</font></a>
if ($show_ops){
if(!isset($selected[$op_eq])) $selected[$op_eq] = '';
switch ($key)
case 'Simultaneous-Use' :
395,7 → 399,7
if (isset($member_groups)){
echo "<select size=5 name=\"edited_groups[]\" multiple OnChange=\"this.form.group_change.value=1\">";
if ($config[sql_show_all_groups] == 'true'){
if ($config['sql_show_all_groups'] == 'true'){
foreach ($existing_groups as $group => $count){
if ($member_groups[$group] == $group)
echo "<option selected value=\"$group\">$group\n";
3,11 → 3,12
if (is_file("../lib/langues.php"))
if(!isset($change)) $change = 0;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $config[general_charset]?>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $config['general_charset']?>">
<title>User personal information</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
1,12 → 1,17
if (!isset ($create)) { $create=0; }
if (!isset ($show)) { $show=0; }
if (!isset ($create)) $create=0;
if (!isset ($show)) $show=0;
// ticket d'impression (thank's to Geoffroy MUSITELLI)
//gestion de la langue
if (is_file("../lib/langues.php"))
if(!isset($login)) $login = '';
if(!isset($cn)) $cn = '';
if(!isset($mail)) $mail = '';
if(!isset($langue_imp)) $langue_imp = '';
if($show == 2)
15,7 → 20,7
if ($config[general_lib_type] == 'sql' && $config[sql_use_operators] == 'true'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql' && $config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
24,7 → 29,7
<html><head><title>Voucher creation</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $config[general_charset]?>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $config['general_charset']?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/epoch_styles.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/epoch_classes.js"></script>
65,6 → 70,7
function sec_imp($time)
/* Formatage des secondes avant l'impression */
$result = '';
$jour = 0;$heure = 0;$minute = 0;$seconde = 0;
$jour = floor($time/86400);
$reste = $time%86400;
92,7 → 98,7
/* Petit traitement pré-impression pour la lisibilité */
/* Récupération des attributs du groupe le cas échéant */
if ($group!=''){
if (isset($group) && $group!=''){
$saved_login = $login;
$login = $group;
if (is_file("../lib/sql/group_info.php"))
110,7 → 116,7
else { $mms_imp=sec_imp($mms_imp);}
/*Formatage de la date afin d'être lisible dans toute les langues 'jj mm yyyy'*/
if ($Expiration!=''){ $Expiration=date("d - m - Y",strtotime($Expiration));}
else { $Expiration=$v_without;}
else { $Expiration='-';}
if ($show != 3) //utilisateur normal
//Appel du ticket d'impression , passage en paramètres des valeurs à afficher
162,7 → 168,7
if ($config[general_lib_type] == 'sql'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql'){
if (isset($member_groups))
$selected[$member_groups[0]] = 'selected';
echo <<<EOM
182,8 → 188,8
else echo "$l_group_empty";
echo "</td></tr>";
if ($config[general_lib_type] == 'ldap' ||
($config[general_lib_type] == 'sql' && $config[sql_use_user_info_table] == 'true')){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] == 'ldap' ||
($config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql' && $config['sql_use_user_info_table'] == 'true')){
echo <<<EOM
<td class="etiquette" colspan=$colspan>
206,7 → 212,13
if ($name == 'none')
$oper_name = $name . '_op';
$val = ($item_vals["$key"][0] != "") ? $item_vals["$key"][0] : $default_vals["$key"][0];
if(isset($item_vals["$key"][0]) && $item_vals["$key"][0] != ''){
$val = $item_vals["$key"][0];
} else if(isset($default_vals["$key"][0])) {
$val = $default_vals["$key"][0];
} else {
$val = '';
Gestion d'un mode simple ou d'un mode avancé
Définition du mode avancé: les attributs concernant la gestion des octets, de la bande passante
3,6 → 3,18
//gestion de la langue
if (is_file("../lib/langues.php"))
if(!isset($create)) $create=0;
if(!isset($show)) $show=0;
if(!isset($login)) $login = '';
if(!isset($cn)) $cn = '';
if(!isset($mail)) $mail = '';
if(!isset($langue_imp)) $langue_imp = '';
if(!isset($selected)) $selected = array();
if(!isset($selected['='])) $selected['='] = '';
if($show == 2)
12,7 → 24,7
if ($config[general_lib_type] == 'sql' && $config[sql_use_operators] == 'true'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql' && $config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
22,7 → 34,7
<html><head><title>User creation</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $config[general_charset]?>">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $config['general_charset']?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/epoch_styles.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/epoch_classes.js"></script>
65,6 → 77,7
function sec_imp($time)
/*Formatage des secondes avant l'impression */
$result = '';
$jour = 0;$heure = 0;$minute = 0;$seconde = 0;
$jour = floor($time/86400);
$reste = $time%86400;
92,7 → 105,7
/* Petit traitement pré-impression pour la lisibilité */
/* Récupération des attributs du groupe le cas échéant */
if ($group!=''){
if (isset($group) && $group!=''){
$saved_login = $login;
$login = $group;
if (is_file("../lib/sql/group_info.php"))
100,17 → 113,17
$login = $saved_login;}
/* Si les valeurs de durée sont vide remplissage avec la valeur 'Illimitée'*/
/* et formatage des secondes sous le format Heure min ses*/
if ($sto_imp==''){ $sto_imp=$v_illimit;}
if ($sto_imp==''){ $sto_imp='-';}
else { $sto_imp=sec_imp($sto_imp);}
if ($mas_imp==''){ $mas_imp=$v_illimit;}
if ($mas_imp==''){ $mas_imp='-';}
else { $mas_imp=sec_imp($mas_imp);}
if ($mds_imp==''){ $mds_imp=$v_illimit;}
if ($mds_imp==''){ $mds_imp='-';}
else { $mds_imp=sec_imp($mds_imp);}
if ($mms_imp==''){ $mms_imp=$v_illimit;}
if ($mms_imp==''){ $mms_imp='-';}
else { $mms_imp=sec_imp($mms_imp);}
/*Formatage de la date afin d'être lisible dans toute les langues 'jj mm yyyy'*/
if ($Expiration!=''){ $Expiration=date("d - m - Y",strtotime($Expiration));}
else { $Expiration=$v_without;}
else { $Expiration='-';}
if ($show != 3)
//Appel du ticket d'impression , passage en paramètres des valeurs à afficher
162,7 → 175,7
if ($config[general_lib_type] == 'sql'){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql'){
if (isset($member_groups))
$selected[$member_groups[0]] = 'selected';
echo <<<EOM
182,8 → 195,8
else echo "$l_group_empty";
echo "</td></tr>";
if ($config[general_lib_type] == 'ldap' ||
($config[general_lib_type] == 'sql' && $config[sql_use_user_info_table] == 'true')){
if ($config['general_lib_type'] == 'ldap' ||
($config['general_lib_type'] == 'sql' && $config['sql_use_user_info_table'] == 'true')){
echo <<<EOM
<td class="etiquette" colspan=$colspan>
206,7 → 219,13
if ($name == 'none')
$oper_name = $name . '_op';
$val = ($item_vals["$key"][0] != "") ? $item_vals["$key"][0] : $default_vals["$key"][0];
if(isset($item_vals["$key"][0]) && $item_vals["$key"][0] != '') {
$val = $item_vals["$key"][0];
} else if(isset($default_vals["$key"][0])){
$val = $default_vals["$key"][0];
} else{
$val = '';
switch ($key)
// $advanced = 1 : champs de saisie amélioré (calendrier, convertisseur, etc.)
19,7 → 19,7
<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
if ($logged_now)
if (isset($logged_now) && $logged_now)
print <<<EOM
<script Language="JavaScript">
86,7 → 86,7
<table border=1 bordercolordark=#ffffe0 bordercolorlight=#000000 width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#ffffe0" valign=top>
if ($logged_now){
if (isset($logged_now) && $logged_now){
print <<<EOM
<form name="online" onSubmit="return(false);">
<tr><td align=center bgcolor="#d0ddb0">
410,7 → 410,7
print <<<EOM
if ($logged_now)
if (isset($logged_now) && $logged_now)
print <<<EOM
<script Language="JavaScript">
0,0 → 1,20
#Read sql attribute map
if (isset($_SESSION['sql_attrs']))
$sql_attrs = $_SESSION["sql_attrs"];
if (!isset($sql_attrs)){
$ARR = file($config[general_sql_attrs_file]);
foreach($ARR as $val){
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
$sql_attrs[strtolower($key)][desc] = "$desc";
$sql_attrs[strtolower($key)][show] = "$show";
$sql_attrs[strtolower($key)][func] = ($func == "") ? "nothing" : "$func";
if ($config[general_use_session] == 'yes')
0,0 → 1,38
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
$lockmsg_name = $attrmap['Dialup-Lock-Msg'] . '0';
$msg = $$lockmsg_name;
$admin = '-';
if ($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"] != '')
$admin = $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"];
if ($msg == '')
echo "<b>Lock Message should not be empty</b><br>\n";
$sql_servers = array();
if ($config[sql_extra_servers] != '')
$sql_servers = explode(' ',$config[sql_extra_servers]);
$sql_servers[] = $config[sql_server];
foreach ($sql_servers as $server){
$link = da_sql_host_connect($server,$config);
if ($link){
$r = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_badusers_table] (username,incidentdate,admin,reason)
VALUES ('$login','$date','$admin','$msg');");
if (!$r)
echo "<b>SQL Error:" . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>User added to badusers table</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>SQL Error: Could not connect to SQL database: $server</b><br>\n";
0,0 → 1,54
#Read user_edit attribute map
if (isset($_SESSION['show_attrs']))
$show_attrs = $_SESSION['show_attrs'];
if (!isset($show_attrs)){
$infile = $config['general_user_edit_attrs_file'];
$ARR = file($infile);
foreach($ARR as $val){
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
$show_attrs["$key"]=($v != '') ? "$v" : "$key";
if ($config['general_use_session'] == 'yes')
if (isset($_SESSION['acct_attrs']))
$acct_attrs = $_SESSION['acct_attrs'];
if (!isset($acct_attrs) && isset($config['general_accounting_attrs_file'])){
$infile = $config['general_accounting_attrs_file'];
$ARR = file($infile);
$acct_attrs = array();
$acct_attrs["ua"] = array();
$acct_attrs["ua"]['num'] = 0;
$acct_attrs["uf"] = array();
$acct_attrs["uf"]['num'] = 0;
$acct_attrs["fl"] = array();
$acct_attrs["fl"]['num'] = 0;
foreach ($ARR as $val){
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
if ($showua == 'yes'){
if ($showuf == 'yes'){
if ($showfl == 'yes'){
if ($config['general_use_session'] == 'yes')
0,0 → 1,6
function da_encrypt($passwd)
return $passwd;
0,0 → 1,6
function da_encrypt($passwd)
return md5($passwd);
0,0 → 1,24
if (isset($_SESSION['text_default_vals']))
$text_default_vals = $_SESSION['text_default_vals'];
if (!isset($text_default_vals)){
foreach($ARR as $val) {
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
if (!isset($text_default_vals))
$text_default_vals["NOT_EXIST"][0] = '0';
if ($config['general_use_session'] == 'yes')
$default_vals = $text_default_vals;
if (is_file("../lib/$config[general_lib_type]/defaults.php"))
6,6 → 6,7
return "0 seconds";
$d = $time/86400;
$d = floor($d);
$str = '';
if ($d){
$str .= "$d days, ";
$time = $time % 86400;
24,8 → 25,9
if ($time)
$str .= "$time seconds, ";
$str = ereg_replace(', $','',$str);
$str = preg_replace('/, $/','',$str);
return $str;
115,8 → 117,8
function check_defaults($val,$op,$def)
if ($val == $def[$i] && ($op == '' || $op == $def[operator][$i]))
if ($val == $def[$i] && ($op == '' || $op == $def['operator'][$i]))
return 1;
0,0 → 1,11
function init_decoder()
return 0;
function decode_string($line,$k)
return $line;
0,0 → 1,91
function init_encoder()
$k = array(
"~@"=>"€", "~A"=>"", "~B"=>"‚", "~C"=>"ƒ", "~D"=>"„", "~E"=>"…",
"~F"=>"†", "~G"=>"‡", "~H"=>"ˆ", "~I"=>"‰", "~J"=>"Š", "~K"=>"‹",
"~L"=>"Œ", "~M"=>"", "~N"=>"Ž", "~O"=>"", "~P"=>"", "~Q"=>"‘",
"~R"=>"’", "~S"=>"“", "~T"=>"”", "~U"=>"•", "~V"=>"–", "~W"=>"—",
"~^"=>"ž", "~_"=>"Ÿ", "| "=>" ", "¡"=>"ʽ", "¢"=>"ʼ", "£"=>"£",
"¤"=>"�", "¥"=>"�", "¦"=>"¦", "§"=>"§", "¨"=>"¨", "©"=>"©",
"ª"=>"�", "«"=>"«", "¬"=>"¬", "­"=>"­", "®"=>"�", "¯"=>"―",
"°"=>"°", "±"=>"±", "²"=>"²", "³"=>"³", "´"=>"΄", "µ"=>"΅",
"¶"=>"Ά", "·"=>"·", "¸"=>"Έ", "¹"=>"Ή", "º"=>"Ί", "»"=>"»",
"¼"=>"Ό", "½"=>"½", "¾"=>"Ύ", "¿"=>"Ώ", "À"=>"ΐ", "Á"=>"Α",
"Â"=>"Β", "Ã"=>"Γ", "Ä"=>"Δ", "Å"=>"Ε", "Æ"=>"Ζ", "Ç"=>"Η",
"È"=>"Θ", "É"=>"Ι", "Ê"=>"Κ", "Ë"=>"Λ", "Ì"=>"Μ", "Í"=>"Ν",
"Î"=>"Ξ", "Ï"=>"Ο", "Ð"=>"Π", "Ñ"=>"Ρ", "Ò"=>"�", "Ó"=>"Σ",
"Ô"=>"Τ", "Õ"=>"Î¥", "Ö"=>"Φ", "×"=>"Χ", "Ø"=>"Ψ", "Ù"=>"Ω",
"Ú"=>"Ϊ", "Û"=>"Ϋ", "Ü"=>"ά", "Ý"=>"έ", "Þ"=>"ή", "ß"=>"ί",
"à"=>"ΰ", "á"=>"α", "â"=>"β", "ã"=>"γ", "ä"=>"δ", "å"=>"ε",
"æ"=>"ζ", "ç"=>"η", "è"=>"θ", "é"=>"ι", "ê"=>"κ", "ë"=>"λ",
"ì"=>"μ", "í"=>"ν", "î"=>"ξ", "ï"=>"ο", "ð"=>"π", "ñ"=>"ρ",
"ò"=>"ς", "ó"=>"σ", "ô"=>"τ", "õ"=>"υ", "ö"=>"φ", "÷"=>"χ",
"ø"=>"ψ", "ù"=>"ω", "ú"=>"ϊ", "û"=>"ϋ", "ü"=>"ό", "ý"=>"ύ",
"þ"=>"ώ", "~X"=>"˜", "~Y"=>"™", "~Z"=>"š", "~["=>"›", "~]"=>""
return $k;
function init_decoder()
$k = array(
"€"=>"~@", ""=>"~A", "‚"=>"~B", "ƒ"=>"~C", "„"=>"~D", "…"=>"~E",
"†"=>"~F", "‡"=>"~G", "ˆ"=>"~H", "‰"=>"~I", "Š"=>"~J", "‹"=>"~K",
"Œ"=>"~L", ""=>"~M", "Ž"=>"~N", ""=>"~O", ""=>"~P", "‘"=>"~Q",
"’"=>"~R", "“"=>"~S", "”"=>"~T", "•"=>"~U", "–"=>"~V", "—"=>"~W",
"ž"=>"~^", "Ÿ"=>"~_", " "=>"| ", "ʽ"=>"¡", "ʼ"=>"¢", "£"=>"£",
"�"=>"¤", "�"=>"¥", "¦"=>"¦", "§"=>"§", "¨"=>"¨", "©"=>"©",
"�"=>"ª", "«"=>"«", "¬"=>"¬", "­"=>"­", "�"=>"®", "―"=>"¯",
"°"=>"°", "±"=>"±", "²"=>"²", "³"=>"³", "΄"=>"´", "΅"=>"µ",
"Ά"=>"¶", "·"=>"·", "Έ"=>"¸", "Ή"=>"¹", "Ί"=>"º", "»"=>"»",
"Ό"=>"¼", "½"=>"½", "Ύ"=>"¾", "Ώ"=>"¿", "ΐ"=>"À", "Α"=>"Á",
"Β"=>"Â", "Γ"=>"Ã", "Δ"=>"Ä", "Ε"=>"Å", "Ζ"=>"Æ", "Η"=>"Ç",
"Θ"=>"È", "Ι"=>"É", "Κ"=>"Ê", "Λ"=>"Ë", "Μ"=>"Ì", "Ν"=>"Í",
"Ξ"=>"Î", "Ο"=>"Ï", "Π"=>"Ð", "Ρ"=>"Ñ", "�"=>"Ò", "Σ"=>"Ó",
"Τ"=>"Ô", "Î¥"=>"Õ", "Φ"=>"Ö", "Χ"=>"×", "Ψ"=>"Ø", "Ω"=>"Ù",
"Ϊ"=>"Ú", "Ϋ"=>"Û", "ά"=>"Ü", "έ"=>"Ý", "ή"=>"Þ", "ί"=>"ß",
"ΰ"=>"à", "α"=>"á", "β"=>"â", "γ"=>"ã", "δ"=>"ä", "ε"=>"å",
"ζ"=>"æ", "η"=>"ç", "θ"=>"è", "ι"=>"é", "κ"=>"ê", "λ"=>"ë",
"μ"=>"ì", "ν"=>"í", "ξ"=>"î", "ο"=>"ï", "π"=>"ð", "ρ"=>"ñ",
"ς"=>"ò", "σ"=>"ó", "τ"=>"ô", "υ"=>"õ", "φ"=>"ö", "χ"=>"÷",
"ψ"=>"ø", "ω"=>"ù", "ϊ"=>"ú", "ϋ"=>"û", "ό"=>"ü", "ύ"=>"ý",
"ώ"=>"þ", "˜"=>"~X", "™"=>"~Y", "š"=>"~Z", "›"=>"~[", ""=>"~]"
return $k;
function encode_string($line,$k)
$c = $line{$i};
$val = $k["$c"];
$c = ($val != "") ? "$val" : "$c";
$new_line .= $c;
return $new_line;
function decode_string($line,$k)
$line = preg_replace("/&/","&&",$line);
$line = preg_replace("/([,+0-9.\/() -])/", "%\\1", $line);
$mline = chunk_split($line, 2, " ");
$chars = explode(" ", $mline);
foreach ($chars as $c){
$val = $k["$c"];
$c = ($val != "") ? "$val" : "$c";
$new_line .= $c;
$new_line = preg_replace("/%%/", " ", $new_line);
$new_line = preg_replace("/%([,+0-9.\/() -])/", "\\1", $new_line);
$new_line = preg_replace("/%/", " ",$new_line);
$new_line = preg_replace("/&&/","&",$new_line);
return $new_line;
0,0 → 1,42
$op_eq = '=';
$op_set = ':=';
$op_add = '+=';
$op_eq2 = '==';
$op_ne = '!=';
$op_gt = '>';
$op_ge = '>=';
$op_lt = '<';
$op_le = '<=';
$op_regeq = '=~';
$op_regne = '!~';
$op_exst = '=*';
$op_nexst = '!*';
// Check the operator if it is allowed for this type of
// attribute (check or reply).
// Arguments:
// $op: The operator
// $type: 1(check),2(reply)
// Return value:0 for OK, -1 for error
function check_operator($op,$type)
case '=':
case ':=':
case '+=':
return 0;
case '==':
case '!=':
case '>':
case '>=':
case '<':
case '<=':
case '=~':
case '!~':
case '=*':
case '!*':
return ($type == 1) ? 0 : -1;
0,0 → 1,37
#Read sql attribute map
if (isset($_SESSION['attrmap'])){
#If attrmap is set then the rest will also be set
$attrmap = $_SESSION['attrmap'];
$rev_attrmap =$_SESSION['rev_attrmap'];
$attr_type = $_SESSION['attr_type'];
$ARR = file("$config[general_sql_attrmap]");
foreach($ARR as $val){
if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*#/',$val) || preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*$/',$val))
$rev_attrmap["$v"] = $key;
if (isset($show_attrs)){
foreach($show_attrs as $key => $desc){
if (!isset($attrmap["$key"]) || $attrmap["$key"] == ''){
$attrmap["$key"] = $key;
$attr_type["key"] = 'replyItem';
$rev_attrmap["$key"] = $key;
if ($config['general_use_session'] == 'yes'){
6,12 → 6,12
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
if ($config[sql_use_operators] == 'true'){
if ($config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
$text1 = 'AND op =';
$text2 = ',op';
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
foreach($show_attrs as $key => $desc){
if ($attrmap["$key"] == 'none')
26,7 → 26,7
$name = $attrmap["$key"] . $i;
$val = da_sql_escape_string($val);
$val = da_sql_escape_string($link, $val);
$op_name = $name . '_op';
33,18 → 33,18
$name = $attrmap["$key"] . $i;
$query_key = ($user_type == 'group') ? 'groupname' : 'username';
if ($attr_type["$key"] == 'checkItem'){
$table = ($user_type == 'group') ? $config[sql_groupcheck_table] : $config[sql_check_table];
if (isset($attr_type["$key"]) && $attr_type["$key"] == 'checkItem'){
$table = ($user_type == 'group') ? $config['sql_groupcheck_table'] : $config['sql_check_table'];
$type = 1;
else if ($attr_type["$key"] == 'replyItem'){
$table = ($user_type == 'group') ? $config[sql_groupreply_table] : $config[sql_reply_table];
else if (isset($attr_type["$key"]) && $attr_type["$key"] == 'replyItem'){
$table = ($user_type == 'group') ? $config['sql_groupreply_table'] : $config['sql_reply_table'];
$type = 2;
if ($use_ops){
$op_val = $$op_name;
if ($op_val != ''){
$op_val = da_sql_escape_string($op_val);
$op_val = da_sql_escape_string($link, $op_val);
if (check_operator($op_val,$type) == -1){
echo "<b>Invalid operator ($op_val) for attribute $key</b><br>\n";
52,25 → 52,26
$op_val2 = ",'$op_val'";
$sql_attr = da_sql_escape_string($sql_attr);
$val = da_sql_escape_string($val);
$sql_attr = da_sql_escape_string($link, $sql_attr);
$val = da_sql_escape_string($link, $val);
// if we have operators, the operator has changed and the corresponding value exists then update
if ($use_ops && isset($item_vals["$key"][operator][$j]) &&
$op_val != $item_vals["$key"][operator][$j] ){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
if ($use_ops && isset($item_vals["$key"]['operator'][$j]) &&
$op_val != $item_vals["$key"]['operator'][$j] ){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"UPDATE $table SET op = '$op_val' WHERE $query_key = '$login'
AND attribute = '$sql_attr' AND value = '$val';");
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Operator change failed for attribute $key: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
$chkdef = (isset($default_vals["$key"])) ? check_defaults($val,$op_val,$default_vals["$key"]) : 0;
// if value is the same as that in the sql database do nothing
if ($val == $item_vals["$key"][$j])
if (isset($item_vals["$key"]) && $val == $item_vals["$key"][$j])
// if value is null or equals the default value and corresponding value exists then delete
else if ((check_defaults($val,$op_val,$default_vals["$key"]) || $val == '' || ($sql_attr == "Filter-Id" && $val == "None")) && isset($item_vals["$key"][$j])){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
else if (($chkdef || $val == '' || ($sql_attr == "Filter-Id" && $val == "None")) && isset($item_vals["$key"][$j])){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $table WHERE $query_key = '$login' AND attribute = '$sql_attr';");
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Delete failed for attribute $key: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
// if value is null or equals the default value then don't add it
80,16 → 81,16
if (isset($item_vals["$key"][$j])){
$old_val = $item_vals["$key"][$j];
$old_val = da_sql_escape_string($old_val);
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$old_val = da_sql_escape_string($link, $old_val);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"UPDATE $table SET value = '$val' WHERE $query_key = '$login' AND
attribute = '$sql_attr' AND value = '$old_val';");
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $table ($query_key,attribute,value $text2)
VALUES ('$login','$sql_attr','$val' $op_val2);");
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Change failed for attribute $key: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
0,0 → 1,57
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
$fail = 0;
if ($link){
if ($config['sql_use_user_info_table'] == 'true'){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT username FROM $config[sql_user_info_table] WHERE
username = '$login';");
if ($res){
$Fcn = (isset($Fcn)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fcn) : '';
$Fmail = (isset($Fmail)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fmail) : '';
$Fou = (isset($Fou)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fou) : '';
$Fhomephone = (isset($Fhomephone)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fhomephone) : '';
$Ftelephonenumber = (isset($Ftelephonenumber)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Ftelephonenumber) : '';
$Fmobile = (isset($Fmobile)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fmobile) : '';
if (!da_sql_num_rows($res,$config)){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_user_info_table]
(username,name,mail,department,homephone,workphone,mobile) VALUES
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config)){
echo "<b>Could not add user information in user info table: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
$fail = 1;
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"UPDATE $config[sql_user_info_table] SET name = '$Fcn',Mail = '$Fmail',
department = '$Fou', homephone = '$Fhomephone', workphone = '$Ftelephonenumber',
mobile = '$Fmobile' WHERE username = '$login';");
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config)){
echo "<b>Could not update user information in user info table: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
$fail = 1;
echo "<b>Could not find user in user info table: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
$fail = 1;
if ($fail == 0)
echo "<b>User information updated successfully</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Cannot use the user info table. Check the sql_use_user_info_table directive in admin.conf</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
0,0 → 1,52
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
if ($config[sql_use_operators] == 'true'){
$text1 = ',op';
$text2 = ",':='";
$text3 = ", op = ':='";
$text1 = '';
$text2 = '';
$text3 = '';
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
if (is_file("../lib/crypt/$config[general_encryption_method].php")){
$passwd = da_encrypt($passwd);
$passwd = da_sql_escape_string($passwd);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT value FROM $config[sql_check_table] WHERE username = '$login'
AND attribute = '$config[sql_password_attribute]';");
if ($res){
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config);
if ($row){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"UPDATE $config[sql_check_table] SET value = '$passwd' $text3 WHERE
attribute = '$config[sql_password_attribute]' AND username = '$login';");
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Error while changing password: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_check_table] (attribute,value,username $text1)
VALUES ('$config[sql_password_attribute]','$passwd','$login' $text2);");
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Error while changing password: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Error while executing query: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not open encryption library file</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
6,23 → 6,23
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
if ($config[sql_use_operators] == 'true'){
if ($config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
$text = ',op';
$passwd_op = ",':='";
$op_val2 = '';
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$Members = preg_split("/[\n\s]+/",$members,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (!empty($Members)){
foreach ($Members as $member){
$member = da_sql_escape_string($member);
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$member = da_sql_escape_string($link, $member);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_usergroup_table] (username,groupname)
VALUES ('$member','$login');");
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config)){
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config)){
echo "<b>Unable to add user $member in group $login: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
30,10 → 30,10
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_usergroup_table] (username,groupname)
VALUES ('$login','$login');");
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Unable to add user $member in group $login: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
55,20 → 55,20
$attr_type["$key"] = 'replyItem';
$rev_attrmap["$key"] = $key;
if ($attr_type["$key"] == 'checkItem'){
if (isset($attr_type["$key"]) && $attr_type["$key"] == 'checkItem'){
$table = "$config[sql_groupcheck_table]";
$type = 1;
else if ($attr_type["$key"] == 'replyItem'){
else if (isset($attr_type["$key"]) && $attr_type["$key"] == 'replyItem'){
$table = "$config[sql_groupreply_table]";
$type = 2;
$val = $$attrmap["$key"];
$val = da_sql_escape_string($val);
$val = da_sql_escape_string($link, $val);
$op_name = $attrmap["$key"] . '_op';
$op_val = $$op_name;
if ($op_val != ''){
$op_val = da_sql_escape_string($op_val);
$op_val = da_sql_escape_string($link, $op_val);
if (check_operator($op_val,$type) == -1){
echo "<b>Invalid operator ($op_val) for attribute $key</b><br>\n";
75,12 → 75,13
$op_val2 = ",'$op_val'";
if ($val == '' || check_defaults($val,$op_val,$default_vals["$key"]))
$chkdef = (isset($default_vals["$key"])) ? check_defaults($val,$op_val,$default_vals["$key"]) : 0;
if ($val == '' || $chkdef)
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $table (attribute,value,groupname $text)
VALUES ('$attrmap[$key]','$val','$login' $op_val2);");
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Query failed for attribute $key: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Le groupe $login a &eacute;t&eacute; correctement cr&eacute;&eacute;</b><br>\n";
6,7 → 6,7
if ($config[sql_use_operators] == 'true'){
if ($config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
$text = ',op';
$passwd_op = ",':='";
13,7 → 13,7
$op_val2 = '';
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
if (is_file("../lib/crypt/$config[general_encryption_method].php")){
21,31 → 21,31
$passwd_imp = $passwd;
/*Fin Ajout*/
$passwd = da_encrypt($passwd);
$passwd = da_sql_escape_string($passwd);
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$passwd = da_sql_escape_string($link, $passwd);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_check_table] (attribute,value,username $text)
VALUES ('$config[sql_password_attribute]','$passwd','$login' $passwd_op);");
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config)){
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config)){
echo "<b>Unable to add user $login: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
if ($config[sql_use_user_info_table] == 'true' && !$da_abort){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
if ($config['sql_use_user_info_table'] == 'true' && !$da_abort){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT username FROM $config[sql_user_info_table] WHERE
username = '$login';");
if ($res){
if (!@da_sql_num_rows($res,$config)){
$Fcn = da_sql_escape_string($Fcn);
$Fmail = da_sql_escape_string($Fmail);
$Fou = da_sql_escape_string($Fou);
$Fhomephone = da_sql_escape_string($Fhomephone);
$Fworkphone = da_sql_escape_string($Fworkphone);
$Fmobile = da_sql_escape_string($Fmobile);
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
if (!da_sql_num_rows($res,$config)){
$Fcn = (isset($Fcn)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fcn) : '';
$Fmail = (isset($Fmail)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fmail) : '';
$Fou = (isset($Fou)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fou) : '';
$Fhomephone = (isset($Fhomephone)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fhomephone) : '';
$Ftelephonenumber = (isset($Ftelephonenumber)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Ftelephonenumber) : '';
$Fmobile = (isset($Fmobile)) ? da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fmobile) : '';
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_user_info_table]
(username,name,mail,department,homephone,workphone,mobile) VALUES
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Could not add user information in user info table: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
54,17 → 54,17
echo "<b>Could not add user information in user info table: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
if ($Fgroup != ''){
$Fgroup = da_sql_escape_string($Fgroup);
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
if (isset($Fgroup) && $Fgroup != ''){
$Fgroup = da_sql_escape_string($link, $Fgroup);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT username FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table]
WHERE username = '$login' AND groupname = '$Fgroup';");
if ($res){
if (!@da_sql_num_rows($res,$config)){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
if (!da_sql_num_rows($res,$config)){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_usergroup_table]
(username,groupname) VALUES ('$login','$Fgroup');");
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Could not add user to group $Fgroup. SQL Error</b><br>\n";
74,7 → 74,7
echo "<b>Could not add user to group $Fgroup: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
if (!$da_abort){
if ($Fgroup != '')
if (isset($Fgroup) && $Fgroup != '')
foreach($show_attrs as $key => $attr){
if ($attrmap["$key"] == 'none')
86,15 → 86,15
$attr_type["$key"] = 'replyItem';
$rev_attrmap["$key"] = $key;
if ($attr_type["$key"] == 'checkItem'){
if (isset($attr_type["$key"]) && $attr_type["$key"] == 'checkItem'){
$table = "$config[sql_check_table]";
$type = 1;
else if ($attr_type["$key"] == 'replyItem'){
else if (isset($attr_type["$key"]) && $attr_type["$key"] == 'replyItem'){
$table = "$config[sql_reply_table]";
$type = 2;
$val = $$attrmap["$key"];
$val = (isset($$attrmap["$key"])) ? $$attrmap["$key"] : '';
/*Ajout en vue de l'impression des données (thank's to Geoffroy MUSITELLI)*/
if($key == "Session-Timeout") $sto_imp = $val;
if($key == "Max-All-Session") $mas_imp = $val;
101,11 → 101,11
if($key == "Max-Daily-Session") $mds_imp = $val;
if($key == "Max-Monthly-Session") $mms_imp = $val;
/*Fin Ajout*/
$val = da_sql_escape_string($val);
$val = da_sql_escape_string($link, $val);
$op_name = $attrmap["$key"] . '_op';
$op_val = $$op_name;
$op_val = (isset($$op_name)) ? $$op_name : '';
if ($op_val != ''){
$op_val = da_sql_escape_string($op_val);
$op_val = da_sql_escape_string($link, $op_val);
if (check_operator($op_val,$type) == -1){
echo "<b>Invalid operator ($op_val) for attribute $key</b><br>\n";
112,12 → 112,13
$op_val2 = ",'$op_val'";
if ($val == '' || check_defaults($val,$op_val,$default_vals["$key"]))
$chkdef = (isset($default_vals["$key"])) ? check_defaults($val,$op_val,$default_vals["$key"]) : 0;
if ($val == '' || $chkdef)
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $table (attribute,value,username $text)
VALUES ('$attrmap[$key]','$val','$login' $op_val2);");
if (!$res || !@da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
$sqlquery = "INSERT INTO $table (attribute,value,username $text)
VALUES ('$attrmap[$key]','$val','$login' $op_val2);";
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,$sqlquery);
if (!$res || !da_sql_affected_rows($link,$res,$config))
echo "<b>Query failed for attribute $key: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
0,0 → 1,139
if ((isset($login) && $login != '') && (isset($user_type) && $user_type !== 'group')){
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
if ($config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
$op = ',op';
$use_op = 1;
$op = "";
$use_op = 0;
$overwrite_defaults = 1;
$stop = 0;
$times = 0;
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT groupname FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table] WHERE username = '$login';");
if ($res){
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$group = $row['groupname'];
$member_groups[$group] = $group;
if (isset($member_groups))
if (isset($member_groups)){
$in = '(';
foreach ($member_groups as $group)
$in .= "'$group',";
$in = substr($in,0,-1);
$in .= ')';
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT attribute,value $op FROM $config[sql_groupcheck_table]
WHERE groupname IN $in;");
if ($res){
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$attr = $row['attribute'];
$val = $row['value'];
if ($use_op){
$oper = $row['op'];
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT attribute,value $op FROM $config[sql_groupreply_table]
WHERE groupname IN $in;");
if ($res){
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$attr = $row['attribute'];
$val = $row['value'];
if ($use_op){
$oper = $row['op'];
$tmp["$attr"][] = "$val";
echo "<b>Database query failed partially: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
if (isset($tmp)){
foreach(array_keys($tmp) as $val){
if ($val == '')
$key = $rev_attrmap["$val"];
if ($key == ''){
$key = $val;
$attrmap["$key"] = $val;
$attr_type["$key"] = 'replyItem';
$rev_attrmap["$val"] = $key;
if (!isset($default_vals["$key"]) || $overwrite_defaults){
if ($use_op)
$default_vals["$key"]['operator'] = $tmp["$val"]['operator'];
if ($tmp[$val][0] != '')
$default_vals["$key"] = $tmp["$val"];
if ($times == 1){
if (!isset($config['sql_default_user_profile']) || $config['sql_default_user_profile'] == '')
$stop = 1;
$saved_login = $login;
$saved_member_groups = $member_groups;
$login = $config['sql_default_user_profile'];
$overwrite_defaults = 0;
if ($times == 2){
$login = $saved_login;
$member_groups = $saved_member_groups;
$stop = 1;
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
}while($stop == 0);
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT DISTINCT groupname FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table];");
if ($res){
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config)))
$member_groups[] = $row['groupname'];
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
5,15 → 5,15
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_groupreply_table] WHERE groupname = '$login';");
if ($res){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_groupcheck_table] WHERE groupname = '$login';");
if ($res){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table] WHERE groupname = '$login';");
if ($res)
echo "<b>Le groupe $login a &eacute;t&eacute; correctement supprim&eacute;</b><br>\n";
5,20 → 5,20
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_reply_table] WHERE username = '$login';");
if ($res){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_check_table] WHERE username = '$login';");
if ($res){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table] WHERE username = '$login';");
if (!$res)
echo "<b>Error deleting user $login from user group table: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
if ($config[sql_use_user_info_table] == 'true'){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
if ($config['sql_use_user_info_table'] == 'true'){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_user_info_table] WHERE username = '$login';");
if ($res)
echo "<b>L'usager $login a &eacute;t&eacute; correctement supprim&eacute;</b><br>\n";
16,90 → 16,89
function da_sql_host_connect($server,$config)
if ($config[sql_use_http_credentials] == 'yes'){
if ($config['sql_use_http_credentials'] == 'yes'){
$SQL_user = $config[sql_username];
$SQL_passwd = $config[sql_password];
$SQL_user = $config['sql_username'];
$SQL_passwd = $config['sql_password'];
if ($config[sql_connect_timeout] != 0)
if ($config[sql_debug] == 'true')
if ($config['sql_connect_timeout'] != 0)
if ($config['sql_debug'] == 'true')
print "<b>DEBUG(SQL,MYSQL DRIVER): Connect: User=$SQL_user,Password=$SQL_passwd </b><br>\n";
return @mysql_connect("$server:$config[sql_port]",$SQL_user,$SQL_passwd);
return mysqli_connect("$server:$config[sql_port]",$SQL_user,$SQL_passwd,$config['sql_database']);
function da_sql_connect($config)
if ($config[sql_use_http_credentials] == 'yes'){
if (isset($config['sql_use_http_credentials']) && $config['sql_use_http_credentials'] == 'yes'){
$SQL_user = $config[sql_username];
$SQL_passwd = $config[sql_password];
$SQL_user = $config['sql_username'];
$SQL_passwd = $config['sql_password'];
if ($config[sql_connect_timeout] != 0)
if ($config[sql_debug] == 'true')
if ($config['sql_connect_timeout'] != 0)
if ($config['sql_debug'] == 'true')
print "<b>DEBUG(SQL,MYSQL DRIVER): Connect: User=$SQL_user,Password=$SQL_passwd </b><br>\n";
return @mysql_connect("$config[sql_server]:$config[sql_port]",$SQL_user,$SQL_passwd);
return mysqli_connect("$config[sql_server]:$config[sql_port]",$SQL_user,$SQL_passwd,$config['sql_database']);
function da_sql_pconnect($config)
if ($config[sql_use_http_credentials] == 'yes'){
if (isset($config['sql_use_http_credentials']) && $config['sql_use_http_credentials'] == 'yes'){
$SQL_user = $config[sql_username];
$SQL_passwd = $config[sql_password];
$SQL_user = $config['sql_username'];
$SQL_passwd = $config['sql_password'];
if ($config[sql_connect_timeout] != 0)
if ($config[sql_debug] == 'true')
if ($config['sql_connect_timeout'] != 0)
if ($config['sql_debug'] == 'true')
print "<b>DEBUG(SQL,MYSQL DRIVER): Connect: User=$SQL_user,Password=$SQL_passwd </b><br>\n";
return @mysql_pconnect("$config[sql_server]:$config[sql_port]",$SQL_user,$SQL_passwd);
return mysqli_connect($config['sql_server'],$SQL_user,$SQL_passwd,$config['sql_database'],$config['sql_port']);
function da_sql_close($link,$config)
return @mysql_close($link);
return mysqli_close($link);
function da_sql_escape_string($string)
function da_sql_escape_string($link, $string)
return @mysql_real_escape_string($string);
return mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $string);
function da_sql_query($link,$config,$query)
if ($config[sql_debug] == 'true')
if ($config['sql_debug'] == 'true')
print "<b>DEBUG(SQL,MYSQL DRIVER): Query: <i>$query</i></b><br>\n";
return @mysql_db_query($config[sql_database],$query,$link);
return mysqli_query($link,$query);
function da_sql_num_rows($result,$config)
if ($config[sql_debug] == 'true')
print "<b>DEBUG(SQL,MYSQL DRIVER): Query Result: Num rows:: " . @mysql_num_rows($result) . "</b><br>\n";
return @mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($config['sql_debug'] == 'true')
print "<b>DEBUG(SQL,MYSQL DRIVER): Query Result: Num rows:: " . mysqli_num_rows($result) . "</b><br>\n";
return mysqli_num_rows($result);
function da_sql_fetch_array($result,$config)
$row = array_change_key_case(@mysql_fetch_array($result,
if ($config[sql_debug] == 'true'){
$row = @array_change_key_case(mysqli_fetch_array($result,
if ($config['sql_debug'] == 'true'){
print "<b>DEBUG(SQL,MYSQL DRIVER): Query Result: <pre>";
print "</b></pre>\n";
109,28 → 108,28
function da_sql_affected_rows($link,$result,$config)
if ($config[sql_debug] == 'true')
print "<b>DEBUG(SQL,MYSQL DRIVER): Query Result: Affected rows:: " . @mysql_affected_rows($result) . "</b><br>\n";
return @mysql_affected_rows($link);
if ($config['sql_debug'] == 'true')
print "<b>DEBUG(SQL,MYSQL DRIVER): Query Result: Affected rows:: " . mysqli_affected_rows($result) . "</b><br>\n";
return mysqli_affected_rows($link);
function da_sql_list_fields($table,$link,$config)
return @mysql_list_fields($config[sql_database],$table);
return da_sql_query($link, $config, "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table");
function da_sql_num_fields($fields,$config)
return @mysql_num_fields($fields);
return mysqli_num_fields($fields);
function da_sql_field_name($fields,$num,$config)
return @mysql_field_name($fields,$num);
return mysqli_fetch_field_direct($fields,$num);
function da_sql_error($link,$config)
return @mysql_error($link);
return mysqli_error($link);
8,18 → 8,19
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$search = da_sql_escape_string($search);
if (!is_numeric($max))
$search = da_sql_escape_string($link, $search);
if (!isset($max) || !is_numeric($max))
# $max = 10;
# modif by MG fo Alcasar
$max = 40;
if ($max > 500)
$max = 10;
if (($search_IN == 'name' || $search_IN == 'department' || $search_IN == 'username') &&
$config[sql_use_user_info_table] == 'true'){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$config['sql_use_user_info_table'] == 'true'){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT " . da_sql_limit($max,0,$config) . " username FROM $config[sql_user_info_table] WHERE
lower($search_IN) LIKE '%$search%' " .
# da_sql_limit($max,1,$config) . " " . da_sql_limit($max,2,$config) . " ;");
26,8 → 27,8
# modif by MG for Alcasar
da_sql_limit($max,1,$config) . " " . da_sql_limit($max,1,$config) . " ;");
if ($res){
while(($row = @da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config)))
$found_users[] = $row[username];
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config)))
$found_users[] = $row['username'];
"<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
38,15 → 39,15
$attrmap["$radius_attr"] = $radius_attr;
$attr_type["$radius_attr"] = 'replyItem';
$table = ($attr_type[$radius_attr] == 'checkItem') ? $config[sql_check_table] : $config[sql_reply_table];
$table = ($attr_type[$radius_attr] == 'checkItem') ? $config['sql_check_table'] : $config['sql_reply_table'];
$attr = $attrmap[$radius_attr];
$attr = da_sql_escape_string($attr);
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$attr = da_sql_escape_string($link, $attr);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT " . da_sql_limit($max,0,$config) . " username FROM $table WHERE attribute = '$attr'
AND value LIKE '%$search%' " . da_sql_limit($max,1,$config) . " " . da_sql_limit($max,2,$config) . " ;");
if ($res){
while(($row = @da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config)))
$found_users[] = $row[username];
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config)))
$found_users[] = $row['username'];
"<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
0,0 → 1,35
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
function connect2db($config)
return $link;
function get_user_info($link,$user,$config)
if ($link && $config['sql_use_user_info_table'] == 'true'){
$user = da_sql_escape_string($link, $user);
"SELECT name FROM $config[sql_user_info_table] WHERE username = '$user';");
if ($res){
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config);
if ($row)
return $row['name'];
function closedb($link,$config)
return 1;
0,0 → 1,46
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
if (isset($del_members)){
foreach ($del_members as $del){
$del = da_sql_escape_string($link, $del);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table] WHERE username = '$del' AND groupname = '$login';");
if (!$res)
echo "<b>Could not delete user $del from group: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
if ($new_members != ''){
$Members = preg_split("/[\n\s]+/",$new_members,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (!empty($Members)){
foreach ($Members as $new_member){
$new_member = da_sql_escape_string($link, $new_member);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT username FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table] WHERE
username = '$new_member' AND groupname = '$login';");
if ($res){
if (da_sql_num_rows($res,$config))
echo "<b>User $new_member already is a member of the group</b><br>\n";
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_usergroup_table] (groupname,username)
VALUES ('$login','$new_member');");
if (!$res)
echo "<b>Error while adding user $new_member to group: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not add new member $new_member: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
0,0 → 1,40
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
if (isset($member_groups) && isset($edited_groups)){
$del_groups = array_diff($member_groups,$edited_groups);
if (isset($del_groups)){
foreach ($del_groups as $del){
$del = da_sql_escape_string($del);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"DELETE FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table] WHERE username = '$login' AND groupname = '$del';");
if (!$res)
echo "<b>Could not delete user $login from group $del: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>User $login deleted from group $del</b><br>\n";
$new_groups = array_diff($edited_groups,$member_groups);
if (isset($new_groups)){
foreach($new_groups as $new){
$new = da_sql_escape_string($new);
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"INSERT INTO $config[sql_usergroup_table] (groupname,username)
VALUES ('$new','$login');");
if (!$res)
echo "<b>Error while adding user $login to group $login: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>User $login added to group $new</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
6,7 → 6,7
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
if ($config[sql_use_operators] == 'true'){
if ($config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
$op = ',op';
$use_op = 1;
14,18 → 14,18
$use_op = 0;
$group_exists = 'no';
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
if ($login == ''){
if (!isset($login) || $login == ''){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT COUNT(*) as counter,groupname FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table]
GROUP BY groupname;");
if ($res){
while(($row = @da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$name = $row[groupname];
$existing_groups["$name"] = $row[counter];
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$name = $row['groupname'];
$existing_groups["$name"] = $row['counter'];
if (isset($existing_groups))
39,14 → 39,15
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT attribute,value $op FROM $config[sql_groupcheck_table] WHERE groupname = '$login';");
if ($res){
if (@da_sql_num_rows($res,$config))
if (da_sql_num_rows($res,$config))
$group_exists = 'yes';
while(($row = @da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$attr = $row[attribute];
$val = $row[value];
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$attr = $row['attribute'];
$val = $row['value'];
if(!isset($tmp["$attr"]['count'])) $tmp["$attr"]['count'] = 0;
/*Ajout en vue de l'impression des données (thank's to Geoffroy MUSITELLI)*/
if($attr == "Max-All-Session") $mas_imp = $val;
if($attr == "Max-Daily-Session") $mds_imp = $val;
54,40 → 55,41
if($attr == "Expiration") $Expiration = $val;
/*Fin Ajout*/
if ($use_op){
$oper = $row[op];
$oper = $row['op'];
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT attribute,value $op FROM $config[sql_groupreply_table] WHERE groupname = '$login';");
if ($res){
if (@da_sql_num_rows($res,$config))
if (da_sql_num_rows($res,$config))
$group_exists = 'yes';
while(($row = @da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$attr = $row[attribute];
$val = $row[value];
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$attr = $row['attribute'];
$val = $row['value'];
if(!isset($tmp["$attr"]['count'])) $tmp["$attr"]['count'] = 0;
/*Ajout en vue de l'impression des données (thank's to Geoffroy MUSITELLI)*/
if($attr == "Session-Timeout") $sto_imp = $val;
/*Fin Ajout*/
if ($use_op){
$oper = $row[op];
$oper = $row['op'];
$tmp["$attr"][] = "$val";
echo "<b>Database query failed partially: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT username FROM $config[sql_usergroup_table] WHERE groupname = '$login' ORDER BY username;");
if ($res){
if (@da_sql_num_rows($res,$config))
if (da_sql_num_rows($res,$config))
$group_exists = 'yes';
while(($row = @da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$member = $row[username];
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$member = $row['username'];
$group_members[] = "$member";
105,9 → 107,9
$rev_attrmap["$val"] = $key;
$item_vals["$key"] = $tmp[$val];
$item_vals["$key"][count] = $tmp[$val][count];
$item_vals["$key"]['count'] = $tmp[$val]['count'];
if ($use_op)
$item_vals["$key"][operator] = $tmp[$val][operator];
$item_vals["$key"]['operator'] = $tmp[$val]['operator'];
0,0 → 1,62
if (isset($_SESSION['da_name_cache']))
$da_name_cache = $_SESSION['da_name_cache'];
if ($config[sql_nas_table] != ''){
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$auth_user = $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"];
$extra = '';
if (isset($mappings[$auth_user][nasdb])){
$NAS_ARR = array();
$NAS_ARR = preg_split('/,/',$mappings[$auth_user][nasdb]);
$extra = 'WHERE nasname IN (';
foreach ($NAS_ARR as $nas)
$extra .= "'$nasname',";
$extra = rtrim($extra,",");
$extra .= ')';
$search = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT * FROM $config[sql_nas_table] $extra;");
if ($search){
while($row = da_sql_fetch_array($search,$config)){
$num = 0;
$my_nas_name = $row['nasname'];
if ($my_nas_name != ''){
$nas_list[$my_nas_name]['name'] = $my_nas_name;
$nas_server = $da_name_cache[$my_nas_name];
if (!isset($nas_server)){
if (!check_ip($my_nas_name))
$nas_server = @gethostbyname($my_nas_name);
$nas_server = $my_nas_name;
if (!isset($da_name_cache) && $config[general_use_session] == 'yes'){
$da_name_cache[$my_nas_name] = $nas_server;
if ($nas_server != $my_nas_name || check_ip($nas_server))
$nas_list[$my_nas_name]['ip'] = $nas_server;
$nas_list[$my_nas_name]['port_num'] = $row['ports'];
$nas_list[$my_nas_name]['community'] = $row['community'];
$nas_list[$my_nas_name]['model'] = $row['description'];
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
7,17 → 7,17
if ($action == 'checkpass'){
$link = @da_sql_pconnect($config);
if (isset($action) && $action == 'checkpass'){
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$res = @da_sql_query($link,$config,
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT attribute,value FROM $config[sql_check_table] WHERE username = '$login'
AND attribute = '$config[sql_password_attribute]';");
if ($res){
$row = @da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config);
$row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config);
if (is_file("../lib/crypt/$config[general_encryption_method].php")){
$enc_passwd = $row[value];
$enc_passwd = $row['value'];
$passwd = da_encrypt($passwd,$enc_passwd);
if ($passwd == $enc_passwd)
$msg = '<font color=blue><b>YES It is that</b></font>';
0,0 → 1,122
if (is_file("../lib/sql/drivers/$config[sql_type]/functions.php"))
echo "<b>Could not include SQL library</b><br>\n";
if ($config['sql_use_operators'] == 'true'){
$op = ',op';
$use_op = 1;
$op = "";
$use_op = 0;
$user_exists = 'no';
$cn = '-';
$cn_lang = '-';
$address = '-';
$address_lang = '-';
$homeaddress = '-';
$homeaddress_lang = '-';
$fax = '-';
$url = '-';
$ou = '-';
$ou_lang = '-';
$title = '-';
$title_lang = '-';
$telephonenumber = '-';
$homephone = '-';
$mobile = '-';
$mail = '-';
$mailalt = '-';
$user_password_exists = 'no';
$link = da_sql_pconnect($config);
if ($link){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT attribute,value $op FROM $config[sql_check_table] WHERE username = '$login';");
if ($res){
if (da_sql_num_rows($res,$config))
$user_exists = 'yes';
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$attr = $row['attribute'];
$val = $row['value'];
if(!isset($tmp["$attr"]['count'])) $tmp["$attr"]['count'] = 0;
if ($attr == $config['sql_password_attribute'] && $val != '')
$user_password_exists = 'yes';
if ($use_op){
$oper = $row['op'];
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT attribute,value $op FROM $config[sql_reply_table] WHERE username = '$login';");
if ($res){
if (da_sql_num_rows($res,$config))
$user_exists = 'yes';
while(($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$attr = $row['attribute'];
$val = $row['value'];
if(!isset($tmp["$attr"]['count'])) $tmp["$attr"]['count'] = 0;
if ($use_op){
$oper = $row['op'];
$tmp["$attr"][] = "$val";
if ($config['sql_use_user_info_table'] == 'true'){
$res = da_sql_query($link,$config,
"SELECT * FROM $config[sql_user_info_table] WHERE username = '$login';");
if ($res){
if (da_sql_num_rows($res,$config)){
$user_exists = 'yes';
$user_info = 1;
if (($row = da_sql_fetch_array($res,$config))){
$cn = ($row['name'] != '') ? $row['name'] : '-';
$telephonenumber = ($row['workphone'] != '') ? $row['workphone'] : '-';
$homephone = ($row['homephone'] != '') ? $row['homephone'] : '-';
$ou = ($row['department'] != '') ? $row['department'] : '-';
$mail = ($row['mail'] != '') ? $row['mail'] : '-';
$mobile = ($row['mobile'] != '') ? $row['mobile'] : '-';
echo "<b>Database query failed partially: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Database query failed partially: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
if (isset($tmp)){
foreach(array_keys($tmp) as $val){
if ($val == '')
if(isset($rev_attrmap["$val"])) $key = $rev_attrmap["$val"];
if ($key == ''){
$key = $val;
$attrmap["$key"] = $val;
$attr_type["$key"] = 'replyItem';
$rev_attrmap["$val"] = $key;
$item_vals["$key"] = $tmp[$val];
if(isset($tmp["$attr"]['count']) && isset($item_vals["$key"]['count'])) $item_vals["$key"]['count'] = $tmp[$val]['count'];
if ($use_op)
$item_vals["$key"]['operator'] = $tmp[$val]['operator'];
echo "<b>Database query failed: " . da_sql_error($link,$config) . "</b><br>\n";
echo "<b>Could not connect to SQL database</b><br>\n";
0,0 → 1,16
function xlat($filter,$login,$config)
$string = $filter;
if ($filter != ''){
$string = preg_replace('/%u/',$login,$string);
$string = preg_replace('/%U/',$_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"],$string);
$string = preg_replace('/%ma/',$mappings[$http_user]['accounting'],$string);
$string = preg_replace('/%mu/',$mappings[$http_user]['userdb'],$string);
$string = preg_replace('/%mn/',$mappings[$http_user]['nasdb'],$string);
$string = preg_replace('/%mN/',$mappings[$http_user]['nasadmin'],$string);
return $string;
31,18 → 31,17
$DB_RADIUS = "radius";
$radiuspwd = "J7YI65SW";
// Connexion au serveur
mysql_connect($host, $DB_USER,$radiuspwd) or die("erreur de connexion au serveur");
mysql_select_db($DB_RADIUS) or die("erreur de connexion a la base de donnees");
// Creation et envoi de la requete
$mysqli = new mysqli($host, $DB_USER, $radiuspwd, $DB_RADIUS);
if ($texte == 'user') {$query = "SELECT UserName FROM userinfo";}
else { $query = "SELECT GroupName FROM radusergroup GROUP BY GroupName";}
$result = mysql_query($query);
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
// Recuperation des resultats
$strResult = mysql_num_rows($result);
$strResult = $result->num_rows;
// Deconnexion de la base de donnees
return $strResult;
function xml_portail () {
global $sysinfo;