Subversion Repositories ALCASAR

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Ignore whitespace Rev 307 → Rev 306

207,9 → 207,9
/sbin/chkconfig --del $svc
for rm_users in avahi-autoipd avahi icapd
for rm_users in avahi avahi-autoipd icapd
user=`cat /etc/passwd|grep $rm_users|cut -d":" -f1`
user=`cat /etc/passwd|grep $rm_users`
if [ "$user" == "$rm_users" ]
/usr/sbin/userdel -f $rm_users
873,7 → 873,7
mkdir /var/dansguardian
chown dansguardian /var/dansguardian
[ -e /etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf.default ] || cp /etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf /etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf.default
# Le filtrage est désactivé par défaut
# par défaut, le filtrage WEB est désactivé
$SED "s/^reportinglevel =.*/reportinglevel = -1/g" /etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf
# la page d'interception est en français
$SED "s?^language =.*?language = french?g" /etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf
941,20 → 941,18
# création de l'usager 'havp'
havp_exist=`grep havp /etc/passwd|wc -l`
if [ "$havp_exist" == "1" ]
if [ "$havp_exist" == "0" ]
userdel -r havp
useradd havp
groupadd -f havp
useradd -g havp havp
# création de la partition de stockage temporaire (100Mo)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/havp-disk bs=1024k count=30
mkfs.ext4 -qF /tmp/havp-disk
mkdir -p /var/tmp/havp /var/log/havp
echo "# Entry for havp tmp files scan partition" >> /etc/fstab
echo "/tmp/havp-disk /var/tmp/havp ext4 loop,mand,noatime,async" >> /etc/fstab
$SED "/$HAVP_BIN -c $HAVP_CONFIG/i chown -R havp:havp \/var\/tmp\/havp" /etc/init.d/havp
mkdir -p /var/tmp/havp /var/log/havp
chown -R havp /var/log/havp /var/run/havp
mount /var/tmp/havp
chown -R havp /var/tmp/havp /var/log/havp /var/run/havp
# configuration d'HAVP
[ -e /etc/havp/havp.config.default ] || cp /etc/havp/havp.config /etc/havp/havp.config.default
$SED "/^REMOVETHISLINE/d" /etc/havp/havp.config
1334,7 → 1332,7
echo "*** 'debug' : end of function $func ***"; read a
#echo "*** 'debug' : end of function $func ***"; read a
-u | --uninstall)
14,8 → 14,8
$Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]),0,2)); }
if($Language == 'fr'){
$l_title1 = "Filtrage de noms de domaine et d'URL";
$l_dnsfilter_on="Le filtrage de noms de domaine et d'URL est actuellement activé";
$l_dnsfilter_off="Le filtrage de noms de domaine et d'URL est actuellement désactivé";
$l_dnsfilter_on="Le filtrage de noms de domaine est actuellement activé";
$l_dnsfilter_off="Le filtrage de noms de domaine est actuellement désactivé";
$l_switch_filtering_on="Activer le filtrage";
$l_switch_filtering_off="Désactiver le filtrage";
$l_main_bl="Liste noire principale (version actuelle : ";
25,10 → 25,10
else {
$l_title1 = "Domain names and URL filtering";
$l_dnsfilter_on="Actually, the Domain name and URL filter is on";
$l_dnsfilter_off="Actually, the Domain name and URL filter is off";
$l_switch_filtering_on="Switch the Filter on";
$l_switch_filtering_off="Switch the Filter off";
$l_dnsfilter_on="Actually, the WEB filter is on";
$l_dnsfilter_off="Actually, the WEB filter is off";
$l_switch_filtering_on="Switch the WebFilter on";
$l_switch_filtering_off="Switch the WebFilter off";
$l_main_bl="Main blacklist (current version : ";
$l_download="Download the last version";
$l_warning="<B>Be carefull</B> : this download is estimate to fiew minutes.";