Subversion Repositories ALCASAR

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 795 → Rev 796

810,8 → 810,6
# modification du fichier d'initialisation
[ -e /etc/init.d/chilli.default ] || cp /etc/init.d/chilli /etc/init.d/chilli.default
# configuration d'eth1 (utile pour dnsmasq))
$SED "s?ifconfig.*?ifconfig \$HS_LANIF $PRIVATE_IP?g" /etc/init.d/chilli
# ajout de la fonction 'status' (utile pour la gestion du process)
$SED "/^.*functions/i. /etc/init.d/functions" /etc/init.d/chilli
$SED "/^[\t ]*stop)/i\ status)\n status chilli\n RETVAL=$?\n ;;\n" /etc/init.d/chilli
866,6 → 864,14
$SED "s?^\$uamsecret =.*?\$uamsecret = \"$secretuam\";?g" $DIR_WEB/intercept.php
$SED "s?^\$userpassword=1.*?\$userpassword=1;?g" $DIR_WEB/intercept.php
$SED "s?^\$organisme = .*?\$organisme = \"$ORGANISME\";?g" $DIR_WEB/intercept.php $DIR_WEB/status.php
# user 'chilli' creation (in order to run conup/off and up/down scripts
chilli_exist=`grep chilli /etc/passwd|wc -l`
if [ "$chilli_exist" == "1" ]
userdel -r chilli 2>/dev/null
groupadd -f chilli
useradd -r -g chilli -s /bin/false -c "system user for coova-chilli" chilli
} # End of param_chilli ()
970,7 → 976,7
userdel -r havp 2>/dev/null
groupadd -f havp
useradd -M -g havp havp
useradd -r -g havp -s /bin/false -c "system user for havp" havp
mkdir -p /var/tmp/havp /var/log/havp
chown -R havp /var/tmp/havp /var/log/havp /var/run/havp
$SED "/$HAVP_BIN -c $HAVP_CONFIG/i chown -R havp:havp \/var\/tmp\/havp" /etc/init.d/havp
1336,7 → 1342,7
# export des logs en 'retard' dans /var/Save/logs
# processus lancés par défaut au démarrage
for i in ntpd iptables ulogd dnsmasq squid chilli httpd radiusd mysqld dansguardian havp freshclam
for i in ntpd iptables ulogd dnsmasq squid chilli httpd radiusd netfs mysqld dansguardian havp freshclam
/sbin/chkconfig --add $i
0,0 → 1,125
%define _disable_ld_no_undefined 1
Summary: Coova-Chilli is a LAN Access Point Controller
Name: coova-chilli
Version: 1.2.9
Release: %mkrel 0
License: GPLv2
Group: System/Servers
Packager: Rexy for ALCASAR project
Requires(pre): rpm-helper
Requires(postun): rpm-helper
BuildRequires: autoconf
BuildRequires: libtool
BuildRequires: curl-devel
BuildRequires: pcap-devel
BuildRequires: python
BuildRequires: python-devel
%if %{!?_without_ssl:1}0
BuildRequires: openssl-devel
Provides: coova-chilli = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: chillispot
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
Coova-Chilli is a fork of the ChilliSpot project - an open source captive
portal or wireless LAN access point controller. It supports web based login
(Universal Access Method, or UAM), standard for public HotSpots, and it
supports Wireless Protected Access (WPA), the standard for secure roamable
networks. Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) is handled by
your favorite radius server.
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
%configure \
--disable-static \
--enable-shared \
--enable-largelimits \
--enable-miniportal \
--enable-chilliredir \
--enable-chilliproxy \
--enable-chilliscript \
--with-poll \
%if %{!?_without_ssl:1}0
--with-openssl \
--enable-chilliradsec \
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/*
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/*.la
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib/*.a
make clean
%_post_service chilli
%_preun_service chilli
%doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL README doc/dictionary.chillispot doc/hotspotlogin.cgi
%config %{_sysconfdir}/chilli.conf
%config %{_sysconfdir}/chilli/gui-config-default.ini
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/chilli/defaults
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/chilli
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/chilli/www
* Wed Jan 18 2012 Rexy for ALCASAR project
- 1.2.9 release
* Sun Jul 11 2011 Rexy for ALCASAR project
- 1.2.8 release
* Sat Feb 12 2011 Rexy for Alcasar project
+ revision: 433
+ add _disable_ld_no_undefined 1
- 1.2.6 release
* Sat Nov 20 2010 Rexy for Alcasar project
+ revision: 394
- 1.2.5 release
* Sat Jan 2 2010 <>
- 1.2.0 release
* Thu Sep 30 2007 <>
- 1.0.8 release
* Thu Aug 20 2007 <>
- 1.0-coova.7 release
* Thu Jun 7 2007 <>
- 1.0-coova.6 release
* Wed May 16 2007 <>
- 1.0-coova.5 release
* Wed Feb 07 2007 <>
- 1.0-coova.4 release
* Wed Nov 15 2006 <>
- 1.0-coova.3 release
* Thu Mar 25 2004 <>
- Initial release.
112,12 → 112,12
sleep 1
echo -en "\n- antivirus(3) : "
echo -en "\n- antivirus(2) : "
if [ -e /etc/init.d/havp ]
[ `grep havp /etc/fstab|wc -l` -ne "0" ] && $SED "/havp/d" /etc/fstab && echo -n "1, "
[ -e /etc/havp/havp.config.default ] && mv /etc/havp/havp.config.default /etc/havp/havp.config && echo -n "2, "
userdel -r havp 2>/dev/null && echo -n "3"
[ -e /etc/havp/havp.config.default ] && mv /etc/havp/havp.config.default /etc/havp/havp.config && echo -n "1, "
userdel -r havp 2>/dev/null && echo -n "2"
[ `grep havp /etc/fstab|wc -l` -ne "0" ] && $SED "/havp/d" /etc/fstab # anciennes versions (mémoire tampon sur disque)
else echo -n "uninstalled"
sleep 1
138,13 → 138,13
sleep 1
echo -en "\n- dnsmasq(3) : "
echo -en "\n- dnsmasq(4) : "
if [ -e /etc/init.d/dnsmasq ]
[ -e /etc/dnsmasq.conf.default ] && mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf.default /etc/dnsmasq.conf && echo -n "1, "
[ -e /etc/dnsmasq-blackhole.conf ] && rm -f /etc/dnsmasq-blackhole.conf && echo -n "2, "
[ -d /etc/dnsmasq.d ] && rm -rf /etc/dnsmasq.d
[ -e /etc/init.d/dnsmasq.default ] && mv /etc/init.d/dnsmasq.default /etc/init.d/dnsmasq && echo -n "3"
[ -e /etc/init.d/dnsmasq.default ] && mv /etc/init.d/dnsmasq.default /etc/init.d/dnsmasq && echo -n "3, "
[ -e /etc/sysconfig/dnsmasq.default ] && mv /etc/sysconfig/dnsmasq.default /etc/sysconfig/dnsmasq && echo -n "4"
else echo -n "uninstalled"
169,16 → 169,18
sleep 1
echo -en "\n- cron(9) : "
echo -en "\n- croni(10) : "
[ -e /etc/crontab.default ] && mv /etc/crontab.default /etc/crontab && echo -n "1, "
[ -e /etc/anacrontab.default ] && mv /etc/anacrontab.default /etc/anacrontab && echo -n "2, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/mysql ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/mysql && echo -n "3, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/export_log ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/export_log && echo -n "4, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/clean_log ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/clean_log && echo -n "5, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/awstats ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/awstats && echo -n "6, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/freeradius-web ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/freeradius-web && echo -n "7, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/coova ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/coova && echo -n "8, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/watchdog ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/watchdog && echo -n "9"
[ -e /etc/cron.d/alcasar-mysql ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/alcasar-mysql && echo -n "3, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/alcasar-export_log ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/alcasar-export_log && echo -n "4, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/alcasar-clean_log ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/alcasar-clean_log && echo -n "5, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/alcasar-clean_import ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/alcasar-clean_import && echo -n "6, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/alcasar-distrib-updates ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/alcasar-distrib-updates && echo -n "7, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/awstats ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/awstats && echo -n "8, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/freeradius-web ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/freeradius-web && echo -n "9, "
[ -e /etc/cron.d/alcasar-watchdog ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/alcasar-watchdog && echo -n "10"
rm -f /etc/cron.d/coova /etc/cron.d/alcasar-bl_download
sleep 1
# network
192,7 → 194,7
[ -e /etc/ntp.conf.default ] && mv /etc/ntp.conf.default /etc/ntp.conf && echo -n "5, "
[ -e /etc/hosts.allow.default ] && mv /etc/hosts.allow.default /etc/hosts.allow && echo -n "6, "
[ -e /etc/hosts.deny.default ] && mv /etc/hosts.deny.default /etc/hosts.deny && echo -n "7, "
[ -e /etc/sysconfig/iptables ] && rm -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables && echo -n "8"
[ -e /etc/sysconfig/iptables ] && rm -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables && echo -n "8, "
[ -e /etc/modprobe.preload.default ] && mv /etc/modprobe.preload.default /etc/modprobe.preload && echo -n "9"
200,7 → 202,7
sleep 1
echo -en "\n- post_install(10) : "
echo -en "\n- post_install(11) : "
[ -e /etc/mandriva-release.default ] && mv /etc/mandriva-release.default /etc/mandriva-release && echo -n "1, "
[ -e /etc/ssh/alcasar-banner-ssh ] && rm -f /etc/ssh/alcasar-banner-ssh && echo -n "2, "
[ -e /etc/ssh/sshd_config.default ] && mv /etc/ssh/sshd_config.default /etc/ssh/sshd_config && echo -n "3, "
210,7 → 212,7
[ -e /etc/logrotate.d/httpd ] && rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/httpd && echo -n "7, "
[ -e /etc/logrotate.d/squid ] && rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/squid && echo -n "8, "
[ -e /etc/logrotate.d/radiusd ] && rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/radiusd && echo -n "9, "
[ -e /etc/logrotate.d/ulogd ] && rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/ulogd && echo -n "10"
[ -e /etc/logrotate.d/ulogd ] && rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/ulogd && echo -n "10, "
[ -e /etc/logrotate.d/dnsmasq ] && rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/dnsmasq && echo -n "11"
sleep 1
221,4 → 223,4
rm -rf $rm_fic/alcasar*
read a
29,6 → 29,7
if (pgrep $i) > /dev/null ; then /etc/init.d/$i stop ; fi
echo "Configure eth1 ..."
cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/default-ifcfg-eth1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
ifup eth1
sh /usr/local/bin/
echo "Configure dnsmasq ..."
44,7 → 45,8
echo "Configure dnsmasq ..."
$SED "s?^#conf-dir=.*?conf-dir=/usr/local/etc/alcasar-dnsfilter-enabled?g" /etc/dnsmasq-blackhole.conf
$SED "s?^#no-dhcp-interface=.*?no-dhcp-interface=eth1?g" /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq-blackhole.conf
for i in chilli squid dansguardian havp mysqld radiusd httpd freshclam dnsmasq
rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
for i in chilli squid dansguardian havp mysqld radiusd httpd freshclam dnsmasq
if ! (pgrep $i) > /dev/null ; then /etc/init.d/$i start ; fi