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 *   Copyright (C) 2006 by phpSysInfo - A PHP System Information Script    *
 *                                    *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

// $Id: common_functions.php,v 1.55 2007/02/20 19:20:20 bigmichi1 Exp $

// usefull during development
if( isset($showerrors) && $showerrors ) {
        error_reporting( E_ALL | E_NOTICE );
} else {
        error_reporting( E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE );

// HTML/XML Comment
function created_by () {
        global $VERSION;
        return "<!--\n\tCreated By: phpSysInfo - " . $VERSION . "\n\t\n-->\n";

// print out the bar graph
// $value as full percentages
// $maximim as current maximum 
// $b as scale factor
// $type as filesystem type
function create_bargraph ($value, $maximum, $b, $type = "") {
        global $webpath;
        $textdir = direction();
        $imgpath = $webpath . 'templates/' . TEMPLATE_SET . '/images/';
        $maximum == 0 ? $barwidth = 0 : $barwidth = round((100  / $maximum) * $value) * $b;
        $red = 90 * $b;
        $yellow = 75 * $b;
        if (!file_exists(APP_ROOT . "/templates/" . TEMPLATE_SET . "/images/nobar_left.gif")) {
                if ($barwidth == 0) {
                        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_middle.gif" width="1">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
                } elseif ( file_exists( APP_ROOT . "/templates/" . TEMPLATE_SET . "/images/yellowbar_left.gif") && ( $barwidth > $yellow ) && ( $barwidth < $red ) ) {
                        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
                } elseif ( ( $barwidth < $red ) || ( $type == "iso9660" ) || ( $type == "CDFS" ) ) {
                        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
                } else {
                        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
        } else {
                if ($barwidth == 0) {
                        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . ( 100 * $b ) . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
                } elseif ( file_exists( APP_ROOT . "/templates/" . TEMPLATE_SET . "/images/yellowbar_left.gif" ) && ( $barwidth > $yellow ) && ( $barwidth < $red ) ) {
                        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'yellowbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . ( ( 100 * $b ) - $barwidth ) . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
                } elseif ( ( $barwidth < $red ) || ( $type == "iso9660" ) || ( $type == "CDFS" ) ) {
                        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'bar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . ( ( 100 * $b ) - $barwidth ) . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
                } elseif ( $barwidth == ( 100 * $b ) ) {
                        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_middle.gif" width="' . ( 100 * $b ) . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';
                } else {
                        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_' . $textdir['left'] . '.gif">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'redbar_middle.gif" width="' . $barwidth . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_middle.gif" width="' . ( ( 100 * $b ) - $barwidth ) . '">'
                                  .'<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" alt="" src="' . $imgpath . 'nobar_' . $textdir['right'] . '.gif">';

function create_bargraph_grad( $value, $maximum, $b, $type = "" ) {
        global $webpath;
        $maximum == 0 ? $barwidth = 0 : $barwidth = round( ( 100  / $maximum ) * $value );
        $startColor = '0ef424'; // green
        $endColor = 'ee200a'; // red
        if ( $barwidth > 100 ) {
                $barwidth = 0;
        return '<img height="' . BAR_HEIGHT . '" width="300" src="' . $webpath . 'includes/indicator.php?height=' . BAR_HEIGHT . '&amp;percent=' . $barwidth . '&amp;color1=' . $startColor . '&amp;color2=' . $endColor . '" alt="">';

function direction() {
        global $text_dir;
        if( ! isset( $text_dir ) || ( $text_dir == "ltr" ) ) {
                $arrResult['direction'] = "ltr";
                $arrResult['left'] = "left";
                $arrResult['right'] = "right";
        } else {
                $arrResult['direction'] = "rtl";
                $arrResult['left'] = "right";
                $arrResult['right'] = "left";
        return $arrResult;

// Find a system program.  Do path checking
function find_program ($strProgram) {
        global $addpaths;
        $arrPath = array( '/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin' );
        if( isset( $addpaths ) && is_array( $addpaths ) ) {
                $arrPath = array_merge( $arrPath, $addpaths );
        if ( function_exists( "is_executable" ) ) {
                foreach ( $arrPath as $strPath ) {
                        $strProgrammpath = $strPath . "/" . $strProgram;
                        if( is_executable( $strProgrammpath ) ) {
                                return $strProgrammpath;
        } else {
                return strpos( $strProgram, '.exe' );

// Execute a system program. return a trim()'d result.
// does very crude pipe checking.  you need ' | ' for it to work
// ie $program = execute_program('netstat', '-anp | grep LIST');
// NOT $program = execute_program('netstat', '-anp|grep LIST');
function execute_program ($strProgramname, $strArgs = '', $booErrorRep = true ) {
        global $error;
        $strBuffer = '';
        $strError = '';
        $strProgram = find_program($strProgramname);
        if ( ! $strProgram ) {
                if( $booErrorRep ) {
                        $error->addError( 'find_program(' . $strProgramname . ')', 'program not found on the machine', __LINE__, __FILE__);
                return "ERROR";
        // see if we've gotten a |, if we have we need to do patch checking on the cmd
        if( $strArgs ) {
                $arrArgs = explode( ' ', $strArgs );
                for( $i = 0; $i < count( $arrArgs ); $i++ ) {
                        if ( $arrArgs[$i] == '|' ) {
                                $strCmd = $arrArgs[$i + 1];
                                $strNewcmd = find_program( $strCmd );
                                $strArgs = ereg_replace( "\| " . $strCmd, "| " . $strNewcmd, $strArgs );
        // no proc_open() below php 4.3
        if( function_exists( 'proc_open' ) ) {
                $descriptorspec = array(
                        0 => array("pipe", "r"),  // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from
                        1 => array("pipe", "w"),  // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
                        2 => array("pipe", "w")   // stderr is a pipe that the child will write to
                $process = proc_open( $strProgram . " " . $strArgs, $descriptorspec, $pipes );
                if( is_resource( $process ) ) {
                        while( !feof( $pipes[1] ) ) {
                                $strBuffer .= fgets( $pipes[1], 1024 );
                        fclose( $pipes[1] );
                        while( !feof( $pipes[2] ) ) {
                                $strError .= fgets( $pipes[2], 1024 );
                        fclose( $pipes[2] );
                $return_value = proc_close( $process );
        } else {
                if( $fp = popen( "(" . $strProgram . " " . $strArgs . " > /dev/null) 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3", 'r' ) ) {
                        while( ! feof( $fp ) ) {
                                $strError .= fgets( $fp, 4096 );
                        pclose( $fp );
                $strError = trim( $strError );
                if( $fp = popen( $strProgram . " " . $strArgs, 'r' ) ) {
                        while( ! feof( $fp ) ) {
                                $strBuffer .= fgets( $fp, 4096 );
                        $return_value = pclose( $fp );

        $strError = trim( $strError );
        $strBuffer = trim( $strBuffer );
        if( ! empty( $strError ) || $return_value <> 0 ) {
                if( $booErrorRep ) {
                        $error->addError( $strProgram, $strError . "\nReturn value: " . $return_value, __LINE__, __FILE__);
        return $strBuffer;

// A helper function, when passed a number representing KB,
// and optionally the number of decimal places required,
// it returns a formated number string, with unit identifier.
function format_bytesize ($intKbytes, $intDecplaces = 2) {
        global $text;
        $strSpacer = '&nbsp;';
        if( $intKbytes > 1048576 ) {
                $strResult = sprintf( '%.' . $intDecplaces . 'f', $intKbytes / 1048576 );
                $strResult .= $strSpacer . $text['gb'];
        } elseif( $intKbytes > 1024 ) {
                $strResult = sprintf( '%.' . $intDecplaces . 'f', $intKbytes / 1024);
                $strResult .= $strSpacer . $text['mb'];
        } else {
                $strResult = sprintf( '%.' . $intDecplaces . 'f', $intKbytes );
                $strResult .= $strSpacer . $text['kb'];
        return $strResult;

function format_speed( $intHz ) {
        $strResult = "";
        if( $intHz < 1000 ) {
                $strResult = $intHz . " Mhz";
        } else {
                $strResult = round( $intHz / 1000, 2 ) . " GHz";
        return $strResult;

function get_gif_image_height( $image ) { 
        // gives the height of the given GIF image, by reading it's LSD (Logical Screen Discriptor)
        // by Edwin Meester aka MillenniumV3
        // Header:
        //3bytes                Discription
        // 3bytes               Version
        // LSD:
        //2bytes                Logical Screen Width
        // 2bytes               Logical Screen Height
        // 1bit         Global Color Table Flag
        // 3bits                Color Resolution
        // 1bit         Sort Flag
        // 3bits                Size of Global Color Table
        // 1byte                Background Color Index
        // 1byte                Pixel Aspect Ratio
        // Open Image
        $fp = fopen( $image, 'rb' ); 
        // read Header + LSD
        $strHeaderandlsd = fread( $fp, 13 );
        fclose( $fp ); 
        // calc Height from Logical Screen Height bytes
        $intResult = ord( $strHeaderandlsd{8} ) + ord( $strHeaderandlsd{9} ) * 255;
        return $intResult;

// Check if a string exist in the global $hide_mounts.
// Return true if this is the case.
function hide_mount( $strMount ) {
        global $hide_mounts;
        if( isset( $hide_mounts ) && is_array( $hide_mounts ) && in_array( $strMount, $hide_mounts ) ) {
                return true;
        } else {
                return false;

// Check if a string exist in the global $hide_fstypes.
// Return true if this is the case.
function hide_fstype( $strFSType ) {
        global $hide_fstypes;
        if( isset( $hide_fstypes ) && is_array( $hide_fstypes ) && in_array( $strFSType, $hide_fstypes ) ) {
                return true;
        } else {
                return false;

function uptime( $intTimestamp ) {
        global $text;
        $strUptime = '';
        $intMin = $intTimestamp / 60;
        $intHours = $intMin / 60;
        $intDays = floor( $intHours / 24 );
        $intHours = floor( $intHours - ( $intDays * 24 ) );
        $intMin = floor( $intMin - ( $intDays * 60 * 24 ) - ( $intHours * 60 ) );
        if( $intDays != 0 ) {
                $strUptime .= $intDays. "&nbsp;" . $text['days'] . "&nbsp;";
        if( $intHours != 0 ) {
                $strUptime .= $intHours . "&nbsp;" . $text['hours'] . "&nbsp;";
        $strUptime .= $intMin . "&nbsp;" . $text['minutes'];
        return $strUptime;

//Replace some chars which are not valid in xml with iso-8859-1 encoding
function replace_specialchars( &$strXml ) {
        $arrSearch = array( chr(174), chr(169), chr(228), chr(246), chr(252), chr(214), chr(220), chr(196) );
        $arrReplace = array( "(R)", "(C)", "ae", "oe", "ue", "Oe", "Ue", "Ae" );
        $strXml = str_replace( $arrSearch, $arrReplace, $strXml );

// find duplicate entrys and count them, show this value befor the duplicated name
function finddups( $arrInput ) {
        $arrResult = array();
        if( is_array( $arrInput ) ) {
                $arrBuffer = array_count_values( $arrInput );
                foreach( $arrBuffer as $strKey => $intValue) {
                        if( $intValue > 1 ) {
                                $arrResult[] = "(" . $intValue . "x) " . $strKey;
                        } else {
                                $arrResult[] = $strKey;
        return $arrResult;

function rfts( $strFileName, $intLines = 0, $intBytes = 4096, $booErrorRep = true ) {
        global $error;
        $strFile = "";
        $intCurLine = 1;
        if( file_exists( $strFileName ) ) {
                if( $fd = fopen( $strFileName, 'r' ) ) {
                        while( !feof( $fd ) ) {
                                $strFile .= fgets( $fd, $intBytes );
                                if( $intLines <= $intCurLine && $intLines != 0 ) {
                                } else {
                        fclose( $fd );
                } else {
                        if( $booErrorRep ) {
                                $error->addError( 'fopen(' . $strFileName . ')', 'file can not read by phpsysinfo', __LINE__, __FILE__ );
                        return "ERROR";
        } else {
                if( $booErrorRep ) {
                        $error->addError( 'file_exists(' . $strFileName . ')', 'the file does not exist on your machine', __LINE__, __FILE__ );
                return "ERROR";
        return $strFile;

function gdc( $strPath, $booErrorRep = true ) {
        global $error;
        $arrDirectoryContent = array();
        if( is_dir( $strPath ) ) {
                if( $handle = opendir( $strPath ) ) {
                        while( ( $strFile = readdir( $handle ) ) !== false ) {
                                if( $strFile != "." && $strFile != ".." && $strFile != "CVS" ) {
                                        $arrDirectoryContent[] = $strFile;
                        closedir( $handle );
                } else {
                        if( $booErrorRep ) {
                                $error->addError( 'opendir(' . $strPath . ')', 'directory can not be read by phpsysinfo', __LINE__, __FILE__ );
        } else {
                if( $booErrorRep ) {
                        $error->addError( 'is_dir(' . $strPath . ')', 'directory does not exist on your machine', __LINE__, __FILE__ );
        return $arrDirectoryContent;

function temperature( $floatTempC ) {
    global $temperatureformat, $text, $error;
    $strResult = "&nbsp;";
    switch( strtoupper( $temperatureformat ) ) {
        case "F":
            $floatFahrenheit = $floatTempC * 1.8 + 32;
            $strResult .= round( $floatFahrenheit ) . $text['degreeF'];
        case "C":
            $strResult .= round( $floatTempC ) . $text['degreeC'];
        case "F-C":
            $floatFahrenheit = $floatTempC * 1.8 + 32;
            $strResult .= round( $floatFahrenheit ) . $text['degreeF'];
            $strResult .= "&nbsp;(";
            $strResult .= round( $floatTempC ) . $text['degreeC'];
            $strResult .= ")";
        case "C-F":
            $floatFahrenheit = $floatTempC * 1.8 + 32;
            $strResult .= round( $floatTempC ) . $text['degreeC'];
            $strResult .= "&nbsp;(";
            $strResult .= round( $floatFahrenheit ) . $text['degreeF'];
            $strResult .= ")";
            $error->addError( 'temperature(' . $floatTempC . ')', 'wrong or unspecified temperature format', __LINE__, __FILE__ );
    return $strResult;