Subversion Repositories ALCASAR


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# Authors: Mageia Team
# Update for ALCASAR : Hamza ESSAYEGH (Querdos) - Rexy - Laurent Roux
# Usage: $0 ARGS
#     --iso-file, -i      Mageia-xxx-xxxxxx-xxx.iso (mandatory)
#     --lang, -l          Language for installation (optional)
#                         Supported languages: fr;en

function print_percentage() {
    local percent=$1
    if [ ${percent} -lt 5 ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [                      ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [ ${percent} -lt 10 ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ #                    ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 15  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ##                   ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 20  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ###                  ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 25  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ####                 ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 30  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ #####                ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 35  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ######               ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 40  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ #######              ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 45  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ########             ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 50  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ #########            ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 55  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ##########           ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 60  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ###########          ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 65  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ############         ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 70  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ #############        ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 75  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ##############       ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 80  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ###############      ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 85  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ################     ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 90  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ #################    ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 95  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ##################   ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} -lt 100  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ ###################  ] ${percent}%\r"
    elif [  ${percent} == 100  ]; then
        echo -ne "Downloading... [ #################### ] ${percent}%\r"

# Check if a given option is valid an set a global var with the option value
function optionIsValid() {
    # Retrieving option and its value
    local option=$1
    local value=$2

    # Available options (short and long)
    local isoFileOption="--iso-file -i"
    local langOption="--lang -l"

    # Iso file option ?
    for opt in ${isoFileOption}; do
        if [[ ${opt} = ${option} ]]; then
            return 0

    # Language option ?
    for opt in ${langOption}; do
        if [[ ${opt} = ${option} ]]; then
            return 0

    # Unknown option
    echo "Unknown option '${option}'. Aborting." && exit 1

# Check if needed packages are installed
function requiredPackagesInstalled() {
    # Checking mkisofs
    command -v genisoimage > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
        { echo "The package genisoimage is not installed." && \
            genisoimageNotInstalled=1; }

    # Checking genhdlist2
    command -v genhdlist2 > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
        { echo "The package genhdlist2 is not installed." && \
            genhdlist2NotInstalled=1; }

    # Checking gendistrib
    command -v gendistrib > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
        { echo "The package gendistrib is not installed (rpmtools)." && \
            gendistribNotInstalled=1; }

    # If one of the following, aborting
    [[ ${genisoimageNotInstalled} -eq 1 ]] || \
        [[ ${genhdlist2NotInstalled} -eq 1 ]] || \
        [[ ${gendistribNotInstalled} -eq 1 ]] && exit 1

# Check if a given language is supported by this script or not
function languageIsSupported() {
    local lang=$1
    local supportedLang="fr en"

    # Comparing with available langs
    for supLang in ${supportedLang}; do
        if [[ ${supLang} = ${lang} ]]; then
            return 0

    # Language is not supported
    echo "Language '${lang}' is not supported. Aborting." && exit 1

# "Purify" the rpm name -> for the plop.idx file ("Mageia-5.1-x86_64 rpmname" for example)
function purifyRpmName() {
    local str=$1
    local arch=$2
    local len=${#str}

    p=`echo ${str} | grep -oP ".*\.mga6"`
    echo "Mageia-6-${arch} ${p}"

#          BEGIN HERE           #
# Checking arguments (rpm_list and iso file and eventually lang)
[[ ($# -lt 1) || ($# -gt 2) ]] && echo \
"Usage: $0 ARGS
    --iso-file, -i      Mageia-xxx-xxxxxx-xxx.iso (mandatory)
    --lang, -l          Language for installation (optional)
                        Supported languages: fr;en
" && exit 1

# Checking options
optionIsValid $1 $2

# Checking that mandatory option have been specified
[[ -z ${isoFile} ]] && { echo "Iso file option is mandatory. Aborting." && exit 1; }

# Checking validity of options
[[ -f ${isoFile} ]] || { echo "Invalid iso file. Aborting." && exit 1; }

# Checking that executed as root
[[ $(whoami) != "root" ]] && \
    { echo "This script must be executed with root privileges. Aborting." && exit 1; }

# Checking required packages

# Directories
[[ -d ${RPMS_DIR} ]] && rm -rf ${RPMS_DIR}
mkdir ${RPMS_DIR}
# Retreiving rpm_lists
rpm_need_by_alcasar=`rpm -qa`
rpm_need_by_mageia=`cat minimal-rpm-list`

# official and new dirs

# Mounting the image
echo "Mounting the image..."
[[ ! -d ${mageiaOfficialDir} ]] && mkdir ${mageiaOfficialDir}
mount -o ro,loop ${isoFile} ${mageiaOfficialDir} || { echo "Failed mounting '${isoFile}'. Aborting." && exit 1; }

# Checking architecture
[[ -d ${mageiaOfficialDir}/x86_64 ]] && arch=x86_64 || arch=i586

# Creating new directory that will contains the "cleared" iso image
[[ -d ${mageiaNewDir} ]] && rm -rf ${mageiaNewDir}
mkdir ${mageiaNewDir}

# Copying main files except core and nonfree directories
echo "Extracting base image..."
cd $mageiaOfficialDir && \
    tar cf - --exclude=${arch}/media . | (cd $mageiaNewDir && tar xf - ) && cd "${actualDir}"

# Creating new directories core and nonfree and dir for alcasar stufs
mkdir -p ${mageiaNewDir}/${arch}/{media/{core,nonfree},install/alcasar}
# Retrieving core and nonfree dirs (official)

# Retrieving core and nonfree dirs (new)

# Initializing counts

# Copying the RPM in core and nonfree and clearing the plop.idx file
echo "Copying RPMS in ISO ..."
> ${plopFilePath}
total=`echo $rpm_need_by_mageia | wc -w`
# Selecting & copying of rpm need by Mageia
for rpm in ${rpm_need_by_mageia}; do
        let percent="${count} * 100 / ${total}"
        print_percentage ${percent}
        # Retreiving output of ls in directories
        fileInCore=$(ls ${coreDir} | grep "^${rpm}")
        fileInNonFree=$(ls ${nonFreeDir} | grep "^${rpm}")
        # If present in core, copying in core_new
        if [[ ! -z ${fileInCore} ]]; then
                # Copying RPM
                cp "${coreDir}/${fileInCore}" ${coreDirNew}
                countCore=$(expr ${countCore} + 1)
                # Updating the plop.idx
                purifyRpmName ${rpm} ${arch} >> ${plopFilePath}
        # if present in nonfree, copying in nonfree_new
        elif [[ ! -z ${fileInNonFree} ]]; then 
                # Copying RPM
                cp  "${nonFreeDir}/${fileInNonFree}" ${nonFreeDirNew}
                countNonFree=$(expr ${countNonFree} + 1)
                # Updating the plop.idx
                purifyRpmName ${rpm} ${arch} >> ${plopFilePath}
                echo "$rpm not found"
        count=$(expr ${count} + 1)
# Sorting the plop file alphabetically
cat ${plopFilePath} | sort > /tmp/tmpFileMageia && mv /tmp/tmpFileMageia ${plopFilePath}
# Informations
echo "$count RPMs copied (${countCore} from core and ${countNonFree} from nonfree)"
echo "Hit a Key to download complemmentary RPMs"
read a

# Dowloading additionnal RPM
total=`echo $rpm_need_by_alcasar | wc -w`
# Selecting & copying of rpm need by alcasar
for rpm in ${rpm_need_by_alcasar}; do
        let percent="${count} * 100 / ${total}"
        print_percentage ${percent}
        # Retreiving output of ls in directories
        fileInCore=$(ls ${coreDir} | grep "^${rpm}")
        fileInNonFree=$(ls ${nonFreeDir} | grep "^${rpm}")
        # Download complementary RPMS (that aren't in core nor in nonfree)
        if [ -z ${fileInCore} ] && [ -z ${fileInNonFree} ]; then
                url=$(urpmq --ignorearch --sources ${rpm} | grep 'updates\|release' | uniq)
                wget -P "${RPMS_DIR}" "${url}" --quiet
                short_name=`rpm -q $rpm --qf "%{NAME}\n"`
        count=$(expr ${count} + 1)
cd ${RPMS_DIR}
tar -cvf ${mageiaNewDir}/${arch}/install/alcasar/alcasar.tar ${RPMS_DIR}/
cd $lcd

# Informations
echo "$count complementary RPMs copied"
echo "Hit a Key to create the ISO file"
read a

# Copying customized files
echo "Copying customized files..."
###   only if we want to change the normal install procedure ###
#cp ${actualDir}/config/first_login ${mageiaNewDir}/${arch}/install/alcasar
#cp ${actualDir}/config/auto_inst-${arch}${lang} ${mageiaNewDir}/${arch}/install/alcasar/auto_inst-${arch}
#cp -f ${actualDir}"/config/isolinux-x86_64.cfg" ${mageiaNewDir}/isolinux/isolinux.cfg

# Generating media info for core
echo "Generating media_info for core..."
genhdlist2 ${coreDirNew} --allow-empty-media --quiet

echo "Generating media_info for nonfree..."
genhdlist2 ${nonFreeDirNew} --allow-empty-media --quiet

# Puting pubkeys in media_info
cp ${coreDir}/media_info/pubkey ${coreDirNew}/media_info/
cp ${nonFreeDir}/media_info/pubkey ${nonFreeDirNew}/media_info/

# Retrieving media.cfg & depending on the arch
mkdir ${mageiaNewDir}/${arch}/media/media_info
cp ${mageiaOfficialDir}/${arch}/media/media_info/ ${mageiaNewDir}/${arch}/media/media_info/
cp ${mageiaOfficialDir}/${arch}/media/media_info/media.cfg ${mageiaNewDir}/${arch}/media/media_info/media.cfg

# Generating distr
echo "Generating mirror tree..."
gendistrib -s ${mageiaNewDir}/${arch}

# Creating the new iso file
echo "Creating the isofile..."
cd ${mageiaNewDir} && genisoimage -quiet -o ${actualDir}/${newIsoName} \
    -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \
    -c boot.catalog \
    -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \
    -boot-info-table -J -R -V "Mageia-6 Alcasar (${arch})" .

# Unmounting
echo "Umounting..."
umount ${mageiaOfficialDir} && rmdir ${mageiaOfficialDir}

# Removing temporary dir
rm -rf ${mageiaNewDir}

# Setting same permissions as the initial image
cd ${actualDir}
chmod --reference=${isoFile} ${newIsoName}
chown --reference=${isoFile} ${newIsoName}

# Finished
echo "Done."