Subversion Repositories ALCASAR


Rev 3037 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log

if (!defined('PSI_CONFIG_FILE')) {
     * phpSysInfo version
    define('PSI_VERSION', '3.3.2');
     * phpSysInfo configuration
    define('PSI_CONFIG_FILE', PSI_APP_ROOT.'/phpsysinfo.ini');

    define('ARRAY_EXP', '/^return array \([^;]*\);$/'); //array expression search

    if (!is_readable(PSI_CONFIG_FILE)) {
        echo "ERROR: phpsysinfo.ini does not exist or is not readable by the webserver in the phpsysinfo directory";
    } elseif (!($config = @parse_ini_file(PSI_CONFIG_FILE, true))) {
        echo "ERROR: phpsysinfo.ini file is not parsable";
    } else {
        foreach ($config as $name=>$group) {
            if (strtoupper($name)=="MAIN") {
            } elseif (strtoupper(substr($name, 0, 7))=="SENSOR_") {
            } else {
            foreach ($group as $param=>$value) {
                if ((trim($value)==="") || (trim($value)==="0")) {
                    define($name_prefix.strtoupper($param), false);
                } elseif (trim($value)==="1") {
                    define($name_prefix.strtoupper($param), true);
                } else {
                    if (strstr($value, ',')) {
                        define($name_prefix.strtoupper($param), 'return '.var_export(preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim($value), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY), 1).';');
                    } else {
                        define($name_prefix.strtoupper($param), trim($value));

    if (defined('PSI_ALLOWED') && is_string(PSI_ALLOWED)) {
        if (preg_match(ARRAY_EXP, PSI_ALLOWED)) {
            $allowed = eval(strtolower(PSI_ALLOWED));
        } else {
            $allowed = array(strtolower(PSI_ALLOWED));

        if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) {
            $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
        } else {
            if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) {
                $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
            } else {
                $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        $ip = preg_replace("/^::ffff:/", "", strtolower($ip));

        if (!in_array($ip, $allowed, true)) {
            echo "Client IP address not allowed";

    /* default error handler */
    if (function_exists('errorHandlerPsi')) {

    /* fatal errors only */
    $old_err_rep = error_reporting();

    /* get git revision */
    if (file_exists(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/.git/HEAD')) {
        $contents = @file_get_contents(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/.git/HEAD');
        if ($contents && preg_match("/^ref:\s+(.*)\/([^\/\s]*)/m", $contents, $matches)) {
            $contents = @file_get_contents(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/.git/'.$matches[1]."/".$matches[2]);
            if ($contents && preg_match("/^([^\s]*)/m", $contents, $revision)) {
                define('PSI_VERSION_STRING', PSI_VERSION ."-".$matches[2]."-".substr($revision[1], 0, 7));
            } else {
                define('PSI_VERSION_STRING', PSI_VERSION ."-".$matches[2]);
    /* get svn revision */
    if (!defined('PSI_VERSION_STRING') && file_exists(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/.svn/entries')) {
        $contents = @file_get_contents(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/.svn/entries');
        if ($contents && preg_match("/dir\n(.+)/", $contents, $matches)) {
            define('PSI_VERSION_STRING', PSI_VERSION."-r".$matches[1]);
        } else {
            define('PSI_VERSION_STRING', PSI_VERSION);
    if (!defined('PSI_VERSION_STRING')) {

    if (!defined('PSI_OS')) { //if not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
        /* get Linux code page */
        if (PHP_OS == 'Linux') {
            if (file_exists($fname = '/etc/sysconfig/i18n')
               || file_exists($fname = '/etc/default/locale')
               || file_exists($fname = '/etc/locale.conf')
               || file_exists($fname = '/etc/sysconfig/language')
               || file_exists($fname = '/etc/profile.d/')
               || file_exists($fname = '/etc/profile')) {
                $contents = @file_get_contents($fname);
            } else {
                $contents = false;
                if (file_exists('/system/build.prop')) { //Android
                    define('PSI_OS', 'Android');
                    if (@exec('uname -o 2>/dev/null', $unameo) && (sizeof($unameo)>0) && (($unameo0 = trim($unameo[0])) != "")) {
                        define('PSI_UNAMEO', $unameo0);
                    if (!defined('PSI_MODE_POPEN')) { //if not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
                        if (!function_exists("proc_open")) { //proc_open function test by executing 'pwd' command
                            define('PSI_MODE_POPEN', true); //use popen() function - no stderr error handling (but with problems with timeout)
                        } else {
                            $out = '';
                            $err = '';
                            $pipes = array();
                            $descriptorspec = array(0=>array("pipe", "r"), 1=>array("pipe", "w"), 2=>array("pipe", "w"));
                            $process = proc_open("pwd 2>/dev/null ", $descriptorspec, $pipes);
                            if (!is_resource($process)) {
                                define('PSI_MODE_POPEN', true);
                            } else {
                                $w = null;
                                $e = null;

                                while (!(feof($pipes[1]) && feof($pipes[2]))) {
                                    $read = array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]);

                                    $n = stream_select($read, $w, $e, 5);

                                    if (($n === false) || ($n === 0)) {

                                    foreach ($read as $r) {
                                        if ($r == $pipes[1]) {
                                            $out .= fread($r, 4096);
                                        } elseif (feof($pipes[1]) && ($r == $pipes[2])) {//read STDERR after STDOUT
                                            $err .= fread($r, 4096);

                                if (is_null($out) || (trim($out) == "") || (substr(trim($out), 0, 1) != "/")) {
                                    define('PSI_MODE_POPEN', true);
                                // It is important that you close any pipes before calling
                                // proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock
            if (!(defined('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE') && defined('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG')) //also if both not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
               && $contents && (preg_match('/^(LANG="?[^"\n]*"?)/m', $contents, $matches)
               || preg_match('/^RC_(LANG="?[^"\n]*"?)/m', $contents, $matches)
               || preg_match('/^\s*export (LANG="?[^"\n]*"?)/m', $contents, $matches))) {
                if (!defined('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE')) {
                    if (file_exists($vtfname = '/sys/module/vt/parameters/default_utf8')
                       && (trim(@file_get_contents($vtfname)) === "1")) {
                            define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', 'UTF-8');
                    } elseif (@exec($matches[1].' locale -k LC_CTYPE 2>/dev/null', $lines)) { //if not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
                        foreach ($lines as $line) {
                            if (preg_match('/^charmap="?([^"]*)/', $line, $matches2)) {
                                define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', $matches2[1]);
                if (!defined('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG') && @exec($matches[1].' locale 2>/dev/null', $lines2)) { //also if not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
                    foreach ($lines2 as $line) {
                        if (preg_match('/^LC_MESSAGES="?([^\."@]*)/', $line, $matches2)) {
                            $lang = "";
                            if (is_readable(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/data/languages.ini') && ($langdata = @parse_ini_file(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/data/languages.ini', true))) {
                                if (isset($langdata['Linux']['_'.$matches2[1]])) {
                                    $lang = $langdata['Linux']['_'.$matches2[1]];
                            if ($lang == "") {
                                $lang = 'Unknown';
                            define('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG', $lang.' ('.$matches2[1].')');
        } elseif (PHP_OS == 'Haiku') {
            if (!(defined('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE') && defined('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG')) //also if both not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
                && @exec('locale -m 2>/dev/null', $lines)) {
                foreach ($lines as $line) {
                    if (preg_match('/^"?([^\."]*)\.?([^"]*)/', $line, $matches2)) {

                        if (!defined('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE') && isset($matches2[2]) && !is_null($matches2[2]) && (trim($matches2[2]) != "")) { //also if not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
                            define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', $matches2[2]);

                        if (!defined('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG')) { //if not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
                            $lang = "";
                            if (is_readable(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/data/languages.ini') && ($langdata = @parse_ini_file(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/data/languages.ini', true))) {
                                if (isset($langdata['Linux']['_'.$matches2[1]])) {
                                    $lang = $langdata['Linux']['_'.$matches2[1]];
                            if ($lang == "") {
                                $lang = 'Unknown';
                            define('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG', $lang.' ('.$matches2[1].')');
        } elseif (PHP_OS == 'Darwin') {
            if (!defined('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG') //if not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
                && @exec('defaults read /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleLocale 2>/dev/null', $lines)) {
                $lang = "";
                if (is_readable(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/data/languages.ini') && ($langdata = @parse_ini_file(PSI_APP_ROOT.'/data/languages.ini', true))) {
                    if (isset($langdata['Linux']['_'.$lines[0]])) {
                        $lang = $langdata['Linux']['_'.$lines[0]];
                if ($lang == "") {
                    $lang = 'Unknown';
                define('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG', $lang.' ('.$lines[0].')');

    /* executeProgram() timeout value in seconds */
    if (defined('PSI_EXEC_TIMEOUT')) {
        define('PSI_EXEC_TIMEOUT_INT', max(intval(PSI_EXEC_TIMEOUT), 1));
    } else {
        define('PSI_EXEC_TIMEOUT_INT', 30);

    /* snmprealwalk() and executeProgram("snmpwalk") number of seconds until the first timeout */
    if (defined('PSI_SNMP_TIMEOUT')) {
        define('PSI_SNMP_TIMEOUT_INT', max(intval(PSI_SNMP_TIMEOUT), 1));
    } else {
        define('PSI_SNMP_TIMEOUT_INT', 3);

    /* snmprealwalk() and executeProgram("snmpwalk") number of times to retry if timeouts occur */
    if (defined('PSI_SNMP_RETRY')) {
        define('PSI_SNMP_RETRY_INT', max(intval(PSI_SNMP_RETRY), 0));
    } else {
        define('PSI_SNMP_RETRY_INT', 0);

    if (!defined('PSI_OS')) {
        define('PSI_OS', PHP_OS);

    if (!defined('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG')) {
        define('PSI_SYSTEM_LANG', null);
    if (!defined('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE')) { //if not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
        if ((PSI_OS=='Android') || (PSI_OS=='Darwin')) {
            define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', 'UTF-8');
        } elseif (PSI_OS=='Minix') {
            define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', 'CP437');
        } else {
            define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', null);

    if (!defined('PSI_JSON_ISSUE')) { //if not overloaded in phpsysinfo.ini
        if (!extension_loaded("xml")) {
            die("phpSysInfo requires the xml extension to php in order to work properly.");
        if (simplexml_load_string("<A><B><C/></B>\n</A>") !== simplexml_load_string("<A><B><C/></B></A>")) { // json_encode issue test
            define('PSI_JSON_ISSUE', true); // Problem must be solved

    /* restore error level */

    /* restore error handler */
    if (function_exists('errorHandlerPsi')) {