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# $Id: autoregistrationinfo.php 2600 2018-08-19 23:48:55Z tom.houdayer $

define('CONF_FILE', '/usr/local/etc/alcasar.conf');

$file_conf = fopen(CONF_FILE, 'r');
if (!$file_conf) {
        exit('Error opening the file '.CONF_FILE);
while (!feof($file_conf)) {
        $buffer = fgets($file_conf, 4096);
        if ((strpos($buffer, '=') !== false) && (substr($buffer, 0, 1) !== '#')) {
                $tmp = explode('=', $buffer, 2);
                $conf[trim($tmp[0])] = trim($tmp[1]);

// Check if the SMS service is enable
if ($conf['SMS'] !== 'on') {
        header('Location: /');

$organisme   = $conf['ORGANISM'];
$current_num = $conf['SMS_NUM'];

// Choice of language
$Language = 'en';
        $Langue = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
        $Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]), 0, 2));
if ($Language === 'fr') {       // French
        $l_title                = "Page d'auto enregistrement";
        $l_num_exist            = "Compte actif";
        $l_num_flood            = "Numéro bloqué: nombre d'essai dépassé.";

        $l_num_num              = "Numero de téléphone";
        $l_num_raison           = "Etat de votre numéro";
        $l_num_expiration       = "Expiration du bloquage";

        $l_tuto_1               = "Bienvenue sur la page d'auto enregistrement.";
        $l_tuto_2               = "Ce portail d'accès à Internet vous offre la possibilité de vous inscrire en envoyant le mot de passe de votre choix par SMS au numéro suivant (prix d'un SMS, non surtaxé).";
        $l_tuto_3               = "Votre SMS ne doit contenir qu'un seul mot.";
        $l_tuto_4               = "Votre inscription sera activée lorsque vous retrouverez votre numéro de téléphone dans le tableau ci-dessous. Ce numéro de téléphone constitue votre identifiant de connexion";
        $l_tuto_5               = "Le champ de recherche ci-dessous vous permet de retrouver votre numéro suivant les 5 derniers chiffres.";   

        $l_tab_first            = "premier";
        $l_tab_last             = "dernier";
        $l_tab_next             = "suivant";
        $l_tab_prev             = "précédent";
        $l_tab_search           = "Recherche :";
        $l_tab_pmenu            = "Affiche la page _PAGE_ sur _PAGES_";
        $l_tab_info             = "Montrer _MENU_ résultats par page";
        $l_tab_infoempty        = "Aucun résultat";

        $l_autorefresh          = "Rafraichissement : 10 sec";
} else {                        // English
        $l_title                = "Autoregistration";
        $l_num_exist            = "Account enables";
        $l_num_flood            = "Phone number banned: Number of trial exceeded.";

        $l_num_num              = "Phone number";
        $l_num_raison           = "Status of your phone number";
        $l_num_expiration       = "Expiration";

        $l_tuto_1               = "Welcome to the auto-enrollment page";
        $l_tuto_2               = "This portal allows you to enroll by sending the password of you choice via SMS to the following number (no surcharge) :";
        $l_tuto_3               = "Just send 1 word in your SMS.";
        $l_tuto_4               = "Your registration will be activated when you'll find your phone number in the following table. This phone number is your login name";
        $l_tuto_5               = "You can search your phone number according to the 5 last digits in your phone number.";
        $l_tab_first            = "first";
        $l_tab_last             = "last";
        $l_tab_next             = "next";
        $l_tab_prev             = "previous";
        $l_tab_search           = "Search :";
        $l_tab_pmenu            = "Showing _PAGE_ to _PAGE_ of _PAGE_ entries :";
        $l_tab_info             = "Show _MENU_ entries";
        $l_tab_infoempty        = "No matching records found";

        $l_autorefresh          = "Refresh: 10 sec";

// Get SMS from database

$con = mysqli_connect($config['sql_server'], $config['sql_username'], $config['sql_password'], 'gammu');

if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
        exit('Failed to connect to ' . $config['sql_type']/* . ': ' . mysqli_connect_error()*/);

$result = mysqli_query($con, 'SELECT * FROM `SMS_ban_perm` ORDER BY date_add DESC;');

$smsBanPerms = [];
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
        $smsBanPerms[] = (object) [
                'numberHidden' => substr($row['SenderNumber'], 0, 3) . '****' . substr($row['SenderNumber'], -5),
                'expiration'   => $row['Expiration'],
                'perm'         => $row['Perm']

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><!-- written by Rexy -->
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Auto enregistrement</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style_intercept.css">
        <!-- DataTables CSS -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/jquery.dataTables.css">
        <!-- jQuery -->
        <script charset="utf8" src="../js/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <!-- DataTables -->
        <script charset="utf8" src="../js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
        function timedRefresh(timeoutPeriod) {
                var interval = setInterval(refreshPage, timeoutPeriod);

        function refreshPage() {
                if ($('input[name=autoRefreshCheckboxes]').is(':checked')) {

        $(document).ready( function () {
                        "language": {
                                "paginate": {
                                        "sFirst":    "<?= $l_tab_first ?>",
                                        "sLast":     "<?= $l_tab_last ?>",
                                        "sPrevious": "<?= $l_tab_prev ?>",
                                        "sNext":     "<?= $l_tab_next ?>"
                                "lengthMenu":  "<?= $l_tab_info ?>",
                                "zeroRecords": "<?= $l_tab_infoempty ?>",
                                "info":        "<?= $l_tab_pmenu ?>",
                                "infoEmpty":   "<?= $l_tab_infoempty ?>",
                                "sSearch":     "<?= $l_tab_search ?>"
<body onload="timedRefresh(10000);">
        <div id="logon">
                <h1><?= $organisme ?></h1>
                <h2><?= $l_title ?></h2>

                <table id="boite-info">
                                <td rowspan="6" width="30%"><img id="logo-organ" src="/images/organisme.png"></td>
                                <td><?= $l_tuto_1 ?></td>
                                <td><?= $l_tuto_2 ?></td>
                                <td align="center"><h3><?= $current_num ?></h3></td>
                                <td><?= $l_tuto_3 ?></td>
                                <td><?= $l_tuto_4 ?></td>
                                <td colspan="2"><?= $l_tuto_5 ?></td>

                <label><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="autoRefreshCheckboxes"><?= $l_autorefresh ?></label>
                <table id="table_id" class="display">
                                        <th><b><?= $l_num_num ?></b></th>
                                        <th><b><?= $l_num_raison ?></b></th>
                                        <th><b><?= $l_num_expiration ?></b></th>
                                <?php foreach ($smsBanPerms as $smsBanPerm): ?>
                                                <td><?= $smsBanPerm->numberHidden ?></td>

                                                <?php if ($smsBanPerm->perm == '0'): ?>
                                                        <td><?= $l_num_exist ?></td>
                                                <?php elseif ($smsBanPerm->perm == '1'): ?>
                                                        <td><?= $l_num_flood ?></td>
                                                <?php endif ?>

                                                <td><?= $smsBanPerm->expiration ?></td>
                                <?php endforeach; ?>