318 |
richard |
1 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
2 |
# $Id: ldap.php 3238 2024-12-02 22:38:59Z rexy $
3 |
2453 |
tom.houday |
4 |
/* written by steweb57, Rexy & Tom HOUDAYER */
318 |
richard |
5 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
6 |
318 |
richard |
7 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
8 |
define('CONF_FILE', '/usr/local/etc/alcasar.conf');
318 |
richard |
9 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
10 |
11 |
* FILE reading test *
12 |
13 |
$conf_files = array(CONF_FILE);
14 |
foreach ($conf_files as $file) {
15 |
if (!file_exists($file)) {
16 |
exit("Fichier $file non présent");
17 |
18 |
if (!is_readable($file)) {
19 |
exit("Vous n'avez pas les droits de lecture sur le fichier $file");
20 |
21 |
318 |
richard |
22 |
1160 |
stephane |
23 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
24 |
* Read CONF_FILE *
25 |
26 |
$file_conf = fopen(CONF_FILE, 'r');
27 |
if (!$file_conf) {
28 |
exit('Error opening the file '.CONF_FILE);
29 |
30 |
while (!feof($file_conf)) {
31 |
$buffer = fgets($file_conf, 4096);
32 |
if ((strpos($buffer, '=') !== false) && (substr($buffer, 0, 1) !== '#')) {
33 |
$tmp = explode('=', $buffer, 2);
34 |
$conf[trim($tmp[0])] = trim($tmp[1]);
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
1672 |
richard |
40 |
* Choice of language *
1160 |
stephane |
41 |
42 |
$Language = 'en';
2449 |
tom.houday |
43 |
44 |
$Langue = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
45 |
$Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]), 0, 2));
46 |
2853 |
rexy |
47 |
if ($Language === 'fr') {
2459 |
richard |
48 |
$l_ldap_update = "Mise à jour des paramètres LDAP effectuée";
1672 |
richard |
49 |
$l_ldap_title = "Authentification externe : LDAP";
50 |
$l_ldap_legend = "Authentification LDAP";
2459 |
richard |
51 |
$l_ldap_auth_enable_label = "Éditer la configuration LDAP:";
1672 |
richard |
52 |
$l_ldap_YES = "OUI";
53 |
$l_ldap_NO = "NON";
1677 |
richard |
54 |
$l_ldap_server_label = "Serveur LDAP:";
2459 |
richard |
55 |
$l_ldap_server_text = "Adresse IP du serveur";
56 |
$l_ldap_base_dn_label = "DN de la base:";
3238 |
rexy |
57 |
$l_ldap_base_dn_text = "Le DN (Distinguished Name) définit où se situent les informations des utilisateurs dans l'annuaire.<br> - Exemple LDAP: 'o=mycompany, c=FR'.<br> - Exemple AD 'cn=Users,dc=server_name,dc=lan'";
2459 |
richard |
58 |
$l_ldap_uid_label = "Identifiant d'utilisateur (UID):";
59 |
$l_ldap_uid_text = "Clé utilisée pour rechercher un identifiant de connexion.<br> - Exemple LDAP: 'uid', 'sn', etc.<br> - Pour A.D. mettre 'sAMAccountName'.";
60 |
$l_ldap_base_filter_label = "Filtre de recherche des utilisateurs (optionnel):";
61 |
$l_ldap_base_filter_text = "Vous pouvez limiter les objets recherchés avec des filtres additionnels.<br> Exemple 'objectClass=posixGroup' ajouterait le filtre '(&(uid=username)(objectClass=posixGroup))'";
62 |
$l_ldap_user_label = "CN de l'utilisateur exploité par ALCASAR:";
3238 |
rexy |
63 |
$l_ldap_user_text = "CN=Common Name. Laissez vide pour utiliser un accès invité (ou anonyme). Obligatoire sur un AD.<br> - Exemple LDAP : 'uid=username,ou=my_lan,o=mycompany,c=FR'.<br> - Exemple AD : 'username' ou 'cn=username,cn=Users,dc=server_name,dc=lan'";
2459 |
richard |
64 |
$l_ldap_password_label = "Mot de passe:";
1673 |
richard |
65 |
$l_ldap_password_text = "Laissez vide pour un accès invité (ou anonyme). Obligatoire sur un AD.";
3108 |
rexy |
66 |
$l_ldap_ssl_label = "Connexion chiffrée";
2705 |
tom.houday |
67 |
$l_ldap_ssl_text = "Utiliser une connexion chiffré avec SSL (LDAPS)";
68 |
$l_ldap_cert_required_label = "Vérifier le certificat SSL";
69 |
$l_ldap_cert_required_text = "Vérifier que le serveur LDAP utilise un certificat connu";
70 |
$l_ldap_cert_label = "Certificat SSL (CA)";
71 |
$l_ldap_cert_text = "Certificat de l'authorité de certification signant celui du serveur LDAP";
2718 |
tom.houday |
72 |
$l_ad_dns_domain_label = "Nom de domaine interne";
73 |
$l_ad_dns_domain_text = "Nom de domaine qui sera redirigé vers le serveur DNS de l'annuaire LDAP (vide pour désactivé)";
2705 |
tom.houday |
74 |
$l_ldap_cert_status_cur = "Certificat actuel : ";
75 |
$l_ldap_cert_status_no = "Aucun certificat installé";
2461 |
richard |
76 |
$l_ldap_submit = "Enregistrer";
2459 |
richard |
77 |
$l_ldap_test_service_failed = "Service LDAP injoignable sur ce serveur (vérifiez l'@IP).";
2705 |
tom.houday |
78 |
$l_ldap_test_service_ok = "Un port 389 (636 avec SSL) est actif sur ce serveur";
2459 |
richard |
79 |
$l_ldap_test_connection_failed = "Connexion LDAP impossible (vérifiez le service LDAP sur ce serveur)";
80 |
$l_ldap_test_connection_ok = "Une connexion LDAP a été établie";
81 |
$l_ldap_test_bind_failed = "Echec d'authentification (vérifiez l'utilisateur et le mot de passe)";
82 |
$l_ldap_test_bind_ok = "L'authentification a réussie";
83 |
$l_ldap_test_dn_failed = "Le DN de la base semble incorrect (vérifiez le)";
84 |
$l_ldap_test_dn_ok = "Le DN de la base semble correct";
2449 |
tom.houday |
85 |
$l_ldap_error = "erreur LDAP";
2459 |
richard |
86 |
$l_ldap_entries = "entrées dans la base";
2705 |
tom.houday |
87 |
$l_ldap_cert_cn_diff_dn = "Le CommonName du certificat (§cert_domainName§) est différent du nom de domaine du serveur";
2475 |
tom.houday |
88 |
$l_check = "Vérifier cette configuration";
89 |
$l_checkingConf = "Vérification de cette configuration...";
2853 |
rexy |
90 |
} else if ($Language === 'es') {
91 |
$l_ldap_update = "Configuración de LDAP actualizada";
92 |
$l_ldap_title = "Autenticación externa : LDAP";
93 |
$l_ldap_legend = "LDAP autenticación";
94 |
$l_ldap_auth_enable_label = "Editar la configuración LDAP:";
95 |
$l_ldap_YES = "SI";
96 |
$l_ldap_NO = "NO";
97 |
$l_ldap_server_label = "Servidor LDAP:";
98 |
$l_ldap_server_text = "Dirección IP del servidor LDAP.";
99 |
$l_ldap_base_dn_label = "DN de la base:";
3238 |
rexy |
100 |
$l_ldap_base_dn_text = "El DN (Distinguished Name) se utiliza para ubicar la información de los usuarios en el directorio.<br> e.g. LDAP : 'o=MiEmpresa,c=AR'.<br> e.g. AD : 'cn=Users,dc=nombre_servidor,dc=lan'";
2853 |
rexy |
101 |
$l_ldap_uid_label = "Identificador de usuario (UID):";
102 |
$l_ldap_uid_text = "Clave utilizada para buscar una identidad de inicio de sesión determinada.<br>Ej. 'uid', 'sn', etc.. Para AD usar 'sAMAccountName'.";
103 |
$l_ldap_base_filter_label = "Filtro de búsqueda de usuario (opcional):";
104 |
$l_ldap_base_filter_text = "Puede limitar aún más los objetos buscados con filtros adicionales.<br> Por ejemplo'objectClass=posixGroup' daría como resultado el uso de '(&(uid=username)(objectClass=posixGroup))'";
105 |
$l_ldap_user_label = "CN del usuario operador ALCASAR:";
3238 |
rexy |
106 |
$l_ldap_user_text = "CN=Common Name. Déjelo en blanco para enlace anónimo. Obligatorio para AD.<br> Ej. LDAP :'uid=Usuario,ou=mi_Red,o=miEmpresa,c=AR'.<br> Ej. AD : 'username' or 'cn=username,cn=Users,dc=server_name,dc=lan'";
2853 |
rexy |
107 |
$l_ldap_password_label = "Contraseña:";
108 |
$l_ldap_password_text = "Déjelo en blanco para usar un enlace anónimo. Obligatorio para AD.";
109 |
$l_ldap_ssl_label = "Conexión segura";
110 |
$l_ldap_ssl_text = "Use una conexión encriptada con SSL (LDAPS)";
111 |
$l_ldap_cert_required_label = "Comprueba el certificado SSL";
112 |
$l_ldap_cert_required_text = "Verifique que el servidor LDAP use un certificado confiable";
113 |
$l_ldap_cert_label = "Certificado (CA) SSL";
114 |
$l_ldap_cert_text = "Certificado de la autoridad de certificación que firmó el certificado del servidor LDAP";
115 |
$l_ad_dns_domain_label = "Nombre de dominio interno";
116 |
$l_ad_dns_domain_text = "Nombre de dominio que se reenviará al servidor DNS del directorio LDAP (vacío para desactivar)";
117 |
$l_ldap_cert_status_cur = "Certificado actual:";
118 |
$l_ldap_cert_status_no = "Ningún certificado importado";
119 |
$l_ldap_submit = "Guardar";
120 |
$l_ldap_test_service_failed = "El servicio LDAP no es accesible en ese servidor (verifique la IP)";
121 |
$l_ldap_test_service_ok = "El puerto 389 (636 con SSL) está abierto en este servidor";
122 |
$l_ldap_test_connection_failed = "La conexión LDAP falló (verifique el servicio LDAP en este servidor)";
123 |
$l_ldap_test_connection_ok = "Se establece una conexión LDAP";
124 |
$l_ldap_test_bind_failed = "La autenticación LDAP falló (verifique el usuario LDAP y la contraseña)";
125 |
$l_ldap_test_bind_ok = "Autenticación exitosa";
126 |
$l_ldap_test_dn_failed = "DN de la base parece ser erróneo (verifíquelo)";
127 |
$l_ldap_test_dn_ok = "DN de la base parece estar bien";
128 |
$l_ldap_error = "error LDAP";
129 |
$l_ldap_entries = "entradas en la base";
130 |
$l_ldap_cert_cn_diff_dn = "El CommonName del certificado (§cert_domainName§) es diferente del nombre de dominio del servidor";
131 |
$l_check = "Verifique éste paramétro";
132 |
$l_checkingConf = "Verificando ésta configuración...";
133 |
} else {
2459 |
richard |
134 |
$l_ldap_update = "LDAP settings updated";
1672 |
richard |
135 |
$l_ldap_title = "External authentication : LDAP";
136 |
$l_ldap_legend = "LDAP authentication";
2459 |
richard |
137 |
$l_ldap_auth_enable_label = "Edit the LDAP configuration :";
1672 |
richard |
138 |
$l_ldap_YES = "YES";
139 |
$l_ldap_NO = "NO";
1677 |
richard |
140 |
$l_ldap_server_label = "LDAP server :";
2459 |
richard |
141 |
$l_ldap_server_text = "IP address of the LDAP server.";
142 |
$l_ldap_base_dn_label = "DN of the base:";
3238 |
rexy |
143 |
$l_ldap_base_dn_text = "The DN (Distinguished Name) is used to locate the users information in the directory.<br> e.g. LDAP : 'o=MyCompany,c=US'.<br> e.g. AD : 'cn=Users,dc=server_name,dc=lan'";
2459 |
richard |
144 |
$l_ldap_uid_label = "User IDentifier (UID):";
145 |
$l_ldap_uid_text = "Key used to search for a given login identity.<br>e.g. 'uid', 'sn', etc.. For AD use 'sAMAccountName'.";
146 |
$l_ldap_base_filter_label = "User search filter (optional):";
147 |
$l_ldap_base_filter_text = "You can further limit the searched objects with additional filters.<br> For example 'objectClass=posixGroup' would result in the use of '(&(uid=username)(objectClass=posixGroup))'";
148 |
$l_ldap_user_label = "CN of the user operated by ALCASAR:";
3238 |
rexy |
149 |
$l_ldap_user_text = "CN=Common Name. Leave blank to use anonymous binding. Mandatory for AD.<br> e.g. LDAP :'uid=Username,ou=my_lan,o=mycompany,c=US'.<br> e.g. AD : 'username' or 'cn=username,cn=Users,dc=server_name,dc=lan'";
2459 |
richard |
150 |
$l_ldap_password_label = "Password:";
151 |
$l_ldap_password_text = "Leave blank to use anonymous binding. Mandatory for AD.";
2705 |
tom.houday |
152 |
$l_ldap_ssl_label = "Secure connection";
153 |
$l_ldap_ssl_text = "Use an encrypted connection with SSL (LDAPS)";
154 |
$l_ldap_cert_required_label = "Check the SSL certificate";
155 |
$l_ldap_cert_required_text = "Verify that the LDAP server uses a trusted certificate";
156 |
$l_ldap_cert_label = "SSL certificate (CA)";
157 |
$l_ldap_cert_text = "Certificate of the certification authority that signed the LDAP server certificate";
2718 |
tom.houday |
158 |
$l_ad_dns_domain_label = "Internal domain name";
159 |
$l_ad_dns_domain_text = "Domain name that will be forwarded to the DNS server of the LDAP directory (empty for disabled)";
2705 |
tom.houday |
160 |
$l_ldap_cert_status_cur = "Current certificate:";
161 |
$l_ldap_cert_status_no = "No certificate imported";
2461 |
richard |
162 |
$l_ldap_submit = "Save";
2459 |
richard |
163 |
$l_ldap_test_service_failed = "LDAP service is not reachable on that server (check IP)";
2705 |
tom.houday |
164 |
$l_ldap_test_service_ok = "A port 389 (636 with SSL) is open on this server";
2459 |
richard |
165 |
$l_ldap_test_connection_failed = "LDAP connexion failed (check the LDAP service on this server)";
166 |
$l_ldap_test_connection_ok = "A LDAP connexion is established";
167 |
$l_ldap_test_bind_failed = "LDAP authentication failed (check the LDAP user and password)";
168 |
$l_ldap_test_bind_ok = "Successful authentication";
2475 |
tom.houday |
169 |
$l_ldap_test_dn_failed = "DN of the base seems to be wrong (check it)";
170 |
$l_ldap_test_dn_ok = "DN of the base seems to be ok";
2449 |
tom.houday |
171 |
$l_ldap_error = "LDAP error";
2459 |
richard |
172 |
$l_ldap_entries = "entries in the base";
2853 |
rexy |
173 |
$l_ldap_cert_cn_diff_dn = "Certificate CommonName (§cert_domainName§) is different from the server domain name";
2475 |
tom.houday |
174 |
$l_check = "Check this config";
175 |
$l_checkingConf = "Checking this configuration...";
1160 |
stephane |
176 |
318 |
richard |
177 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
178 |
// AJAX LDAP assitant
179 |
if (isset($_GET['assistant'])) {
180 |
$response = [
181 |
'values' => []
182 |
183 |
if (!isset($_POST['ldap_server'])) exit();
184 |
$ldap_server = $_POST['ldap_server'];
185 |
186 |
// Check port 389 & 636
187 |
if (!$sock = @fsockopen($ldap_server, 389, $num, $error, 2)) {
188 |
$ldap_port_389 = false;
189 |
$ldap_srv_389 = false;
190 |
} else {
191 |
$ldap_port_389 = true;
192 |
193 |
194 |
if (!$sock = @fsockopen($ldap_server, 636, $num, $error, 2)) {
195 |
$ldap_port_636 = false;
196 |
$ldap_srv_636 = false;
197 |
$ldap_ssl = false;
198 |
} else {
199 |
$ldap_port_636 = true;
200 |
$ldap_ssl = true;
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
if (!$ldap_port_389 && !$ldap_port_636) {
205 |
$response['result'] = -2;
206 |
207 |
header('Content-Type: application/json');
208 |
echo json_encode($response);
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
// Check LDAP service
213 |
if ($ldap_port_636) {
2809 |
rexy |
214 |
// Set LDAP SSL options
2718 |
tom.houday |
215 |
216 |
$ldapconn = @ldap_connect('ldaps://'.$ldap_server);
217 |
if (!$ldapconn) {
218 |
$ldap_srv_636 = false;
219 |
} else {
220 |
ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, 2);
221 |
222 |
// Bind anonymous
223 |
$ldap_srv_636 = true;
2731 |
tom.houday |
224 |
if (!@ldap_bind($ldapconn)) {
2718 |
tom.houday |
225 |
ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
2731 |
tom.houday |
226 |
if (!@ldap_bind($ldapconn)) {
2718 |
tom.houday |
227 |
$ldap_srv_636 = false;
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
if ($ldap_srv_636) {
233 |
$ldap_data = @ldap_read($ldapconn, '', 'objectClass=*', ['dnsHostName','rootDomainNamingContext','supportedCapabilities']);
234 |
$ldap_rootDSE = @ldap_get_entries($ldapconn, $ldap_data);
235 |
236 |
try {
237 |
$response['values']['isAD'] = in_array('1.2.840.113556.1.4.800', $ldap_rootDSE[0]['supportedcapabilities']);
238 |
} catch (Exception $e) {
239 |
$response['values']['isAD'] = false;
240 |
241 |
242 |
if ($response['values']['isAD']) {
243 |
try {
244 |
$response['values']['ldap_base_dn'] = $ldap_rootDSE[0]['rootdomainnamingcontext'][0];
245 |
246 |
if ($response['values']['ldap_base_dn']) {
247 |
$response['values']['int_dns_domain'] = str_replace('DC=', '', str_replace(',DC=', '.', $response['values']['ldap_base_dn']));
248 |
249 |
250 |
$response['values']['ldap_base_dn'] = 'CN=Users,'.$response['values']['ldap_base_dn'];
251 |
} catch (Exception $e) { }
252 |
253 |
try {
254 |
$response['values']['ldap_server_domain'] = $ldap_rootDSE[0]['dnshostname'][0];
255 |
} catch (Exception $e) { }
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
$response['values']['ldap_srv_636'] = $ldap_srv_636;
260 |
261 |
if (!$ldap_srv_636) {
262 |
$ldapconn = @ldap_connect('ldap://'.$ldap_server);
263 |
if (!$ldapconn) {
264 |
$ldap_srv_389 = false;
265 |
} else {
266 |
ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, 2);
267 |
268 |
// Bind anonymous
269 |
$ldap_srv_389 = true;
2731 |
tom.houday |
270 |
if (!@ldap_bind($ldapconn)) {
2718 |
tom.houday |
271 |
ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
2731 |
tom.houday |
272 |
if (!@ldap_bind($ldapconn)) {
2718 |
tom.houday |
273 |
$ldap_srv_389 = false;
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
if ($ldap_srv_389) {
279 |
$ldap_data = @ldap_read($ldapconn, '', 'objectClass=*', ['dnsHostName','rootDomainNamingContext','supportedCapabilities']);
280 |
$ldap_rootDSE = @ldap_get_entries($ldapconn, $ldap_data);
281 |
282 |
try {
283 |
$response['values']['isAD'] = in_array('1.2.840.113556.1.4.800', $ldap_rootDSE[0]['supportedcapabilities']);
284 |
} catch (Exception $e) {
285 |
$response['values']['isAD'] = false;
286 |
287 |
288 |
if ($response['values']['isAD']) {
289 |
try {
290 |
$response['values']['ldap_base_dn'] = $ldap_rootDSE[0]['rootdomainnamingcontext'][0];
291 |
292 |
if ($response['values']['ldap_base_dn']) {
293 |
$response['values']['int_dns_domain'] = str_replace('DC=', '', str_replace(',DC=', '.', $response['values']['ldap_base_dn']));
294 |
295 |
296 |
$response['values']['ldap_base_dn'] = 'CN=Users,'.$response['values']['ldap_base_dn'];
297 |
} catch (Exception $e) { }
298 |
299 |
try {
300 |
$response['values']['ldap_server_domain'] = $ldap_rootDSE[0]['dnshostname'][0];
301 |
} catch (Exception $e) { }
302 |
303 |
304 |
$response['values']['ldap_srv_389'] = $ldap_srv_389;
305 |
306 |
307 |
if (!$ldap_srv_636 && !$ldap_srv_389) {
308 |
$response['result'] = -1;
309 |
310 |
header('Content-Type: application/json');
311 |
echo json_encode($response);
312 |
313 |
314 |
315 |
$response['result'] = 0;
316 |
header('Content-Type: application/json');
317 |
echo json_encode($response);
318 |
319 |
320 |
2714 |
tom.houday |
321 |
function ldap_checkServerConfig($f_ldap_server, $f_ldap_identity, $f_ldap_password, $f_ldap_basedn, $f_ldap_base_filter, $f_ldap_uid, $f_ldap_ssl, $f_ldap_cert, $f_ldap_cert_required) {
2459 |
richard |
322 |
// Socket to the LDAP port of the server
2705 |
tom.houday |
323 |
if (!$sock = @fsockopen($f_ldap_server, (($f_ldap_ssl) ? 636 : 389), $num, $error, 2)) {
658 |
stephane |
324 |
// no network connection
2459 |
richard |
325 |
return -2;
2449 |
tom.houday |
326 |
327 |
1395 |
richard |
328 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
329 |
// Set LDAP SSL options
330 |
if ($f_ldap_ssl) {
331 |
if ($f_ldap_cert_required) {
332 |
if ($f_ldap_cert) {
2718 |
tom.houday |
333 |
ldap_set_option(null, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, $f_ldap_cert);
2705 |
tom.houday |
334 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
335 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
336 |
337 |
} else {
2718 |
tom.houday |
338 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
339 |
340 |
341 |
2459 |
richard |
342 |
// if ok, Test LDAP connection
2705 |
tom.houday |
343 |
$ldapconn = @ldap_connect((($f_ldap_ssl)?'ldaps':'ldap').'://'.$f_ldap_server);
2449 |
tom.houday |
344 |
if (!$ldapconn) {
345 |
// LDAP connection failed
2459 |
richard |
346 |
return -1;
620 |
stephane |
347 |
348 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
349 |
ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, 2);
350 |
2459 |
richard |
351 |
// if ok, test a ldap-bind with the user used by ALCASAR
2705 |
tom.houday |
352 |
$ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldapconn, $f_ldap_identity, $f_ldap_password);
2449 |
tom.houday |
353 |
if (!$ldapbind) {
354 |
// Test LDAP Version 3
355 |
ldap_set_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
2705 |
tom.houday |
356 |
$ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldapconn, $f_ldap_identity, $f_ldap_password);
2449 |
tom.houday |
357 |
if (!$ldapbind) {
358 |
// LDAP Bind failed
359 |
return 0;
318 |
richard |
360 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
361 |
362 |
2459 |
richard |
363 |
// if ok, try to query the directory of users
2714 |
tom.houday |
364 |
$filter = ((!empty($f_ldap_base_filter)) ? $f_ldap_base_filter : '&');
365 |
$query = "(&($f_ldap_uid=*)($filter))";
2705 |
tom.houday |
366 |
$ldap_result = @ldap_search($ldapconn, $f_ldap_basedn, $query);
2532 |
tom.houday |
367 |
if ($ldap_result) {
2460 |
tom.houday |
368 |
$ldap_users_count = ldap_count_entries($ldapconn, $ldap_result);
369 |
return ($ldap_users_count + 2);
318 |
richard |
370 |
} else {
2449 |
tom.houday |
371 |
return 1;
318 |
richard |
372 |
2459 |
richard |
373 |
318 |
richard |
374 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
375 |
2451 |
tom.houday |
376 |
$messages = '';
2705 |
tom.houday |
377 |
$LDAPS_CERT_LOC = '/etc/raddb/certs/alcasar-ldaps.crt';
2451 |
tom.houday |
378 |
379 |
if (isset($_POST['auth_enable'])) {
380 |
if ($_POST['auth_enable'] === '1') {
2705 |
tom.houday |
381 |
// TODO : need to translate messages
2451 |
tom.houday |
382 |
$varErrors = [];
2705 |
tom.houday |
383 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_server'])) $ldap_server = $_POST['ldap_server']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_server"');
384 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_base_dn'])) $ldap_base_dn = $_POST['ldap_base_dn']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_base_dn"');
385 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_uid'])) $ldap_uid = $_POST['ldap_uid']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_uid"');
386 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_base_filter'])) $ldap_base_filter = $_POST['ldap_base_filter']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_base_filter"');
387 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_user'])) $ldap_user = $_POST['ldap_user']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_user"');
388 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_password'])) $ldap_password = $_POST['ldap_password']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_password"');
389 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_ssl'])) $ldap_ssl = $_POST['ldap_ssl']; //else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_ssl"');
390 |
if (isset($_FILES['ldap_cert'])) $ldap_cert = $_FILES['ldap_cert']; //else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_cert"');
391 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_cert_required'])) $ldap_cert_required = $_POST['ldap_cert_required']; //else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_cert_required"');
2451 |
tom.houday |
392 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
393 |
if (isset($ldap_cert) && ($ldap_cert['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK)) {
394 |
if ($ldap_cert_required === 'on') {
395 |
$certificateInfos = openssl_x509_parse(file_get_contents($ldap_cert['tmp_name']));
396 |
if (preg_match_all('@/[a-zA-Z]+=([^/]+)@', $certificateInfos['name'], $matches)) {
397 |
$cert_domainName = implode('.', array_reverse($matches[1]));
398 |
if ($cert_domainName !== $ldap_server) {
399 |
array_push($varErrors, str_replace("§cert_domainName§", $cert_domainName, $l_ldap_cert_cn_diff_dn));
400 |
401 |
2451 |
tom.houday |
402 |
403 |
404 |
405 |
if (!empty($varErrors)) {
406 |
foreach ($varErrors as $error) {
407 |
$messages .= '<span style="font-weight: bold; color: red;">'.$error.'</span><br>';
408 |
409 |
} else {
410 |
exec('sed -i '.escapeshellarg("s/^LDAP_SERVER=.*/LDAP_SERVER=$ldap_server/g").' '.CONF_FILE);
411 |
exec('sed -i '.escapeshellarg("s/^LDAP_BASE=.*/LDAP_BASE=$ldap_base_dn/g").' '.CONF_FILE);
2459 |
richard |
412 |
exec('sed -i '.escapeshellarg("s/^LDAP_UID=.*/LDAP_UID=$ldap_uid/g").' '.CONF_FILE);
2452 |
tom.houday |
413 |
exec('sed -i '.escapeshellarg("s/^LDAP_FILTER=.*/LDAP_FILTER=$ldap_base_filter/g").' '.CONF_FILE);
2451 |
tom.houday |
414 |
exec('sed -i '.escapeshellarg("s/^LDAP_USER=.*/LDAP_USER=$ldap_user/g").' '.CONF_FILE);
415 |
exec('sed -i '.escapeshellarg("s/^LDAP_PASSWORD=.*/LDAP_PASSWORD=$ldap_password/g").' '.CONF_FILE);
2705 |
tom.houday |
416 |
exec('sed -i '.escapeshellarg("s/^LDAP_SSL=.*/LDAP_SSL=$ldap_ssl/g").' '.CONF_FILE);
2718 |
tom.houday |
417 |
if (isset($ldap_cert_required)) {
418 |
exec('sed -i '.escapeshellarg("s/^LDAP_CERT_REQUIRED=.*/LDAP_CERT_REQUIRED=$ldap_cert_required/g").' '.CONF_FILE);
419 |
2465 |
richard |
420 |
exec('sed -i \'s/^LDAP=.*/LDAP=on/g\' '.CONF_FILE);
2705 |
tom.houday |
421 |
if (isset($ldap_cert) && ($ldap_cert['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK)) {
422 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-ldap.sh --import-cert '.escapeshellarg($ldap_cert['tmp_name']));
423 |
2451 |
tom.houday |
424 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-ldap.sh --on');
2459 |
richard |
425 |
$messages .= '<span style="font-weight: bold; color: green;">'.$l_ldap_update.'</span><br>';
2718 |
tom.houday |
426 |
427 |
if ((isset($_POST['ad_dns_domain'])) && ($_POST['ad_dns_domain'] !== $conf['INT_DNS_DOMAIN'])) {
428 |
if (filter_var($ldap_server, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false) {
429 |
$ldap_server_ip = $ldap_server;
430 |
} else {
431 |
$ldap_server_ip = gethostbyname($ldap_server);
432 |
433 |
if (filter_var($ldap_server_ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false) {
434 |
file_put_contents(CONF_FILE, str_replace('INT_DNS_IP='.$conf['INT_DNS_IP'], 'INT_DNS_IP='.$ldap_server_ip, file_get_contents(CONF_FILE)));
435 |
file_put_contents(CONF_FILE, str_replace('INT_DNS_DOMAIN='.$conf['INT_DNS_DOMAIN'], 'INT_DNS_DOMAIN='.$_POST['ad_dns_domain'], file_get_contents(CONF_FILE)));
436 |
if (!empty($_POST['ad_dns_domain'])) {
437 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-dns-local.sh --on');
438 |
} else {
439 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-dns-local.sh --off');
440 |
441 |
442 |
2451 |
tom.houday |
443 |
444 |
} else {
445 |
exec('sed -i "s/^LDAP=.*/LDAP=off/g" '.CONF_FILE);
446 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-ldap.sh --off');
2459 |
richard |
447 |
$messages .= '<span style="font-weight: bold; color: green;">'.$l_ldap_update.'</span><br>';
2718 |
tom.houday |
448 |
449 |
if ((isset($_POST['ad_dns_domain'])) && (empty($_POST['ad_dns_domain']))) {
450 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-dns-local.sh --off');
451 |
2451 |
tom.houday |
452 |
453 |
454 |
// Reload configuration
455 |
$file_conf = fopen(CONF_FILE, 'r');
456 |
if (!$file_conf) {
457 |
exit('Error opening the file '.CONF_FILE);
458 |
459 |
while (!feof($file_conf)) {
460 |
$buffer = fgets($file_conf, 4096);
461 |
if ((strpos($buffer, '=') !== false) && (substr($buffer, 0, 1) !== '#')) {
462 |
$tmp = explode('=', $buffer, 2);
463 |
$conf[trim($tmp[0])] = trim($tmp[1]);
464 |
465 |
466 |
467 |
468 |
469 |
// LDAP configuration params
2705 |
tom.houday |
470 |
$ldap_status = ($conf['LDAP'] === 'on');
471 |
$ldap_server = $conf['LDAP_SERVER'];
472 |
$ldap_user = $conf['LDAP_USER'];
473 |
$ldap_password = $conf['LDAP_PASSWORD'];
474 |
$ldap_base_dn = $conf['LDAP_BASE'];
475 |
$ldap_uid = $conf['LDAP_UID'];
476 |
$ldap_base_filter = $conf['LDAP_FILTER'];
477 |
$ldap_ssl = ($conf['LDAP_SSL'] === 'on');
478 |
$ldap_cert_required = ($conf['LDAP_CERT_REQUIRED'] === 'on');
2451 |
tom.houday |
479 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
480 |
$ldap_cert_subject = null;
2705 |
tom.houday |
481 |
if (file_exists($LDAPS_CERT_LOC)) {
482 |
$certificateInfos = openssl_x509_parse(file_get_contents($LDAPS_CERT_LOC));
483 |
if (preg_match_all('@/[a-zA-Z]+=([^/]+)@', $certificateInfos['name'], $matches)) {
484 |
$ldap_cert_subject = implode('.', array_reverse($matches[1]));
485 |
486 |
487 |
2453 |
tom.houday |
488 |
// AJAX LDAP configuration checker
489 |
if (isset($_GET['conf_check'])) {
490 |
$response = [
491 |
'enable' => $ldap_status
492 |
493 |
if ($ldap_status || ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST')) {
494 |
$varErrors = [];
495 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
496 |
// TODO : need to translate messages
497 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_server'])) $ldap_server = $_POST['ldap_server']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_server"');
498 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_base_dn'])) $ldap_base_dn = $_POST['ldap_base_dn']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_base_dn"');
499 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_uid'])) $ldap_uid = $_POST['ldap_uid']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_uid"');
500 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_base_filter'])) $ldap_base_filter = $_POST['ldap_base_filter']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_base_filter"');
501 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_user'])) $ldap_user = $_POST['ldap_user']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_user"');
502 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_password'])) $ldap_password = $_POST['ldap_password']; else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_password"');
503 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_ssl'])) $ldap_ssl = ($_POST['ldap_ssl'] === 'on'); //else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_ssl"');
504 |
if (isset($_FILES['ldap_cert'])) $ldap_cert = $_FILES['ldap_cert']; //else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_cert"');
505 |
if (isset($_POST['ldap_cert_required'])) $ldap_cert_required = ($_POST['ldap_cert_required'] === 'on'); //else array_push($varErrors, 'Variable error "ldap_cert_required"');
2453 |
tom.houday |
506 |
507 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
508 |
if (($ldap_cert_required) && isset($ldap_cert) && ($ldap_cert['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK)) {
509 |
$ldap_cert_tmpFilename = $ldap_cert['tmp_name'];
510 |
} else {
2718 |
tom.houday |
511 |
$ldap_cert_tmpFilename = null;
2453 |
tom.houday |
512 |
513 |
514 |
if (!empty($varErrors)) {
515 |
$response['errors'] = $varErrors;
2460 |
tom.houday |
516 |
} else {
2714 |
tom.houday |
517 |
$result = ldap_checkServerConfig($ldap_server, $ldap_user, $ldap_password, $ldap_base_dn, $ldap_base_filter, $ldap_uid, $ldap_ssl, $ldap_cert_tmpFilename, $ldap_cert_required);
2705 |
tom.houday |
518 |
519 |
if (($result === 0) && ($ldap_ssl && $ldap_cert_required && ((isset($ldap_cert) && ($ldap_cert['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK)) || (file_exists($LDAPS_CERT_LOC))))) {
520 |
if (filter_var($ldap_server, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false) {
521 |
if (isset($ldap_cert) && ($ldap_cert['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK)) {
522 |
$certificateInfos = openssl_x509_parse(file_get_contents($ldap_cert['tmp_name']));
523 |
} else {
524 |
$certificateInfos = openssl_x509_parse(file_get_contents($LDAPS_CERT_LOC));
525 |
526 |
if (preg_match_all('@/[a-zA-Z]+=([^/]+)@', $certificateInfos['name'], $matches)) {
527 |
$cert_domainName = implode('.', array_reverse($matches[1]));
528 |
if ($cert_domainName !== $ldap_server) {
529 |
$response['warnings'][] = str_replace("§cert_domainName§", $cert_domainName, $l_ldap_cert_cn_diff_dn);
530 |
531 |
2714 |
tom.houday |
532 |
$res = ldap_checkServerConfig($cert_domainName, $ldap_user, $ldap_password, $ldap_base_dn, $ldap_base_filter, $ldap_uid, $ldap_ssl, $ldap_cert_tmpFilename, $ldap_cert_required);
2705 |
tom.houday |
533 |
if ($res > 1) {
534 |
$result = $res;
535 |
536 |
$result = max($result, $res);
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
$response['result'] = $result;
2453 |
tom.houday |
541 |
542 |
543 |
544 |
header('Content-Type: application/json');
545 |
echo json_encode($response);
546 |
547 |
548 |
620 |
stephane |
549 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
550 |
<!DOCTYPE html>
551 |
552 |
553 |
<meta charset="UTF-8">
554 |
<title><?= $l_ldap_title ?></title>
2817 |
rexy |
555 |
<link type="text/css" href="/css/acc.css" rel="stylesheet">
2449 |
tom.houday |
556 |
<link type="text/css" href="/css/ldap.css" rel="stylesheet">
557 |
558 |
function onLdapStatusChange() {
2705 |
tom.houday |
559 |
var listToDisables = ['ldap_server', 'ldap_dn', 'ldap_uid', 'ldap_base_filter', 'ldap_user', 'ldap_password', 'ldap_ssl', 'ldap_cert_required', 'ldap_cert'];
2460 |
tom.houday |
560 |
var formSubmit = document.querySelector('form input[type="submit"]');
561 |
var btn_checkConf = document.getElementById('btn-checkconf');
562 |
var isChecked = false;
318 |
richard |
563 |
2453 |
tom.houday |
564 |
if (document.getElementById('auth_enable').value === '1') {
2449 |
tom.houday |
565 |
for (var i=0; i<listToDisables.length; i++) {
2705 |
tom.houday |
566 |
document.getElementById(listToDisables[i]).style.backgroundColor = null;
2449 |
tom.houday |
567 |
document.getElementById(listToDisables[i]).disabled = false;
568 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
569 |
if (document.getElementById('ldap_ssl').value === 'off') {
570 |
document.getElementById('ldap_cert_required').style.backgroundColor = '#c0c0c0';
571 |
document.getElementById('ldap_cert_required').disabled = true;
572 |
document.getElementById('ldap_cert').style.backgroundColor = '#c0c0c0';
573 |
document.getElementById('ldap_cert').disabled = true;
574 |
575 |
else if (document.getElementById('ldap_cert_required').value === 'off') {
576 |
document.getElementById('ldap_cert').style.backgroundColor = '#c0c0c0';
577 |
document.getElementById('ldap_cert').disabled = true;
578 |
2460 |
tom.houday |
579 |
formSubmit.style.display = 'none';
580 |
btn_checkConf.style.display = null;
2449 |
tom.houday |
581 |
} else {
582 |
for (var i=0; i<listToDisables.length; i++) {
583 |
document.getElementById(listToDisables[i]).style.backgroundColor = '#c0c0c0';
584 |
document.getElementById(listToDisables[i]).disabled = true;
585 |
2460 |
tom.houday |
586 |
formSubmit.style.display = null;
587 |
btn_checkConf.style.display = 'none';
2449 |
tom.houday |
588 |
589 |
2453 |
tom.houday |
590 |
591 |
function checkConfig() {
2462 |
tom.houday |
592 |
var messagesElem = document.querySelector('fieldset > legend > div');
2460 |
tom.houday |
593 |
var formSubmit = document.querySelector('form input[type="submit"]');
594 |
var btn_checkConf = document.getElementById('btn-checkconf');
2705 |
tom.houday |
595 |
var form = document.getElementById('form-config_ldap');
596 |
var post_data = new FormData(form);
597 |
2460 |
tom.houday |
598 |
2475 |
tom.houday |
599 |
messagesElem.innerHTML = '<?= $l_checkingConf ?>';
2460 |
tom.houday |
600 |
2453 |
tom.houday |
601 |
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
602 |
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
603 |
if (this.readyState == 4) {
604 |
if (this.status == 200) {
605 |
var data = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
606 |
2460 |
tom.houday |
607 |
var messages = '';
608 |
609 |
if (typeof data.result !== 'undefined') {
610 |
if (data.result === -2) {
611 |
messages += "<span style=\"color: red\"><?= $l_ldap_test_service_failed ?></span>";
612 |
} else {
613 |
messages += "<span style=\"color: green\"><?= $l_ldap_test_service_ok ?></span>";
614 |
if (data.result === -1) {
615 |
messages += "<br><span style=\"color: red\"><?= $l_ldap_test_connection_failed ?></span>";
616 |
} else {
617 |
messages += "<br><span style=\"color: green\"><?= $l_ldap_test_connection_ok ?></span>";
618 |
if (data.result === 0) {
619 |
messages += "<br><span style=\"color: red\"><?= $l_ldap_test_bind_failed ?></span>";
620 |
} else {
621 |
messages += "<br><span style=\"color: green\"><?= $l_ldap_test_bind_ok ?></span>";
622 |
if (data.result === 1) {
623 |
messages += "<br><span style=\"color: red\"><?= $l_ldap_test_dn_failed ?></span>";
624 |
} else {
625 |
messages += "<br><span style=\"color: green\"><?= $l_ldap_test_dn_ok ?> (" + (data.result - 2) + " <?= $l_ldap_entries?>)</span>";
626 |
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 |
631 |
632 |
if (data.result > 1) {
633 |
formSubmit.style.display = null;
634 |
btn_checkConf.style.display = 'none';
2453 |
tom.houday |
635 |
} else {
2460 |
tom.houday |
636 |
formSubmit.style.display = 'none';
637 |
btn_checkConf.style.display = null;
2453 |
tom.houday |
638 |
639 |
640 |
if (typeof data.errors !== 'undefined') {
2460 |
tom.houday |
641 |
messages = '<span style=\"color: red\">' + data.errors.join('</span><br><span style=\"color: red\">') + '</span><br>';
2453 |
tom.houday |
642 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
643 |
if (typeof data.warnings !== 'undefined') {
644 |
messages += '<br><span style=\"color: orange\">' + data.warnings.join('</span><br><span style=\"color: orange\">') + '</span><br>';
645 |
2453 |
tom.houday |
646 |
2460 |
tom.houday |
647 |
messagesElem.innerHTML = messages;
2453 |
tom.houday |
648 |
} else {
2460 |
tom.houday |
649 |
messagesElem.innerHTML = 'server error';
2453 |
tom.houday |
650 |
651 |
652 |
653 |
xhr.open('POST', 'ldap.php?conf_check', true);
2462 |
tom.houday |
654 |
2453 |
tom.houday |
655 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
656 |
657 |
function launchAssistant() {
658 |
var messagesElem = document.querySelector('fieldset > legend > div');
659 |
var dom_ldap_server = document.getElementById('ldap_server');
660 |
var dom_ldap_ssl = document.getElementById('ldap_ssl');
661 |
var dom_ldap_cert_required = document.getElementById('ldap_cert_required');
662 |
var dom_ldap_dn = document.getElementById('ldap_dn');
663 |
var dom_ldap_uid = document.getElementById('ldap_uid');
664 |
var dom_ad_dns_domain = document.getElementById('ad_dns_domain');
665 |
post_data = 'ldap_server='+dom_ldap_server.value;
666 |
2731 |
tom.houday |
667 |
messagesElem.innerHTML = '';
668 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
669 |
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
670 |
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
671 |
if (this.readyState == 4) {
672 |
if (this.status == 200) {
673 |
var data = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
674 |
var messages = '';
675 |
676 |
if (typeof data.result !== 'undefined') {
677 |
if (data.result === -2) {
678 |
messages += "<span style=\"color: red\"><?= $l_ldap_test_service_failed ?></span>";
679 |
} else if (data.result === -1) {
680 |
messages += "<br><span style=\"color: red\"><?= $l_ldap_test_connection_failed ?></span>";
681 |
} else if (data.result === 0) {
682 |
if ((typeof data.values.int_dns_domain !== 'undefined') && (dom_ad_dns_domain.value === '')) {
683 |
dom_ad_dns_domain.value = data.values.int_dns_domain
684 |
685 |
if ((typeof data.values.ldap_base_dn !== 'undefined') && (dom_ldap_dn.value === '')) {
686 |
dom_ldap_dn.value = data.values.ldap_base_dn
687 |
688 |
if (dom_ldap_uid.value === '') {
689 |
if (data.values.isAD === true) {
690 |
dom_ldap_uid.value = 'sAMAccountName';
691 |
} else {
692 |
dom_ldap_uid.value = 'uid';
693 |
694 |
695 |
if (data.values.ldap_srv_636 === true) {
696 |
dom_ldap_ssl.value = 'on'
697 |
if ((typeof data.values.ldap_server_domain !== 'undefined') && (dom_ldap_cert_required.value === 'on')) {
698 |
dom_ldap_server.value = data.values.ldap_server_domain
699 |
700 |
} else {
701 |
if (dom_ldap_ssl.value === 'on') {
702 |
dom_ldap_ssl.value = 'off';
703 |
704 |
705 |
706 |
707 |
708 |
709 |
messagesElem.innerHTML = messages;
710 |
} else {
711 |
messagesElem.innerHTML = 'server error';
712 |
713 |
714 |
715 |
xhr.open('POST', 'ldap.php?assistant', true);
716 |
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
717 |
718 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
719 |
720 |
2462 |
tom.houday |
721 |
<body onLoad="onLdapStatusChange();">
2449 |
tom.houday |
722 |
<div class="panel">
723 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_ldap_legend ?></div>
724 |
<div class="panel-body">
2705 |
tom.houday |
725 |
<form id="form-config_ldap" name="config_ldap" method="POST" action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
2449 |
tom.houday |
726 |
727 |
2460 |
tom.houday |
728 |
729 |
<div style="text-align: center">
730 |
<?php if ($messages): ?>
731 |
<?= $messages ?>
732 |
<?php endif; ?>
733 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
734 |
735 |
736 |
737 |
<label for="auth_enable"><?= $l_ldap_auth_enable_label ?></label>
738 |
739 |
740 |
<select id="auth_enable" name="auth_enable" onchange="onLdapStatusChange();">
741 |
<option value="1"<?= ($ldap_status) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>><?= $l_ldap_YES ?></option>
742 |
<option value="0"<?= (!$ldap_status) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>><?= $l_ldap_NO ?></option>
743 |
744 |
745 |
746 |
747 |
748 |
<label for="ldap_server"><?= $l_ldap_server_label ?></label><br>
749 |
<?= $l_ldap_server_text ?>
750 |
751 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
752 |
<input type="text" id="ldap_server" size="40" name="ldap_server" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($ldap_server) ?>" oninput="onLdapStatusChange();"> <button onclick="launchAssistant(); return false;"><?= 'Assistant' ?></button>
2449 |
tom.houday |
753 |
754 |
755 |
756 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
757 |
<label for="ldap_ssl"><?= $l_ldap_ssl_label ?></label><br>
758 |
<?= $l_ldap_ssl_text ?><br>
2449 |
tom.houday |
759 |
760 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
761 |
<select id="ldap_ssl" name="ldap_ssl" onchange="onLdapStatusChange();">
762 |
<option value="on"<?= ($ldap_ssl) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>><?= $l_ldap_YES ?></option>
763 |
<option value="off"<?= (!$ldap_ssl) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>><?= $l_ldap_NO ?></option>
764 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
765 |
766 |
767 |
768 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
769 |
<label for="ldap_cert_required"><?= $l_ldap_cert_required_label ?></label><br>
770 |
<?= $l_ldap_cert_required_text ?><br>
2449 |
tom.houday |
771 |
772 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
773 |
<select id="ldap_cert_required" name="ldap_cert_required" onchange="onLdapStatusChange();">
774 |
<option value="on"<?= ($ldap_cert_required) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>><?= $l_ldap_YES ?></option>
775 |
<option value="off"<?= (!$ldap_cert_required) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>><?= $l_ldap_NO ?></option>
776 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
777 |
778 |
779 |
780 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
781 |
<label for="ldap_cert"><?= $l_ldap_cert_label ?></label><br>
782 |
<?= $l_ldap_cert_text ?><br>
783 |
<?= (($ldap_cert_subject) ? "$l_ldap_cert_status_cur $ldap_cert_subject" : $l_ldap_cert_status_no ) ?>
2449 |
tom.houday |
784 |
785 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
786 |
<input type="file" id="ldap_cert" name="ldap_cert" oninput="onLdapStatusChange();">
2449 |
tom.houday |
787 |
788 |
789 |
790 |
791 |
<label for="ldap_user"><?= $l_ldap_user_label ?></label><br>
792 |
<?= $l_ldap_user_text ?>
793 |
794 |
2475 |
tom.houday |
795 |
<input type="text" id="ldap_user" size="40" name="ldap_user" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($ldap_user) ?>" oninput="onLdapStatusChange();">
2449 |
tom.houday |
796 |
797 |
798 |
799 |
800 |
<label for="ldap_password"><?= $l_ldap_password_label ?></label><br>
801 |
<?= $l_ldap_password_text ?>
802 |
803 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
804 |
<input type="password" id="ldap_password" size="40" name="ldap_password" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($ldap_password) ?>" oninput="onLdapStatusChange();">
2449 |
tom.houday |
805 |
806 |
2705 |
tom.houday |
807 |
808 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
809 |
<label for="ldap_dn"><?= $l_ldap_base_dn_label ?></label><br>
810 |
<?= $l_ldap_base_dn_text ?>
2705 |
tom.houday |
811 |
812 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
813 |
<input type="text" id="ldap_dn" size="40" name="ldap_base_dn" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($ldap_base_dn) ?>" oninput="onLdapStatusChange();">
2705 |
tom.houday |
814 |
815 |
816 |
817 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
818 |
<label for="ldap_uid"><?= $l_ldap_uid_label ?></label><br>
819 |
<?= $l_ldap_uid_text ?>
2705 |
tom.houday |
820 |
821 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
822 |
<input type="text" id="ldap_uid" size="40" name="ldap_uid" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($ldap_uid) ?>" oninput="onLdapStatusChange();">
2705 |
tom.houday |
823 |
824 |
825 |
826 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
827 |
<label for="ldap_base_filter"><?= $l_ldap_base_filter_label ?></label><br>
828 |
<?= $l_ldap_base_filter_text ?>
2705 |
tom.houday |
829 |
830 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
831 |
<input type="text" id="ldap_base_filter" size="40" name="ldap_base_filter" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($ldap_base_filter) ?>" oninput="onLdapStatusChange();">
2705 |
tom.houday |
832 |
833 |
2718 |
tom.houday |
834 |
835 |
836 |
<label for="ad_dns_domain"><?= $l_ad_dns_domain_label ?></label><br>
837 |
<?= $l_ad_dns_domain_text ?>
838 |
839 |
840 |
<input type="text" id="ad_dns_domain" size="40" name="ad_dns_domain" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($conf['INT_DNS_DOMAIN']) ?>" oninput="onLdapStatusChange();">
841 |
842 |
2449 |
tom.houday |
843 |
2461 |
richard |
844 |
<button id="btn-checkconf" onclick="checkConfig(); return false;"><?= $l_check ?></button>
2475 |
tom.houday |
845 |
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="<?= $l_ldap_submit ?>" name="submit">
2449 |
tom.houday |
846 |
847 |
848 |
849 |
850 |
318 |
richard |
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852 |