838 |
richard |
1 |
2688 |
lucas.echa |
2 |
/* written by steweb57 & Rexy */
2990 |
rexy |
3 |
4 |
5 |
// partie $_POST du service mail
6 |
7 |
$php_self = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
8 |
// Traiter les formulaires de la partie MAIL SERVICE
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
/* // procéder a l'installtion de postfix
13 |
if (!empty($_POST['install'])){
14 |
exec('sudo dnf install -y postfix', $output, $retval);
15 |
// header("Location:services.php");
16 |
17 |
echo "<br>\$retval : " . $retval;
18 |
19 |
20 |
// La variable qui contiendra les options et les arguments a passer à l'install
21 |
$optArg = "";
22 |
23 |
24 |
$optArg .= " -".trim($_POST['testConf']);
25 |
26 |
27 |
$optArg .= " -s \"".trim($_POST['smtp'])."\"";
28 |
29 |
30 |
$optArg .= " -p \"".trim($_POST['port'])."\"";
31 |
32 |
33 |
$smtpPort = explode(" ", $_POST['smtpPort']);
34 |
$optArg .= " -s \"".trim($smtpPort[0])."\" -p \"".trim($smtpPort[1])."\"";
35 |
36 |
37 |
$optArg .= " -r \"".trim($_POST['smtpIP'])."\"";
38 |
39 |
40 |
$optArg .= " -m \"".trim($_POST['mailAddr'])."\"";
41 |
42 |
if(!empty($_POST['pswd1']) && !empty($_POST['pswd2'])){
43 |
if (trim($_POST['pswd1']) == trim($_POST['pswd2'])){
44 |
$optArg .= " -o \"".trim($_POST['pswd2'])."\"";
45 |
} else {
46 |
echo "<script> alert(\"Les deux mots de passe sont différents\"); window.location.href=\"services.php\";</script>";
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
$optArg .= " -a \"".$_POST['adminMail']."\"";
51 |
52 |
53 |
$optArg .= " -w \"".str_replace("\r"," ",trim($_POST['wld']))."\"";
54 |
55 |
56 |
// Supprimer la WLD ou l'email de l'admin
57 |
58 |
exec("sudo sed -i '/". $_POST['unset']."/d' /usr/local/etc/alcasar-mail.conf", $output, $retval);
59 |
60 |
61 |
echo "<br>\$retval : " . $retval;
62 |
63 |
64 |
// Supprimer toute la configuration actuelle
65 |
66 |
// echo "sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-mail-uninstall.sh <br>";
67 |
exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-mail-uninstall.sh", $output, $retval);
68 |
69 |
70 |
echo "<br>\$retval : " . $retval;
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
echo "sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-mail-install.sh".$optArg;
75 |
exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-mail-install.sh".escapeshellcmd($optArg), $output, $retval);
76 |
77 |
echo "<br>\$retval : " . $retval;
78 |
79 |
// à décommenté une fois tests et debugs réalisé pour recharger la page sansle $_POST
80 |
// header("Location:services.php");
81 |
82 |
}// Fin de la partie $_POST du service mail
83 |
84 |
838 |
richard |
85 |
# Choice of language
86 |
$Language = 'en';
87 |
88 |
$Langue = explode(",",$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
89 |
$Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]),0,2)); }
2853 |
rexy |
90 |
if($Language == 'fr') {
838 |
richard |
91 |
$l_services_title = "Configuration des services";
1157 |
stephane |
92 |
$l_main_services = "Services principaux";
1476 |
richard |
93 |
$l_filter_services = "Services de filtrage";
1157 |
stephane |
94 |
$l_opt_services = "Services optionnels";
2926 |
rexy |
95 |
$l_service_title = "Rôle du service";
2134 |
richard |
96 |
$l_service_start = "Démarrer";
97 |
$l_service_stop = "Arréter";
98 |
$l_service_restart = "Redémarrer";
838 |
richard |
99 |
$l_service_status = "Status";
1006 |
richard |
100 |
$l_service_status_img_ok= "Démarré";
101 |
$l_service_status_img_ko= "Arrété";
838 |
richard |
102 |
$l_service_action = "Actions";
103 |
$l_radiusd = "Serveur d'authentification et d'autorisation";
2531 |
rexy |
104 |
$l_chilli = "Passerelle d'interception et serveur DHCP";
2521 |
armand.ito |
105 |
$l_e2guardian = "Filtre d'URL et de contenu WEB";
1476 |
richard |
106 |
$l_mysqld = "Serveur de la base des usagers";
2488 |
lucas.echa |
107 |
$l_lighttpd = "Serveur WEB (Alcasar Control Center)";
1476 |
richard |
108 |
$l_sshd = "Accès sécurisée distant";
2776 |
rexy |
109 |
$l_clamav_freshclam = "Mise à jour de l'antivirus (toutes les 4 heures)";
2840 |
rexy |
110 |
$l_clamav_daemon = "Antimalware";
838 |
richard |
111 |
$l_ntpd = "Service de mise à l'heure réseau";
2990 |
rexy |
112 |
$l_postfix = "Service de messagerie";
2531 |
rexy |
113 |
$l_fail2ban = "Détecteur d'intrusion";
2775 |
rexy |
114 |
$l_nfcapd = "Collecteur de flux NetFlow";
2531 |
rexy |
115 |
$l_vnstat = "Grapheur de flux réseau";
2688 |
lucas.echa |
116 |
$l_unbound = "Serveur DNS principal";
117 |
$l_unbound_blacklist = "Serveur DNS pour la Blacklist";
118 |
$l_unbound_whitelist = "Serveur DNS pour la Whitelist";
119 |
$l_dnsmasq_whitelist = "Serveur DNS pour la Whitelist (IPSET)";
120 |
$l_unbound_blackhole = "Serveur DNS 'trou noir'";
1484 |
richard |
121 |
$l_ulogd_ssh = "journalisation des accès par SSH";
1476 |
richard |
122 |
$l_ulogd_ext_access = "journalisation des tentatives d'accès externes";
123 |
$l_ulogd_traceability = "journalisation des connexions WEB filtrés";
2926 |
rexy |
124 |
$l_wifi4eu_id = "Entrez votre identifiant réseau";
1574 |
richard |
125 |
$l_execute = "Exécuter";
2926 |
rexy |
126 |
$l_stop_restart = "Arrêt et redémarrage du système";
1574 |
richard |
127 |
$l_halt = "Arréter le système";
128 |
$l_reboot = "Relancer le système";
2853 |
rexy |
129 |
} else if($Language == 'es') {
130 |
$l_services_title = "Configuración de Servicios";
131 |
$l_main_services = "Servicios Principales";
132 |
$l_filter_services = "Servicios de Filtrado";
133 |
$l_opt_services = "Servicios Opcionales";
2926 |
rexy |
134 |
$l_service_title = "función del servicio";
2853 |
rexy |
135 |
$l_service_start = "Iniciar";
136 |
$l_service_stop = "Detener";
137 |
$l_service_restart = "Reiniciar";
138 |
$l_service_status = "Estado";
139 |
$l_service_status_img_ok= "Corriendo";
140 |
$l_service_status_img_ko= "Detenido";
141 |
$l_service_action = "Acciones";
142 |
$l_radiusd = "Servidor de autenticación y autorización.";
143 |
$l_chilli = "Pasarela de interceptación y servidor DHCP";
144 |
$l_e2guardian = "Filtro de contenidos URL y WEB";
145 |
$l_mysqld = "Motor de base de datos para usuarios";
146 |
$l_lighttpd = "Servidor WEB (ALCASAR Control Center)";
147 |
$l_sshd = "Servidor Seguro Acceso Remoto";
148 |
$l_clamav_freshclam = "Proceso de actualización Antivirus (cada 4 horas)";
149 |
$l_clamav_daemon = "Antimalware";
150 |
$l_ntpd = "Servidor de hora";
151 |
$l_fail2ban = "Sistema de Detección de Intrusos";
152 |
$l_nfcapd = "Colector de flujo NetFlow";
153 |
$l_vnstat = "Graficador de tráfico de red";
154 |
$l_unbound = "Servidor DNS principal ";
155 |
$l_unbound_blacklist = "Servidor DNS de Lista Negra";
156 |
$l_unbound_whitelist = "Servidor DNS de Lista Blanca";
157 |
$l_dnsmasq_whitelist = "Servidor DNS de Lista Blanca (IPSET)";
158 |
$l_unbound_blackhole = "Agujero negro DNS";
159 |
$l_ulogd_ssh = "Proceso de registro para accesos SSH";
160 |
$l_ulogd_ext_access = "Proceso de registro de intentos de accesos externos";
161 |
$l_ulogd_traceability = "Proceso de registro de acceso WEB";
2926 |
rexy |
162 |
$l_wifi4eu_id = "Introduzca su identificador de red";
2853 |
rexy |
163 |
$l_execute = "Ejecutar";
164 |
$l_stop_restart = "Apagado y Reinicio del sistema";
165 |
$l_halt = "Apagar el sistema";
166 |
$l_reboot = "Reiniciar el sistema";
838 |
richard |
167 |
} else {
168 |
$l_services_title = "Services configuration";
1157 |
stephane |
169 |
$l_main_services = "Main services";
1476 |
richard |
170 |
$l_filter_services = "Filtering services";
1157 |
stephane |
171 |
$l_opt_services = "Optional services";
2926 |
rexy |
172 |
$l_service_title = "Role of the service";
838 |
richard |
173 |
$l_service_start = "Start";
174 |
$l_service_stop = "Stop";
175 |
$l_service_restart = "Restart";
176 |
$l_service_status = "Status";
1006 |
richard |
177 |
$l_service_status_img_ok= "Running";
178 |
$l_service_status_img_ko= "Stopped";
838 |
richard |
179 |
$l_service_action = "Actions";
1572 |
richard |
180 |
$l_radiusd = "Authentication and authorisation server";
2531 |
rexy |
181 |
$l_chilli = "Interception gateway and DHCP server";
2521 |
armand.ito |
182 |
$l_e2guardian = "URL and WEB content filter";
838 |
richard |
183 |
$l_mysqld = "User database server";
2488 |
lucas.echa |
184 |
$l_lighttpd = "WEB server (ALCASAR Control Center)";
838 |
richard |
185 |
$l_sshd = "Secure remote access";
2776 |
rexy |
186 |
$l_clamav_freshclam = "Antivirus update process (every 4 hours)";
2840 |
rexy |
187 |
$l_clamav_daemon= "Antimalware";
1572 |
richard |
188 |
$l_ntpd = "Network time server";
2531 |
rexy |
189 |
$l_fail2ban = "Intrusion Dectection System";
2775 |
rexy |
190 |
$l_nfcapd = "Netflow collector";
2531 |
rexy |
191 |
$l_vnstat = "Network grapher";
2688 |
lucas.echa |
192 |
$l_unbound = "Main DNS server";
193 |
$l_unbound_blacklist = "Blacklist DNS server";
194 |
$l_unbound_whitelist = "Whitelist DNS server";
195 |
$l_dnsmasq_whitelist = "Whitelist DNS server (IPSET)";
196 |
$l_unbound_blackhole = "Blackhole DNS server";
1476 |
richard |
197 |
$l_ulogd_ssh = "SSH access logging process";
1572 |
richard |
198 |
$l_ulogd_ext_access = "Extern access attempts logging process";
1476 |
richard |
199 |
$l_ulogd_traceability = "Filtering WEB access logging process";
2926 |
rexy |
200 |
$l_wifi4eu_id = "Enter your network identifier";
1574 |
richard |
201 |
$l_execute = "Execute";
202 |
$l_stop_restart = "Halt and restart the system";
203 |
$l_halt = "Halt le system";
204 |
$l_reboot = "Restart the system";
838 |
richard |
205 |
206 |
207 |
2531 |
rexy |
208 |
838 |
richard |
209 |
210 |
define ("CONF_FILE", "/usr/local/etc/alcasar.conf");
211 |
212 |
2531 |
rexy |
213 |
* CONF FILE test *
838 |
richard |
214 |
215 |
if (!file_exists(CONF_FILE)){
216 |
exit("Fichier de configuration ".CONF_FILE." non présent");
217 |
218 |
if (!is_readable(CONF_FILE)){
219 |
exit("Vous n'avez pas les droits de lecture sur le fichier ".CONF_FILE);
220 |
2926 |
rexy |
221 |
$file_conf = fopen(CONF_FILE, 'r');
222 |
if (!$file_conf) {
223 |
exit('Error opening the file '.CONF_FILE);
224 |
225 |
while (!feof($file_conf)) {
226 |
$buffer = fgets($file_conf, 4096);
227 |
if ((strpos($buffer, '=') !== false) && (substr($buffer, 0, 1) !== '#')) {
228 |
$tmp = explode('=', $buffer, 2);
229 |
$conf[trim($tmp[0])] = trim($tmp[1]);
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
$wifi4eu = $conf['WIFI4EU'];
234 |
$wifi4eu_code = $conf['WIFI4EU_CODE'];
2531 |
rexy |
235 |
// Doing an action on a service (start,stop or restart)
838 |
richard |
236 |
function serviceExec($service, $action){
237 |
if (($action == "start")||($action == "stop")||($action == "restart")){
2934 |
rexy |
238 |
exec("sudo /usr/bin/systemctl $action ".escapeshellarg($service), $retval, $retstatus);
2926 |
rexy |
239 |
if ($service == "sshd"){
2688 |
lucas.echa |
240 |
if ($action == "start"){
2931 |
rexy |
241 |
//exec("sudo /usr/bin/systemctl enable ".escapeshellarg($service));
242 |
file_put_contents(CONF_FILE, str_replace('SSH=off', 'SSH=on', file_get_contents(CONF_FILE))); // in order to keep that conf for SSH at next reboot
2299 |
tom.houday |
243 |
exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-iptables.sh");
838 |
richard |
244 |
245 |
if ($action == "stop"){
2931 |
rexy |
246 |
//exec("sudo /usr/bin/systemctl disable ".escapeshellarg($service));
838 |
richard |
247 |
file_put_contents(CONF_FILE, str_replace('SSH=on', 'SSH=off', file_get_contents(CONF_FILE)));
2299 |
tom.houday |
248 |
exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-iptables.sh");
838 |
richard |
249 |
250 |
251 |
return $retstatus;
252 |
} else {
253 |
return false;
254 |
255 |
2531 |
rexy |
256 |
257 |
// Testing if a service is active
1006 |
richard |
258 |
function checkServiceStatus($service){
838 |
richard |
259 |
$response = false;
2299 |
tom.houday |
260 |
exec("sudo /usr/bin/systemctl is-active ".escapeshellarg("$service.service"), $retval);
838 |
richard |
261 |
foreach( $retval as $val ) {
1006 |
richard |
262 |
if ($val == "active"){
838 |
richard |
263 |
$response = true;
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
return $response;
268 |
269 |
270 |
2926 |
rexy |
271 |
272 |
273 |
if (isset($_POST['wifi4eu'])){
2934 |
rexy |
274 |
switch ($_POST['wifi4eu']){
275 |
case 'on' :
2935 |
rexy |
276 |
$network_code = trim($_POST['wifi4eu_id']);
277 |
if ($network_code == '') {
278 |
$network_code = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000'; // WIFI4EU test code
279 |
280 |
file_put_contents(CONF_FILE, preg_replace('/WIFI4EU_CODE=.*/', 'WIFI4EU_CODE='.$network_code, file_get_contents(CONF_FILE)));
2934 |
rexy |
281 |
exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-wifi4eu.sh -on");
282 |
283 |
case 'off' :
284 |
exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-wifi4eu.sh -off");
285 |
286 |
287 |
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
2926 |
rexy |
288 |
2934 |
rexy |
289 |
2926 |
rexy |
290 |
2934 |
rexy |
291 |
// Stop/restart system
1574 |
richard |
292 |
2934 |
rexy |
293 |
if (isset($_POST['system'])){
294 |
switch ($_POST['system']){
1574 |
richard |
295 |
case 'reboot' :
1827 |
raphael.pi |
296 |
exec ("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-logout.sh all");
1599 |
richard |
297 |
exec ("sudo /usr/sbin/shutdown -r now");
1574 |
richard |
298 |
299 |
case 'halt' :
1827 |
raphael.pi |
300 |
exec ("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-logout.sh all");
1599 |
richard |
301 |
exec ("sudo /usr/sbin/shutdown -h now");
1574 |
richard |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
2934 |
rexy |
307 |
// Actions on services
308 |
2990 |
rexy |
309 |
$autorizeService = array("radiusd","chilli","mysqld","lighttpd","unbound-forward","ulogd-ssh","ulogd-ext-access","ulogd-traceability","unbound-blacklist","unbound-whitelist","dnsmasq-whitelist","unbound-blackhole","e2guardian","clamav-daemon","clamav-freshclam","sshd","ntpd","fail2ban","nfcapd","vnstat","postfix");
2934 |
rexy |
310 |
$autorizeAction = array("start","stop","restart");
311 |
312 |
if (isset($_GET['service'])&&(in_array($_GET['service'], $autorizeService))) {
313 |
if (isset($_GET['action'])&&(in_array($_GET['action'], $autorizeAction))) {
314 |
$execStatus = serviceExec($_GET['service'], $_GET['action']);
315 |
// execStatus non exploité
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
2531 |
rexy |
320 |
// Check services status
838 |
richard |
321 |
322 |
$MainServiceStatus = array();
2531 |
rexy |
323 |
$MainServiceStatus['chilli'] = checkServiceStatus("chilli");
1006 |
richard |
324 |
$MainServiceStatus['radiusd'] = checkServiceStatus("radiusd");
325 |
$MainServiceStatus['mysqld'] = checkServiceStatus("mysqld");
2488 |
lucas.echa |
326 |
$MainServiceStatus['lighttpd'] = checkServiceStatus("lighttpd");
2724 |
rexy |
327 |
$MainServiceStatus['unbound'] = checkServiceStatus("unbound");
2775 |
rexy |
328 |
$MainServiceStatus['nfcapd'] = checkServiceStatus("nfcapd");
2531 |
rexy |
329 |
$MainServiceStatus['ulogd_ssh'] = checkServiceStatus("ulogd-ssh");
330 |
$MainServiceStatus['ulogd_ext_access'] = checkServiceStatus("ulogd-ext-access");
331 |
$MainServiceStatus['ulogd_traceability'] = checkServiceStatus("ulogd-traceability");
2926 |
rexy |
332 |
$MainServiceStatus['sshd'] = checkServiceStatus("sshd");
333 |
$MainServiceStatus['ntpd'] = checkServiceStatus("ntpd");
334 |
$MainServiceStatus['fail2ban'] = checkServiceStatus("fail2ban");
335 |
$MainServiceStatus['vnstat'] = checkServiceStatus("vnstat");
2990 |
rexy |
336 |
$MainServiceStatus['postfix'] = checkServiceStatus("postfix");
838 |
richard |
337 |
1476 |
richard |
338 |
$FilterServiceStatus = array();
2688 |
lucas.echa |
339 |
$FilterServiceStatus['unbound_blacklist'] = checkServiceStatus("unbound-blacklist");
340 |
$FilterServiceStatus['unbound_whitelist'] = checkServiceStatus("unbound-whitelist");
2531 |
rexy |
341 |
$FilterServiceStatus['dnsmasq_whitelist'] = checkServiceStatus("dnsmasq-whitelist");
2688 |
lucas.echa |
342 |
$FilterServiceStatus['unbound_blackhole'] = checkServiceStatus("unbound-blackhole");
2531 |
rexy |
343 |
$FilterServiceStatus['e2guardian'] = checkServiceStatus("e2guardian");
2840 |
rexy |
344 |
$FilterServiceStatus['clamav_daemon'] = checkServiceStatus("clamav-daemon");
2776 |
rexy |
345 |
$FilterServiceStatus['clamav_freshclam'] = checkServiceStatus("clamav-freshclam");
1476 |
richard |
346 |
838 |
richard |
347 |
348 |
* MAIN *
349 |
350 |
2926 |
rexy |
351 |
352 |
838 |
richard |
353 |
2926 |
rexy |
354 |
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
355 |
<title><?php echo $l_services_title; ?></title>
356 |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/acc.css" type="text/css">
2990 |
rexy |
357 |
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
838 |
richard |
358 |
359 |
2926 |
rexy |
360 |
<div class="panel">
361 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_main_services ?></div>
362 |
<div class="panel-row">
363 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
364 |
<tr align="center"><td><?php echo $l_service_status;?></td><td colspan="2"><?php echo $l_service_title;?></td><td colspan="3"><?php echo $l_service_action;?></td></tr>
365 |
<?php foreach( $MainServiceStatus as $serviceName => $statusOK ) { ?>
366 |
2990 |
rexy |
367 |
<?php if ($serviceName != "postfix"){
368 |
if ($statusOK) { ?>
2926 |
rexy |
369 |
<td align="center"><img src="/images/state_ok.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="<?php echo $l_service_status_img_ok; ?>"></td>
370 |
<td align="center"><?php $comment="l_$serviceName"; echo "<b>$serviceName</b></td><td>${$comment}" ;?> </td>
371 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
372 |
<td width="80" align="center"><?php if (($serviceName != "chilli") && ($serviceName != "lighttpd")) { echo "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=stop&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName)."\"> $l_service_stop</a>"; } else echo "---";?></td>
373 |
<td width="80" align="center"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=restart&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName)."\"> $l_service_restart";?></a></td>
374 |
<?php } else { ?>
375 |
<td align="center"><img src="/images/state_error.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="<?php echo $l_service_status_img_ko ?>"></td>
376 |
<td align="center"><?php $comment="l_$serviceName"; echo "$serviceName</td><td>${$comment}" ;?> </td>
377 |
<td width="80" align="center"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=start&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName)."\"> $l_service_start";?></a></td>
378 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
379 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
380 |
<?php } ?>
381 |
2990 |
rexy |
382 |
<?php }
383 |
} ?>
2926 |
rexy |
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
<div class="panel">
388 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_filter_services ?></div>
389 |
<div class="panel-row">
390 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
391 |
<tr align="center"><td><?php echo $l_service_status;?></td><td colspan="2"><?php echo $l_service_title;?></td><td colspan="3"><?php echo $l_service_action;?></td></tr>
392 |
<!-- <TR align="center"> -->
393 |
<?php foreach( $FilterServiceStatus as $serviceName => $statusOK ) { ?>
394 |
395 |
<?php if ($statusOK) { ?>
396 |
<td align="center"><img src="/images/state_ok.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="<?php echo $l_service_status_img_ok; ?>"></td>
397 |
<td align="center"><?php $comment="l_$serviceName"; echo "<b>$serviceName</b></td><td>${$comment}" ;?> </td>
398 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
399 |
<td width="80" align="center"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=stop&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName)."\"> $l_service_stop";?></a></td>
400 |
<td width="80" align="center"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=restart&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName)."\"> $l_service_restart";?></a></td>
401 |
<?php } else { ?>
402 |
<td align="center"><img src="/images/state_error.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="<?php echo $l_service_status_img_ko ?>"></td>
403 |
<td align="center"><?php $comment="l_$serviceName"; echo "$serviceName</td><td>${$comment}" ;?> </td>
404 |
<td width="80" align="center"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=start&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName)."\"> $l_service_start";?></a></td>
405 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
406 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
407 |
<?php } ?>
408 |
409 |
<?php } ?>
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
<div class="panel">
414 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_opt_services ?></div>
415 |
<div class="panel-row">
2990 |
rexy |
416 |
2926 |
rexy |
417 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
418 |
<tr align="center"><td><?php echo $l_service_status;?></td><td colspan="2"> </td><td colspan="3"><?php echo $l_service_action;?></td></tr>
2990 |
rexy |
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 |
exec("sudo rpm" . escapeshellarg("-q postfix"), $output, $retval);
424 |
425 |
echo "<br>\$retval : " . $retval;
426 |
exec("sudo ip" . escapeshellarg("a"), $output, $retval);
427 |
428 |
echo "<br>\$retval : " . $retval;
429 |
// si POSTFIX n'est pas installé, on propose l'installation
430 |
if ($retval == 1){
431 |
432 |
echo <<<EOT
433 |
<tr align="center">
434 |
<td colspan="3"><b>POSTFIX n'est pas installé.</b></td>
435 |
436 |
<form id="install" action="$php_self" method=POST>
437 |
<input type="hidden" name="install" value="install">
438 |
<input type=submit form="install" value="Install">
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 |
// si POSFIX est installé
445 |
} else {
446 |
447 |
// la partie tableau qui affiche les statut du service POSTFIX, et possiblité de start, restart & stop
448 |
$serviceName = "postfix";
449 |
if(array_key_exists($serviceName, $MainServiceStatus)){
450 |
451 |
$statusOK = $MainServiceStatus['postfix'];
452 |
453 |
$stopService = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=stop&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName);
454 |
$startService = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=start&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName);
455 |
$restartService = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=restart&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName);
456 |
// $restartService = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?action=restart&service=".str_replace('_','-',$serviceName)."\\";
457 |
458 |
echo "<tr>";
459 |
if ($statusOK) {
460 |
echo <<<EOT
461 |
<td align="center"><img src="/images/state_ok.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="$l_service_status_img_ok"></td>
462 |
<td align="center"><b>$serviceName</b></td>
463 |
<td align="center">${$comment}</td>
464 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
465 |
<td width="80" align="center">
466 |
<a href=$stopService>$l_service_stop</a></td>
467 |
<td width="80" align="center">
468 |
<a href=$restartService>$l_service_restart</a></td>
469 |
470 |
} else {
471 |
echo <<<EOT
472 |
<td align="center"><img src="/images/state_error.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="$l_service_status_img_ko"></td>
473 |
<td align="center">$serviceName</td>
474 |
<td align="center">${$comment}</td>
475 |
<td width="80" align="center">
476 |
<a href=$startService>$l_service_start</a></td>
477 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
478 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
479 |
480 |
481 |
echo "</tr>";
482 |
483 |
484 |
// POSTFIX end
485 |
486 |
487 |
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method=POST>
2926 |
rexy |
488 |
489 |
<?php if ($wifi4eu == "on") { ?>
490 |
<td align="center"><img src="/images/state_ok.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="<?php echo $l_service_status_img_ok; ?>"></td>
491 |
<td align="center"><b>WIFI4EU</b></td><td><?php echo "network ID : $wifi4eu_code"; ?></td>
492 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
2934 |
rexy |
493 |
<td width="80" align="center"><input type=submit value="<?echo $l_service_stop;?>"><input type=hidden name="wifi4eu" value="off"></td>
2926 |
rexy |
494 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
495 |
<?php } else { ?>
496 |
<td align="center"><img src="/images/state_error.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="<?php echo $l_service_status_img_ko; ?>"></td>
2935 |
rexy |
497 |
<td align="center">WIFI4EU</td><td><?php echo $l_wifi4eu_id; ?> : <input type ="text" name="wifi4eu_id" value="<?php echo $wifi4eu_code; ?>" size="40"></td>
2934 |
rexy |
498 |
<td width="80" align="center"><input type=submit value="<?echo $l_service_start;?>"><input type=hidden name="wifi4eu" value="on"></td>
2926 |
rexy |
499 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
500 |
<td width="80" align="center">---</td>
501 |
<?php } ?>
502 |
2990 |
rexy |
503 |
504 |
2926 |
rexy |
505 |
506 |
507 |
2990 |
rexy |
508 |
509 |
2926 |
rexy |
510 |
<div class="panel">
511 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_stop_restart ?></div>
512 |
<div class="panel-row">
513 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
514 |
<tr><td valign="middle" align="left">
515 |
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method=POST>
2934 |
rexy |
516 |
<select name='system'>
2926 |
rexy |
517 |
<option selected value="reboot"><?echo "$l_reboot";?>
518 |
<option value="halt"><?echo "$l_halt";?>
519 |
520 |
<input type=submit value="<?echo "$l_execute";?>">
521 |
522 |
523 |
524 |
525 |
2990 |
rexy |
526 |
527 |
528 |
<!-- Code de la partie mail service, il ne faut pas oublier de rajouter jquery dans le head du html -->
529 |
530 |
531 |
532 |
echo <<<EOT
533 |
534 |
<div class="panel">
535 |
<div class="panel-header">POSTFIX actuelle Configuration</div>
536 |
<div class="panel-row">
537 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><br>
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 |
// la conf actuelle, si le fichier alcasar-mail.conf est présent
542 |
$alcasarMailConf = "/usr/local/etc/alcasar-mail.conf";
543 |
if (is_file ($alcasarMailConf)){
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
if ($tab){
548 |
foreach ($tab as $line) {
549 |
550 |
$field=explode("=", $line);
551 |
552 |
switch ($field[0]) {
553 |
554 |
case 'smtp':
555 |
$smtp = trim($field[1]);
556 |
echo <<<EOT
557 |
<tr align="center">
558 |
<td><b>SMTP : </b>$smtp</td>
559 |
560 |
561 |
562 |
case 'port':
563 |
$port = trim($field[1]);
564 |
echo <<<EOT
565 |
<tr align="center">
566 |
<td><b>Port : </b>$port</td>
567 |
568 |
569 |
570 |
case 'smtpIP':
571 |
$smtpIP = trim($field[1]);
572 |
echo <<<EOT
573 |
<tr align="center">
574 |
<td><b>SMTP ip : </b>$smtpIP</td>
575 |
576 |
577 |
578 |
case 'mailAddr':
579 |
$mailAddr = trim($field[1]);
580 |
echo <<<EOT
581 |
<tr align="center">
582 |
<td><b>Email Addr : </b>$mailAddr</td>
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 |
case 'adminMail':
587 |
$adminMail = trim($field[1]);
588 |
echo <<<EOT
589 |
<tr align="center">
590 |
<td><b>Admin email : </b>$adminMail</td>
591 |
592 |
593 |
594 |
case 'whiteDomain':
595 |
$whiteDomain = explode(" ", trim($field[1]));
596 |
597 |
598 |
599 |
600 |
echo <<<EOT
601 |
<form action="$php_self" method="post">
602 |
<tr align="center">
603 |
<td colspan="2">
604 |
<input type="hidden" name="uninstall" value="uninstall">
605 |
<br><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submit" value="Supprimer toute la configuration">
606 |
607 |
608 |
609 |
<tr align="center">
610 |
<td colspan="2"><font color=red>ATTENTION : la suppression enlève toute la configuration du SERVICE MAIL</font>
611 |
612 |
613 |
614 |
615 |
// si le fichier alcasar-mail.conf n'existe pas
616 |
} else {
617 |
618 |
echo <<<EOT
619 |
<tr align="center">
620 |
<td><b>POSTFIX n'est pas configuré par ALCASAR.</b></td>
621 |
622 |
623 |
624 |
625 |
626 |
// Partie de paramétrage de la configuration
627 |
628 |
// Configuration de l'adresse email de l'administrateur
629 |
echo <<<EOT
630 |
631 |
632 |
633 |
<div class="panel">
634 |
<div class="panel-header">POSTFIX Configuration</div>
635 |
<div class="panel-row conf" id="conf">
636 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><br>
637 |
<tr align="center">
638 |
<td><input type="radio" name="conf" class="mail" value="One"/><b>Service autonome</b></td>
639 |
<td><input type="radio" name="conf" class="mail" value="Two"/><b>Service relay</b></td>
640 |
<td><input type="radio" name="conf" class="mail" value="Three"/> <b>Adresse mail</b></td>
641 |
642 |
643 |
644 |
<div class="myDiv hide" id="showOne">
645 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><br>
646 |
<tr align="center">
647 |
<td><b>Serveur mail est autonome :</b></td>
648 |
649 |
<tr align="center">
650 |
651 |
<form action="$php_self" method="post">
652 |
<input type="hidden" name="testConf" value="1">
653 |
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submit" value="Configurer"><br>
654 |
655 |
656 |
657 |
658 |
659 |
660 |
<div class="myDiv hide" id="showTwo">
661 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><br>
662 |
<form action="$php_self" method="post">
663 |
<tr align="center">
664 |
<td colspan="2"><b>SMTP Relais :</b></td>
665 |
666 |
<tr align="center">
667 |
<td colspan="2">Postfix envois, ralaye les emails sorants à un autre serveur SMTP.</td>
668 |
669 |
670 |
<td><label>Enterez le serveur SMTP relai en FQDN ou IP</label></td>
671 |
<td><input type="text" name="smtp" placeholder="SMTP" required/></td>
672 |
673 |
674 |
<td><label>Enterez le port SMTP</label></td>
675 |
<td><input type="text" name="port" placeholder="port" required/></td>
676 |
677 |
678 |
<td><label>Enterez l'IP du serveur SMTP relais ( si c'est dynamique/par défaut si vide)</label></td>
679 |
<td><input type="text" name="smtpIP" placeholder="IP du SMTP relais" required/></td>
680 |
681 |
<tr align="center">
682 |
<td colspan="2">
683 |
<input type="hidden" name="testConf" value="2">
684 |
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submit" value="Valider"><br>
685 |
686 |
687 |
688 |
689 |
690 |
691 |
<div class="myDiv hide" id="showThree">
692 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><br>
693 |
<form method="post" action="$php_self">
694 |
<tr colspan="2" align="center">
695 |
<td><b>Configuration de serveur mail via un compte email :</b></td>
696 |
697 |
<tr align="center">
698 |
699 |
<table class="table table-striped">
700 |
701 |
<td><label>Entez votre email</label></td>
702 |
<td><input type="email" name="mailAddr" placeholder="Enter your email" required/></td>
703 |
704 |
705 |
<td><label>Entez le mot de passe</label></td>
706 |
<td><input type="password" id="pswd1" name="pswd1" required/></td>
707 |
708 |
709 |
<td><label>Confirmer le mot de passe</label></td>
710 |
<td><input type="password" id="pswd2" name="pswd2" required/></td>
711 |
712 |
713 |
714 |
<table class="table table-striped">
715 |
716 |
717 |
<th scope="col">#</th>
718 |
<th scope="col">compte de messagerie</th>
719 |
<th scope="col">adresse de messagerie</th>
720 |
<th scope="col">serveur sortant</th>
721 |
<th scope="col">port sortant</th>
722 |
723 |
724 |
725 |
726 |
$smtpsConf = [
727 |
["Orange", "Orange/Wanadoo", "orange.fr /wanadoo.fr", "smtp.orange.fr", 465],
728 |
["Hotmail", "Hotmail", "hotmail.com/.fr / live.com/.fr / msn.com", "smtp.live.com", 587],
729 |
["Outlook", "Outlook", "hotmail.xx/live.xx/msn.com/outlook/office365", "smtp.office365.com", 587],
730 |
["SFR", "SFR", "sfr.fr", "smtp.sfr.fr", 465],
731 |
["Free", "Free", "free.fr", "smtp.free.fr", 465],
732 |
["Gmail", "Gmail", "gmail.com", "smtp.gmail.com", 587],
733 |
["Laposte", "Laposte", "laposte.net", "smtp.laposte.net", 465],
734 |
["Bouygues", "Bouygues Telecom", "bbox.fr", "smtp.bbox.fr", 587]
735 |
736 |
737 |
foreach( $smtpsConf as $smtpConf ) {
738 |
echo <<< EOT
739 |
740 |
<th scope="row"><input class="form-check-input blur" type="radio" name="smtpPort" value="$smtpConf[3] $smtpConf[4]"/></th>
741 |
742 |
743 |
744 |
745 |
<td align="center">$smtpConf[4]</td>
746 |
747 |
748 |
749 |
750 |
751 |
<th scope="row"><input id="perso" class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="smtpPort"/></th>
752 |
<td>Personalisez votre smtp</td>
753 |
<td><input type="text" id="smtpPerso" name="smtpPerso" class="perso" oninput="valPerso()" placeholder="Entrez le serveur SMTP" disabled/></td>
754 |
<td>Personalisez le port</td>
755 |
<td><input type="text" id="portPerso" name="portPerso" class="perso" oninput="valPerso()" placeholder="Entrez le serveur Port" disabled/></td>
756 |
757 |
758 |
759 |
760 |
761 |
<tr align="center">
762 |
<td class="testConf3">
763 |
764 |
765 |
<tr align="center">
766 |
767 |
<input type="hidden" name="testConf" value="3">
768 |
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submit" value="Valider" id="testConf3"><br>
769 |
770 |
771 |
772 |
773 |
774 |
775 |
<div class="panel">
776 |
<div class="panel-header">Mail admin</div>
777 |
<div class="panel-row conf" id="conf">
778 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><br>
779 |
<form action="$php_self" method="post">
780 |
<tr align="center">
781 |
<td colspan="2"><b>Mail admin</b></td>
782 |
783 |
<tr align="center">
784 |
<td colspan="2">L'adresse email de l'administrateur pour recevoir les alertes des nouvelles inscriptions, et l'archive hebdomadaire des logs</td>
785 |
786 |
787 |
788 |
if (empty($adminMail)){
789 |
echo "<td><label>Enterez l'adresse email</label></td>";
790 |
} else {
791 |
echo "<td>L'email configuré actuellement est : " . $adminMail . "</td>";
792 |
793 |
echo <<<EOT
794 |
<td><input type="email" name="adminMail" placeholder="Enter your email" required/></td>
795 |
796 |
797 |
<tr align="center">
798 |
<td colspan="2">
799 |
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submit" value="Valider"><br>
800 |
801 |
802 |
803 |
<form action="$php_self" method="post">
804 |
<tr align="center">
805 |
<td colspan="2">
806 |
<input type="hidden" name="unset" value="adminMail">
807 |
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submit" value="Supprimer l'admin email"><br>
808 |
809 |
810 |
811 |
812 |
813 |
814 |
<div class="panel">
815 |
<div class="panel-header">WhiteList Domains Configuration</div>
816 |
<div class="panel-row conf" id="conf">
817 |
<table width="100%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><br>
818 |
<tr align="center">
819 |
<td>La liste blanche limite les inscriptions utilisateurs à un, ou plusieurs domaines.</td>
820 |
821 |
<form method="post" action="$php_self">
822 |
<tr align="center">
823 |
<td width="50%" align="center">Mettez vos domaines à configurer. Un par ligne</td>
824 |
825 |
<tr align="center">
826 |
827 |
<br><textarea name='wld' rows=5 cols=50 placeholder="Aucune WLD configurée actuellement"">
828 |
829 |
830 |
foreach ($whiteDomain as $domain){
831 |
echo "$domain\n";
832 |
833 |
834 |
835 |
836 |
837 |
838 |
<tr align="center">
839 |
<td colspan="2">
840 |
<br><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submit" value="Valider"><br>
841 |
842 |
843 |
844 |
<form action="$php_self" method="post">
845 |
<tr align="center">
846 |
<td colspan="2">
847 |
<input type="hidden" name="unset" value="whiteDomain">
848 |
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submit" value="Supprimer la WLD"><br>
849 |
850 |
851 |
852 |
853 |
854 |
855 |
856 |
857 |
858 |
859 |
860 |
861 |
862 |
863 |
864 |
$('#conf input[type="radio"]').click(function(){
865 |
var value = $(this).val();
866 |
867 |
868 |
869 |
870 |
//On vérifie si le mot de passe est ok
871 |
872 |
if($("#pswd1").val() != "" && $("#pswd2").val() != "" && $("#pswd1").val() != $("#pswd2").val()){
873 |
$(".testConf3").html("<br>Les deux mots de passe sont différents");
874 |
$("#testConf3").attr("disabled", true);
875 |
} else {
876 |
$("#testConf3").attr("disabled", false);
877 |
878 |
879 |
880 |
881 |
882 |
883 |
884 |
$(".perso").attr("disabled", false);
885 |
886 |
887 |
888 |
889 |
$(".perso").attr("disabled", true);
890 |
891 |
892 |
function valPerso(){
893 |
var valSmtpPerso = document.getElementById("smtpPerso").value;
894 |
var valPortPerso = document.getElementById("portPerso").value;
895 |
document.getElementById("perso").value = valSmtpPerso + " " + valPortPerso;
896 |
897 |
898 |
function hideShow(x){
899 |
$("div." + x).toggle();
900 |
var value = $("input." + x).val();
901 |
var elem = document.getElementById("btn-" + x);
902 |
if (elem.value=="Configurer"){
903 |
elem.value = "Annuler";
904 |
} else{
905 |
elem.value = "Configurer";
906 |
907 |
908 |
909 |
910 |
911 |
838 |
richard |
912 |
2990 |
rexy |
913 |