318 |
richard |
1 |
2304 |
tom.houday |
2 |
# $Id: network.php 2972 2021-07-14 22:39:09Z rexy $
3 |
2956 |
rexy |
4 |
// written by steweb57, Rexy, Tom HOUDAYER & Pierre RIVAULT
318 |
richard |
5 |
861 |
richard |
6 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
7 |
861 |
richard |
8 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
9 |
define('CONF_FILE', '/usr/local/etc/alcasar.conf');
10 |
define('ETHERS_FILE', '/usr/local/etc/alcasar-ethers');
11 |
define('ETHERS_INFO_FILE', '/usr/local/etc/alcasar-ethers-info');
2558 |
rexy |
12 |
define('DNS_LOCAL_FILE', '/etc/hosts');
2304 |
tom.houday |
13 |
define('LETS_ENCRYPT_FILE', '/usr/local/etc/alcasar-letsencrypt');
2956 |
rexy |
14 |
define('TEMP_FILE', '/tmp/alcasar.conf.temp');
15 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
16 |
17 |
18 |
// Files reading test
19 |
foreach ($conf_files as $file) {
20 |
if (!file_exists($file)) {
21 |
exit("Requested file $file isn't present");
22 |
23 |
if (!is_readable($file)) {
24 |
exit("Can't read the file $file");
25 |
841 |
richard |
26 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
27 |
28 |
29 |
$file_conf = fopen(CONF_FILE, 'r');
30 |
if (!$file_conf) {
31 |
exit('Error opening the file '.CONF_FILE);
32 |
33 |
while (!feof($file_conf)) {
34 |
$buffer = fgets($file_conf, 4096);
35 |
if ((strpos($buffer, '=') !== false) && (substr($buffer, 0, 1) !== '#')) {
2450 |
tom.houday |
36 |
$tmp = explode('=', $buffer, 2);
2316 |
tom.houday |
37 |
$conf[trim($tmp[0])] = trim($tmp[1]);
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
// Choice of language
318 |
richard |
43 |
$Language = 'en';
2316 |
tom.houday |
44 |
45 |
$Langue = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
46 |
$Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]), 0, 2));
47 |
2853 |
rexy |
48 |
if ($Language === 'fr') {
318 |
richard |
49 |
$l_network_title = "Configuration réseau";
50 |
$l_internet_legend = "INTERNET";
1733 |
richard |
51 |
$l_ip_mask = "Masque";
318 |
richard |
52 |
$l_ip_router = "Passerelle";
736 |
franck |
53 |
$l_ip_public = "Adresse IP publique";
2316 |
tom.houday |
54 |
$l_ip_dns1 = "DNS n°1";
55 |
$l_ip_dns2 = "DNS n°2";
861 |
richard |
56 |
$l_dhcp_title = "Service DHCP";
862 |
richard |
57 |
$l_dhcp_state = "Mode actuel";
1484 |
richard |
58 |
$l_DHCP_on = "actif";
59 |
$l_DHCP_off = "inactif";
2304 |
tom.houday |
60 |
$l_DHCP_off_explain = "/!\\ Avant d'arrêter le serveur DHCP, vous devez renseigner les paramètres d'un serveur externe (cf. documentation).";
2717 |
tom.houday |
61 |
$l_static_dhcp_title = "Réservation d'adresses IP statiques (DHCP)";
841 |
richard |
62 |
$l_mac_address = "Adresse MAC";
63 |
$l_ip_address = "Adresse IP";
1959 |
richard |
64 |
$l_host_name = "Nom d'hôte";
65 |
$l_del = "Supprimer de la liste";
841 |
richard |
66 |
$l_add_to_list = "Ajouter";
1733 |
richard |
67 |
$l_apply = "Appliquer les changements";
2717 |
tom.houday |
68 |
$l_local_dns = "Résolution local de nom (DNS)";
1733 |
richard |
69 |
$l_import_cert = "Import de certificat";
70 |
$l_private_key = "Clé privée (.key) :";
2813 |
rexy |
71 |
$l_certificate = "Certificat (.crt ou .cer) :";
72 |
$l_server_chain = "Chaîne de certification (.crt, .cer ou .pem) :";
73 |
$l_default_cert = "Revenir au certificat d'origine :";
1740 |
richard |
74 |
$l_import = "Importer";
1743 |
clement.si |
75 |
$l_current_certificate = "Certificat actuel";
76 |
$l_validated = "Validé par :";
2316 |
tom.houday |
77 |
$l_empty = "Vide";
2326 |
tom.houday |
78 |
$l_yes = "Oui";
79 |
$l_no = "Non";
2736 |
rexy |
80 |
$l_ssl_title = "Chiffrer les flux d'authentification entre les utilisateurs et ALCASAR";
2326 |
tom.houday |
81 |
$l_cert_expiration = "Date d'expiration :";
2380 |
tom.houday |
82 |
$l_cert_commonname = "Nom commun :";
83 |
$l_cert_organization = "Organisation :";
2813 |
rexy |
84 |
$l_upload_certificate = "Importer un certificat officiel";
85 |
$l_le_integration = "Intégrer un certificat Let's Encrypt";
2326 |
tom.houday |
86 |
$l_le_status = "Status :";
87 |
$l_disabled = "Inactif";
88 |
$l_pending_validation = "En attente de validation";
89 |
$l_enabled = "Actif";
90 |
$l_le_email = "Email :";
91 |
$l_le_domain_name = "Nom de domaine :";
92 |
$l_send = "Envoyer";
93 |
$l_le_ask_on = "Demandé le :";
94 |
$l_le_dns_entry_txt = "Entrée DNS TXT :";
95 |
$l_le_challenge = "Challenge :";
96 |
$l_recheck = "Revérifier";
97 |
$l_cancel = "Annuler";
98 |
$l_le_api = "API :";
99 |
$l_le_next_renewal = "Prochain renouvellement :";
100 |
$l_renew = "Renouveller";
101 |
$l_renew_force = "Renouveller (forcer)";
2813 |
rexy |
102 |
$l_previous_LE_cert = "Revenir au certificat Let's Encrypt :";
2956 |
rexy |
103 |
$l_gw_weight = "Poids";
104 |
$l_error = "Erreur";
105 |
$l_error_bad_ip = "Ceci n'est pas une adresse IP valide";
106 |
$l_error_bad_ip_CIDR = "Ceci n'est pas une adresse CIDR valide";
107 |
$l_error_bad_ip_port = "Ceci n'est pas une adresse IP + port valide";
108 |
$l_error_weight = "Ceci n'est pas un poids valide";
109 |
$l_change_successful = "Changement effectué avec succès";
110 |
2853 |
rexy |
111 |
} else if ($Language === 'es') {
112 |
$l_network_title = "Configuración de Red";
113 |
$l_internet_legend = "INTERNET";
114 |
$l_ip_mask = "Máscara";
115 |
$l_ip_router = "Puerta de enlace";
116 |
$l_ip_public = "IP Pública";
117 |
$l_ip_dns1 = "DNS n°1";
118 |
$l_ip_dns2 = "DNS n°2";
119 |
$l_dhcp_title = "Servicio DHCP";
120 |
$l_dhcp_state = "Modo actual";
121 |
$l_DHCP_on = "activado";
122 |
$l_DHCP_off = "desactivado";
123 |
$l_DHCP_off_explain = "/!\\ Antes de desactivar el servidor DHCP, debe escribir los parámetros externos de DHCP en el archivo de configuración (consulte la Documentación";
124 |
$l_static_dhcp_title = "Reserva de direcciones IP estáticas (DHCP)";
125 |
$l_mac_address = "Dirección MAC";
126 |
$l_ip_address = "Dirección IP";
127 |
$l_host_name = "Nombre de Host";
128 |
$l_del = "Borrar de la lista";
129 |
$l_add_to_list = "Agregar";
130 |
$l_apply = "Aplicar cambios";
131 |
$l_local_dns = "Resolución de Nombres Local (DNS)";
132 |
$l_import_cert = "Importar Certificado";
133 |
$l_private_key = "Clave Privada (.key) :";
134 |
$l_certificate = "Certificado (.crt) :";
135 |
$l_server_chain = "Cadena completa (de ser necesario: .crt) :";
136 |
$l_default_cert = "Volverl al certificado por defecto";
137 |
$l_import = "Importar";
138 |
$l_current_certificate = "Certificado en uso";
139 |
$l_validated = "Validado por :";
140 |
$l_empty = "Vacío";
141 |
$l_yes = "Si";
142 |
$l_no = "No";
143 |
$l_ssl_title = "La autenticación de cifrado fluye entre usuarios y ALCASAR";
144 |
$l_cert_expiration = "Fecha de vencimiento:";
145 |
$l_cert_commonname = "Common name:";
146 |
$l_cert_organization = "Organización:";
147 |
$l_upload_certificate = "Importar un certificado";
148 |
$l_le_integration = "Integración con Let's Encrypt";
149 |
$l_le_status = "Estado:";
150 |
$l_disabled = "Desactivado";
151 |
$l_pending_validation = "Validación pendiente";
152 |
$l_enabled = "Activado";
153 |
$l_le_email = "Email:";
154 |
$l_le_domain_name = "Nombre de dominio:";
155 |
$l_send = "Enviar";
156 |
$l_le_ask_on = "Preguntar el:";
157 |
$l_le_dns_entry_txt = "Entrada DNS TXT:";
158 |
$l_le_challenge = "Desafío:";
159 |
$l_recheck = "Verificar";
160 |
$l_cancel = "Cancelar";
161 |
$l_le_api = "API:";
162 |
$l_le_next_renewal = "Siguiente renovación:";
163 |
$l_renew = "Renovar";
164 |
$l_renew_force = "Renovar (forzado)";
165 |
$l_previous_LE_cert = "Volver al certificado de Let's Encrypt :";
2971 |
rexy |
166 |
$l_gw_weight = "Peso";
167 |
$l_error = "Error";
168 |
$l_error_bad_ip = "Esta no es una dirección IP válida";
2972 |
rexy |
169 |
$l_error_bad_ip_CIDR = "Esta no es una dirección CIDR válida";
2971 |
rexy |
170 |
$l_error_bad_ip_port = "Esto no es una dirección IP + puerto válidos";
171 |
$l_error_weight = "Esto no es un peso válido";
172 |
$l_change_successful = "Cambio completado con éxito";
2853 |
rexy |
173 |
} else {
318 |
richard |
174 |
$l_network_title = "Network configuration";
175 |
$l_internet_legend = "INTERNET";
1733 |
richard |
176 |
$l_ip_mask = "Mask";
841 |
richard |
177 |
$l_ip_router = "Gateway";
318 |
richard |
178 |
$l_ip_public = "Public IP address";
2316 |
tom.houday |
179 |
$l_ip_dns1 = "DNS n°1";
180 |
$l_ip_dns2 = "DNS n°2";
861 |
richard |
181 |
$l_dhcp_title = "DHCP service";
862 |
richard |
182 |
$l_dhcp_state = "Current mode";
1484 |
richard |
183 |
$l_DHCP_on = "enabled";
184 |
$l_DHCP_off = "disabled";
2304 |
tom.houday |
185 |
$l_DHCP_off_explain = "/!\\ Before disabling the DHCP server, you must write the extern DHCP parameters in the config file (see Documentation)";
2717 |
tom.houday |
186 |
$l_static_dhcp_title = "Static IP addresses reservation (DHCP)";
2708 |
tom.houday |
187 |
$l_mac_address = "MAC address";
188 |
$l_ip_address = "IP address";
1959 |
richard |
189 |
$l_host_name = "Host name";
190 |
$l_del = "Delete from list";
841 |
richard |
191 |
$l_add_to_list = "Add";
1733 |
richard |
192 |
$l_apply = "Apply changes";
2717 |
tom.houday |
193 |
$l_local_dns = "Local name resolution (DNS";
1733 |
richard |
194 |
$l_import_cert = "Certificate import";
195 |
$l_private_key = "Private key (.key) :";
2813 |
rexy |
196 |
$l_certificate = "Certificate (.crt or .cer) :";
197 |
$l_server_chain = "Server-chain (.crt, .cer or .pem) :";
198 |
$l_default_cert = "Back to default certificate :";
1740 |
richard |
199 |
$l_import = "Import";
1743 |
clement.si |
200 |
$l_current_certificate = "Current certificate";
201 |
$l_validated = "Validated by :";
2316 |
tom.houday |
202 |
$l_empty = "Empty";
2326 |
tom.houday |
203 |
$l_yes = "Yes";
204 |
$l_no = "No";
2736 |
rexy |
205 |
$l_ssl_title = "Cipher authentication flows between users and ALCASAR";
2326 |
tom.houday |
206 |
$l_cert_expiration = "Expiration date:";
207 |
$l_cert_commonname = "Common name:";
208 |
$l_cert_organization = "Organization:";
2813 |
rexy |
209 |
$l_upload_certificate = "Import an officlal certificate";
210 |
$l_le_integration = "Integrate a Let's Encrypt certificate";
2326 |
tom.houday |
211 |
$l_le_status = "Status:";
212 |
$l_disabled = "Disabled";
213 |
$l_pending_validation = "Pending validation";
214 |
$l_enabled = "Enabled";
215 |
$l_le_email = "Email:";
216 |
$l_le_domain_name = "Domain name:";
217 |
$l_send = "Send";
218 |
$l_le_ask_on = "Ask on:";
219 |
$l_le_dns_entry_txt = "DNS TXT entry:";
220 |
$l_le_challenge = "Challenge:";
221 |
$l_recheck = "Recheck";
222 |
$l_cancel = "Cancel";
223 |
$l_le_api = "API:";
224 |
$l_le_next_renewal = "Next renewal:";
225 |
$l_renew = "Renew";
226 |
$l_renew_force = "Renew (force)";
2813 |
rexy |
227 |
$l_previous_LE_cert = "Back to the Let's Encrypt certificate :";
2956 |
rexy |
228 |
$l_gw_weight = "Weight";
229 |
$l_error = "Error";
230 |
$l_error_bad_ip = "This is not a valid IP";
231 |
$l_error_bad_ip_CIDR = "This is not a valid CIDR IP";
232 |
$l_error_bad_ip_port = "This is not a valid IP + port";
233 |
$l_error_weight = "This is not a valid weight";
234 |
$l_change_successful = "Network updated successfully";
318 |
richard |
235 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
236 |
237 |
$reg_ip = '/^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$/';
238 |
$reg_ip_cidr = '/^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))$/';
2956 |
rexy |
239 |
$reg_ip_port = '/^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\:([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]{3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5]))$/';
2380 |
tom.houday |
240 |
$reg_mac = '/^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$/';
241 |
$reg_host = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/';
2956 |
rexy |
242 |
$reg_weight = '/^[0-9]*$/';
243 |
$ext_conf_error = false;
2316 |
tom.houday |
244 |
245 |
$choix = (isset($_POST['choix'])) ? $_POST['choix'] : '';
246 |
switch ($choix) {
247 |
case 'DHCP_On':
248 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-dhcp.sh -on');
2708 |
tom.houday |
249 |
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
250 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
251 |
case 'DHCP_Off':
252 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-dhcp.sh -off');
2708 |
tom.houday |
253 |
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
254 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
255 |
case 'new_mac':
2380 |
tom.houday |
256 |
$new_mac_addr = trim($_POST['add_mac']);
257 |
$new_ip_addr = trim($_POST['add_ip']);
258 |
if (((!empty($new_mac_addr)) && (preg_match($reg_mac, $new_mac_addr))) && ((!empty($new_ip_addr)) && (preg_match($reg_ip, $new_ip_addr)))) {
2316 |
tom.houday |
259 |
$tab = file(ETHERS_FILE);
260 |
if ($tab) { // the file isn't empty
261 |
$insert = true;
262 |
foreach ($tab as $line) { // verify that MAC or IP address doesn't exist
263 |
$field = explode(' ', $line);
264 |
$mac_addr = trim($field[0]);
265 |
$ip_addr = trim($field[1]);
266 |
if (strcasecmp($new_mac_addr, $mac_addr) === 0) {
267 |
$insert = false;
268 |
841 |
richard |
269 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
270 |
if (strcasecmp($new_ip_addr, $ip_addr) === 0) {
271 |
$insert = false;
272 |
841 |
richard |
273 |
274 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
275 |
if ($insert) {
276 |
$line = $new_mac_addr . ' ' . $new_ip_addr . "\n";
277 |
$pointeur = fopen(ETHERS_FILE, 'a');
278 |
fwrite($pointeur, $line);
279 |
280 |
$pointeur = fopen(ETHERS_INFO_FILE, 'a');
281 |
$line = "$new_mac_addr $new_ip_addr #" . trim($_POST['info'],"\x00..\x20") . "\n";
282 |
fwrite($pointeur, $line);
283 |
284 |
exec('sudo /usr/bin/systemctl reload chilli');
1959 |
richard |
285 |
841 |
richard |
286 |
1959 |
richard |
287 |
2708 |
tom.houday |
288 |
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
289 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
290 |
case 'del_mac':
291 |
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
292 |
if ($value == 'on') {
293 |
$ether_file = ETHERS_FILE;
294 |
$ether_file_info = ETHERS_INFO_FILE;
2559 |
rexy |
295 |
exec("/bin/sed -i ".escapeshellarg("/^$key/d")." $ether_file");
296 |
exec("/bin/sed -i ".escapeshellarg("/^$key/d")." $ether_file_info");
2316 |
tom.houday |
297 |
exec('sudo /usr/bin/systemctl reload chilli');
841 |
richard |
298 |
299 |
2708 |
tom.houday |
300 |
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
301 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
302 |
case 'new_host':
2380 |
tom.houday |
303 |
$add_host = trim($_POST['add_host']);
304 |
$add_ip = trim($_POST['add_ip']);
305 |
if (((!empty($add_host)) && (preg_match($reg_host, $add_host))) && ((!empty($add_ip)) && (preg_match($reg_ip, $add_ip)))) {
2316 |
tom.houday |
306 |
$tab = file(DNS_LOCAL_FILE);
307 |
if ($tab) { // the file isn't empty
308 |
$insert = true;
2559 |
rexy |
309 |
foreach ($tab as $line) { // verify that host or IP address doesn't exist
310 |
if (preg_match('/^\d+/', $line)) {
311 |
$field = preg_split("/\s+/",$line);
312 |
$ip_addr = $field[0];
313 |
$host_name = trim($field[1]);
314 |
if (strcasecmp($add_host, $host_name) === 0) {
315 |
$insert = false;
316 |
317 |
841 |
richard |
318 |
2559 |
rexy |
319 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
320 |
if ($insert) {
2688 |
lucas.echa |
321 |
exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-dns-local.sh --add $add_ip $add_host");
1959 |
richard |
322 |
841 |
richard |
323 |
2380 |
tom.houday |
324 |
2708 |
tom.houday |
325 |
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
326 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
327 |
case 'del_host':
328 |
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
329 |
if ($value == 'on') {
2559 |
rexy |
330 |
$del_host = explode ("|", $key);
331 |
$del_ip = str_replace("_",".",$del_host[0]);
332 |
exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-dns-local.sh --del $del_ip $del_host[1]");
2316 |
tom.houday |
333 |
841 |
richard |
334 |
2708 |
tom.houday |
335 |
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
336 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
337 |
2813 |
rexy |
338 |
case 'set_default_cert':
2316 |
tom.houday |
339 |
exec('sudo alcasar-importcert.sh -d');
340 |
2813 |
rexy |
341 |
case 'set_last_LE_cert':
342 |
exec('sudo alcasar-letsencrypt.sh --install-cert');
343 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
344 |
case 'import_cert': // Import certificate
2479 |
tom.houday |
345 |
$maxsize = 100000;
2316 |
tom.houday |
346 |
if (isset($_FILES['key']) && isset($_FILES['crt']) && ($_FILES['key']['error'] == 0) && ($_FILES['crt']['error'] == 0)) {
347 |
if ($_FILES['key']['size'] <= $maxsize && $_FILES['crt']['size'] <= $maxsize) {
2479 |
tom.houday |
348 |
if (pathinfo($_FILES['key']['name'])['extension'] == 'key' && ((pathinfo($_FILES['crt']['name'])['extension'] == 'crt') || (pathinfo($_FILES['crt']['name'])['extension'] == 'cer'))) {
2316 |
tom.houday |
349 |
$dest = '/tmp/';
2380 |
tom.houday |
350 |
$scpath = '';
2813 |
rexy |
351 |
if (isset($_FILES['sc']) && ((pathinfo($_FILES['sc']['name'])['extension'] == 'crt') || (pathinfo($_FILES['sc']['name'])['extension'] == 'cer') || (pathinfo($_FILES['sc']['name']['extension'] == 'pem')))){
352 |
$scpath = $dest.'server-chain.pem';
2316 |
tom.houday |
353 |
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['sc']['tmp_name'], $scpath);
354 |
2380 |
tom.houday |
355 |
$keypath = $dest.'alcasar.key';
356 |
$crtpath = $dest.'alcasar.crt';
2316 |
tom.houday |
357 |
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['key']['tmp_name'], $keypath);
358 |
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['crt']['tmp_name'], $crtpath);
359 |
exec("sudo alcasar-importcert.sh -i $crtpath -k $keypath -c $scpath");
2688 |
lucas.echa |
360 |
if (file_exists($crtpath)) unlink($crtpath);
361 |
if (file_exists($keypath)) unlink($keypath);
2610 |
tom.houday |
362 |
if (file_exists($scpath)) unlink($scpath);
2316 |
tom.houday |
363 |
1959 |
richard |
364 |
365 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
366 |
2324 |
tom.houday |
367 |
case 'https_login': // Set HTTPS login status
368 |
if ($_POST['https_login'] === 'on') {
369 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-https.sh --on');
370 |
} else {
371 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-https.sh --off');
372 |
373 |
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
374 |
318 |
richard |
375 |
376 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
377 |
// Network changes
378 |
if ($choix === 'network_change') {
2956 |
rexy |
379 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-network.sh --save');
380 |
$modification_network = false;
381 |
$modification_dns = false;
382 |
$modification_proxy = false;
383 |
$ext_conf_error_list = [];
384 |
1733 |
richard |
385 |
2956 |
rexy |
386 |
if (isset($_POST['dns1']) && (trim($_POST['dns1']) !== $conf['DNS1'])) {
387 |
if (!preg_match($reg_ip, $_POST['dns1'])) {
388 |
$ext_conf_error = true;
389 |
$ext_conf_error_list[] = $l_error.': '.$l_ip_dns1.': '.$l_error_bad_ip;
390 |
391 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('DNS1='.$conf['DNS1'], 'DNS1='.trim($_POST['dns1']), file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
392 |
$modification_dns = true;
318 |
richard |
393 |
2956 |
rexy |
394 |
if (isset($_POST['dns2']) && (trim($_POST['dns2']) !== $conf['DNS2'])) {
395 |
if (!preg_match($reg_ip, $_POST['dns2'])) {
396 |
$ext_conf_error = true;
397 |
$ext_conf_error_list[] = $l_error.': '.$l_ip_dns2.': '.$l_error_bad_ip;
398 |
399 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('DNS2='.$conf['DNS2'], 'DNS2='.trim($_POST['dns2']), file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
400 |
$modification_dns = true;
318 |
richard |
401 |
2956 |
rexy |
402 |
if (isset($_POST['ip_private']) && (trim($_POST['ip_private']) !== $conf['PRIVATE_IP'])) {
403 |
if (!preg_match($reg_ip_cidr, $_POST['ip_private'])) {
404 |
$ext_conf_error = true;
405 |
$ext_conf_error_list[] = $l_error.': '.$l_ip_address.' LAN: '.$l_error_bad_ip_CIDR;
406 |
407 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('PRIVATE_IP='.$conf['PRIVATE_IP'], 'PRIVATE_IP='.trim($_POST['ip_private']), file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
408 |
$modification_network = true;
409 |
410 |
if (isset($_POST['ip_public']) && (trim($_POST['ip_public']) !== $conf['PUBLIC_IP'])) {
411 |
if (!preg_match($reg_ip_cidr, $_POST['ip_public'])) {
412 |
$ext_conf_error = true;
413 |
$ext_conf_error_list[] = $l_error.': '.$l_ip_address.' WAN: '.$l_error_bad_ip_CIDR;
414 |
415 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('PUBLIC_IP='.$conf['PUBLIC_IP'], 'PUBLIC_IP='.trim($_POST['ip_public']), file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
416 |
$modification_network = true;
2316 |
tom.houday |
417 |
2956 |
rexy |
418 |
if (isset($_POST['ip_gw']) && (trim($_POST['ip_gw']) !== $conf['GW'])) {
419 |
if (!preg_match($reg_ip, $_POST['ip_gw'])) {
420 |
$ext_conf_error = true;
421 |
$ext_conf_error_list[] = $l_error.': '.$l_ip_router.' 1: '.$l_error_bad_ip;
422 |
423 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('GW='.$conf['GW'], 'GW='.trim($_POST['ip_gw']), file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
424 |
$modification_network = true;
425 |
426 |
if (isset($_POST['enable_proxy']) && $_POST['enable_proxy'] == 'P_Enabled')
427 |
428 |
if ($conf['PROXY'] !== 'On')
429 |
430 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('PROXY='.$conf['PROXY'], 'PROXY=On', file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
431 |
$modification_proxy = true;
432 |
433 |
if (isset($_POST['proxy']) && (trim($_POST['proxy']) !== $conf['PROXY_IP'])) {
434 |
if (!preg_match($reg_ip_port, $_POST['proxy'])) {
435 |
$ext_conf_error = true;
436 |
$ext_conf_error_list[] = $l_error.': Proxy: '.$l_error_bad_ip_port;
437 |
438 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('PROXY_IP='.$conf['PROXY_IP'], 'PROXY_IP='.trim($_POST['proxy']), file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
439 |
$modification_proxy = true;
440 |
441 |
if ($conf['MULTIWAN'] !== 'Off')
442 |
443 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('MULTIWAN='.$conf['MULTIWAN'], 'MULTIWAN=Off', file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
444 |
$modification_network = true;
445 |
446 |
447 |
448 |
449 |
//set multiwan value to off and delete every "WANx=" line
450 |
if ($_POST['gw_count'] === "1" && $conf['MULTIWAN'] !== 'Off')
451 |
452 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('MULTIWAN='.$conf['MULTIWAN'], 'MULTIWAN=Off', file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
453 |
$temp = 1;
454 |
while (isset($conf['WAN'.$temp]))
455 |
456 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('WAN'.$temp.'='.$conf['WAN'.$temp]."\n", '', file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
457 |
458 |
459 |
$modification_network = true;
460 |
461 |
if ($_POST['gw_count'] !== "1")
462 |
463 |
$changed = false;
464 |
//testing the existence of a change in the routing configuration
465 |
exec("grep \"^WAN\" " . CONF_FILE . " | wc -l", $nb_gw);
466 |
if ($_POST['gw_count'] == ($nb_gw[0] + 1))
467 |
468 |
if ($_POST['weight'] !== $conf['PUBLIC_WEIGHT']) {
469 |
$changed = true;
470 |
471 |
else {
472 |
473 |
474 |
if( '"'.$_POST['ip_gw_'.$i].','.$_POST['weight_'.$i].'"' != $conf['WAN'.$i])
475 |
476 |
$changed = true;
477 |
478 |
479 |
480 |
481 |
482 |
483 |
484 |
$changed = true;
485 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
486 |
2956 |
rexy |
487 |
if ($changed == true)
488 |
489 |
//deleting all the old lines containing "WANx="
490 |
$temp = 1;
491 |
while (isset($conf['WAN'.$temp]))
492 |
493 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('WAN'.$temp.'='.$conf['WAN'.$temp]."\n", '', file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
494 |
495 |
496 |
//setting back the line "WAN1=" which will be our base
497 |
if (!preg_match($reg_weight, $_POST['weight'])) {
498 |
$ext_conf_error = true;
499 |
$ext_conf_error_list[] = $l_error.': '.$l_gw_weight.' 1: '.$l_error_weight;
500 |
501 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('PUBLIC_WEIGHT='.$conf['PUBLIC_WEIGHT'], 'PUBLIC_WEIGHT='.(($_POST['weight'] !== '')?$_POST['weight']:1), file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
502 |
//Set Multiwan status
503 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('MULTIWAN='.$conf['MULTIWAN'], "MULTIWAN=On\nWAN1=", file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
504 |
//Adding the correct number of "WANx=" lines, numbered
505 |
506 |
507 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('WAN'.($i-1).'=', 'WAN'.($i-1)."=\nWAN".$i.'=', file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
508 |
509 |
//Adding the content
510 |
511 |
512 |
if (!preg_match($reg_ip, $_POST['ip_gw_'.$i])) {
513 |
$ext_conf_error = true;
514 |
$ext_conf_error_list[] = $l_error.': '.$l_ip_router.' '.($i+1).': '.$l_error_bad_ip;
515 |
516 |
if (!preg_match($reg_weight, $_POST['weight_'.$i])) {
517 |
$ext_conf_error = true;
518 |
$ext_conf_error_list[] = $l_error.': '.$l_gw_weight.' '.($i+1).': '.$l_error_weight;
519 |
520 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('WAN'.$i.'=', 'WAN'.$i.'="'.$_POST['ip_gw_'.$i].','.(($_POST['weight_'.$i] === "0" || $_POST['weight_'.$i] === "")?"1":$_POST['weight_'.$i]).'"', file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
521 |
522 |
$modification_network = true;
523 |
524 |
525 |
//set proxy value to off
526 |
if ($conf['PROXY'] !== 'Off')
527 |
528 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('PROXY='.$conf['PROXY'], 'PROXY=Off', file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
529 |
if($_POST['gw_count'] !== "1" && $conf['MULTIWAN'] !== 'On') {
530 |
file_put_contents(TEMP_FILE, str_replace('MULTIWAN='.$conf['MULTIWAN'], 'MULTIWAN=On', file_get_contents(TEMP_FILE)));
531 |
$modification_network = true;
532 |
533 |
$modification_proxy = true;
534 |
535 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
536 |
2956 |
rexy |
537 |
//if no errors are detected
538 |
if ($ext_conf_error == false) {
539 |
540 |
//DNS values modification, several services needs to be reloading, reloads the full server.
541 |
if ($modification_dns) {
542 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-conf.sh -apply');
543 |
544 |
//External network modifications, no service reloading
545 |
if ($modification_network) {
546 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-network.sh');
547 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-iptables.sh');
548 |
549 |
//If only the proxy has been modified, only the firewall needs a change
550 |
else if ($modification_proxy) {
551 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-iptables.sh');
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
556 |
// Read CONF_FILE updated
557 |
$file_conf = fopen(CONF_FILE, 'r');
558 |
if (!$file_conf) {
559 |
exit('Error opening the file '.CONF_FILE);
560 |
561 |
while (!feof($file_conf)) {
562 |
$buffer = fgets($file_conf, 4096);
563 |
if ((strpos($buffer, '=') !== false) && (substr($buffer, 0, 1) !== '#')) {
2450 |
tom.houday |
564 |
$tmp = explode('=', $buffer, 2);
2316 |
tom.houday |
565 |
$conf[trim($tmp[0])] = trim($tmp[1]);
566 |
567 |
568 |
318 |
richard |
569 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
570 |
571 |
// Let's Encrypt actions
572 |
if ($choix === 'le_issueCert') {
573 |
// TODO: check ndd & mail format
574 |
$email = $_POST['email'];
575 |
$domainName = $_POST['domainname'];
576 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-letsencrypt.sh --issue --email '.escapeshellarg($email).' --domain '.escapeshellarg($domainName), $output, $exitCode);
577 |
$cmdResponse = implode("<br>\n", $output);
1822 |
raphael.pi |
578 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
579 |
if ($choix === 'le_renewCert') {
580 |
if ((isset($_POST['recheck'])) && ((!empty($_POST['recheck'])) || (!empty($_POST['recheck_force'])))) {
581 |
$forceOpt = (!empty($_POST['recheck_force'])) ? ' --force' : '';
318 |
richard |
582 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
583 |
exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/alcasar-letsencrypt.sh --renew' . $forceOpt, $output, $exitCode);
1822 |
raphael.pi |
584 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
585 |
$cmdResponse = implode("<br>\n", $output);
586 |
} else if ((isset($_POST['cancel'])) && (!empty($_POST['cancel']))) {
587 |
file_put_contents(LETS_ENCRYPT_FILE, preg_replace('/challenge=.*/','challenge=', file_get_contents(LETS_ENCRYPT_FILE)));
588 |
file_put_contents(LETS_ENCRYPT_FILE, preg_replace('/domainRequest=.*/','domainRequest=', file_get_contents(LETS_ENCRYPT_FILE)));
589 |
1822 |
raphael.pi |
590 |
591 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
592 |
// Read Let's Encrypt configuration file
593 |
$file_conf_LE = fopen(LETS_ENCRYPT_FILE, 'r');
594 |
if (!$file_conf_LE) {
595 |
exit('Error opening the file '.LETS_ENCRYPT_FILE);
2299 |
tom.houday |
596 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
597 |
while (!feof($file_conf_LE)) {
598 |
$buffer = fgets($file_conf_LE, 4096);
2299 |
tom.houday |
599 |
if ((strpos($buffer, '=') !== false) && (substr($buffer, 0, 1) !== '#')) {
2450 |
tom.houday |
600 |
$tmp = explode('=', $buffer, 2);
2316 |
tom.houday |
601 |
$LE_conf[trim($tmp[0])] = trim($tmp[1]);
1822 |
raphael.pi |
602 |
603 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
604 |
605 |
606 |
// Fonction de test de connectivité internet
607 |
function internetTest() {
608 |
$host = 'www.google.fr'; # Google Test
609 |
$port = '80';
610 |
611 |
if (! $sock = @fsockopen($host, $port, $num, $error, 5)) {
612 |
return false;
613 |
} else {
614 |
615 |
return true;
616 |
617 |
618 |
619 |
$internet_connected = InternetTest();
620 |
if ($internet_connected) {
2404 |
tom.houday |
621 |
$ch = curl_init('https://api.ipify.org/');
622 |
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
623 |
$internet_publicIP = curl_exec($ch);
624 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
625 |
} else {
626 |
$internet_publicIP = '-.-.-.-';
627 |
628 |
2956 |
rexy |
629 |
// Network interfaces, will be use later for multiple LAN interfaces
630 |
$interfacesIgnored = ['lo', 'tun[0-9]*', $conf['INTIF']];
2316 |
tom.houday |
631 |
exec("ip -o link show | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | sed '/^" . implode('\\|', $interfacesIgnored) . "$/d'", $interfacesAvailable);
632 |
2956 |
rexy |
633 |
//retreive gateway(s) parameters
634 |
$gateways = [
2316 |
tom.houday |
635 |
(object) [
2956 |
rexy |
636 |
'gateway' => $conf['GW'],
637 |
'weight' => $conf['PUBLIC_WEIGHT']
2316 |
tom.houday |
638 |
639 |
2956 |
rexy |
640 |
exec("grep \"^WAN\" " . CONF_FILE . " | wc -l", $nbIfaces);
641 |
if ($nbIfaces > 0)
642 |
643 |
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbIfaces[0]; $i++) {
644 |
exec("grep \"WAN" . $i . "=\" " . CONF_FILE . " | awk -F'\"' '{ print $2 }' | awk -F, '{ print $1 }'", $temp_gw);
645 |
exec("grep \"WAN" . $i . "=\" " . CONF_FILE . " | awk -F'\"' '{ print $2 }' | awk -F, '{ print $2 }'", $temp_weight);
646 |
$gateways[] = (object) [
647 |
'gateway' => $temp_gw[0],
648 |
'weight' => $temp_weight[0]
649 |
650 |
$temp_gw = "";
651 |
$temp_weight = "";
652 |
653 |
654 |
655 |
//retreive internal networks parameters
2316 |
tom.houday |
656 |
$internalNetworks = [
657 |
(object) [
658 |
'interface' => $conf['INTIF'],
659 |
'ip' => $conf['PRIVATE_IP']
660 |
661 |
662 |
1740 |
richard |
663 |
2813 |
rexy |
664 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
665 |
318 |
richard |
666 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
667 |
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
668 |
<title><?= $l_network_title ?></title>
2817 |
rexy |
669 |
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/acc.css" type="text/css">
2316 |
tom.houday |
670 |
<script src="/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
671 |
<script src="/js/jquery.connections.js"></script>
672 |
<script type="text/javascript">
673 |
function MAC_Control(formulaire){
674 |
// MAC control (upper case and '-' separator)
675 |
var regex_mac = /^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}(-|:)){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$/;
676 |
if (regex_mac.test(document.forms[formulaire].add_mac.value)){
677 |
document.forms[formulaire].add_mac.value = document.forms[formulaire].add_mac.value.toUpperCase().replace(/:/g, '-');
678 |
return true;
679 |
} else {
680 |
alert('Invalid MAC address');
681 |
return false;
682 |
1578 |
richard |
683 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
684 |
685 |
2813 |
rexy |
686 |
.network-configurator {
687 |
width: 100%;
688 |
689 |
.network-configurator > * {
690 |
display: inline-block;
691 |
vertical-align: top;
692 |
text-align: center;
693 |
694 |
.network-configurator > .internet, .network-configurator > .alcasar {
695 |
width: 20%;
696 |
697 |
.network-configurator > .externals, .network-configurator > .internals {
698 |
width: 30%;
699 |
700 |
.network-configurator .actions {
2956 |
rexy |
701 |
position: absolute;
2813 |
rexy |
702 |
background-color: #ddd;
703 |
padding: 0 2px;
704 |
705 |
.network-configurator .actions a {
706 |
text-decoration: none;
707 |
708 |
.network-configurator .actions a:hover {
709 |
font-weight: bold;
710 |
2956 |
rexy |
711 |
.network-configurator .actions-externals {
712 |
right: 0;
713 |
border-radius: 5px;
714 |
position: relative;
715 |
text-decoration: none;
2813 |
rexy |
716 |
717 |
.network-configurator > .alcasar .actions-internals {
718 |
bottom: 0;
719 |
right: 0;
720 |
border-radius: 5px 0;
721 |
722 |
.network-configurator .actions-network {
723 |
right: 0;
2956 |
rexy |
724 |
border-radius: 5px;
725 |
position: relative;
726 |
text-decoration: none;
2813 |
rexy |
727 |
728 |
.network-configurator .network-box {
729 |
display: inline-block;
730 |
min-height: 100px;
731 |
margin: 5px;
732 |
padding: 3px;
733 |
text-align: left;
734 |
background-color: #f7f3ef;
735 |
position: relative;
736 |
border-radius: 5px;
737 |
border: 2px solid grey;
738 |
739 |
.network-configurator .network-connector {
740 |
display: inline-block;
741 |
position: absolute;
742 |
top: 50%;
743 |
margin-top: -5px;
744 |
margin-left: -5px;
745 |
width: 10px;
746 |
height: 10px;
747 |
border-radius: 5px;
748 |
background-color: black;
749 |
750 |
.network-configurator .network-connector[data-connector-direction="left"] {
2956 |
rexy |
751 |
border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;
2813 |
rexy |
752 |
753 |
.network-configurator .network-connector[data-connector-direction="right"] {
2956 |
rexy |
754 |
border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0;
2813 |
rexy |
755 |
756 |
.network-configurator div[data-network-type] {
757 |
position: relative;
758 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
759 |
760 |
761 |
$(document).ready(function () {
762 |
2956 |
rexy |
763 |
setTimeout(function(){$("#change_success").fadeOut('normal');}, 10000);
2316 |
tom.houday |
764 |
2956 |
rexy |
765 |
//Will be used later for multiple LAN interfaces
766 |
let interfacesAvailable = <?= ((!empty($interfacesAvailable)) ? "['".implode("', '", $interfacesAvailable)."']" : '[]') ?>;
767 |
const wireStyles = { available: { border: '5px double green' } };
768 |
769 |
// Add gateway
770 |
$('.network-configurator').on('click', '.add-external-network', function (event) {
2316 |
tom.houday |
771 |
2956 |
rexy |
772 |
ifaces_count = parseInt(document.getElementById("gw_count").getAttribute('value'));
773 |
$('.network-configurator .externals .network-box #ext_gateways').append(' \
774 |
<div id="ip_routeur_' + ifaces_count + '" data-info_type="gateway" data-number="'+ ifaces_count +'">\
775 |
<label for="ext_gateway_' + ifaces_count + '"><?= $l_ip_router.' ' ?></label><span class="gw_number">'+ (ifaces_count + 1) +'</span> <input style="width:100px" type="text" name="ip_gw_' + ifaces_count + '" id="ext_gateway_' + ifaces_count + '" value="" /> \
776 |
<label for="ext_weight_'+ ifaces_count +'"><?= $l_gw_weight ?></label> <input style="width:20px" type="text" name="weight_' + ifaces_count + '" id="ext_weight_'+ ifaces_count +'" value="0"/> \
777 |
<div class="actions actions-network" style="display:inline-block; width:11px"><a href="#" style="display:block; text-align:center" class="remove-network" title="Supprimer ce réseau">-</a></div><br></div> ');
778 |
779 |
document.getElementById("gw_count").setAttribute('value', ifaces_count);
780 |
781 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
782 |
783 |
784 |
// Add internal network
2956 |
rexy |
785 |
$('.network-configurator').on('click', '.add-internal-network', function (event) {
2316 |
tom.houday |
786 |
787 |
$('.network-configurator .internals').append(' \
788 |
<div data-network-type="internal"> \
789 |
<div class="network-connector" data-connector-network="internal" data-connector-direction="left"></div> \
790 |
<div class="network-box"> \
791 |
<div class="actions actions-network"><a href="#" class="remove-network" title="Supprimer ce réseau">-</a></div> \
792 |
<label for="int_interface_X"><?= 'Interface' ?></label> <select name="interface" id="int_interface_X" disabled><option value=""></option></select><br> \
793 |
<label for="int_ip_X"><?= $l_ip_address ?></label> <input style="width:150px" type="text" name="ip_private" id="int_ip_X" value="" /><br> \
794 |
</div> \
795 |
796 |
797 |
798 |
2956 |
rexy |
799 |
// Remove gateway
800 |
$('.network-box').on('click', '.remove-network', function (event) {
2316 |
tom.houday |
801 |
2956 |
rexy |
802 |
$(this).parent().parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
2316 |
tom.houday |
803 |
2956 |
rexy |
804 |
805 |
//update network numbers
806 |
$('div[data-info_type="gateway"]').each(function (index, value) {
807 |
updateGatewayNumbers($(this), index);
808 |
809 |
ifaces_count = parseInt(document.getElementById("gw_count").getAttribute('value'));
810 |
document.getElementById("gw_count").setAttribute('value', (ifaces_count - 1));
811 |
812 |
813 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
814 |
815 |
816 |
2956 |
rexy |
817 |
//proxy enabled or disabled
818 |
$('.network-configurator').on('click', '.enable_proxy', function(event){
819 |
if ($(this).is(':checked'))
820 |
821 |
document.getElementById("add_external").setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
822 |
823 |
824 |
$('div[data-info_type="gateway"]').each(function(index, value) {
825 |
if ($(this).attr('data-number') !== "0")
826 |
827 |
$(this).attr('hidden', 'true');
828 |
829 |
830 |
831 |
$(this).children('input[id="ext_weight_0"]').attr('hidden', 'true');
832 |
$(this).children('label[for="ext_weight_0"]').attr('hidden', 'true');
833 |
$(this).children('div[class="actions actions-network"]').css('display', 'none');
834 |
835 |
836 |
837 |
838 |
839 |
840 |
document.getElementById("ext_proxy").setAttribute('disabled', 'true');
841 |
842 |
$('div[data-info_type="gateway"]').each(function(index, value) {
843 |
if ($(this).attr('data-number') !== "0")
844 |
845 |
846 |
847 |
848 |
849 |
850 |
851 |
$(this).children('div[class="actions actions-network"]').css('display', 'inline-block');
852 |
853 |
854 |
855 |
856 |
857 |
858 |
859 |
//Add a wire between two connectors
2316 |
tom.houday |
860 |
const addWire = function (network) {
861 |
const networkType = network.data('networkType');
862 |
if (networkType === 'external') {
2956 |
rexy |
863 |
$().connections({ from: 'div[data-network-type="internet"]>div.network-connector[data-connector-network="internet"]', to: network.children('div.network-connector[data-connector-network="internet"]'), css: wireStyles.available, within: network });
864 |
$().connections({ from: 'div[data-network-type="alcasar"]>div.network-connector[data-connector-network="external"]', to: network.children('div.network-connector[data-connector-network="external"]'), css: wireStyles.available, within: network });
865 |
} else if (networkType === 'internal') {
866 |
$().connections({ from: 'div[data-network-type="alcasar"]>div.network-connector[data-connector-network="internal"]', to: network.children('div.network-connector[data-connector-network="internal"]'), css: wireStyles.available, within: network });
2316 |
tom.houday |
867 |
2325 |
tom.houday |
868 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
869 |
2956 |
rexy |
870 |
//reindex the gateway numbers when a gateway is deleted
871 |
const updateGatewayNumbers = function(gateway, number) {
872 |
old_number = gateway.attr('data-number');
873 |
gateway.attr('data-number', number);
874 |
gateway.attr('id', 'ip_routeur_'+number);
875 |
if (number === 0)
876 |
877 |
gateway.children('input[id="ext_gateway_'+old_number+'"]').attr('name', 'ip_gw');
878 |
gateway.children('input[id="ext_weight_'+old_number+'"]').attr('name', 'weight');
879 |
880 |
881 |
882 |
gateway.children('input[id="ext_gateway_'+old_number+'"]').attr('name', 'ip_gw_'+number);
883 |
gateway.children('input[id="ext_weight_'+old_number+'"]').attr('name', 'weight_'+number);
884 |
885 |
gateway.children('label[for="ext_gateway_'+old_number+'"]').attr('for', 'ext_gateway_'+number);
886 |
gateway.children('input[id="ext_gateway_'+old_number+'"]').attr('id', 'ext_gateway_'+number);
887 |
gateway.children('label[for="ext_weight_'+old_number+'"]').attr('for', 'ext_weight_'+number);
888 |
gateway.children('input[id="ext_weight_'+old_number+'"]').attr('id', 'ext_weight_'+number);
889 |
gateway.children('span[class="gw_number"]').html((number+1)+' ');
890 |
891 |
892 |
893 |
//hide the delete button and the weight field when there is only one gateway (or when there is a proxy)
894 |
const updateGatewayView = function() {
895 |
ifaces_count = parseInt(document.getElementById("gw_count").getAttribute('value'));
896 |
if (ifaces_count === 1)
897 |
898 |
$('div#ip_routeur_0').children('input[id="ext_weight_0"]').attr('hidden', 'true');
899 |
$('div#ip_routeur_0').children('label[for="ext_weight_0"]').attr('hidden', 'true');
900 |
$('div#ip_routeur_0').children('div[class="actions actions-network"]').css('display', 'none');
901 |
902 |
903 |
904 |
905 |
906 |
$('div#ip_routeur_0').children('div[class="actions actions-network"]').css('display', 'inline-block');
907 |
908 |
909 |
910 |
//resize the connections to fit the window
2325 |
tom.houday |
911 |
window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
912 |
913 |
914 |
2956 |
rexy |
915 |
// Add wires to existing networks at page first render
2316 |
tom.houday |
916 |
$('div[data-network-type="external"]').add('div[data-network-type="internal"]').each(function (index, element) {
917 |
2325 |
tom.houday |
918 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
919 |
920 |
318 |
richard |
921 |
922 |
2813 |
rexy |
923 |
<div class="panel">
924 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_network_title ?></div>
925 |
<div class="panel-row">
926 |
<form action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>" method="post">
927 |
<div class="network-configurator">
928 |
<div class="internet">
929 |
<div data-network-type="internet">
930 |
<div class="network-box">
931 |
<?= $l_internet_legend ?> <img src="/images/state_<?= (($internet_connected) ? 'ok' : 'error') ?>.gif"><br>
932 |
<?= $l_ip_public ?> : <?= $internet_publicIP ?><br>
933 |
<label for="dns1"><?= $l_ip_dns1 ?></label> : <input style="width:120px" type="text" id="dns1" name="dns1" value="<?= $conf['DNS1'] ?>" /><br>
934 |
<label for="dns2"><?= $l_ip_dns2 ?></label> : <input style="width:120px" type="text" id="dns2" name="dns2" value="<?= $conf['DNS2'] ?>" />
935 |
936 |
<div class="network-connector" data-connector-network="internet" data-connector-direction="right"></div>
937 |
2956 |
rexy |
938 |
</div><div id="externals_id" class="externals">
2813 |
rexy |
939 |
<div data-network-type="external">
940 |
<div class="network-connector" data-connector-network="internet" data-connector-direction="left"></div>
2316 |
tom.houday |
941 |
<div class="network-box">
2956 |
rexy |
942 |
<label for="ext_interface">Interface</label> <input name="ext_interface" id="ext_interface" value="<?= $conf['EXTIF'] ?>" disabled="disabled"/><br>
943 |
<label for="ext_ip"><?= $l_ip_address ?></label> <input style="width:130px" type="text" name="ip_public" id="ext_ip" value="<?= $conf['PUBLIC_IP'] ?>" /><br>
944 |
<input class="enable_proxy" type="checkbox" name="enable_proxy" value="P_Enabled" <?php if($conf['PROXY'] === 'on' || $conf['PROXY'] === 'On') { echo 'checked'; }?>/>
945 |
<label for="proxy">Proxy</label> <input style="width:140px" type="text" name="proxy" id="ext_proxy" value=<?= $conf['PROXY_IP']?> <?php echo ($conf['PROXY'] === 'on' || $conf['PROXY'] === 'On')? '' : 'disabled'?>/><br>
946 |
<div id="ext_gateways" >
947 |
<input type="text" name="gw_count" id="gw_count" value="<?=count($gateways)?>" hidden="hidden"/>
948 |
<?php foreach ($gateways as $index => $network):
949 |
if ($index == 0) {?>
950 |
<div id="ip_routeur_<?= $index ?>" data-info_type="gateway" data-number="<?= $index ?>">
951 |
<label for="ext_gateway_<?= $index ?>"><?= $l_ip_router.' ' ?></label>
952 |
<span class="gw_number"><?= ($conf['PROXY'] === 'on' || $conf['PROXY'] === 'On')?'':($index+1) ?> </span>
953 |
<input style="width:100px" type="text" name="ip_gw" id="ext_gateway_<?= $index ?>" value="<?= $network->gateway ?>" />
954 |
<label for="ext_weight_<?= $index ?>" <?php echo ($conf['PROXY'] === 'on' || $conf['PROXY'] === 'On'|| $conf['MULTIWAN'] === 'Off' || $conf['MULTIWAN'] === 'off')? 'hidden' : '' ?>><?= $l_gw_weight ?></label>
955 |
<input style="width:20px" type="text" name="weight" id="ext_weight_<?= $index ?>" value="<?= $network->weight ?>" <?php echo ($conf['PROXY'] === 'on' || $conf['PROXY'] === 'On' || $conf['MULTIWAN'] === 'Off' || $conf['MULTIWAN'] === 'off')? 'hidden' : '' ?>/>
956 |
<div class="actions actions-network" style="display: <?php echo ($conf['PROXY'] === 'on' || $conf['PROXY'] === 'On'|| $conf['MULTIWAN'] === 'Off' || $conf['MULTIWAN'] === 'off')? 'none' : 'inline-block' ?>; width:11px">
957 |
<a style="display:block; text-align:center" href="#" class="remove-network" title="Supprimer ce réseau">-</a>
958 |
959 |
960 |
<?php } else {?>
961 |
<div id="ip_routeur_<?= $index ?>" data-info_type="gateway" data-number="<?= $index ?>" <?php echo ($conf['PROXY'] === 'on' || $conf['PROXY'] === 'On')? 'hidden' : '' ?>>
962 |
<label for="ext_gateway_<?= $index ?>"><?= $l_ip_router.' ' ?></label>
963 |
<span class="gw_number"><?= ($index+1) ?> </span>
964 |
<input style="width:100px" type="text" name="ip_gw_<?= $index ?>" id="ext_gateway_<?= $index ?>" value="<?= $network->gateway ?>"/>
965 |
<label for="ext_weight_<?= $index ?>"><?= $l_gw_weight ?></label>
966 |
<input style="width:20px" type="text" name="weight_<?= $index ?>" id="ext_weight_<?= $index ?>" value="<?= $network->weight ?>"/>
967 |
<div class="actions actions-network" style="display:inline-block; width:11px">
968 |
<a style="display:block; text-align:center" href="#" class="remove-network" title="Supprimer ce réseau">-</a>
969 |
970 |
971 |
<?php } endforeach; ?>
972 |
973 |
<div class="actions actions-externals" style="margin: 0 auto; width:11px"><a id="add_external" href="#" class="add-external-network" title="Ajouter un réseau externe" <?php echo ($conf['PROXY'] === 'on' || $conf['PROXY'] === 'On')? 'hidden' : '' ?>>+</a></div>
974 |
2813 |
rexy |
975 |
<div class="network-connector" data-connector-network="external" data-connector-direction="right"></div>
2316 |
tom.houday |
976 |
2813 |
rexy |
977 |
</div><div class="alcasar">
978 |
<div data-network-type="alcasar">
979 |
<div class="network-connector" data-connector-network="external" data-connector-direction="left"></div>
980 |
<div class="network-box">
981 |
<div class="alcasar-logo"><img src="/images/logo-alcasar.png" style="width: 100px;height: 100px;"></div>
982 |
<!-- <div class="actions actions-internals">
983 |
<div><a href="#" class="add-internal-network" title="Ajouter un réseau interne">+</a></div>
984 |
<div><a href="#" class="add-internal-wifi-network">++</a></div>
985 |
</div> -->
986 |
987 |
<div class="network-connector" data-connector-network="internal" data-connector-direction="right"></div>
988 |
2956 |
rexy |
989 |
</div><div id="internals_id" class="internals" data-count="1">
2813 |
rexy |
990 |
<?php foreach ($internalNetworks as $network): ?>
991 |
<div data-network-type="internal">
992 |
<div class="network-connector" data-connector-network="internal" data-connector-direction="left"></div>
2316 |
tom.houday |
993 |
<div class="network-box">
2813 |
rexy |
994 |
<!-- <div class="actions actions-network"><a href="#" class="remove-network" title="Supprimer ce réseau">-</a></div> -->
995 |
<label for="int_interface_<?= $index ?>"><?= 'Interface' ?></label> <select name="int_interface[<?= $index ?>]" id="int_interface_<?= $index ?>" disabled><option value="<?= $network->interface ?>"><?= $network->interface ?></option></select><br>
996 |
<label for="int_ip_<?= $index ?>"><?= $l_ip_address ?></label> <input style="width:150px" type="text" name="ip_private" id="int_ip_<?= $index ?>" value="<?= $network->ip ?>" /><br>
2316 |
tom.houday |
997 |
998 |
2813 |
rexy |
999 |
<? endforeach; ?>
2316 |
tom.houday |
1000 |
2813 |
rexy |
1001 |
2956 |
rexy |
1002 |
<?php if ($ext_conf_error == true) {
1003 |
echo '<span style="color:red">';
1004 |
$temp = 0;
1005 |
while (isset($ext_conf_error_list[$temp])) {
1006 |
echo $ext_conf_error_list[$temp].'<br>';
1007 |
1008 |
1009 |
echo '</span>';
1010 |
1011 |
else if (($choix === 'network_change') && ($modification_proxy || $modification_dns || $modification_network)) {
1012 |
echo '<span id="change_success" style="color:green">'.$l_change_successful.'</span>';
1013 |
2813 |
rexy |
1014 |
1015 |
<div style="text-align: center; margin: 5px">
1016 |
<input type="hidden" name="choix" value="network_change">
1017 |
<input type="submit" value="<?= $l_apply ?>">
1018 |
1019 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
1020 |
2813 |
rexy |
1021 |
1022 |
1023 |
<div class="panel">
1024 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_static_dhcp_title ?></div>
1025 |
2304 |
tom.houday |
1026 |
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1">
2708 |
tom.houday |
1027 |
<tr><td width="50%" align="center" valign="middle">
1028 |
<form action="network.php" method="POST">
2316 |
tom.houday |
1029 |
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="1">
2708 |
tom.houday |
1030 |
<tr><th><?= $l_mac_address ?></th><th><?= $l_ip_address ?></th><th>Info<th><?= $l_del ?></th></tr>
2316 |
tom.houday |
1031 |
2708 |
tom.houday |
1032 |
// Read the "ether" file
1033 |
exec('sudo /sbin/ip link show '.escapeshellarg($conf["INTIF"]), $output);
1034 |
$detail = explode(' ', $output[1]);
1035 |
$intif_mac_addr = strtoupper(str_replace(':', '-', $detail[5]));
1036 |
unset($output); unset($detail);
2316 |
tom.houday |
1037 |
$line_exist = false;
2708 |
tom.houday |
1038 |
$tab = file(ETHERS_INFO_FILE);
1039 |
if ($tab) { // le fichier n'est pas vide
2316 |
tom.houday |
1040 |
foreach ($tab as $line) {
2708 |
tom.houday |
1041 |
$fields = explode(' ', $line);
1042 |
$mac_addr = $fields[0];
1043 |
$ip_addr = $fields[1];
2713 |
tom.houday |
1044 |
$info = (isset($fields[2])) ? implode(' ', array_slice($fields, 2)) : ' ';
2956 |
rexy |
1045 |
2708 |
tom.houday |
1046 |
echo '<tr>';
1047 |
echo "<td>$mac_addr</td>";
1048 |
echo "<td>$ip_addr</td>";
1049 |
if ($mac_addr !== $intif_mac_addr) {
1050 |
echo '<td>'.ltrim($info, '#').'</td>';
1051 |
echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$mac_addr\"></td>";
1052 |
1053 |
} else {
1054 |
echo '<td>ALCASAR</td>';
1055 |
echo '<td></td>';
2316 |
tom.houday |
1056 |
2708 |
tom.houday |
1057 |
echo '</tr>';
1959 |
richard |
1058 |
1059 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
1060 |
1061 |
1062 |
<?php if ($line_exist): ?>
2708 |
tom.houday |
1063 |
<input type="hidden" name="choix" value="del_mac">
2316 |
tom.houday |
1064 |
<input type="submit" value="<?= $l_apply ?>">
1065 |
<?php endif; ?>
1066 |
2708 |
tom.houday |
1067 |
</td><td width="50%" valign="middle" align="center">
1068 |
<form name="new_mac" action="network.php" method="POST">
1069 |
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="1">
1070 |
<tr><th><?= $l_mac_address ?></th><th><?= $l_ip_address ?></th><th>Info</th><td></td></tr>
1071 |
<tr><td>Ex. : 12-2F-36-A4-DF-43</td><td>Ex. :</td><td>Ex. : Switch<td></td></tr>
1072 |
<tr><td><input type="text" name="add_mac" size="17"></td>
1073 |
<td><input type="text" name="add_ip" size="10"></td>
1074 |
<td><input type="text" name="info" size="10"></td>
1075 |
1076 |
<input type="hidden" name="choix" value="new_mac">
1077 |
<input type="submit" class="button" value="<?= $l_add_to_list ?>" onclick="return MAC_Control('new_mac');">
1078 |
1079 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
1080 |
2708 |
tom.houday |
1081 |
1959 |
richard |
1082 |
2316 |
tom.houday |
1083 |
2813 |
rexy |
1084 |
<div class="panel">
1085 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_local_dns ?></div>
1086 |
2709 |
tom.houday |
1087 |
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1">
1088 |
1089 |
<td width="50%" align="center">
1090 |
<form action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>" method="POST">
1091 |
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="1">
1092 |
<tr><th><?= $l_ip_address ?></th><th><?= $l_host_name ?></th><th><?= $l_del ?></th></tr>
1093 |
1094 |
// Read the "dns_local" file
1095 |
$line_exist = false;
1096 |
$tab = file(DNS_LOCAL_FILE);
1097 |
if ($tab) { // not empty
1098 |
foreach ($tab as $line) {
1099 |
if (preg_match ('/^\d+/', $line)) { # begin with one or several digit
1100 |
$line_exist = true;
1101 |
$field = preg_split("/\s+/",$line); # split with one or several whitespace (or tab)
1102 |
$ip_addr = $field[0];
1103 |
$host_name = $field[1];
1104 |
echo "<tr><td>$ip_addr</td>";
1105 |
echo "<td>$host_name</td>";
1106 |
if (($ip_addr == "")|($host_name == "alcasar")) {
1107 |
echo "<td>";}
1108 |
else {
1109 |
echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"$ip_addr|$host_name\">";
1110 |
1111 |
echo "</td></tr>";
1112 |
1113 |
1114 |
1115 |
if (!$line_exist) {
1116 |
echo '<tr><td colspan="3" style="text-align: center;font-style: italic;">'.$l_empty.'</td></tr>';
1117 |
1118 |
1119 |
1120 |
<?php if ($line_exist): ?>
1121 |
<input type="hidden" name="choix" value="del_host">
1122 |
<input type="submit" value="<?= $l_apply ?>">
1123 |
<?php endif; ?>
1124 |
1125 |
1126 |
<td width="50%" valign="middle" align="center">
1127 |
<form name="new_host" action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>" method="POST">
1128 |
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="1">
1129 |
1130 |
<th><?= $l_ip_address ?></th><th><?= $l_host_name ?></th><td></td>
1131 |
1132 |
1133 |
<td>Ex. :</td><td>Ex. : my_nas</td><td></td>
1134 |
1135 |
1136 |
<td><input type="text" name="add_ip" size="10"><input type="hidden" name="choix" value="new_host"></td>
1137 |
<td><input type="text" name="add_host" size="17"></td>
1138 |
<td><input type=submit class=button value="<?= $l_add_to_list ?>"></td>
1139 |
1140 |
1141 |
1142 |
1143 |
1144 |
1145 |
2813 |
rexy |
1146 |
<div class="panel">
1147 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_ssl_title ?></div>
1148 |
<div class="panel-row">
2609 |
rexy |
1149 |
<form method="post" action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>">
1150 |
<input type="hidden" name="choix" value="https_login">
1151 |
<select name="https_login">
1152 |
<option value="on"<?= (($conf['HTTPS_LOGIN'] === 'on') ? ' selected' : '') ?>><?= $l_yes ?></option>
1153 |
<option value="off"<?= (($conf['HTTPS_LOGIN'] === 'off') ? ' selected' : '') ?>><?= $l_no ?></option>
1154 |
1155 |
<input type="submit" value="<?= $l_apply ?>"><br>
1156 |
2813 |
rexy |
1157 |
1158 |
2609 |
rexy |
1159 |
2813 |
rexy |
1160 |
<div class="panel">
1161 |
<div class="panel-header"><?= $l_import_cert ?></div>
1162 |
<div class="panel-row">
1163 |
<div class="panel-cell">
2297 |
tom.houday |
1164 |
1165 |
$certificateInfos = openssl_x509_parse(file_get_contents('/etc/pki/tls/certs/alcasar.crt'));
1166 |
$cert_expiration_date = date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $certificateInfos['validTo_time_t']);
1167 |
$domain = $certificateInfos['subject']['CN'];
1168 |
$organization = (isset($certificateInfos['subject']['O'])) ? $certificateInfos['subject']['O'] : '';
1169 |
$CAdomain = $certificateInfos['issuer']['CN'];
1170 |
$CAorganization = (isset($certificateInfos['issuer']['O'])) ? $certificateInfos['issuer']['O'] : '';
1171 |
1172 |
<h3><?= $l_current_certificate ?></h3>
2813 |
rexy |
1173 |
<b><?= $l_cert_commonname ?></b> <?= $domain ?><br>
1174 |
<b><?= $l_cert_expiration ?></b> <?= $cert_expiration_date ?><br>
1175 |
<b><?= $l_cert_organization ?></b> <?= $organization ?><br>
1176 |
<b><?= $l_validated ?></b> <?= $CAdomain ?> (<?= $CAorganization ?>)<br>
1177 |
1178 |
<div class="panel-cell">
1179 |
1180 |
if (file_exists('/etc/pki/tls/certs/alcasar.crt.old') && file_exists('/etc/pki/tls/private/alcasar.key.old')){ // An old default certificate exist ?
1181 |
echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"".htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."\">\n";
1182 |
echo "\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"choix\" value=\"set_default_cert\">\n";
1183 |
echo "\t\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"$l_default_cert\"> (alcasar.localdomain)<br>\n";
1184 |
echo "\t\t\t</form>\n";}
1185 |
if (!empty($LE_conf['domainRequest']) && ($domain != $LE_conf['domainRequest'])) { // A Let's encrypt certificate exist & it's not the active one ?
1186 |
echo "\t\t\t<form method=\"post\" action=\"".htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."\">\n";
1187 |
echo "\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"choix\" value=\"set_last_LE_cert\">\n";
1188 |
echo "\t\t\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".$l_previous_LE_cert."\"> (".$LE_conf['domainRequest'].")\n";
1189 |
echo "\t\t\t</form>\n";}
1190 |
1191 |
1192 |
1193 |
<div class="panel-row">
1194 |
<div class="panel-cell">
2326 |
tom.houday |
1195 |
<h3><?= $l_upload_certificate ?></h3>
2324 |
tom.houday |
1196 |
<form method="post" action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
1197 |
<?= $l_private_key;?> <input type="file" name="key"><br>
1198 |
<?= $l_certificate;?> <input type="file" name="crt"><br>
1199 |
<?= $l_server_chain;?> <input type="file" name="sc"><br>
1200 |
<input type="hidden" name="choix" value="import_cert">
1201 |
<input type="submit" value="<?= $l_import ?>">
2297 |
tom.houday |
1202 |
2813 |
rexy |
1203 |
1204 |
<div class="panel-cell">
2304 |
tom.houday |
1205 |
1206 |
// Get step
1207 |
if (empty($LE_conf['domainRequest'])) {
1208 |
$step = 1;
1209 |
} else if (!empty($LE_conf['challenge'])) {
1210 |
$step = 2;
1211 |
} else if (($domain === $LE_conf['domainRequest']) && (empty($LE_conf['challenge']))) {
1212 |
$step = 3;
1213 |
} else {
1214 |
$step = 1;
1215 |
1216 |
2326 |
tom.houday |
1217 |
<h3><?= $l_le_integration ?></h3>
2324 |
tom.houday |
1218 |
<?php if ($step === 1): ?>
2316 |
tom.houday |
1219 |
<form method="post" action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>">
1220 |
<input type="hidden" name="choix" value="le_issueCert">
2326 |
tom.houday |
1221 |
<?= $l_le_status ?> <?= $l_disabled ?><br>
1222 |
<?= $l_le_email ?> <input type="text" name="email" placeholder="adresse@email.com"<?= ((!empty($LE_conf['email'])) ? ' value="'.$LE_conf['email'].'"' : '') ?>><br>
1223 |
<?= $l_le_domain_name ?> <input type="text" name="domainname" placeholder="alcasar.domain.tld" required><br>
1224 |
<input type="submit" name="issue" value="<?= $l_send ?>"><br>
2304 |
tom.houday |
1225 |
1226 |
<?php elseif ($step === 2): ?>
2316 |
tom.houday |
1227 |
<form method="post" action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>">
1228 |
<input type="hidden" name="choix" value="le_renewCert">
2326 |
tom.houday |
1229 |
<?= $l_le_status ?> <?= $l_pending_validation ?><br>
1230 |
<?= $l_le_domain_name ?> <?= $LE_conf['domainRequest'] ?><br>
1231 |
<?= $l_le_ask_on ?> <?= date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $LE_conf['dateIssueRequest']) ?><br>
1232 |
<?= $l_le_dns_entry_txt ?> "<?= '_acme-challenge.'.$LE_conf['domainRequest'] ?>"<br>
1233 |
<?= $l_le_challenge ?> "<?= $LE_conf['challenge'] ?>"<br>
1234 |
<input type="submit" name="recheck" value="<?= $l_recheck ?>"> <input type="submit" name="cancel" value="<?= $l_cancel ?>"><br>
2304 |
tom.houday |
1235 |
1236 |
<?php elseif ($step === 3): ?>
2316 |
tom.houday |
1237 |
<form method="post" action="<?= htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>">
1238 |
<input type="hidden" name="choix" value="le_renewCert">
2326 |
tom.houday |
1239 |
<?= $l_le_status ?> <?= $l_enabled ?><br>
1240 |
<?= $l_le_domain_name ?> <?= $LE_conf['domainRequest'] ?><br>
1241 |
<?= $l_le_api ?> <?= $LE_conf['dnsapi'] ?><br>
1242 |
<?= $l_le_next_renewal ?> <?= date('d-m-Y', $LE_conf['dateNextRenewal']) ?><br>
2304 |
tom.houday |
1243 |
<?php if ($LE_conf['dateNextRenewal'] <= date('U')): ?>
2326 |
tom.houday |
1244 |
<input type="submit" name="recheck" value="<?= $l_renew ?>"><br>
2304 |
tom.houday |
1245 |
<?php else: ?>
2326 |
tom.houday |
1246 |
<input type="submit" name="recheck_force" value="<?= $l_renew_force ?>"><br>
2304 |
tom.houday |
1247 |
<?php endif; ?>
1248 |
1249 |
<?php endif; ?>
1250 |
<?php if (isset($cmdResponse)): ?>
1251 |
<p><?= $cmdResponse ?></p>
1252 |
<?php endif; ?>
2813 |
rexy |
1253 |
1254 |
1255 |
318 |
richard |
1256 |
1257 |