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Ignore whitespace Rev 325 → Rev 2886

1,240 → 1,483
* SunOS System Class
* PHP version 5
* @category PHP
* @package PSI SunOS OS class
* @author Michael Cramer <>
* @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo
* @license GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version
* @version SVN: $Id: 687 2012-09-06 20:54:49Z namiltd $
* @link
* SunOS sysinfo class
* get all the required information from SunOS systems
* @category PHP
* @package PSI SunOS OS class
* @author Michael Cramer <>
* @copyright 2009 phpSysInfo
* @license GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version
* @version Release: 3.0
* @link
class SunOS extends OS
// phpSysInfo - A PHP System Information Script
* content of prtconf -v
* @var array
private $_prtconf = null;
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Execute prtconf -v and save ass array
* @return array
protected function prtconf()
if ($this->_prtconf === null) {
$this->_prtconf = array();
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('prtconf', '-v', $buf, PSI_DEBUG) && ($buf!="")) {
$blocks = preg_split( '/\n(?= \S)/', $buf, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (!empty($blocks) && (count($blocks)>2)) {
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
if (preg_match('/^ (\S+) /',$block, $ar_buf)) {
$group = trim($ar_buf[1], ',');
$grouparr = array();
$blocks1 = preg_split( '/\n(?= \S)/', $block, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (!empty($blocks1) && count($blocks1)) {
foreach ($blocks1 as $block1) {
if (!preg_match('/^ name=\'([^\']+)\'/',$block1)
&& preg_match('/^ (\S+) /',$block1, $ar_buf)) {
$device = trim($ar_buf[1], ',');
$devicearr = array();
$blocks2 = preg_split( '/\n(?= \S)/', $block1, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (!empty($blocks2) && count($blocks2)) {
foreach ($blocks2 as $block2) {
if (!preg_match('/^ name=\'([^\']+)\'/',$block2)
&& preg_match('/^ (\S+) /',$block2, $ar_buf)) {
$subdev = trim($ar_buf[1], ',');
$subdevarr = array();
$blocks3 = preg_split( '/\n(?= \S)/', $block2, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (!empty($blocks3) && count($blocks3)) {
foreach ($blocks3 as $block3) {
if (preg_match('/^ name=\'([^\']+)\' [\s\S]+ value=\'?([^\']+)\'?/m',$block3, $ar_buf)) {
if ($subdev==='Hardware') {
$subdevarr[$ar_buf[1]] = $ar_buf[2];
$subdevarr['device'] = $device;
if (count($subdevarr)) {
$devicearr = $subdevarr;
if (count($devicearr)) {
$grouparr[$device][] = $devicearr;
if (count($grouparr)) {
$this->_prtconf[$group][] = $grouparr;
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
return $this->_prtconf;
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Extract kernel values via kstat() interface
* @param string $key key for kstat programm
* @return string
private function _kstat($key)
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('kstat', '-p d '.$key, $m, PSI_DEBUG) && ($m!=="")) {
list($key, $value) = preg_split("/\t/", $m, 2);
// $Id:,v 1.24 2007/02/18 18:59:54 bigmichi1 Exp $
return trim($value);
} else {
return '';
$error->addError("WARN", "The SunOS version of phpSysInfo is work in progress, some things currently don't work");
* Virtual Host Name
* @return void
private function _hostname()
if (PSI_USE_VHOST === true) {
if (CommonFunctions::readenv('SERVER_NAME', $hnm)) $this->sys->setHostname($hnm);
} else {
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('uname', '-n', $result, PSI_DEBUG)) {
$ip = gethostbyname($result);
if ($ip != $result) {
class sysinfo {
// Extract kernel values via kstat() interface
function kstat ($key) {
$m = execute_program('kstat', "-p d $key");
list($key, $value) = explode("\t", trim($m), 2);
return $value;
* Kernel Version
* @return void
private function _kernel()
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('uname', '-s', $os, PSI_DEBUG) && ($os!="")) {
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('uname', '-r', $version, PSI_DEBUG) && ($version!="")) {
$os.=' '.$version;
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('uname', '-v', $subversion, PSI_DEBUG) && ($subversion!="")) {
$os.=' ('.$subversion.')';
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('uname', '-i', $platform, PSI_DEBUG) && ($platform!="")) {
$os.=' '.$platform;
function vhostname () {
if (! ($result = getenv('SERVER_NAME'))) {
$result = 'N.A.';
return $result;
// get the IP address of our vhost name
function vip_addr () {
return gethostbyname($this->vhostname());
// get our canonical hostname
function chostname () {
if ($result = execute_program('uname', '-n')) {
$result = gethostbyaddr(gethostbyname($result));
} else {
$result = 'N.A.';
return $result;
// get the IP address of our canonical hostname
function ip_addr () {
if (!($result = getenv('SERVER_ADDR'))) {
$result = gethostbyname($this->chostname());
return $result;
* UpTime
* time the system is running
* @return void
private function _uptime()
$this->sys->setUptime(time() - $this->_kstat('unix:0:system_misc:boot_time'));
function kernel () {
$os = execute_program('uname', '-s');
$version = execute_program('uname', '-r');
return $os . ' ' . $version;
* Processor Load
* optionally create a loadbar
* @return void
private function _loadavg()
$load1 = $this->_kstat('unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min');
$load5 = $this->_kstat('unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min');
$load15 = $this->_kstat('unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min');
$this->sys->setLoad(round($load1 / 256, 2).' '.round($load5 / 256, 2).' '.round($load15 / 256, 2));
function uptime () {
$result = time() - $this->kstat('unix:0:system_misc:boot_time');
* CPU information
* @return void
private function _cpuinfo()
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('kstat', '-p d cpu_info:*:cpu_info*:core_id', $m, PSI_DEBUG) && ($m!=="")) {
$cpuc = count(preg_split('/\n/', $m, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
for ($cpu=0; $cpu < $cpuc; $cpu++) {
$dev = new CpuDevice();
if (($buf = $this->_kstat('cpu_info:'.$cpu.':cpu_info'.$cpu.':current_clock_Hz')) !== "") {
} elseif (($buf = $this->_kstat('cpu_info:'.$cpu.':cpu_info'.$cpu.':clock_MHz')) !== "") {
if (($buf = $this->_kstat('cpu_info:'.$cpu.':cpu_info'.$cpu.':supported_frequencies_Hz')) !== "") {
$cpuarr = preg_split('/:/', $buf, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (($cpuarrc=count($cpuarr))>1) {
if (($buf =$this->_kstat('cpu_info:'.$cpu.':cpu_info'.$cpu.':brand')) !== "") {
} elseif (($buf =$this->_kstat('cpu_info:'.$cpu.':cpu_info'.$cpu.':cpu_type')) !== "") {
} elseif (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('uname', '-p', $buf, PSI_DEBUG) && ($buf!="")) {
} elseif (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('uname', '-i', $buf, PSI_DEBUG) && ($buf!="")) {
return $result;
* PCI devices
* @return void
protected function _pci()
$prtconf = $this->prtconf();
if ((count($prtconf)>1) && isset($prtconf['pci'])) {
foreach ($prtconf['pci'] as $prt) {
foreach ($prt as $pci) {
foreach ($pci as $pcidev) {
if (isset($pcidev['device'])) {
$dev = new HWDevice();
if (isset($pcidev['model'])) {
$name = $pcidev['model'];
} else {
$name = $pcidev['device'];
if (isset($pcidev['device-name'])) {
$name .= ': '.$pcidev['device-name'];
function users () {
$who = explode('=', execute_program('who', '-q'));
$result = $who[1];
return $result;
if (isset($pcidev['subsystem-name']) && ($pcidev['subsystem-name']!=='unknown subsystem')) {
if (isset($pcidev['vendor-name'])) {
function loadavg ($bar = false) {
$load1 = $this->kstat('unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_1min');
$load5 = $this->kstat('unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_5min');
$load15 = $this->kstat('unix:0:system_misc:avenrun_15min');
$results['avg'] = array( round($load1/256, 2), round($load5/256, 2), round($load15/256, 2) );
return $results;
function cpu_info () {
$results = array();
$ar_buf = array();
* Network devices
* @return void
private function _network()
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('netstat', '-ni | awk \'(NF ==10){print;}\'', $netstat, PSI_DEBUG)) {
$lines = preg_split("/\n/", $netstat, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$ar_buf = preg_split("/\s+/", $line);
if (!empty($ar_buf[0]) && $ar_buf[0] !== 'Name') {
$dev = new NetDevice();
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['errs'] = $ar_buf[5] + $ar_buf[7];
if (preg_match('/^(\D+)(\d+)$/', $ar_buf[0], $intf)) {
$prefix = $intf[1].':'.$intf[2].':'.$intf[1].$intf[2].':';
} elseif (preg_match('/^(\D.*)(\d+)$/', $ar_buf[0], $intf)) {
$prefix = $intf[1].':'.$intf[2].':mac:';
} else {
$prefix = "";
if ($prefix !== "") {
$cnt = $this->_kstat($prefix.'drop');
if ($cnt > 0) {
$cnt = $this->_kstat($prefix.'obytes64');
if ($cnt > 0) {
$cnt = $this->_kstat($prefix.'rbytes64');
if ($cnt > 0) {
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('ifconfig', $ar_buf[0], $bufr2, PSI_DEBUG) && ($bufr2!=="")) {
$bufe2 = preg_split("/\n/", $bufr2, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($bufe2 as $buf2) {
if (preg_match('/^\s+ether\s+(\S+)/i', $buf2, $ar_buf2)) {
if (!defined('PSI_HIDE_NETWORK_MACADDR') || !PSI_HIDE_NETWORK_MACADDR) $dev->setInfo(($dev->getInfo()?$dev->getInfo().';':'').preg_replace('/:/', '-', strtoupper($ar_buf2[1])));
} elseif (preg_match('/^\s+inet\s+(\S+)\s+netmask/i', $buf2, $ar_buf2)) {
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('ifconfig', $ar_buf[0].' inet6', $bufr2, PSI_DEBUG) && ($bufr2!=="")) {
$bufe2 = preg_split("/\n/", $bufr2, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($bufe2 as $buf2) {
if (preg_match('/^\s+inet6\s+([^\s\/]+)/i', $buf2, $ar_buf2)
&& ($ar_buf2[1]!="::") && !preg_match('/^fe80::/i', $ar_buf2[1]))
$results['model'] = execute_program('uname', '-i');
$results['cpuspeed'] = $this->kstat('cpu_info:0:cpu_info0:clock_MHz');
$results['cache'] = $this->kstat('cpu_info:0:cpu_info0:cpu_type');
$results['cpus'] = $this->kstat('unix:0:system_misc:ncpus');
return $results;
* Physical memory information and Swap Space information
* @return void
private function _memory()
$pagesize = $this->_kstat('unix:0:seg_cache:slab_size');
$this->sys->setMemTotal($this->_kstat('unix:0:system_pages:pagestotal') * $pagesize);
$this->sys->setMemUsed($this->_kstat('unix:0:system_pages:pageslocked') * $pagesize);
$this->sys->setMemFree($this->_kstat('unix:0:system_pages:pagesfree') * $pagesize);
$dev = new DiskDevice();
$dev->setTotal($this->_kstat('unix:0:vminfo:swap_avail') / 1024);
$dev->setUsed($this->_kstat('unix:0:vminfo:swap_alloc') / 1024);
$dev->setFree($this->_kstat('unix:0:vminfo:swap_free') / 1024);
function pci () {
$results = array();
return $results;
* filesystem information
* @return void
private function _filesystems()
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-k', $df, PSI_DEBUG)) {
$df = preg_replace('/\n\s/m', ' ', $df);
$mounts = preg_split("/\n/", $df, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
$ar_buf = preg_split('/\s+/', $mount, 6);
if (!empty($ar_buf[0]) && $ar_buf[0] !== 'Filesystem') {
$dev = new DiskDevice();
$dev->setTotal($ar_buf[1] * 1024);
$dev->setUsed($ar_buf[2] * 1024);
$dev->setFree($ar_buf[3] * 1024);
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-n', $dftypes, PSI_DEBUG)) {
$mounttypes = preg_split("/\n/", $dftypes, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($mounttypes as $type) {
$ty_buf = preg_split('/:/', $type, 2);
if (trim($ty_buf[0]) == $dev->getMountPoint()) {
} elseif (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-T', $dftypes, PSI_DEBUG)) {
$dftypes = preg_replace('/\n\s/m', ' ', $dftypes);
$mounttypes = preg_split("/\n/", $dftypes, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($mounttypes as $type) {
$ty_buf = preg_split("/\s+/", $type, 3);
if ($ty_buf[0] == $dev->getName()) {
function ide () {
$results = array();
return $results;
* Distribution Icon
* @return void
private function _distro()
if (CommonFunctions::rfts('/etc/release', $buf, 1, 4096, false) && (trim($buf)!="")) {
$list = @parse_ini_file(PSI_APP_ROOT."/data/distros.ini", true);
if ($list && preg_match('/^(\S+)\s*/', preg_replace('/^Open\s+/', 'Open', preg_replace('/^Oracle\s+/', 'Oracle', trim($buf))), $id_buf) && isset($list[$distid=(trim($id_buf[1].' SunOS'))]['Image'])) {
if (isset($list[trim($distid)]['Name'])) {
$this->sys->setDistribution(trim($list[$distid]['Name']).' '.$this->sys->getDistribution());
} else {
} else {
function scsi () {
$results = array();
return $results;
* Processes
* @return void
protected function _processes()
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('ps', 'aux', $bufr, PSI_DEBUG)) {
$lines = preg_split("/\n/", $bufr, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$processes['*'] = 0;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (preg_match("/^\S+\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+(\w)/", $line, $ar_buf)) {
$state = $ar_buf[1];
if ($state == 'O') $state = 'R'; //linux format
elseif ($state == 'W') $state = 'D';
elseif ($state == 'D') $state = 'd'; //invalid
if (isset($processes[$state])) {
} else {
$processes[$state] = 1;
if ($processes['*'] > 0) {
function usb () {
$results = array();
return $results;
function sbus () {
$results = array();
$_results[0] = "";
// TODO. Nothing here yet. Move along.
$results = $_results;
return $results;
function network () {
$results = array();
$netstat = execute_program('netstat', '-ni | awk \'(NF ==10){print;}\'');
$lines = explode("\n", $netstat);
$results = array();
for ($i = 0, $max = sizeof($lines); $i < $max; $i++) {
$ar_buf = preg_split("/\s+/", $lines[$i]);
if ((!empty($ar_buf[0])) && ($ar_buf[0] != 'Name')) {
$results[$ar_buf[0]] = array();
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['rx_bytes'] = 0;
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['rx_packets'] = $ar_buf[4];
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['rx_errs'] = $ar_buf[5];
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['rx_drop'] = 0;
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['tx_bytes'] = 0;
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['tx_packets'] = $ar_buf[6];
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['tx_errs'] = $ar_buf[7];
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['tx_drop'] = 0;
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['errs'] = $ar_buf[5] + $ar_buf[
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['drop'] = 0;
preg_match('/^(\D+)(\d+)$/', $ar_buf[0], $intf);
$prefix = $intf[1] . ':' . $intf[2] . ':' . $intf[1] . $intf[2] . ':';
$cnt = $this->kstat($prefix . 'drop');
if ($cnt > 0) {
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['rx_drop'] = $cnt;
$cnt = $this->kstat($prefix . 'obytes64');
if ($cnt > 0) {
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['tx_bytes'] = $cnt;
$cnt = $this->kstat($prefix . 'rbytes64');
if ($cnt > 0) {
$results[$ar_buf[0]]['rx_bytes'] = $cnt;
* get the information
* @see PSI_Interface_OS::build()
* @return Void
public function build()
$this->error->addError("WARN", "The SunOS version of phpSysInfo is a work in progress, some things currently don't work");
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='vitals') {
return $results;
function memory () {
$results['devswap'] = array();
$results['ram'] = array();
$pagesize = $this->kstat('unix:0:seg_cache:slab_size');
$results['ram']['total'] = $this->kstat('unix:0:system_pages:pagestotal') * $pagesize / 1024;
$results['ram']['used'] = $this->kstat('unix:0:system_pages:pageslocked') * $pagesize / 1024;
$results['ram']['free'] = $this->kstat('unix:0:system_pages:pagesfree') * $pagesize / 1024;
$results['ram']['shared'] = 0;
$results['ram']['buffers'] = 0;
$results['ram']['cached'] = 0;
$results['ram']['percent'] = round(($results['ram']['used'] * 100) / $results['ram']['total']);
$results['swap'] = array();
$results['swap']['total'] = $this->kstat('unix:0:vminfo:swap_avail') / 1024 / 1024;
$results['swap']['used'] = $this->kstat('unix:0:vminfo:swap_alloc') / 1024 / 1024;
$results['swap']['free'] = $this->kstat('unix:0:vminfo:swap_free') / 1024 / 1024;
$results['swap']['percent'] = round(($ar_buf[1] * 100) / $ar_buf[0]);
$results['swap']['percent'] = round(($results['swap']['used'] * 100) / $results['swap']['total']);
return $results;
function filesystems () {
$df = execute_program('df', '-k');
$mounts = explode("\n", $df);
$dftypes = execute_program('df', '-n');
$mounttypes = explode("\n", $dftypes);
for ($i = 1, $j = 0, $max = sizeof($mounts); $i < $max; $i++) {
$ar_buf = preg_split('/\s+/', $mounts[$i], 6);
$ty_buf = explode(':', $mounttypes[$i-1], 2);
if (hide_mount($ar_buf[5])) {
$results[$j] = array();
$results[$j]['disk'] = $ar_buf[0];
$results[$j]['size'] = $ar_buf[1];
$results[$j]['used'] = $ar_buf[2];
$results[$j]['free'] = $ar_buf[3];
$results[$j]['percent'] = round(($results[$j]['used'] * 100) / $results[$j]['size']);
$results[$j]['mount'] = $ar_buf[5];
$results[$j]['fstype'] = $ty_buf[1];
return $results;
function distro () {
$result = 'SunOS';
function distroicon () {
$result = 'SunOS.png';
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='hardware') {
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='network') {
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='memory') {
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='filesystem') {