Subversion Repositories ALCASAR

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 2976 → Rev 3051

28,11 → 28,18
class WINNT extends OS
* holds codepage for chcp
* @var int
private static $_cp = null;
* holds the data from WMI Win32_OperatingSystem
* @var array
private $_Win32_OperatingSystem = null;
private static $_Win32_OperatingSystem = null;
* holds the data from WMI Win32_ComputerSystem
46,8 → 53,15
* @var array
private $_Win32_Processor = null;
private static $_Win32_Processor = null;
* holds the data from WMI Win32_PhysicalMemory
* @var array
private static $_Win32_PhysicalMemory = null;
* holds the data from WMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor
67,7 → 81,7
* @var Object
private $_wmi = null;
private static $_wmi = null;
* holds the COM object that we pull all the EnumKey and RegRead data from
84,11 → 98,25
private $_ver = "";
* holds system manufacturer
* @var string
private $_Manufacturer = "";
* holds system model
* @var string
private $_Model = "";
* holds all devices, which are in the system
* @var array
private $_wmidevices = array();
private $_wmidevices = null;
* holds all disks, which are in the system
112,14 → 140,41
private $_syslang = null;
* value of checking run as administrator
* @var boolean
private static $_asadmin = null;
* returns codepage for chcp
* @return int
public static function getcp()
return self::$_cp;
* returns the COM object that we pull WMI root\CIMv2 data from
* @return Object
public static function getcimv2wmi()
return self::$_wmi;
* reads the data from WMI Win32_OperatingSystem
* @return array
private function _get_Win32_OperatingSystem()
public static function _get_Win32_OperatingSystem()
if ($this->_Win32_OperatingSystem === null) $this->_Win32_OperatingSystem = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_OperatingSystem', array('CodeSet', 'Locale', 'LastBootUpTime', 'LocalDateTime', 'Version', 'ServicePackMajorVersion', 'Caption', 'OSArchitecture', 'TotalVisibleMemorySize', 'FreePhysicalMemory'));
return $this->_Win32_OperatingSystem;
if (self::$_Win32_OperatingSystem === null) self::$_Win32_OperatingSystem = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_OperatingSystem', array('CodeSet', 'Locale', 'LastBootUpTime', 'LocalDateTime', 'Version', 'ServicePackMajorVersion', 'Caption', 'TotalVisibleMemorySize', 'FreePhysicalMemory'));
return self::$_Win32_OperatingSystem;
129,7 → 184,7
private function _get_Win32_ComputerSystem()
if ($this->_Win32_ComputerSystem === null) $this->_Win32_ComputerSystem = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_ComputerSystem', array('Name', 'Manufacturer', 'Model', 'SystemFamily'));
if ($this->_Win32_ComputerSystem === null) $this->_Win32_ComputerSystem = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_ComputerSystem', array('Name', 'Manufacturer', 'Model', 'SystemFamily'));
return $this->_Win32_ComputerSystem;
138,13 → 193,24
* @return array
private function _get_Win32_Processor()
public static function _get_Win32_Processor()
if ($this->_Win32_Processor === null) $this->_Win32_Processor = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_Processor', array('LoadPercentage', 'AddressWidth', 'Name', 'L2CacheSize', 'L3CacheSize', 'CurrentClockSpeed', 'ExtClock', 'NumberOfCores', 'NumberOfLogicalProcessors', 'MaxClockSpeed', 'Manufacturer'));
return $this->_Win32_Processor;
if (self::$_Win32_Processor === null) self::$_Win32_Processor = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_Processor', array('DeviceID', 'LoadPercentage', 'AddressWidth', 'Name', 'L2CacheSize', 'L3CacheSize', 'CurrentClockSpeed', 'ExtClock', 'NumberOfCores', 'NumberOfLogicalProcessors', 'MaxClockSpeed', 'Manufacturer', 'Architecture', 'Caption', 'CurrentVoltage'));
return self::$_Win32_Processor;
* reads the data from WMI Win32_PhysicalMemory
* @return array
public static function _get_Win32_PhysicalMemory()
if (self::$_Win32_PhysicalMemory === null) self::$_Win32_PhysicalMemory = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_PhysicalMemory', array('PartNumber', 'DeviceLocator', 'Capacity', 'Manufacturer', 'SerialNumber', 'Speed', 'ConfiguredClockSpeed', 'ConfiguredVoltage', 'MemoryType', 'SMBIOSMemoryType', 'FormFactor', 'DataWidth', 'TotalWidth', 'BankLabel', 'MinVoltage', 'MaxVoltage'));
return self::$_Win32_PhysicalMemory;
* reads the data from WMI Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor
* @return array
155,8 → 221,8
$this->_Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor = array();
$buffer = $this->_get_Win32_OperatingSystem();
if ($buffer && isset($buffer[0]) && isset($buffer[0]['Version']) && version_compare($buffer[0]['Version'], "5.1", ">=")) { // minimal windows 2003 or windows XP
$cpubuffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor', array('Name', 'PercentProcessorTime'));
if ($cpubuffer) foreach ($cpubuffer as $cpu) {
$cpubuffer = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor', array('Name', 'PercentProcessorTime'));
foreach ($cpubuffer as $cpu) {
if (isset($cpu['Name']) && isset($cpu['PercentProcessorTime'])) {
$this->_Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor['cpu'.$cpu['Name']] = $cpu['PercentProcessorTime'];
183,6 → 249,320
* checks WINNT and 'run as Administrator' mode
* @return boolean
public static function isAdmin()
if (self::$_asadmin == null) {
if (PSI_OS == 'WINNT') {
$strBuf = '';
CommonFunctions::executeProgram('sfc', '2>&1', $strBuf, false); // 'net session' for detection does not work if "Server" (LanmanServer) service is stopped
if (preg_match('/^\/SCANNOW\s/m', preg_replace('/(\x00)/', '', $strBuf))) { // SCANNOW checking - also if Unicode
self::$_asadmin = true;
} else {
self::$_asadmin = false;
} else {
self::$_asadmin = false;
return self::$_asadmin;
* function for getting a list of values in the specified context
* optionally filter this list, based on the list from third parameter
* @param $wmi object holds the COM object that we pull the WMI data from
* @param string $strClass name of the class where the values are stored
* @param array $strValue filter out only needed values, if not set all values of the class are returned
* @return array content of the class stored in an array
public static function getWMI($wmi, $strClass, $strValue = array())
$arrData = array();
if (gettype($wmi) === "object") {
$value = "";
try {
$objWEBM = $wmi->Get($strClass);
$arrProp = $objWEBM->Properties_;
$arrWEBMCol = $objWEBM->Instances_();
foreach ($arrWEBMCol as $objItem) {
if (is_array($arrProp)) {
$arrInstance = array();
foreach ($arrProp as $propItem) {
$value = $objItem->{$propItem->Name}; //instead exploitable eval("\$value = \$objItem->".$propItem->Name.";");
if (empty($strValue)) {
if (is_string($value)) $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = trim($value);
else $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = $value;
} else {
if (in_array($propItem->Name, $strValue)) {
if (is_string($value)) $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = trim($value);
else $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = $value;
$arrData[] = $arrInstance;
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (PSI_DEBUG && (($message = trim($e->getMessage())) !== "<b>Source:</b> SWbemServicesEx<br/><b>Description:</b> Not found")) {
$error = PSI_Error::singleton();
$error->addError("getWMI()", preg_replace('/<br\/>/', "\n", preg_replace('/<b>|<\/b>/', '', $message)));
} elseif ((gettype($wmi) === "string") && (PSI_OS == 'Linux')) {
$delimeter = '@@@DELIM@@@';
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('wmic', '--delimiter="'.$delimeter.'" '.$wmi.' '.$strClass.'" 2>/dev/null', $strBuf, true) && preg_match("/^CLASS:\s/", $strBuf)) {
if (self::$_cp) {
if (self::$_cp == 932) {
$codename = ' (SJIS)';
} elseif (self::$_cp == 949) {
$codename = ' (EUC-KR)';
} elseif (self::$_cp == 950) {
$codename = ' (BIG-5)';
} else {
$codename = '';
self::convertCP($strBuf, 'windows-'.self::$_cp.$codename);
$lines = preg_split('/\n/', $strBuf, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (count($lines) >=3) {
$names = preg_split('/'.$delimeter.'/', $lines[1], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$namesc = count($names);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$arrInstance = array();
$values = preg_split('/'.$delimeter.'/', $line, -1);
if (count($values) == $namesc) {
foreach ($values as $id=>$value) {
if (empty($strValue)) {
if ($value !== "(null)") $arrInstance[$names[$id]] = trim($value);
else $arrInstance[$names[$id]] = null;
} else {
if (in_array($names[$id], $strValue)) {
if ($value !== "(null)") $arrInstance[$names[$id]] = trim($value);
else $arrInstance[$names[$id]] = null;
$arrData[] = $arrInstance;
return $arrData;
* readReg function
* @return boolean command successfull or not
public static function readReg($reg, $strName, &$strBuffer, $booErrorRep = true, $dword = false, $bits64 = false)
$strBuffer = '';
if ($reg === false) {
if (defined('PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME')) {
return false;
$last = strrpos($strName, "\\");
$keyname = substr($strName, $last + 1);
if ($bits64) {
$param = ' /reg:64';
} else {
$param = '';
if ($dword) {
$valtype = "DWORD";
} else {
$valtype = "SZ|EXPAND_SZ";
if (self::$_cp) {
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('cmd', '/c chcp '.self::$_cp.' >nul & reg query "'.substr($strName, 0, $last).'" /v '.$keyname.$param.' 2>&1', $strBuf, $booErrorRep) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0) && preg_match("/^\s*".$keyname."\s+REG_(".$valtype.")\s+(.+)\s*$/mi", $strBuf, $buffer2)) {
if ($dword) {
$strBuffer = strval(hexdec($buffer2[2]));
} else {
$strBuffer = $buffer2[2];
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('reg', 'query "'.substr($strName, 0, $last).'" /v '.$keyname.$param.' 2>&1', $strBuf, $booErrorRep) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0) && preg_match("/^\s*".$keyname."\s+REG_(".$valtype.")\s+(.+)\s*$/mi", $strBuf, $buffer2)) {
if ($dword) {
$strBuffer = strval(hexdec($buffer2[2]));
} else {
$strBuffer = $buffer2[2];
} else {
return false;
} elseif (gettype($reg) === "object") {
$_hkey = array('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT'=>0x80000000, 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER'=>0x80000001, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'=>0x80000002, 'HKEY_USERS'=>0x80000003, 'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA'=>0x80000004, 'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT'=>0x80000050, 'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT'=>0x80000060, 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG'=>0x80000005, 'HKEY_DYN_DATA'=>0x80000006);
$first = strpos($strName, "\\");
$last = strrpos($strName, "\\");
$hkey = substr($strName, 0, $first);
if (isset($_hkey[$hkey])) {
$sub_keys = new VARIANT();
try {
if ($dword) {
$reg->Get("StdRegProv")->GetDWORDValue(strval($_hkey[$hkey]), substr($strName, $first+1, $last-$first-1), substr($strName, $last+1), $sub_keys);
} else {
$reg->Get("StdRegProv")->GetStringValue(strval($_hkey[$hkey]), substr($strName, $first+1, $last-$first-1), substr($strName, $last+1), $sub_keys);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($booErrorRep) {
$error = PSI_Error::singleton();
$error->addError("GetStringValue()", preg_replace('/<br\/>/', "\n", preg_replace('/<b>|<\/b>/', '', $e->getMessage())));
return false;
if (variant_get_type($sub_keys) !== VT_NULL) {
$strBuffer = strval($sub_keys);
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
* enumKey function
* @return boolean command successfull or not
public static function enumKey($reg, $strName, &$arrBuffer, $booErrorRep = true)
$arrBuffer = array();
if ($reg === false) {
if (defined('PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME')) {
return false;
if (self::$_cp) {
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('cmd', '/c chcp '.self::$_cp.' >nul & reg query "'.$strName.'" 2>&1', $strBuf, $booErrorRep) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0) && preg_match_all("/^".preg_replace("/\\\\/", "\\\\\\\\", $strName)."\\\\(.*)/mi", $strBuf, $buffer2)) {
foreach ($buffer2[1] as $sub_key) {
$arrBuffer[] = trim($sub_key);
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('reg', 'query "'.$strName.'" 2>&1', $strBuf, $booErrorRep) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0) && preg_match_all("/^".preg_replace("/\\\\/", "\\\\\\\\", $strName)."\\\\(.*)/mi", $strBuf, $buffer2)) {
foreach ($buffer2[1] as $sub_key) {
$arrBuffer[] = trim($sub_key);
} else {
return false;
} elseif (gettype($reg) === "object") {
$_hkey = array('HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT'=>0x80000000, 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER'=>0x80000001, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'=>0x80000002, 'HKEY_USERS'=>0x80000003, 'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA'=>0x80000004, 'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT'=>0x80000050, 'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT'=>0x80000060, 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG'=>0x80000005, 'HKEY_DYN_DATA'=>0x80000006);
$first = strpos($strName, "\\");
$hkey = substr($strName, 0, $first);
if (isset($_hkey[$hkey])) {
$sub_keys = new VARIANT();
try {
$reg->Get("StdRegProv")->EnumKey(strval($_hkey[$hkey]), substr($strName, $first+1), $sub_keys);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($booErrorRep) {
$error = PSI_Error::singleton();
$error->addError("enumKey()", preg_replace('/<br\/>/', "\n", preg_replace('/<b>|<\/b>/', '', $e->getMessage())));;
return false;
if (variant_get_type($sub_keys) !== VT_NULL) {
foreach ($sub_keys as $sub_key) {
$arrBuffer[] = $sub_key;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
* initWMI function
* @return string, object or false
public static function initWMI($namespace, $booErrorRep = false)
$wmi = false;
if (self::$_wmi !== false) { // WMI not disabled
try {
if (PSI_OS == 'Linux') {
if (defined('PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME'))
$wmi = '--namespace="'.$namespace.'" -U '.PSI_EMU_USER.'%'.PSI_EMU_PASSWORD.' //'.PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME.' "select * from';
} elseif (PSI_OS == 'WINNT') {
$objLocator = new COM('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
if (defined('PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME'))
$wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer(PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME, $namespace, PSI_EMU_USER, PSI_EMU_PASSWORD);
$wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer('', $namespace);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($booErrorRep) {
$error = PSI_Error::singleton();
$error->addError("WMI connect ".$namespace." error", "PhpSysInfo can not connect to the WMI interface for security reasons.\nCheck an authentication mechanism for the directory where phpSysInfo is installed or credentials.");
return $wmi;
* convertCP function
* @return void
public static function convertCP(&$strBuf, $encoding)
if (defined('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE') && (PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE != null) && ($encoding != null) && ($encoding != PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE)) {
if (preg_match("/^windows-\d+ \((.+)\)$/", $systemcp, $buf)) {
$systemcp = $buf[1];
if (preg_match("/^windows-\d+ \((.+)\)$/", $encoding, $buf)) {
$encoding = $buf[1];
$enclist = mb_list_encodings();
if (in_array($encoding, $enclist) && in_array($systemcp, $enclist)) {
$strBuf = mb_convert_encoding($strBuf, $encoding, $systemcp);
} elseif (function_exists("iconv")) {
if (($iconvout=iconv($systemcp, $encoding.'//IGNORE', $strBuf))!==false) {
$strBuf = $iconvout;
} elseif (function_exists("libiconv") && (($iconvout=libiconv($systemcp, $encoding, $strBuf))!==false)) {
$strBuf = $iconvout;
* build the global Error object and create the WMI connection
public function __construct($blockname = false)
192,7 → 572,7
$this->_ver = $ver_value;
if (($this->_ver !== "") && preg_match("/ReactOS\r?\n\S+\s+.+/", $this->_ver)) {
$this->_wmi = false; // No WMI info on ReactOS yet
self::$_wmi = false; // No WMI info on ReactOS yet
$this->_reg = false; // No EnumKey and ReadReg on ReactOS yet
} else {
if (PSI_OS == 'WINNT') {
200,27 → 580,30
try {
$objLocator = new COM('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
$wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer('', 'root\CIMv2');
$buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($wmi, 'Win32_OperatingSystem', array('CodeSet'));
$buffer = self::getWMI($wmi, 'Win32_OperatingSystem', array('CodeSet'));
if (!$buffer) {
$reg = $objLocator->ConnectServer('', 'root\default');
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Nls\\CodePage\\ACP", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Nls\\CodePage\\ACP", $strBuf, false)) {
$buffer[0]['CodeSet'] = $strBuf;
if ($buffer && isset($buffer[0])) {
if (isset($buffer[0]['CodeSet'])) {
$codeset = $buffer[0]['CodeSet'];
if ($codeset == 932) {
$codename = ' (SJIS)';
} elseif ($codeset == 949) {
$codename = ' (EUC-KR)';
} elseif ($codeset == 950) {
$codename = ' (BIG-5)';
} else {
$codename = '';
define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', 'windows-'.$codeset.$codename);
if ($buffer && isset($buffer[0]) && isset($buffer[0]['CodeSet'])) {
$codeset = $buffer[0]['CodeSet'];
if ($codeset == 932) {
$codename = ' (SJIS)';
} elseif ($codeset == 949) {
$codename = ' (EUC-KR)';
} elseif ($codeset == 950) {
$codename = ' (BIG-5)';
} else {
$codename = '';
define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', 'windows-'.$codeset.$codename);
} else {
define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', null);
if (PSI_DEBUG) {
$this->error->addError("__construct()", "PhpSysInfo can not detect PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE");
} catch (Exception $e) {
define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', null);
232,9 → 615,9
define('PSI_SYSTEM_CODEPAGE', null);
$this->_wmi = CommonFunctions::initWMI('root\CIMv2', true);
self::$_wmi = self::initWMI('root\CIMv2', true);
if (PSI_OS == 'WINNT') {
$this->_reg = CommonFunctions::initWMI('root\default', PSI_DEBUG);
$this->_reg = self::initWMI('root\default', PSI_DEBUG);
if (gettype($this->_reg) === "object") {
$this->_reg->Security_->ImpersonationLevel = 3;
255,10 → 638,10
$buffer = $this->_get_Win32_OperatingSystem();
if (!$buffer) {
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Nls\\CodePage\\ACP", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Nls\\CodePage\\ACP", $strBuf, false)) {
$buffer[0]['CodeSet'] = $strBuf;
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Nls\\Language\\Default", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Nls\\Language\\Default", $strBuf, false)) {
$buffer[0]['Locale'] = $strBuf;
274,7 → 657,7
} else {
$codename = '';
self::$_cp = $codeset;
$this->_codepage = 'windows-'.$codeset.$codename;
if (isset($buffer[0]['Locale']) && (($locale = hexdec($buffer[0]['Locale']))>0)) {
301,37 → 684,76
private function _devicelist($strType)
if (empty($this->_wmidevices)) {
if ($this->_wmidevices === null) {
$this->_wmidevices = array();
$this->_wmidevices = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PnPEntity', array('Name', 'PNPDeviceID', 'Manufacturer', 'PNPClass'));
$this->_wmidevices = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_PnPEntity', array('Name', 'PNPDeviceID', 'Manufacturer', 'PNPClass'));
$this->_wmidisks = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_DiskDrive', array('PNPDeviceID', 'Size', 'SerialNumber'));
$this->_wmidisks = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_DiskDrive', array('PNPDeviceID', 'Size', 'SerialNumber'));
} else {
$this->_wmidisks = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_DiskDrive', array('PNPDeviceID', 'Size'));
$this->_wmidisks = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_DiskDrive', array('PNPDeviceID', 'Size'));
} else {
$this->_wmidevices = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PnPEntity', array('Name', 'PNPDeviceID'));
$this->_wmidevices = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_PnPEntity', array('Name', 'PNPDeviceID'));
if (empty($this->_wmidevices)) {
$lstdevs = array();
$services = array();
foreach (array('PCI', 'USB') as $type) {
$hkey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\".$type;
if (self::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey, $vendevs, false)) {
foreach ($vendevs as $vendev) if (self::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$vendev, $ids, false)) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
if ($type === 'PCI') { // enumerate all PCI devices
$lstdevs[$type."\\".$vendev."\\".$id] = true;
} elseif (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$vendev."\\".$id."\\Service", $service, false)) {
$services[$service] = true; // ever used USB services
$hkey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services";
foreach ($services as $service=>$tmp) if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$service."\\Enum\\Count", $count, false, true) && ($count > 0)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$service."\\Enum\\".$i, $id, false) && preg_match("/^USB/", $id)) {
$lstdevs[$id] = true; // used USB devices
$hkey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\";
foreach ($lstdevs as $lstdev=>$tmp) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey.$lstdev."\\DeviceDesc", $nameBuf, false)) {
$namesplit = preg_split('/;/', $nameBuf, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (defined('PSI_SHOW_DEVICES_INFOS') && PSI_SHOW_DEVICES_INFOS && self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey.$lstdev."\\Mfg", $mfgBuf, false)) {
$mfgsplit = preg_split('/;/', $mfgBuf, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$this->_wmidevices[] = array('Name'=>$namesplit[count($namesplit)-1], 'PNPDeviceID'=>$lstdev, 'Manufacturer'=>$mfgsplit[count($mfgsplit)-1]);
} else {
$this->_wmidevices[] = array('Name'=>$namesplit[count($namesplit)-1], 'PNPDeviceID'=>$lstdev);
$id = 0;
if (CommonFunctions::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey, $portBuf, false)) {
if (self::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey, $portBuf, false)) {
foreach ($portBuf as $scsiport) {
if (CommonFunctions::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$scsiport, $busBuf, false)) {
if (self::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$scsiport, $busBuf, false)) {
foreach ($busBuf as $scsibus) {
if (CommonFunctions::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$scsiport."\\".$scsibus, $tarBuf, false)) {
if (self::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$scsiport."\\".$scsibus, $tarBuf, false)) {
foreach ($tarBuf as $scsitar) if (!strncasecmp($scsitar, "Target Id ", strlen("Target Id "))) {
if (CommonFunctions::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$scsiport."\\".$scsibus."\\".$scsitar, $logBuf, false)) {
if (self::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$scsiport."\\".$scsibus."\\".$scsitar, $logBuf, false)) {
foreach ($logBuf as $scsilog) if (!strncasecmp($scsilog, "Logical Unit Id ", strlen("Logical Unit Id "))) {
$hkey2 = $hkey."\\".$scsiport."\\".$scsibus."\\".$scsitar."\\".$scsilog."\\";
if ((CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey2."DeviceType", $typeBuf, false) || CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey2."Type", $typeBuf, false))
if ((self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey2."DeviceType", $typeBuf, false) || self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey2."Type", $typeBuf, false))
&& (($typeBuf=strtolower(trim($typeBuf))) !== "")) {
if ((($typeBuf == 'diskperipheral') || ($typeBuf == 'cdromperipheral'))
&& CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey2."Identifier", $ideBuf, false)) {
&& self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey2."Identifier", $ideBuf, false)) {
$this->_wmidevices[] = array('Name'=>$ideBuf, 'PNPDeviceID'=>'SCSI\\'.$id);
&& (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey2."SerialNumber", $serBuf, false))
&& self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey2."SerialNumber", $serBuf, false)
&& (($serBuf=trim($serBuf)) !== "")) {
$this->_wmidisks[] = array('PNPDeviceID'=>'SCSI\\'.$id, 'SerialNumber'=>$serBuf);
371,6 → 793,7
$device['Serial'] = null;
if ($strType==='USB') {
// if (preg_match('/\\\\([^\\\\][^&\\\\][^\\\\]+)$/', $device['PNPDeviceID'], $buf)) { // second character !== &
if (preg_match('/\\\\(\w+)$/', $device['PNPDeviceID'], $buf)) {
$device['Serial'] = $buf[1];
400,11 → 823,11
private function _hostname()
if ((PSI_USE_VHOST === true) && !defined('PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME')) {
if (PSI_USE_VHOST && !defined('PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME')) {
if (CommonFunctions::readenv('SERVER_NAME', $hnm)) $this->sys->setHostname($hnm);
} else {
$buffer = $this->_get_Win32_ComputerSystem();
if (!$buffer && CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ActiveComputerName\\ComputerName", $strBuf, false) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0)) {
if (!$buffer && self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ComputerName\\ActiveComputerName\\ComputerName", $strBuf, false) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0)) {
$buffer[0]['Name'] = $strBuf;
if ($buffer) {
437,6 → 860,44
* Virtualizer info
* @return void
protected function _virtualizer()
$cpuvirt = $this->sys->getVirtualizer(); // previous info from _cpuinfo()
$vendor_array = array();
if ($this->_Model != "") {
$vendor_array[] = $this->_Model;
if ($this->_Manufacturer != "") {
if ($this->_Model != "") {
$vendor_array[] = $this->_Manufacturer." ".$this->_Model;
} else {
$vendor_array[] = $this->_Manufacturer;
$novm = true;
if (count($vendor_array)>0) {
$virt = CommonFunctions::decodevirtualizer($vendor_array);
if ($virt !== null) {
$novm = false;
if ($novm) {
// Detect QEMU cpu
if (isset($cpuvirt["cpuid:QEMU"])) {
$this->sys->setVirtualizer('qemu'); // QEMU
* UpTime
* time the system is running
477,7 → 938,7
$result = $localtime - $boottime;
} elseif (($this->sys->getDistribution()=="ReactOS") && CommonFunctions::executeProgram('uptime', '', $strBuf, false) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0) && preg_match("/^System Up Time:\s+(\d+) days, (\d+) Hours, (\d+) Minutes, (\d+) Seconds/", $strBuf, $ar_buf)) {
} elseif (!defined('PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME') && (substr($this->sys->getDistribution(), 0, 7)=="ReactOS") && CommonFunctions::executeProgram('uptime', '', $strBuf, false) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0) && preg_match("/^System Up Time:\s+(\d+) days, (\d+) Hours, (\d+) Minutes, (\d+) Seconds/", $strBuf, $ar_buf)) {
$sec = $ar_buf[4];
$min = $ar_buf[3];
$hours = $ar_buf[2];
498,7 → 959,7
$users = count($lines)-1;
} else {
$users = 0;
$buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_Process', array('Caption'));
$buffer = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_Process', array('Caption'));
foreach ($buffer as $process) {
if (strtoupper($process['Caption']) == strtoupper('explorer.exe')) {
518,19 → 979,50
$buffer = $this->_get_Win32_OperatingSystem();
if ($buffer) {
$ver = $buffer[0]['Version'];
$kernel = $ver;
if (($this->_ver !== "") && preg_match("/^Microsoft [^\[]*\s*\[\D*\s*(".$ver."\.\d+).*\]/", $this->_ver, $ar_temp)) {
$kernel = $ar_temp[1];
} else {
$kernel = $ver;
if ($buffer[0]['ServicePackMajorVersion'] > 0) {
$kernel .= ' SP'.$buffer[0]['ServicePackMajorVersion'];
if (isset($buffer[0]['OSArchitecture']) && preg_match("/^(\d+)/", $buffer[0]['OSArchitecture'], $bits)) {
$this->sys->setKernel($kernel.' ('.$bits[1].'-bit)');
} elseif (($allCpus = $this->_get_Win32_Processor()) && isset($allCpus[0]['AddressWidth'])) {
$this->sys->setKernel($kernel.' ('.$allCpus[0]['AddressWidth'].'-bit)');
} else {
if ($allCpus = $this->_get_Win32_Processor()) {
$addresswidth = 0;
if (isset($allCpus[0]['AddressWidth']) && (($addresswidth = $allCpus[0]['AddressWidth']) > 0)) {
$kernel .= ' ('.$addresswidth.'-bit)';
if (isset($allCpus[0]['Architecture'])) {
switch ($allCpus[0]['Architecture']) {
case 0: $kernel .= ' x86'; break;
case 1: $kernel .= ' MIPS'; break;
case 2: $kernel .= ' Alpha'; break;
case 3: $kernel .= ' PowerPC'; break;
case 5: $kernel .= ' ARM'; break;
case 6: $kernel .= ' ia64'; break;
case 9: if ($addresswidth == 32) {
$kernel .= ' x86';
} else {
$kernel .= ' x64';
case 12: if ($addresswidth == 32) {
$kernel .= ' ARM';
} else {
$kernel .= ' ARM64';
$distribution = $buffer[0]['Caption'];
if (version_compare($ver, "10.0", ">=") && !preg_match('/server/i', $buffer[0]['Caption']) && ($list = @parse_ini_file(PSI_APP_ROOT."/data/osnames.ini", true))) {
$karray = preg_split('/\./', $ver);
if (isset($karray[2]) && isset($list['win10'][$karray[2]])) {
$distribution .= ' ('.$list['win10'][$karray[2]].')';
if (version_compare($ver, "5.1", "<"))
$icon = 'Win2000.png';
elseif (version_compare($ver, "5.1", ">=") && version_compare($ver, "6.0", "<"))
537,8 → 1029,10
$icon = 'WinXP.png';
elseif (version_compare($ver, "6.0", ">=") && version_compare($ver, "6.2", "<"))
$icon = 'WinVista.png';
elseif (version_compare($ver, "6.2", ">=") && version_compare($ver, "10.0.21996", "<"))
$icon = 'Win8.png';
$icon = 'Win8.png';
$icon = 'Win11.png';
} elseif ($this->_ver !== "") {
if (preg_match("/ReactOS\r?\n\S+\s+(.+)/", $this->_ver, $ar_temp)) {
550,26 → 1044,48
} elseif (preg_match("/^(Microsoft [^\[]*)\s*\[\D*\s*(.+)\]/", $this->_ver, $ar_temp)) {
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProductName", $strBuf, false) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0)) {
} elseif (preg_match("/^(Microsoft [^\[]*)\s*\[\D*\s*([\.\d]+)\]/", $this->_ver, $ar_temp)) {
$ver = $ar_temp[2];
$kernel = $ver;
if (($this->_reg === false) && self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProductName", $strBuf, false, false, true) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0)) { // only if reg query via cmd
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProductName", $tmpBuf, false)) {
$kernel .= ' (64-bit)';
if (preg_match("/^Microsoft /", $strBuf)) {
$distribution = $strBuf;
} else {
$this->sys->setDistribution("Microsoft ".$strBuf);
$distribution = "Microsoft ".$strBuf;
} elseif (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProductName", $strBuf, false) && (strlen($strBuf) > 0)) {
if (preg_match("/^Microsoft /", $strBuf)) {
$distribution = $strBuf;
} else {
$distribution = "Microsoft ".$strBuf;
} else {
$distribution = $ar_temp[1];
$kernel = $ar_temp[2];
if ((($kernel[1] == '.') && ($kernel[0] <5)) || (substr($kernel, 0, 4) == '5.0.'))
if (version_compare($ver, "10.0", ">=") && !preg_match('/server/i', $this->sys->getDistribution()) && ($list = @parse_ini_file(PSI_APP_ROOT."/data/osnames.ini", true))) {
if (version_compare($ver, "10.0.21996", ">=") && version_compare($ver, "11.0", "<")) {
$distribution = preg_replace("/Windows 10/", "Windows 11", $distribution); // fix Windows 11 detection
$karray = preg_split('/\./', $ver);
if (isset($karray[2]) && isset($list['win10'][$karray[2]])) {
$distribution .= ' ('.$list['win10'][$karray[2]].')';
if (version_compare($ver, "5.1", "<"))
$icon = 'Win2000.png';
elseif ((substr($kernel, 0, 4) == '6.0.') || (substr($kernel, 0, 4) == '6.1.'))
elseif (version_compare($ver, "5.1", ">=") && version_compare($ver, "6.0", "<"))
$icon = 'WinXP.png';
elseif (version_compare($ver, "6.0", ">=") && version_compare($ver, "6.2", "<"))
$icon = 'WinVista.png';
elseif ((substr($kernel, 0, 4) == '6.2.') || (substr($kernel, 0, 4) == '6.3.') || (substr($kernel, 0, 4) == '6.4.') || (substr($kernel, 0, 5) == '10.0.'))
elseif (version_compare($ver, "6.2", ">=") && version_compare($ver, "10.0.21996", "<"))
$icon = 'Win8.png';
$icon = 'WinXP.png';
$icon = 'Win11.png';
} else {
624,21 → 1140,24
private function _cpuinfo()
$allCpus = $this->_get_Win32_Processor();
if (!$allCpus) {
if (empty($allCpus)) {
$hkey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor";
if (CommonFunctions::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey, $arrBuf, false)) {
if (self::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey, $arrBuf, false)) {
foreach ($arrBuf as $coreCount) {
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$coreCount."\\ProcessorNameString", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$coreCount."\\ProcessorNameString", $strBuf, false)) {
$allCpus[$coreCount]['Name'] = $strBuf;
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$coreCount."\\~MHz", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$coreCount."\\~MHz", $strBuf, false)) {
if (preg_match("/^0x([0-9a-f]+)$/i", $strBuf, $hexvalue)) {
$allCpus[$coreCount]['CurrentClockSpeed'] = hexdec($hexvalue[1]);
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$coreCount."\\VendorIdentifier", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$coreCount."\\VendorIdentifier", $strBuf, false)) {
$allCpus[$coreCount]['Manufacturer'] = $strBuf;
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$coreCount."\\Identifier", $strBuf, false)) {
$allCpus[$coreCount]['Caption'] = $strBuf;
654,6 → 1173,7
$cpulist = null;
foreach ($allCpus as $oneCpu) {
$cpuCount = 1;
if (isset($oneCpu['NumberOfLogicalProcessors'])) {
666,15 → 1186,62
if (isset($oneCpu['Name'])) $cpu->setModel($oneCpu['Name']);
if (isset($oneCpu['L3CacheSize']) && ($oneCpu['L3CacheSize'] > 0)) {
$cpu->setCache($oneCpu['L3CacheSize'] * 1024);
} elseif (isset($oneCpu['L2CacheSize'])) {
} elseif (isset($oneCpu['L2CacheSize']) && ($oneCpu['L2CacheSize'] > 0)) {
$cpu->setCache($oneCpu['L2CacheSize'] * 1024);
if (isset($oneCpu['CurrentClockSpeed'])) {
if (isset($oneCpu['CurrentVoltage']) && ($oneCpu['CurrentVoltage'] > 0)) {
if (isset($oneCpu['CurrentClockSpeed']) && ($oneCpu['CurrentClockSpeed'] > 0)) {
if (isset($oneCpu['MaxClockSpeed']) && ($oneCpu['CurrentClockSpeed'] < $oneCpu['MaxClockSpeed'])) $cpu->setCpuSpeedMax($oneCpu['MaxClockSpeed']);
if (isset($oneCpu['MaxClockSpeed']) && ($oneCpu['CurrentClockSpeed'] <= $oneCpu['MaxClockSpeed'])) $cpu->setCpuSpeedMax($oneCpu['MaxClockSpeed']);
if (isset($oneCpu['ExtClock'])) $cpu->setBusSpeed($oneCpu['ExtClock']);
if (isset($oneCpu['Manufacturer'])) $cpu->setVendorId($oneCpu['Manufacturer']);
if (isset($oneCpu['ExtClock']) && ($oneCpu['ExtClock'] > 0)) {
if (isset($oneCpu['Manufacturer'])) {
$cpumanufacturer = $oneCpu['Manufacturer'];
if ($cpumanufacturer === "QEMU") {
if (isset($oneCpu['Caption'])) {
$impl = '';
if (preg_match('/^ARMv8 \(64-bit\) Family 8 Model ([0-9a-fA-F]+) Revision[ ]+([0-9a-fA-F]+)$/', $oneCpu['Caption'], $partvar)) {
switch (strtolower($partvar[1])) {
case '51':
$impl = '0x0'; break; // Qemu
case 'd03':
case 'd07':
case 'd08':
$impl = '0x41'; break; // ARM Limited
case '1':
$impl = '0x46'; // Fujitsu Ltd.
} elseif (preg_match('/^ARM Family 7 Model ([0-9a-fA-F]+) Revision[ ]+([0-9a-fA-F]+)$/', $oneCpu['Caption'], $partvar)) {
switch (strtolower($partvar[1])) {
case 'c07':
case 'c0f':
$impl = '0x41'; // ARM Limited
if ($impl !== '') {
if ($cpulist === null) $cpulist = @parse_ini_file(PSI_APP_ROOT."/data/cpus.ini", true);
if ($cpulist) {
if ((isset($cpulist['cpu'][$cpufromlist = strtolower($impl.',0x'.$partvar[1].',0x'.$partvar[2])]))
|| isset($cpulist['cpu'][$cpufromlist = strtolower($impl.',0x'.$partvar[1])])) {
if (($cpumodel = $cpu->getModel()) !== '') {
$cpu->setModel($cpumodel.' - '.$cpulist['cpu'][$cpufromlist]);
} else {
$this->sys->setVirtualizer("cpuid:QEMU", false);
if (($cpubuffer = $this->_get_Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor()) && (count($cpubuffer) == ($globalcpus+1)) && isset($cpubuffer['cpu'.$i])) {
695,33 → 1262,43
private function _machine()
$buffer = $this->_get_Win32_ComputerSystem();
$bufferp = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_BaseBoard', array('Product'));
$bufferb = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_BIOS', array('SMBIOSBIOSVersion', 'ReleaseDate'));
$bufferp = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_BaseBoard', array('Product'));
$bufferb = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_BIOS', array('SMBIOSBIOSVersion', 'ReleaseDate'));
if (!$buffer) {
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\systemManufacturer", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\systemManufacturer", $strBuf, false)) {
$buffer[0]['Manufacturer'] = $strBuf;
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\SystemProductName", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\SystemProductName", $strBuf, false)) {
$buffer[0]['Model'] = $strBuf;
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\SystemFamily", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\SystemFamily", $strBuf, false)) {
$buffer[0]['SystemFamily'] = $strBuf;
if (!$bufferp) {
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\BaseBoardProduct", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\BaseBoardProduct", $strBuf, false)) {
$bufferp[0]['Product'] = $strBuf;
if (!$bufferb) {
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\BIOSVersion", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\BIOSVersion", $strBuf, false)) {
$bufferb[0]['SMBIOSBIOSVersion'] = $strBuf;
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\BIOSReleaseDate", $strBuf, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\BIOS\\BIOSReleaseDate", $strBuf, false)) {
$bufferb[0]['ReleaseDate'] = $strBuf;
if (isset($buffer[0]['Manufacturer'])) {
$this->_Manufacturer = $buffer[0]['Manufacturer'];
if (isset($buffer[0]['Model'])) {
$this->_Model = $buffer[0]['Model'];
$buf = "";
$model = "";
if ($buffer && isset($buffer[0])) {
832,25 → 1409,25
private function _network()
if ($this->_wmi) {
if (self::$_wmi) {
$buffer = $this->_get_Win32_OperatingSystem();
if ($buffer && isset($buffer[0]) && isset($buffer[0]['Version']) && version_compare($buffer[0]['Version'], "6.2", ">=")) { // minimal windows 2012 or windows 8
$allDevices = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkAdapter', array('Name', 'BytesSentPersec', 'BytesTotalPersec', 'BytesReceivedPersec', 'PacketsReceivedErrors', 'PacketsReceivedDiscarded', 'CurrentBandwidth'));
$allDevices = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkAdapter', array('Name', 'BytesSentPersec', 'BytesTotalPersec', 'BytesReceivedPersec', 'PacketsReceivedErrors', 'PacketsReceivedDiscarded', 'CurrentBandwidth'));
} else {
$allDevices = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface', array('Name', 'BytesSentPersec', 'BytesTotalPersec', 'BytesReceivedPersec', 'PacketsReceivedErrors', 'PacketsReceivedDiscarded', 'CurrentBandwidth'));
$allDevices = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface', array('Name', 'BytesSentPersec', 'BytesTotalPersec', 'BytesReceivedPersec', 'PacketsReceivedErrors', 'PacketsReceivedDiscarded', 'CurrentBandwidth'));
if ($allDevices) {
$aliases = array();
$hkey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network\\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}";
if (CommonFunctions::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey, $arrBuf, false)) {
if (self::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey, $arrBuf, false)) {
foreach ($arrBuf as $netID) {
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$netID."\\Connection\\PnPInstanceId", $strInstanceID, false)) {
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\".$strInstanceID."\\FriendlyName", $strName, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$netID."\\Connection\\PnPInstanceId", $strInstanceID, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\".$strInstanceID."\\FriendlyName", $strName, false)) {
$cname = str_replace(array('(', ')', '#', '/'), array('[', ']', '_', '_'), $strName); //convert to canonical
if (!isset($aliases[$cname])) { // duplicate checking
$aliases[$cname]['id'] = $netID;
$aliases[$cname]['name'] = $strName;
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$netID."\\Connection\\Name", $strCName, false)
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$netID."\\Connection\\Name", $strCName, false)
&& (str_replace(array('(', ')', '#', '/'), array('[', ']', '_', '_'), $strCName) !== $cname)) {
$aliases[$cname]['netname'] = $strCName;
864,10 → 1441,10
$aliases2 = array();
$hkey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\NetworkCards";
if (CommonFunctions::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey, $arrBuf, false)) {
if (self::enumKey($this->_reg, $hkey, $arrBuf, false)) {
foreach ($arrBuf as $netCount) {
if (CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$netCount."\\Description", $strName, false)
&& CommonFunctions::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$netCount."\\ServiceName", $strGUID, false)) {
if (self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$netCount."\\Description", $strName, false)
&& self::readReg($this->_reg, $hkey."\\".$netCount."\\ServiceName", $strGUID, false)) {
$cname = str_replace(array('(', ')', '#', '/'), array('[', ']', '_', '_'), $strName); //convert to canonical
if (!isset($aliases2[$cname])) { // duplicate checking
$aliases2[$cname]['id'] = $strGUID;
879,7 → 1456,7
$allNetworkAdapterConfigurations = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration', array('SettingID', /*'Description',*/ 'MACAddress', 'IPAddress'));
$allNetworkAdapterConfigurations = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration', array('SettingID', /*'Description',*/ 'MACAddress', 'IPAddress'));
foreach ($allDevices as $device) if (!preg_match('/^WAN Miniport \[/', $device['Name'])) {
$dev = new NetDevice();
$name = $device['Name'];
903,11 → 1480,11
elseif (preg_match('/\s-\s([^-]*)$/', $mininame, $ar_name))
$name=substr($mininame, 0, strlen($mininame)-strlen($ar_name[0]));
if (trim($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['MACAddress']) !== "") $macexist = true;
if (isset($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['MACAddress']) && trim($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['MACAddress']) !== "") $macexist = true;
if (isset($ali[$name]['netname'])) $dev->setInfo(str_replace(';', ':', $ali[$name]['netname']));
&& (trim($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['MACAddress']) !== "")) $dev->setInfo(($dev->getInfo()?$dev->getInfo().';':'').str_replace(':', '-', strtoupper($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['MACAddress'])));
&& $macexist) $dev->setInfo(($dev->getInfo()?$dev->getInfo().';':'').str_replace(':', '-', strtoupper(trim($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['MACAddress']))));
if (isset($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['IPAddress']))
foreach ($NetworkAdapterConfiguration['IPAddress'] as $ipaddres)
if (($ipaddres != "") && ($ipaddres != "::") && !preg_match('/^fe80::/i', $ipaddres))
1005,7 → 1582,7
private function _memory()
if ($this->_wmi) {
if (self::$_wmi) {
$buffer = $this->_get_Win32_OperatingSystem();
if ($buffer) {
$this->sys->setMemTotal($buffer[0]['TotalVisibleMemorySize'] * 1024);
1012,7 → 1589,7
$this->sys->setMemFree($buffer[0]['FreePhysicalMemory'] * 1024);
$this->sys->setMemUsed($this->sys->getMemTotal() - $this->sys->getMemFree());
$buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PageFileUsage');
$buffer = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_PageFileUsage');
foreach ($buffer as $swapdevice) {
$dev = new DiskDevice();
1040,11 → 1617,13
$typearray = array('Unknown', 'No Root Directory', 'Removable Disk', 'Local Disk', 'Network Drive', 'Compact Disc', 'RAM Disk');
$floppyarray = array('Unknown', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', 'Other', 'HD', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '8 in.');
$buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_LogicalDisk', array('Name', 'Size', 'FreeSpace', 'FileSystem', 'DriveType', 'MediaType'));
$buffer = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_LogicalDisk', array('Name', 'Size', 'FreeSpace', 'FileSystem', 'DriveType', 'MediaType'));
foreach ($buffer as $filesystem) {
$dev = new DiskDevice();
if (isset($filesystem['FileSystem'])) {
if ($filesystem['Size'] > 0) {
1057,10 → 1636,19
if (!$buffer && ($this->sys->getDistribution()=="ReactOS")) {
// test for command 'free' on current disk
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('cmd', '/c free 2>nul', $out_value, true)) {
for ($letter='A'; $letter!='AA'; $letter++) if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('cmd', '/c free '.$letter.': 2>nul', $out_value, false)) {
if (!$buffer && !defined('PSI_EMU_HOSTNAME')) {
$letters = array();
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('fsutil', 'fsinfo drives 2>nul', $out_value, false) && ($out_value !== '') && preg_match('/^Drives:\s*(.+)$/i', $out_value, $disks)) {
$diskarr = preg_split('/ /', $disks[1], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($diskarr as $disk) if (preg_match('/^(\w):\\\\$/', $disk, $diskletter)) {
$letters[] = $diskletter[1];
if (count($letters) == 0) for ($letter='A'; $letter!='AA'; $letter++) {
$letters[] = $letter;
if ((substr($this->sys->getDistribution(), 0, 7)=="ReactOS") && CommonFunctions::executeProgram('cmd', '/c free 2>nul', $out_value, false)) {
foreach ($letters as $letter) if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('cmd', '/c free '.$letter.': 2>nul', $out_value, false)) {
$values = preg_replace('/[^\d\n]/', '', $out_value);
if (preg_match('/\n(\d+)\n(\d+)\n(\d+)$/', $values, $out_dig)) {
$size = $out_dig[1];
1069,7 → 1657,11
if ($used + $free == $size) {
$dev = new DiskDevice();
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('fsutil', 'fsinfo volumeinfo '.$letter.':\ 2>nul', $out_value, false) && ($out_value !== '') && preg_match('/\nFile System Name\s*:\s*(\S+)/im', $out_value, $fsname)) {
} else {
1078,6 → 1670,30
} else {
if (substr($this->sys->getDistribution(), 0, 7)=="ReactOS") {
$disksep = ':\\';
} else {
$disksep = ':';
foreach ($letters as $letter) {
$size = disk_total_space($letter.':\\');
$free = disk_free_space($letter.':\\');
if (($size !== false) && ($free !== false) && ($size >= 0) && ($free >= 0) && ($size >= $free)) {
$dev = new DiskDevice();
if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('fsutil', 'fsinfo volumeinfo '.$letter.$disksep.' 2>nul', $out_value, false) && ($out_value !== '') && preg_match('/\nFile System Name\s*:\s*(\S+)/im', $out_value, $fsname)) {
} else {
$dev->setUsed($size - $free);
1114,7 → 1730,7
$processes['*'] = (count($lines)-1) - 3 ; //correction for process "qprocess *"
if ($processes['*'] <= 0) {
$buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_Process', array('Caption'));
$buffer = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_Process', array('Caption'));
$processes['*'] = count($buffer);
$processes[' '] = $processes['*'];
1128,11 → 1744,11
private function _meminfo()
$allMems = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PhysicalMemory', array('PartNumber', 'DeviceLocator', 'Capacity', 'Manufacturer', 'SerialNumber', 'Speed', 'ConfiguredClockSpeed', 'ConfiguredVoltage', 'MemoryType', 'SMBIOSMemoryType', 'FormFactor', 'DataWidth', 'TotalWidth', 'BankLabel', 'MinVoltage', 'MaxVoltage'));
$allMems = self::_get_Win32_PhysicalMemory();
if ($allMems) {
$reg = false;
$arrMems = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray', array('MemoryErrorCorrection'));
$arrMems = self::getWMI(self::$_wmi, 'Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray', array('MemoryErrorCorrection'));
$reg = (count($arrMems) == 1) && isset($arrMems[0]['MemoryErrorCorrection']) && ($arrMems[0]['MemoryErrorCorrection'] == 6);
foreach ($allMems as $mem) {
1170,68 → 1786,68
$memtype = '';
if (isset($mem['MemoryType']) && (($memval = $mem['MemoryType']) != 0)) {
switch ($memval) {
// case 0: $memtype = 'Unknown'; break;
// case 1: $memtype = 'Other'; break;
case 2: $memtype = 'DRAM'; break;
case 3: $memtype = 'Synchronous DRAM'; break;
case 4: $memtype = 'Cache DRAM'; break;
case 5: $memtype = 'EDO'; break;
case 6: $memtype = 'EDRAM'; break;
case 7: $memtype = 'VRAM'; break;
case 8: $memtype = 'SRAM'; break;
case 9: $memtype = 'RAM'; break;
case 10: $memtype = 'ROM'; break;
case 11: $memtype = 'Flash'; break;
case 12: $memtype = 'EEPROM'; break;
case 13: $memtype = 'FEPROM'; break;
case 14: $memtype = 'EPROM'; break;
case 15: $memtype = 'CDRAM'; break;
case 16: $memtype = '3DRAM'; break;
case 17: $memtype = 'SDRAM'; break;
case 18: $memtype = 'SGRAM'; break;
case 19: $memtype = 'RDRAM'; break;
case 20: $memtype = 'DDR'; break;
case 21: $memtype = 'DDR2'; break;
case 22: $memtype = 'DDR2 FB-DIMM'; break;
case 24: $memtype = 'DDR3'; break;
case 25: $memtype = 'FBD2'; break;
case 26: $memtype = 'DDR4'; break;
// case 0: $memtype = 'Unknown'; break;
// case 1: $memtype = 'Other'; break;
case 2: $memtype = 'DRAM'; break;
case 3: $memtype = 'Synchronous DRAM'; break;
case 4: $memtype = 'Cache DRAM'; break;
case 5: $memtype = 'EDO'; break;
case 6: $memtype = 'EDRAM'; break;
case 7: $memtype = 'VRAM'; break;
case 8: $memtype = 'SRAM'; break;
case 9: $memtype = 'RAM'; break;
case 10: $memtype = 'ROM'; break;
case 11: $memtype = 'Flash'; break;
case 12: $memtype = 'EEPROM'; break;
case 13: $memtype = 'FEPROM'; break;
case 14: $memtype = 'EPROM'; break;
case 15: $memtype = 'CDRAM'; break;
case 16: $memtype = '3DRAM'; break;
case 17: $memtype = 'SDRAM'; break;
case 18: $memtype = 'SGRAM'; break;
case 19: $memtype = 'RDRAM'; break;
case 20: $memtype = 'DDR'; break;
case 21: $memtype = 'DDR2'; break;
case 22: $memtype = 'DDR2 FB-DIMM'; break;
case 24: $memtype = 'DDR3'; break;
case 25: $memtype = 'FBD2'; break;
case 26: $memtype = 'DDR4';
} elseif (isset($mem['SMBIOSMemoryType'])) {
switch ($mem['SMBIOSMemoryType']) {
// case 0: $memtype = 'Invalid'; break;
// case 1: $memtype = 'Other'; break;
// case 2: $memtype = 'Unknown'; break;
case 3: $memtype = 'DRAM'; break;
case 4: $memtype = 'EDRAM'; break;
case 5: $memtype = 'VRAM'; break;
case 6: $memtype = 'SRAM'; break;
case 7: $memtype = 'RAM'; break;
case 8: $memtype = 'ROM'; break;
case 9: $memtype = 'FLASH'; break;
case 10: $memtype = 'EEPROM'; break;
case 11: $memtype = 'FEPROM'; break;
case 12: $memtype = 'EPROM'; break;
case 13: $memtype = 'CDRAM'; break;
case 14: $memtype = '3DRAM'; break;
case 15: $memtype = 'SDRAM'; break;
case 16: $memtype = 'SGRAM'; break;
case 17: $memtype = 'RDRAM'; break;
case 18: $memtype = 'DDR'; break;
case 19: $memtype = 'DDR2'; break;
case 20: $memtype = 'DDR2 FB-DIMM'; break;
case 24: $memtype = 'DDR3'; break;
case 25: $memtype = 'FBD2'; break;
case 26: $memtype = 'DDR4'; break;
case 27: $memtype = 'LPDDR'; break;
case 28: $memtype = 'LPDDR2'; break;
case 29: $memtype = 'LPDDR3'; break;
case 30: $memtype = 'DDR3'; break;
case 31: $memtype = 'FBD2'; break;
case 32: $memtype = 'Logical non-volatile device'; break;
case 33: $memtype = 'HBM2'; break;
case 34: $memtype = 'DDR5'; break;
case 35: $memtype = 'LPDDR5'; break;
// case 0: $memtype = 'Invalid'; break;
// case 1: $memtype = 'Other'; break;
// case 2: $memtype = 'Unknown'; break;
case 3: $memtype = 'DRAM'; break;
case 4: $memtype = 'EDRAM'; break;
case 5: $memtype = 'VRAM'; break;
case 6: $memtype = 'SRAM'; break;
case 7: $memtype = 'RAM'; break;
case 8: $memtype = 'ROM'; break;
case 9: $memtype = 'FLASH'; break;
case 10: $memtype = 'EEPROM'; break;
case 11: $memtype = 'FEPROM'; break;
case 12: $memtype = 'EPROM'; break;
case 13: $memtype = 'CDRAM'; break;
case 14: $memtype = '3DRAM'; break;
case 15: $memtype = 'SDRAM'; break;
case 16: $memtype = 'SGRAM'; break;
case 17: $memtype = 'RDRAM'; break;
case 18: $memtype = 'DDR'; break;
case 19: $memtype = 'DDR2'; break;
case 20: $memtype = 'DDR2 FB-DIMM'; break;
case 24: $memtype = 'DDR3'; break;
case 25: $memtype = 'FBD2'; break;
case 26: $memtype = 'DDR4'; break;
case 27: $memtype = 'LPDDR'; break;
case 28: $memtype = 'LPDDR2'; break;
case 29: $memtype = 'LPDDR3'; break;
case 30: $memtype = 'DDR3'; break;
case 31: $memtype = 'FBD2'; break;
case 32: $memtype = 'Logical non-volatile device'; break;
case 33: $memtype = 'HBM2'; break;
case 34: $memtype = 'DDR5'; break;
case 35: $memtype = 'LPDDR5';
if (isset($mem['Speed']) && (($speed = $mem['Speed']) > 0) && (preg_match('/^(DDR\d*)(.*)/', $memtype, $dr) || preg_match('/^(SDR)AM(.*)/', $memtype, $dr))) {
1248,30 → 1864,30
if (isset($mem['FormFactor'])) {
switch ($mem['FormFactor']) {
// case 0: $memtype .= ' Unknown'; break;
// case 1: $memtype .= ' Other'; break;
case 2: $memtype .= ' SIP'; break;
case 3: $memtype .= ' DIP'; break;
case 4: $memtype .= ' ZIP'; break;
case 5: $memtype .= ' SOJ'; break;
case 6: $memtype .= ' Proprietary'; break;
case 7: $memtype .= ' SIMM'; break;
case 8: $memtype .= ' DIMM'; break;
case 9: $memtype .= ' TSOPO'; break;
case 10: $memtype .= ' PGA'; break;
case 11: $memtype .= ' RIM'; break;
case 12: $memtype .= ' SODIMM'; break;
case 13: $memtype .= ' SRIMM'; break;
case 14: $memtype .= ' SMD'; break;
case 15: $memtype .= ' SSMP'; break;
case 16: $memtype .= ' QFP'; break;
case 17: $memtype .= ' TQFP'; break;
case 18: $memtype .= ' SOIC'; break;
case 19: $memtype .= ' LCC'; break;
case 20: $memtype .= ' PLCC'; break;
case 21: $memtype .= ' BGA'; break;
case 22: $memtype .= ' FPBGA'; break;
case 23: $memtype .= ' LGA'; break;
// case 0: $memtype .= ' Unknown'; break;
// case 1: $memtype .= ' Other'; break;
case 2: $memtype .= ' SIP'; break;
case 3: $memtype .= ' DIP'; break;
case 4: $memtype .= ' ZIP'; break;
case 5: $memtype .= ' SOJ'; break;
case 6: $memtype .= ' Proprietary'; break;
case 7: $memtype .= ' SIMM'; break;
case 8: $memtype .= ' DIMM'; break;
case 9: $memtype .= ' TSOPO'; break;
case 10: $memtype .= ' PGA'; break;
case 11: $memtype .= ' RIM'; break;
case 12: $memtype .= ' SODIMM'; break;
case 13: $memtype .= ' SRIMM'; break;
case 14: $memtype .= ' SMD'; break;
case 15: $memtype .= ' SSMP'; break;
case 16: $memtype .= ' QFP'; break;
case 17: $memtype .= ' TQFP'; break;
case 18: $memtype .= ' SOIC'; break;
case 19: $memtype .= ' LCC'; break;
case 20: $memtype .= ' PLCC'; break;
case 21: $memtype .= ' BGA'; break;
case 22: $memtype .= ' FPBGA'; break;
case 23: $memtype .= ' LGA';
if (isset($mem['DataWidth']) && isset($mem['TotalWidth']) && (($dataw = $mem['DataWidth']) > 0) && (($totalw = $mem['TotalWidth']) > 0) && ($dataw < $totalw)) {
1304,13 → 1920,13
* @see PSI_Interface_OS::build()
* @return Void
* @return void
public function build()
$this->_distro(); //share getDistribution()
if ($this->sys->getDistribution()=="ReactOS") {
$this->error->addError("WARN", "The ReactOS version of phpSysInfo is a work in progress, some things currently don't work");
$this->_distro(); // share getDistribution()
if (substr($this->sys->getDistribution(), 0, 7)=="ReactOS") {
$this->error->addWarning("The ReactOS version of phpSysInfo is a work in progress, some things currently don't work");
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='vitals') {
1319,20 → 1935,21
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='network') {
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='hardware') {
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='memory') {
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='filesystem') {
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='memory') {
if (!$this->blockname || $this->blockname==='network') {