45,26 → 45,23 |
ALCASAR_TARBALL=`ls $RESSOURCES| grep '^alcasar.*gz'` |
ALCASAR_EXTRACTED_DIR=$(echo $ALCASAR_TARBALL | rev | cut -d '.' -f 3- | rev) |
MAGEIA_NEW_DIR=/var/tmp/mageia_new |
MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR=/var/tmp/mageia_official |
MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR_EFI=/var/tmp/mageia_official_efi |
TMP_DIR=/var/tmp |
MAGEIA_NEW_DIR=$TMP_DIR/mageia_new |
MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR=$TMP_DIR/mageia_official |
MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR_EFI=$TMP_DIR/mageia_official_efi |
coreDir=${MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR}/${ARCH}/media/core |
nonFreeDir=${MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR}/${ARCH}/media/nonfree |
coreDirNew=${MAGEIA_NEW_DIR}/${ARCH}/media/core/ |
nonFreeDirNew=${MAGEIA_NEW_DIR}/${ARCH}/media/nonfree |
plopFilePath=${MAGEIA_NEW_DIR}/${ARCH}/media/plop.idx |
ISO_OUT=/var/tmp/iso |
RPM_DIR=/var/tmp/rpms |
# Drake installer |
INSTALLER_DIR="${MAGEIA_NEW_DIR}/${ARCH}/install/alcasar" |
EFI_GRUB_CFG="${MAGEIA_NEW_DIR}/boot/grub2/grub.cfg" |
ADVERT_DIR="${MAGEIA_NEW_DIR}/${ARCH}/install/extra/advertising" |
AUTO_INSTALL_CFG="${ISO_OUT}/auto_inst.cfg.pl" |
AUTO_INSTALL_CFG=$TMP_DIR/auto_inst.cfg.pl |
# RPMs needed during an install stage |
BASE_RPM_LIST="acpi acpid alsa-utils aoss arp-scan basesystem bash-completion coreutils-doc cpupower curl dhcp-client dmraid dnf dnf-plugins-core dosfstools dracut drakx-net-text gpm grub2 grub2-efi grub2-mageia-theme harddrake hdparm hexedit info iwlwifi-agn-ucode ldetect lftp lib64alsa-plugins lib64glib-networking-gnutls locales-en locales-fr lsof lvm2 mageia-theme-Default man-db mandi-ifw man-pages microcode microcode_ctl mtools ntfs-3g numlock os-prober p11-kit perl-Hal-Cdroms plymouth procmail python3 python3-dbus radeon-firmware ralink-firmware rtlwifi-firmware sharutils shorewall-ipv6 strace sysfsutils tmpwatch tree vim-minimal vnstat xdg-user-dirs-gtk sudo socat" |
BASE_RPM_LIST="acpi acpid alsa-utils aoss arp-scan basesystem bash-completion coreutils-doc cpupower curl dhcp-client dmraid dnf dnf-plugins-core dosfstools dracut drakx-net-text gpm grub2 grub2-efi grub2-mageia-theme harddrake hdparm hexedit info ldetect lftp lib64alsa-plugins lib64glib-networking-gnutls locales-en locales-fr lsof lvm2 mageia-theme-Default man-db man-pages microcode microcode_ctl mtools ntfs-3g numlock os-prober p11-kit perl-Hal-Cdroms plymouth procmail python3 python3-dbus radeon-firmware ralink-firmware rtlwifi-firmware sharutils shorewall-ipv6 strace sysfsutils tmpwatch tree vim-minimal vnstat xdg-user-dirs-gtk sudo socat mandi mandi-ifw" |
####################### |
###### Main ###### |
75,24 → 72,21 |
[[ $ISO_IN == "" ]] && errorExit "No Mageia iso file in $RESSOURCES" |
[[ ! -f "$RESSOURCES/auto_inst.cfg.pl_template" ]] && errorExit "No auto_inst.cfg.pl_template file in $RESSOURCES" |
[[ $ALCASAR_TARBALL == "" ]] && errorExit "No ALCASAR tarball file in $RESSOURCES" |
do |
[ -d $directory ] || mkdir -p $directory |
done |
printBold "Mageiar will be build with Mageia-$MAGEIA_VERSION-$ARCH and $ALCASAR_EXTRACTED_DIR" |
# Retrieve list of Alcasar dependencies |
tar -xf $RESSOURCES/$ALCASAR_TARBALL -C /tmp/ || errorExit "could not extract alcasar tar archive" |
alcasarRpmList="$(grep -oP "(?<=PACKAGES=\").*?(?=\")" /tmp/$ALCASAR_EXTRACTED_DIR/scripts/alcasar-rpm.sh)" |
alcasarKernel="$(grep -oP "(?<=KERNEL=\").*?(?=\")" /tmp/$ALCASAR_EXTRACTED_DIR/scripts/alcasar-rpm.sh)" |
alcasarRpmList="$alcasarRpmList $alcasarKernel" |
# Retrieve list of installed RPM |
ALCASAR_RPM_LIST="$(dnf list installed | cut -d " " -f1 | rev | cut -d "." -f2- | rev | grep -Ev 'coova-chilli|gammu|lib64gammu8|ipt-netflow|nfdump|wkhtmltopdf' | tail -n +2 | tr '\n' ' ')" |
# agregate & clean rpm list |
RPM_LIST=$(echo $BASE_RPM_LIST $ALCASAR_RPM_LIST | sed "s/ /\n/g" | sort | uniq | sed "s/\n/ /g") |
# Make clean rpm list |
rpmList=$(echo $BASE_RPM_LIST $alcasarRpmList | sed "s/ /\n/g" | sort | uniq | sed "s/\n/ /g") |
# Insert list into AUTO_INSTALL_CFG |
formattedList=$(echo $rpmList | sed "s/[^ ]*/\'\0\'/g" | sed "s/ /,\n/g" | sed "/kernel-server/d") |
cp $RESSOURCES/auto_inst.cfg.pl_template $AUTO_INSTALL_CFG -f |
formattedList=$(echo $RPM_LIST | sed "s/[^ ]*/\'\0\'/g" | sed "s/ /,\n/g") |
cp -f $RESSOURCES/auto_inst.cfg.pl_template $AUTO_INSTALL_CFG |
insertLineNumber=$(grep -n "'default_packages' => " "$AUTO_INSTALL_CFG" | cut -d ':' -f1) |
fileTop=$(head -n "+$insertLineNumber" "$AUTO_INSTALL_CFG") |
fileBottom=$(tail -n "+$insertLineNumber" "$AUTO_INSTALL_CFG" | tail -n +2) |
101,16 → 95,16 |
echo "$formattedList" >> "$AUTO_INSTALL_CFG" |
echo "$fileBottom" >> "$AUTO_INSTALL_CFG" |
# Installing tools to create the iso |
printBold "Installing necessary tools" |
# Installing tools to create the iso file |
printBold "Installing ISO building tools" |
dnf install 'dnf-command(download)' -y || errorExit "could not install necessary packages" |
#dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)' -y || errorExit "could not install necessary packages" |
#dnf config-manager --set-enabled mageia-x86_64-nonfree updates-x86_64-nonfree || errorExit "could not install necessary packages" |
dnf install -y lftp wget cdrkit-genisoimage xorriso rpmtools syslinux || errorExit "could not install necessary packages" |
# Mounting the ISO image |
printBold "Mounting the image" |
mount -o ro,loop $RESSOURCES/$ISO_IN $MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR || errorExit "failed mounting $ISO_IN." |
if [ `mount |grep $MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then # if not already mounted |
mount -o ro,loop $RESSOURCES/$ISO_IN $MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR || errorExit "failed mounting $ISO_IN." |
fi |
sleep 1 # wait for mounting process |
[ -d ${MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR}/x86_64 ] || umount $MAGEIA_OFFICIAL_DIR || errorExit "The ISO file isn't in the target architecture ($ARCH)" |
123,51 → 117,30 |
mkdir -p ${MAGEIA_NEW_DIR}/${ARCH}/{media/{core,nonfree},install/alcasar} |
# Adding Alcasar image advert to the installer |
cp -f $RESSOURCES/install_slideshow/* "$ADVERT_DIR" |
cp -f $RESSOURCES/install_slideshow/* "$ADVERT_DIR" || errorExit "could not copy custom slideshow to $ADVERT_DIR" |
# Create the installed RPM list excluding those brought with alcasar archive (they aren't in repository) |
installedList="$(dnf list installed | cut -d ' ' -f1 | rev | cut -d . -f2- | rev | grep -Ev 'coova-chilli|gammu|lib64gammu8|ipt-netflow|nfdump|wkhtmltopdf' | tail -n +2 | tr '\n' ' ')" |
nbInstalled=$(echo $installedList | wc -w) |
rpmList="$installedList $BASE_RPM_LIST" |
total=`echo $rpmList | wc -w` |
nbInstalled=$(echo $RPM_LIST | wc -w) |
total=`echo $RPM_LIST | wc -w` |
count=0 |
# Copying the RPM in core and clearing the plop.idx file |
echo "Copying RPMS in ISO ..." |
echo /dev/null > ${plopFilePath} |
for rpm in ${rpmList}; do |
echo "Copying $total RPMS in ISO ..." |
for rpm in ${RPM_LIST}; do |
let percent="${count} * 100 / ${total}" |
if [[ $count -lt $nbInstalled ]] ; then |
dnf download -y --downloadonly --downloaddir $coreDirNew $rpm 1> /dev/null || errorExit "could not download $rpm" |
else |
dnf install -y --downloadonly --downloaddir $coreDirNew $rpm 1> /dev/null || errorExit "could not download $rpm" |
fi |
dnf download --downloaddir $coreDirNew $rpm 1> /dev/null || errorExit "could not download $rpm" |
printProgress ${percent} |
count=$(expr ${count} + 1) |
done |
echo "STOP"; exit 1 |
# Sorting the plop file alphabetically |
cat ${plopFilePath} | sort > /tmp/tmpFileMageia && mv /tmp/tmpFileMageia ${plopFilePath} |
# Informations |
printBold "$count RPMs copied" |
# Downloading rpms needed by Alcasar |
printBold "Downloading Alcasar dependencies" |
tar -xf /var/iso/$ALCASAR_TARBALL |
# Copying the Alcasar tar to be put into the ISO |
# Add automatic install options |
# Copying the Alcasar tarball & automatic install option into the ISO |
mkdir -p $INSTALLER_DIR || errorExit "could not create directory $INSTALLER_DIR" |
# Generating media info for core |
echo "Generating media_info for core..." |
genhdlist2 ${coreDirNew} --allow-empty-media --quiet |
echo "Generating media_info for nonfree..." |
genhdlist2 ${nonFreeDirNew} --allow-empty-media --quiet |
197,35 → 170,26 |
# xorriso -indev Mageia-7-x86_64.iso -report_el_torito as_mkisofs |
cd ${MAGEIA_NEW_DIR} && xorriso -as mkisofs \ |
-V 'Mageia-7.1-x86_64' \ |
--grub2-mbr --interval:local_fs:0s-15s:zero_mbrpt:${ISO_IN} \ |
-partition_cyl_align off \ |
-partition_offset 0 \ |
--mbr-force-bootable \ |
-append_partition 2 0xef --interval:local_fs:8785156d-8793347d::${ISO_IN} \ |
-iso_mbr_part_type 0x00 \ |
-c '/boot.catalog' \ |
-b '/boot/grub2/eltorito.img' \ |
-c 'boot.catalog' \ |
-b 'boot/grub2/eltorito.img' \ |
-no-emul-boot \ |
-boot-load-size 4 \ |
-boot-info-table \ |
--grub2-boot-info \ |
-eltorito-alt-boot \ |
-e '--interval:appended_partition_2_start_2196289s_size_8192d:all::' \ |
-no-emul-boot \ |
-boot-load-size 8192 \ |
-o ${CURRENT_DIR}/${newIsoName} . |
-o ${TMP_DIR}/${newIsoName} . |
# Unmounting & Removing temporary dir |
echo "Umounting..." |
do |
[ -d $directory ] && rm -rf $directory |
done |
mv ${CURRENT_DIR}/${newIsoName} /var/iso/ |
# Finished |
echo "Done." |