82,10 → 82,9 |
printBold "Mageiar will be build with Mageia-$MAGEIA_VERSION-$ARCH and $ALCASAR_EXTRACTED_DIR" |
# remove some rpm (if this script has been already run) |
urpme $ISO_RPM_LIST --auto-orphans --force 2>/dev/null |
urpmi $BASE_RPM_LIST --force --auto 2>/dev/null |
# Retrieve list of installed RPM (without those that will be installed with the alcasar install script) |
ALCASAR_RPM_LIST="$(dnf list installed | cut -d " " -f1 | rev | cut -d "." -f2- | rev | grep -Ev 'coova-chilli|gammu|lib64gammu8|ipt-netflow|nfdump|wkhtmltopdf' | tail -n +2 | tr '\n' ' ')" |
# agregate & clean rpm list |
RPM_LIST=$(echo $BASE_RPM_LIST $ALCASAR_RPM_LIST | sed "s/ /\n/g" | sort | uniq | sed "s/\n/ /g") |
RPM_LIST="$(rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}\n"| grep -Ev 'coova-chilli|gammu|lib64gammu8|ipt-netflow|nfdump|wkhtmltopdf' | tr '\n' ' ')" |
# Insert list into AUTO_INSTALL_CFG |
formattedList=$(echo $RPM_LIST | sed "s/[^ ]*/\'\0\'/g" | sed "s/ /,\n/g") |
100,7 → 99,6 |
# Installing tools to create the iso file |
printBold "Installing ISO building tools" |
#dnf install 'dnf-command(download)' -y || errorExit "could not install necessary packages" |
#dnf install -y $ISO_RPM_LIST || errorExit "could not install necessary packages" |
urpmi $ISO_RPM_LIST --force|| errorExit "could not install necessary packages" |
131,8 → 129,11 |
echo "Copying $total RPMS in ISO ..." |
for rpm in ${RPM_LIST}; do |
let percent="${count} * 100 / ${total}" |
# dnf download --downloaddir $coreDirNew $rpm 1> /dev/null || errorExit "could not download $rpm" |
#urpmi --no-install --replacepkgs -q $rpm 2> /dev/null || urpmi --no-install -q --force $rpm 2> /dev/null || echo "could not download $rpm" |
full_rpm_name=`rpm -q $rpm` |
if [ `ls $urpmi_cache/* | grep $full_rpm_name | wc -l` -eq 0 ] ; then # rpm not already downloaded |
# dnf download --downloaddir $coreDirNew $rpm 1> /dev/null || errorExit "could not download $rpm" |
urpmi --no-install --replacepkgs -q $rpm 2> /dev/null || urpmi --no-install -q --force $rpm 2> /dev/null || echo "could not download $rpm" |
fi |
printProgress ${percent} |
count=$(expr ${count} + 1) |
done |