0,0 → 1,53 |
%define libname %mklibname %{name} |
Name: nfdump |
Version: 1.6.22 |
Release: %mkrel 1 |
Summary: NetFlow collecting and processing tools |
License: BSD |
Packager: Richard REY (Rexy) |
Group: Networking/Other |
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz |
BuildRequires: lib64rrdtool-devel |
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root |
Url: https://github.com/phaag/nfdump |
%description |
The nfdump tools collect and process netflow data on the command line. |
They are part of the NFSEN project, which is explained more detailed at |
http://www.terena.nl/tech/task-forces/tf-csirt/meeting12/nfsen-Haag.pdf |
%prep |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT |
%setup -q |
%build |
./autogen.sh |
%define configure_args --enable-nfprofile --enable-nftrack --disable-rpath --disable-static |
%configure2_5x %{configure_args} |
%make_build |
%install |
%make_install |
chmod 0644 AUTHORS ChangeLog README.md |
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.la |
%clean |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT |
%files |
%defattr(-,root,root) |
%license LICENSE |
%doc AUTHORS ChangeLog README.md |
%{_bindir}/* |
%{_libdir}/* |
%{_mandir}/man1/* |
%changelog |
* Wed Feb 24 2021 Richard REY <Rexy> |
- Version 1.6.22 for ALCASAR 3.5.3 |
* Sun Mar 8 2020 Richard REY <Rexy> |
- Version 1.6.19 for ALCASAR 3.5 |
* Sat Jun 22 2019 Richard REY <Rexy> |
- Version 1.6.17-2 for ALCASAR 3.4 |
* Thu Jan 03 2019 Richard REY <Rexy> |
- Version 1.6.17 for ALCASAR 3.3.3 |