10,7 → 10,7 |
# notice and this permission notice is included in all copies or |
# substantial portions of the software. |
$organisme = "steweb57"; |
$organisme = "etrs-ssic"; |
# Redirects from CoovaChilli (chilli daemon) : |
# Response to login: |
# success : if login successful |
25,7 → 25,7 |
# Default : it was not a form request |
# Shared secret used to encrypt challenge with radius. |
$uamsecret = "Mkb0pAEE"; |
$uamsecret = "bZBMKhn2"; |
# URL loaded after success authenticates (let blank for browser defaults) |
$adminurl = ""; |
32,7 → 32,6 |
# Our own path |
$loginpath = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; |
$statuspath = "http://alcasar/status.php"; |
# Choice of language |
$Language = 'en'; |
366,7 → 365,7 |
if (mytimeleft) { |
time = mytimeleft - time; |
if (time <= 0) { |
window.location = \"$statuspath?res=popup3&uamip=$uamip&uamport=$uamport\"; |
window.location = \"$loginpath?res=popup3&uamip=$uamip&uamport=$uamport\"; |
} |
} |
if (time < 0) time = 0; |
396,7 → 395,6 |
} |
function doOnLoad(result, URL, userurl, redirurl, timeleft) { |
URL = \"$statuspath\"; |
if (timeleft) { |
mytimeleft = timeleft; |
} |
405,8 → 403,7 |
window.onbeforeunload = DecO($result); |
} |
if ((result == 1) && (self.name != \"chillispot_popup\")) { |
// popUp(URL); |
window.location = userurl; |
popUp(URL); |
} |
if ((result == 2) || result == 5) { |
document.form1.UserName.focus() |
497,7 → 494,7 |
<TD align=\"left\"><INPUT maxLength=\"32\" type=\"password\" name=\"Password\"></TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD height=\"23\" colSpan=\"2\" align=\"middle\"><INPUT value=\"$R_boutonO\" type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" onclick=\"javascript:popUp('$statuspath')\"></TD> |
<TD height=\"23\" colSpan=\"2\" align=\"middle\"><INPUT value=\"$R_boutonO\" type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" onclick=\"javascript:popUp('$loginpath?res=popup1&uamip=$uamip&uamport=$uamport')\"></TD> |
</TR> |
<TR> |
<TD colSpan=2 align=middle><H6><A href=\"https://$uamip/pass/\">$R_passwordchg</A></H6></TD> |