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namespace mbolli\nfsen_ng\common;
use mbolli\nfsen_ng\datasources\Datasource;
use mbolli\nfsen_ng\processor\Processor;
abstract class Config {
public const VERSION = 'v0.3';
* @var array{
* general: array{ports: int[], sources: string[], db: string, processor: string},
* frontend: array{reload_interval: int, defaults: array<string, array>},
* nfdump: array{binary: string, profiles-data: string, profile: string, max-processes: int},
* db: array<string, array>,
* log: array{priority: int}
* }|array{}
public static array $cfg = [];
public static string $path;
public static Datasource $db;
public static Processor $processorClass;
private static bool $initialized = false;
private function __construct() {}
public static function initialize(bool $initProcessor = false): void {
global $nfsen_config;
if (self::$initialized === true) {
$settingsFile = \dirname(__DIR__) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'settings' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'settings.php';
if (!file_exists($settingsFile)) {
throw new \Exception('No settings.php found. Did you rename the distributed settings correctly?');
include $settingsFile;
self::$cfg = $nfsen_config;
self::$path = \dirname(__DIR__);
self::$initialized = true;
// find data source
$dbClass = 'mbolli\\nfsen_ng\\datasources\\' . ucfirst(mb_strtolower(self::$cfg['general']['db']));
if (class_exists($dbClass)) {
self::$db = new $dbClass();
} else {
throw new \Exception('Failed loading class ' . self::$cfg['general']['db'] . '. The class doesn\'t exist.');
// find processor
$processorClass = \array_key_exists('processor', self::$cfg['general']) ? ucfirst(mb_strtolower(self::$cfg['general']['processor'])) : 'Nfdump';
$processorClass = 'mbolli\\nfsen_ng\\processor\\' . $processorClass;
if (!class_exists($processorClass)) {
throw new \Exception('Failed loading class ' . $processorClass . '. The class doesn\'t exist.');
if (!\in_array(Processor::class, class_implements($processorClass), true)) {
throw new \Exception('Processor class ' . $processorClass . ' doesn\'t implement ' . Processor::class . '.');
if ($initProcessor === true) {
self::$processorClass = new $processorClass();