Blame | Last modification | View Log
namespace mbolli\nfsen_ng\common;
use mbolli\nfsen_ng\processor\Nfdump;
class Import {
private readonly Debug $d;
private readonly bool $cli;
private bool $verbose = false;
private bool $force = false;
private bool $quiet = false;
private bool $processPorts = false;
private bool $processPortsBySource = false;
private bool $checkLastUpdate = false;
public function __construct() {
$this->d = Debug::getInstance();
$this->cli = (\PHP_SAPI === 'cli');
* @throws \Exception
public function start(\DateTime $dateStart): void {
$sources = Config::$cfg['general']['sources'];
$processedSources = 0;
// if in force mode, reset existing data
if ($this->force === true) {
if ($this->cli === true) {
echo 'Resetting existing data...' . \PHP_EOL;
// start progress bar (CLI only)
$daysTotal = ((int) $dateStart->diff(new \DateTime())->format('%a') + 1) * \count($sources);
if ($this->cli === true && $this->quiet === false) {
echo \PHP_EOL . \mbolli\nfsen_ng\vendor\ProgressBar::start($daysTotal, 'Processing ' . \count($sources) . ' sources...');
// process each source, e.g. gateway, mailserver, etc.
foreach ($sources as $nr => $source) {
$sourcePath = Config::$cfg['nfdump']['profiles-data'] . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . Config::$cfg['nfdump']['profile'];
if (!file_exists($sourcePath)) {
throw new \Exception('Could not read nfdump profile directory ' . $sourcePath);
if ($this->cli === true && $this->quiet === false) {
echo \PHP_EOL . 'Processing source ' . $source . ' (' . ($nr + 1) . '/' . \count($sources) . ')...' . \PHP_EOL;
$date = clone $dateStart;
// check if we want to continue a stopped import
// assumes the last update of a source is similar to the last update of its ports...
$lastUpdateDb = Config::$db->last_update($source);
$lastUpdate = null;
if ($lastUpdateDb !== false && $lastUpdateDb !== 0) {
$lastUpdate = (new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($lastUpdateDb);
if ($this->force === false && isset($lastUpdate)) {
$daysSaved = (int) $date->diff($lastUpdate)->format('%a');
$daysTotal -= $daysSaved;
if ($this->quiet === false) {
$this->d->log('Last update: ' . $lastUpdate->format('Y-m-d H:i'), \LOG_INFO);
if ($this->cli === true && $this->quiet === false) {
// set progress to the date when the import was stopped
$date->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
// iterate from $datestart until today
while ((int) $date->format('Ymd') <= (int) (new \DateTime())->format('Ymd')) {
$scan = [$sourcePath, $source, $date->format('Y'), $date->format('m'), $date->format('d')];
$scanPath = implode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $scan);
// set date to tomorrow for next iteration
$date->modify('+1 day');
// if no data exists for current date (e.g. .../2017/03/03)
if (!file_exists($scanPath)) {
$this->d->dpr($scanPath . ' does not exist!');
if ($this->cli === true && $this->quiet === false) {
echo \mbolli\nfsen_ng\vendor\ProgressBar::next(1);
// scan path
$this->d->log('Scanning path ' . $scanPath, \LOG_INFO);
$scanFiles = scandir($scanPath);
if ($this->cli === true && $this->quiet === false) {
echo \mbolli\nfsen_ng\vendor\ProgressBar::next(1, 'Scanning ' . $scanPath . '...');
foreach ($scanFiles as $file) {
if (\in_array($file, ['.', '..'], true)) {
try {
// parse date of file name to compare against last_update
preg_match('/nfcapd\.([0-9]{12})$/', (string) $file, $fileDate);
if (\count($fileDate) !== 2) {
throw new \LengthException('Bad file name format of nfcapd file: ' . $file);
$fileDatetime = new \DateTime($fileDate[1]);
} catch (\LengthException $e) {
$this->d->log('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \LOG_DEBUG);
// compare file name date with last update
if ($fileDatetime <= $lastUpdate) {
// let nfdump parse each nfcapd file
$statsPath = implode(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, \array_slice($scan, 2, 5)) . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
try {
// fill source.rrd
$this->writeSourceData($source, $statsPath);
// write general port data (queries data for all sources, should only be executed when data for all sources exists...)
if ($this->processPorts === true && $nr === \count($sources) - 1) {
// if enabled, process ports per source as well (source_80.rrd)
if ($this->processPortsBySource === true) {
$this->writePortsData($statsPath, $source);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->d->log('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \LOG_WARNING);
if ($processedSources === 0) {
$this->d->log('Import did not process any sources.', \LOG_WARNING);
if ($this->cli === true && $this->quiet === false) {
echo \mbolli\nfsen_ng\vendor\ProgressBar::finish();
* @throws \Exception
private function writeSourceData(string $source, string $statsPath): bool {
// set options and get netflow summary statistics (-I)
$nfdump = Nfdump::getInstance();
$nfdump->setOption('-I', null);
$nfdump->setOption('-M', $source);
$nfdump->setOption('-r', $statsPath);
if ($this->dbUpdatable($statsPath, $source) === false) {
return false;
try {
$input = $nfdump->execute();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->d->log('Exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \LOG_WARNING);
return false;
$date = new \DateTime(mb_substr($statsPath, -12));
$data = [
'fields' => [],
'source' => $source,
'port' => 0,
'date_iso' => $date->format('Ymd\THis'),
'date_timestamp' => $date->getTimestamp(),
// $input data is an array of lines looking like this:
// flows_tcp: 323829
foreach ($input as $i => $line) {
if (!\is_string($line)) {
$this->d->log('Got no output of previous command', \LOG_DEBUG);
if ($i === 0) {
} // skip nfdump command
if (!preg_match('/:/', (string) $line)) {
} // skip invalid lines like error messages
[$type, $value] = explode(': ', (string) $line);
// we only need flows/packets/bytes values, the source and the timestamp
if (preg_match('/^(flows|packets|bytes)/i', $type)) {
$data['fields'][mb_strtolower($type)] = (int) $value;
// write to database
if (Config::$db->write($data) === false) {
throw new \Exception('Error writing to ' . $statsPath);
return true;
* @throws \Exception
private function writePortsData(string $statsPath, string $source = ''): bool {
$ports = Config::$cfg['general']['ports'];
foreach ($ports as $port) {
$this->writePortData($port, $statsPath, $source);
return true;
* @throws \Exception
private function writePortData(int $port, string $statsPath, string $source = ''): bool {
$sources = Config::$cfg['general']['sources'];
// set options and get netflow statistics
$nfdump = Nfdump::getInstance();
if (empty($source)) {
// if no source is specified, get data for all sources
$nfdump->setOption('-M', implode(':', $sources));
if ($this->dbUpdatable($statsPath, '', $port) === false) {
return false;
} else {
$nfdump->setOption('-M', $source);
if ($this->dbUpdatable($statsPath, $source, $port) === false) {
return false;
$nfdump->setFilter('dst port ' . $port);
$nfdump->setOption('-s', 'dstport:p');
$nfdump->setOption('-r', $statsPath);
try {
$input = $nfdump->execute();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->d->log('Exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \LOG_WARNING);
return false;
// parse and turn into usable data
$date = new \DateTime(mb_substr($statsPath, -12));
$data = [
'fields' => [
'flows' => 0,
'packets' => 0,
'bytes' => 0,
'source' => $source,
'port' => $port,
'date_iso' => $date->format('Ymd\THis'),
'date_timestamp' => $date->getTimestamp(),
// process protocols
// headers: ts,te,td,pr,val,fl,flP,ipkt,ipktP,ibyt,ibytP,ipps,ipbs,ibpp
foreach ($input as $i => $line) {
if (!\is_array($line) && $line instanceof \Countable === false) {
} // skip anything uncountable
if (\count($line) !== 14) {
} // skip anything invalid
if ($line[0] === 'ts') {
} // skip header
$proto = mb_strtolower((string) $line[3]);
// add protocol-specific
$data['fields']['flows_' . $proto] = (int) $line[5];
$data['fields']['packets_' . $proto] = (int) $line[7];
$data['fields']['bytes_' . $proto] = (int) $line[9];
// add to overall stats
$data['fields']['flows'] += (int) $line[5];
$data['fields']['packets'] += (int) $line[7];
$data['fields']['bytes'] += (int) $line[9];
// write to database
if (Config::$db->write($data) === false) {
throw new \Exception('Error writing to ' . $statsPath);
return true;
* Import a single nfcapd file.
public function importFile(string $file, string $source, bool $last): void {
try {
$this->d->log('Importing file ' . $file . ' (' . $source . '), last=' . (int) $last, \LOG_INFO);
// fill source.rrd
$this->writeSourceData($source, $file);
// write general port data (not depending on source, so only executed per port)
if ($last === true) {
// if enabled, process ports per source as well (source_80.rrd)
if ($this->processPorts === true) {
$this->writePortsData($file, $source);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->d->log('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \LOG_WARNING);
* Check if db is free to update (some databases only allow inserting data at the end).
* @throws \Exception
public function dbUpdatable(string $file, string $source = '', int $port = 0): bool {
if ($this->checkLastUpdate === false) {
return true;
// parse capture file's datetime. can't use filemtime as we need the datetime in the file name.
$date = [];
if (!preg_match('/nfcapd\.([0-9]{12})$/', $file, $date)) {
return false;
} // nothing to import
$fileDatetime = new \DateTime($date[1]);
// get last updated time from database
$lastUpdateDb = Config::$db->last_update($source, $port);
$lastUpdate = null;
if ($lastUpdateDb !== 0) {
$lastUpdate = new \DateTime();
// prevent attempt to import the same file again
return $fileDatetime > $lastUpdate;
public function setVerbose(bool $verbose): void {
if ($verbose === true) {
$this->verbose = $verbose;
public function setProcessPorts(bool $processPorts): void {
$this->processPorts = $processPorts;
public function setForce(bool $force): void {
$this->force = $force;
public function setQuiet(bool $quiet): void {
$this->quiet = $quiet;
public function setProcessPortsBySource($processPortsBySource): void {
$this->processPortsBySource = $processPortsBySource;
public function setCheckLastUpdate(bool $checkLastUpdate): void {
$this->checkLastUpdate = $checkLastUpdate;