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namespace mbolli\nfsen_ng\datasources;
interface Datasource {
* Writes a new record to the datasource.
* Expects an array in the following format:
* $data => array(
* 'source' => 'name_of_souce',
* 'date_timestamp' => 000000000,
* 'date_iso' => 'Ymd\THis',
* 'fields' => array(
* 'flows',
* 'flows_tcp',
* 'flows_udp',
* 'flows_icmp',
* 'flows_other',
* 'packets',
* 'packets_tcp',
* 'packets_udp',
* 'packets_icmp',
* 'packets_other',
* 'bytes',
* 'bytes_tcp',
* 'bytes_udp',
* 'bytes_icmp',
* 'bytes_other')
* );.
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
* @throws \Exception on error
public function write(array $data): bool;
* Gets data for plotting the graph in the frontend.
* Each row in $return['data'] will be a time point in the graph.
* The lines can be
* * protocols - $sources must not contain more than one source (legend e.g. gateway_flows_udp, gateway_flows_tcp)
* * sources - $protocols must not contain more than one protocol (legend e.g. gateway_traffic_icmp, othersource_traffic_icmp)
* * ports.
* @param int $start timestamp
* @param int $end timestamp
* @param array $sources subset of sources specified in settings
* @param array $protocols UDP/TCP/ICMP/other
* @param string $type flows/packets/traffic
* @param string $display protocols/sources/ports
* @return array in the following format:
* $return = array(
* 'start' => 1490484600, // timestamp of first value
* 'end' => 1490652000, // timestamp of last value
* 'step' => 300, // resolution of the returned data in seconds. lowest value would probably be 300 = 5 minutes
* 'legend' => array('swi6_flows_tcp', 'gate_flows_tcp'), // legend describes the graph series
* 'data' => array(
* 1490484600 => array(33.998333333333, 22.4), // the values/measurements for this specific timestamp are in an array
* 1490485200 => array(37.005, 132.8282),
* ...
* )
* );
public function get_graph_data(
int $start,
int $end,
array $sources,
array $protocols,
array $ports,
string $type = 'flows',
string $display = 'sources',
): array|string;
* Removes all existing data for every source in $sources.
* If $sources is empty, remove all existing data.
public function reset(array $sources): bool;
* Gets the timestamps of the first and last entry in the datasource (for this specific source).
* @return array (timestampfirst, timestamplast)
public function date_boundaries(string $source): array;
* Gets the timestamp of the last update of the datasource (for this specific source).
public function last_update(string $source, int $port = 0): int;
* Gets the path where the datasource's data is stored.
public function get_data_path(): string;