Blame | Last modification | View Log
namespace mbolli\nfsen_ng\datasources;
use JetBrains\PhpStorm\ExpectedValues;
use mbolli\nfsen_ng\common\Config;
use mbolli\nfsen_ng\common\Debug;
class Rrd implements Datasource {
private readonly Debug $d;
private array $fields = [
private array $layout = [
'0.5:1:' . ((60 / (1 * 5)) * 24 * 45), // 45 days of 5 min samples
'0.5:6:' . ((60 / (6 * 5)) * 24 * 90), // 90 days of 30 min samples
'0.5:24:' . ((60 / (24 * 5)) * 24 * 360), // 360 days of 2 hour samples
'0.5:288:1080', // 1080 days of daily samples
// = 3 years of data
public function __construct() {
$this->d = Debug::getInstance();
if (!\function_exists('rrd_version')) {
throw new \Exception('Please install the PECL rrd library.');
* Gets the timestamps of the first and last entry of this specific source.
public function date_boundaries(string $source): array {
$rrdFile = $this->get_data_path($source);
return [rrd_first($rrdFile), rrd_last($rrdFile)];
* Gets the timestamp of the last update of this specific source.
* @return int timestamp or false
public function last_update(string $source = '', int $port = 0): int {
$rrdFile = $this->get_data_path($source, $port);
$last_update = rrd_last($rrdFile);
// $this->d->log('Last update of ' . $rrdFile . ': ' . date('d.m.Y H:i', $last_update), LOG_DEBUG);
return (int) $last_update;
* Create a new RRD file for a source.
* @param string $source e.g. gateway or server_xyz
* @param bool $reset overwrites existing RRD file if true
public function create(string $source, int $port = 0, bool $reset = false): bool {
$rrdFile = $this->get_data_path($source, $port);
// check if folder exists
if (!file_exists(\dirname($rrdFile))) {
mkdir(\dirname($rrdFile), 0o755, true);
// check if folder has correct access rights
if (!is_writable(\dirname($rrdFile))) {
$this->d->log('Error creating ' . $rrdFile . ': Not writable', \LOG_CRIT);
return false;
// check if file already exists
if (file_exists($rrdFile)) {
if ($reset === true) {
} else {
$this->d->log('Error creating ' . $rrdFile . ': File already exists', \LOG_ERR);
return false;
$start = strtotime('3 years ago');
$starttime = (int) $start - ($start % 300);
$creator = new \RRDCreator($rrdFile, (string) $starttime, 60 * 5);
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
$creator->addDataSource($field . ':ABSOLUTE:600:U:U');
foreach ($this->layout as $rra) {
$creator->addArchive('AVERAGE:' . $rra);
$creator->addArchive('MAX:' . $rra);
$saved = $creator->save();
if ($saved === false) {
$this->d->log('Error saving RRD data structure to ' . $rrdFile, \LOG_ERR);
return $saved;
* Write to an RRD file with supplied data.
* @throws \Exception
public function write(array $data): bool {
$rrdFile = $this->get_data_path($data['source'], $data['port']);
if (!file_exists($rrdFile)) {
$this->create($data['source'], $data['port'], false);
$nearest = (int) $data['date_timestamp'] - ($data['date_timestamp'] % 300);
$this->d->log('Writing to file ' . $rrdFile, \LOG_DEBUG);
// write data
$updater = new \RRDUpdater($rrdFile);
return $updater->update($data['fields'], (string) $nearest);
* @param string $type flows/packets/traffic
* @param string $display protocols/sources/ports
public function get_graph_data(
int $start,
int $end,
array $sources,
array $protocols,
array $ports,
#[ExpectedValues(['flows', 'packets', 'bytes', 'bits'])]
string $type = 'flows',
#[ExpectedValues(['protocols', 'sources', 'ports'])]
string $display = 'sources',
): array|string {
$options = [
$start - ($start % 300),
$end - ($end % 300),
// number of values. works like the width value (in pixels) in rrd_graph
// '--step', 1200, // by default, rrdtool tries to get data for each row. if you want rrdtool to get data at a one-hour resolution, set step to 3600.
$useBits = false;
if ($type === 'bits') {
$type = 'bytes';
$useBits = true;
if (empty($protocols)) {
$protocols = ['tcp', 'udp', 'icmp', 'other'];
if (empty($sources)) {
$sources = Config::$cfg['general']['sources'];
if (empty($ports)) {
$ports = Config::$cfg['general']['ports'];
switch ($display) {
case 'protocols':
foreach ($protocols as $protocol) {
$rrdFile = $this->get_data_path($sources[0]);
$proto = ($protocol === 'any') ? '' : '_' . $protocol;
$legend = array_filter([$protocol, $type, $sources[0]]);
$options[] = 'DEF:data' . $sources[0] . $protocol . '=' . $rrdFile . ':' . $type . $proto . ':AVERAGE';
$options[] = 'XPORT:data' . $sources[0] . $protocol . ':' . implode('_', $legend);
case 'sources':
foreach ($sources as $source) {
$rrdFile = $this->get_data_path($source);
$proto = ($protocols[0] === 'any') ? '' : '_' . $protocols[0];
$legend = array_filter([$source, $type, $protocols[0]]);
$options[] = 'DEF:data' . $source . '=' . $rrdFile . ':' . $type . $proto . ':AVERAGE';
$options[] = 'XPORT:data' . $source . ':' . implode('_', $legend);
case 'ports':
foreach ($ports as $port) {
$source = ($sources[0] === 'any') ? '' : $sources[0];
$proto = ($protocols[0] === 'any') ? '' : '_' . $protocols[0];
$legend = array_filter([$port, $type, $source, $protocols[0]]);
$rrdFile = $this->get_data_path($source, $port);
$options[] = 'DEF:data' . $source . $port . '=' . $rrdFile . ':' . $type . $proto . ':AVERAGE';
$options[] = 'XPORT:data' . $source . $port . ':' . implode('_', $legend);
$data = rrd_xport($options);
$error = ob_get_clean(); // rrd_xport weirdly prints stuff on error
if (!\is_array($data)) {
return $error . '. ' . rrd_error();
// remove invalid numbers and create processable array
$output = [
'data' => [],
'start' => $data['start'],
'end' => $data['end'],
'step' => $data['step'],
'legend' => [],
foreach ($data['data'] as $source) {
$output['legend'][] = $source['legend'];
foreach ($source['data'] as $date => $measure) {
// ignore non-valid measures
if (is_nan($measure)) {
$measure = null;
if ($type === 'bytes' && $useBits) {
$measure *= 8;
// add measure to output array
if (\array_key_exists($date, $output['data'])) {
$output['data'][$date][] = $measure;
} else {
$output['data'][$date] = [$measure];
return $output;
* Creates a new database for every source/port combination.
public function reset(array $sources): bool {
$return = false;
if (empty($sources)) {
$sources = Config::$cfg['general']['sources'];
$ports = Config::$cfg['general']['ports'];
$ports[] = 0;
foreach ($ports as $port) {
if ($port !== 0) {
$return = $this->create('', $port, true);
if ($return === false) {
return false;
foreach ($sources as $source) {
$return = $this->create($source, $port, true);
if ($return === false) {
return false;
return true;
* Concatenates the path to the source's rrd file.
public function get_data_path(string $source = '', int $port = 0): string {
if ((int) $port === 0) {
$port = '';
} else {
$port = (empty($source)) ? $port : '_' . $port;
$path = Config::$path . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'datasources' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $source . $port . '.rrd';
if (!file_exists($path)) {
$this->d->log('Was not able to find ' . $path, \LOG_INFO);
return $path;