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// phpSysInfo - A PHP System Information Script
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// WINNT implementation written by Carl C. Longnecker,
// $Id:,v 1.25 2007/03/07 20:21:27 bigmichi1 Exp $

class sysinfo {
  // $wmi holds the COM object that we pull all the WMI data from
  var $wmi; 

  // $wmidevices holds all devices, which are in the system
  var $wmidevices;

  // this constructor initialis the $wmi object
  function sysinfo ()
    // don't set this params for local connection, it will not work
    $strHostname = '';
    $strUser = '';
    $strPassword = '';

    // initialize the wmi object
    $objLocator = new COM("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
    if($strHostname == "") {
        $this->wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer();
      } else{
        $this->wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer($strHostname, "rootcimv2", "$strHostname\$strUser", $strPassword);

  // private function for getting a list of values in the specified context, optionally filter this list, based on the list from second parameter
  function _GetWMI($strClass, $strValue = array() ) {
    $objWEBM = $this->wmi->Get($strClass);

    if( PHP_VERSION < 5 ) {
      $objProp = $objWEBM->Properties_;
      $arrProp = $objProp->Next($objProp->Count);
      $objWEBMCol = $objWEBM->Instances_();
      $arrWEBMCol = $objWEBMCol->Next($objWEBMCol->Count);
    } else {
      $arrProp = $objWEBM->Properties_;
      $arrWEBMCol = $objWEBM->Instances_();

    foreach($arrWEBMCol as $objItem)
        $arrInstance = array();
        foreach($arrProp as $propItem)
            eval("\$value = \$objItem->" .$propItem->Name .";");
            if( empty( $strValue ) ) {
              $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = trim($value);
            } else {
              if( in_array( $propItem->Name, $strValue ) ) {
                $arrInstance[$propItem->Name] = trim($value);
        $arrData[] = $arrInstance;
    return $arrData;

  // private function for getting different device types from the system
  function _devicelist ( $strType ) {
    if( empty( $this->wmidevices ) ) {
      $this->wmidevices = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_PnPEntity", array( "Name", "PNPDeviceID" ) );

    $list = array();
    foreach ( $this->wmidevices as $device ) {
      if ( substr( $device["PNPDeviceID"], 0, strpos( $device["PNPDeviceID"], "\\" ) + 1 ) == ( $strType . "\\" ) ) {
        $list[] = $device["Name"];

    return $list;
  // get our apache SERVER_NAME or vhost
  function vhostname () {
    if (! ($result = getenv('SERVER_NAME'))) {
      $result = 'N.A.';
    return $result;

  // get the IP address of our vhost name
  function vip_addr () {
    return gethostbyname($this->vhostname());

  // get our canonical hostname
  function chostname ()
    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_ComputerSystem", array( "Name" ) );
    $result = $buffer[0]["Name"];
    return gethostbyaddr(gethostbyname($result));

  // get the IP address of our canonical hostname
  function ip_addr ()
    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_ComputerSystem", array( "Name" ) );
    $result = $buffer[0]["Name"];
    return gethostbyname($result);

  function kernel ()
    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_OperatingSystem", array( "Version", "ServicePackMajorVersion" ) );
    $result = $buffer[0]["Version"];
    if( $buffer[0]["ServicePackMajorVersion"] > 0 ) {
      $result .= " SP" . $buffer[0]["ServicePackMajorVersion"];
    return $result;

  // get the time the system is running
  function uptime ()
    $result = 0;
    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_OperatingSystem", array( "LastBootUpTime", "LocalDateTime" ) );

    $byear = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LastBootUpTime"], 0, 4));
    $bmonth = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LastBootUpTime"], 4, 2));
    $bday = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LastBootUpTime"], 6, 2));
    $bhour = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LastBootUpTime"], 8, 2));
    $bminute = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LastBootUpTime"], 10, 2));
    $bseconds = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LastBootUpTime"], 12, 2));

    $lyear = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LocalDateTime"], 0, 4));
    $lmonth = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LocalDateTime"], 4, 2));
    $lday = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LocalDateTime"], 6, 2));
    $lhour = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LocalDateTime"], 8, 2));
    $lminute = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LocalDateTime"], 10, 2));
    $lseconds = intval(substr($buffer[0]["LocalDateTime"], 12, 2));

    $boottime = mktime($bhour, $bminute, $bseconds, $bmonth, $bday, $byear);
    $localtime = mktime($lhour, $lminute, $lseconds, $lmonth, $lday, $lyear);

    $result = $localtime - $boottime;

    return $result;

  // count the users, which are logged in
  function users ()
    if( stristr( $this->kernel(), "2000 P" ) ) return "N.A."; 
    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_PerfRawData_TermService_TerminalServices", array( "TotalSessions" ) );
    return $buffer[0]["TotalSessions"];

  // get the load of the processors
  function loadavg ($bar = false)
    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_Processor", array( "LoadPercentage" ) );
    $cpuload = array();
    for( $i = 0; $i < count( $buffer ); $i++ ) {
      $cpuload['avg'][] = $buffer[$i]["LoadPercentage"];
    if ($bar) {
      $cpuload['cpupercent'] = array_sum( $cpuload['avg'] ) / count( $buffer );
    return $cpuload;

  // get some informations about the cpu's
  function cpu_info ()
    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_Processor", array( "Name", "L2CacheSize", "CurrentClockSpeed", "ExtClock" ) );
    $results["cpus"] = 0;
    foreach ($buffer as $cpu) {
      $results["model"] = $cpu["Name"];
      $results["cache"] = $cpu["L2CacheSize"];
      $results["cpuspeed"] = $cpu["CurrentClockSpeed"];
      $results["busspeed"] = $cpu["ExtClock"];
    return $results;

  // get the pci devices from the system
  function pci ()
    $pci = $this->_devicelist( "PCI" );
    return $pci;

  // get the ide devices from the system
  function ide ()
    $buffer = $this->_devicelist( "IDE" );
    $ide = array();
    foreach ( $buffer as $device ) {
        $ide[]['model'] = $device;
    return $ide;

  // get the scsi devices from the system
  function scsi ()
    $scsi = $this->_devicelist( "SCSI" );
    return $scsi;

  // get the usb devices from the system
  function usb ()
    $usb = $this->_devicelist( "USB" );
    return $usb;

  // get the sbus devices from the system - currently not called
  function sbus ()
    $sbus = $this->_devicelist( "SBUS" );
    return $sbus;

        // get the netowrk devices and rx/tx bytes
        function network () {
                $results = array();
                $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface" );
                foreach( $buffer as $device ) {
                        $dev_name = $device["Name"];
                        // there is a possible bug in the wmi interfaceabout uint32 and uint64:, so that
                        // magative numbers would occour, try to calculate the nagative value from total - positive number
                        if( $device["BytesSentPersec"] < 0) {
                                $results[$dev_name]['tx_bytes'] = $device["BytesTotalPersec"] - $device["BytesReceivedPersec"];
                        } else {
                                $results[$dev_name]['tx_bytes'] = $device["BytesSentPersec"];
                        if( $device["BytesReceivedPersec"] < 0 ) {
                                $results[$dev_name]['rx_bytes'] = $device["BytesTotalPersec"] - $device["BytesSentPersec"];
                        } else {
                                $results[$dev_name]['rx_bytes'] = $device["BytesReceivedPersec"];
                        $results[$dev_name]['rx_packets'] = $device["PacketsReceivedPersec"];
                        $results[$dev_name]['tx_packets'] = $device["PacketsSentPersec"];
                        $results[$dev_name]['rx_errs'] = $device["PacketsReceivedErrors"];
                        $results[$dev_name]['rx_drop'] = $device["PacketsReceivedDiscarded"];
                        $results[$dev_name]['errs'] = $device["PacketsReceivedErrors"];
                        $results[$dev_name]['drop'] = $device["PacketsReceivedDiscarded"];
                return $results;

  function memory ()
    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration", array( "TotalPhysicalMemory" ) );
    $results['ram']['total'] = $buffer[0]["TotalPhysicalMemory"];

    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Memory", array( "AvailableKBytes" ) );
    $results['ram']['free'] = $buffer[0]["AvailableKBytes"];

    $results['ram']['used'] = $results['ram']['total'] - $results['ram']['free'];
    $results['ram']['percent'] = ceil( ( $results['ram']['used'] * 100 ) / $results['ram']['total'] );
    $results['swap']['total'] = 0;
    $results['swap']['used'] = 0;
    $results['swap']['free'] = 0;

    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_PageFileUsage" ); // no need to filter, using nearly everything from output
    $k = 0;
    foreach ($buffer as $swapdevice) {
      $results['devswap'][$k]['dev'] = $swapdevice["Name"];
      $results['devswap'][$k]['total'] = $swapdevice["AllocatedBaseSize"] * 1024;
      $results['devswap'][$k]['used'] = $swapdevice["CurrentUsage"] * 1024;
      $results['devswap'][$k]['free'] = ( $swapdevice["AllocatedBaseSize"] - $swapdevice["CurrentUsage"] ) * 1024;
      $results['devswap'][$k]['percent'] = ceil( $swapdevice["CurrentUsage"] / $swapdevice["AllocatedBaseSize"] );

      $results['swap']['total'] += $results['devswap'][$k]['total'];
      $results['swap']['used'] += $results['devswap'][$k]['used'];
      $results['swap']['free'] += $results['devswap'][$k]['free'];
      $k += 1;
    $results['swap']['percent'] = ceil( $results['swap']['used'] / $results['swap']['total'] * 100 );
    return $results;

  // get the filesystem informations
  function filesystems ()
     $typearray = array("Unknown", "No Root Directory", "Removeable Disk",
        "Local Disk", "Network Drive", "Compact Disc", "RAM Disk");
     $floppyarray = array("Unknown", "5 1/4 in.", "3 1/2 in.", "3 1/2 in.",
        "3 1/2 in.", "3 1/2 in.", "5 1/4 in.", "5 1/4 in.", "5 1/4 in.",
        "5 1/4 in.", "5 1/4 in.", "Other", "HD", "3 1/2 in.", "3 1/2 in.",
        "5 1/4 in.", "5 1/4 in.", "3 1/2 in.", "3 1/2 in.", "5 1/4 in.",
        "3 1/2 in.", "3 1/2 in.", "8 in.");

    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_LogicalDisk" , array( "Name", "Size", "FreeSpace", "FileSystem", "DriveType", "MediaType" ) );

    $k = 0;
    foreach ( $buffer as $filesystem ) {
      if ( hide_mount( $filesystem["Name"] ) ) {
      $results[$k]['mount'] = $filesystem["Name"];
      $results[$k]['size'] = $filesystem["Size"] / 1024;
      $results[$k]['used'] = ( $filesystem["Size"] - $filesystem["FreeSpace"] ) / 1024;
      $results[$k]['free'] = $filesystem["FreeSpace"] / 1024;
      @$results[$k]['percent'] = ceil( $results[$k]['used'] / $results[$k]['size'] * 100 );  // silence this line, nobody is having a floppy in the drive everytime
      $results[$k]['fstype'] = $filesystem["FileSystem"];
      $results[$k]['disk'] = $typearray[$filesystem["DriveType"]];
      if ( $filesystem["MediaType"] != ""  && $filesystem["DriveType"] == 2 ) $results[$k]['disk'] .= " (" . $floppyarray[$filesystem["MediaType"]] . ")";
      $k += 1;
    return $results;

  function distro ()
    $buffer = $this->_GetWMI( "Win32_OperatingSystem", array( "Caption" ) );
    return $buffer[0]["Caption"];

  function distroicon ()
    return 'xp.gif';
