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 *   Copyright (C) 2006 by phpSysInfo - A PHP System Information Script    *
 *                                    *
 *   Copyright (C) 2010 by 3abtux & Rexy for ALCASAR                       *                                                *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

// $Id: vitals.php,v 1.32 2007/02/18 18:59:54 bigmichi1 Exp $

// xml_utilisateur()

function request ($texte) {
                $strResult = 0;
                // Déclaration des paramètres de connexion
                $host = "localhost";
                $DB_USER = "radius";
                $DB_RADIUS = "radius";
                $radiuspwd = "xKosCPLa";
                // Connexion au serveur
                mysql_connect($host, $DB_USER,$radiuspwd) or die("erreur de connexion au serveur");
                mysql_select_db($DB_RADIUS) or die("erreur de connexion a la base de donnees");
                // Creation et envoi de la requete
                if ($texte = 'user') {$query = "SELECT UserName FROM userinfo";}
                else { $query = "SELECT GroupName FROM radusergroup GROUP BY GroupName";}
                $result = mysql_query($query);
                // Recuperation des resultats
                $strResult = mysql_num_rows($result);
                // Deconnexion de la base de donnees
                return $strResult;
function xml_portail () {
        global $sysinfo;
        $_text = "  <Portail>\n"
//              . "    <Utilisateur>" . htmlspecialchars( $sysinfo->utilisateur(), ENT_QUOTES ) . "</Utilisateur>\n"
                . "    <Utilisateur>" . htmlspecialchars( request('user'), ENT_QUOTES ) . "</Utilisateur>\n"
                . "    <Groupe>" . htmlspecialchars( trim( request('group') ), ENT_QUOTES ) . "</Groupe>\n";
        $_text .= "  </Portail>\n";
        return $_text;
// Fonction de test de connectivité internet
function internetTest(){
        $host = "";
        $port = "80";
        //var $num;     //non utilisé
        //var $error;   //non utilisé
        if (! $sock = @fsockopen($host, $port, $num, $error, 5)) {
                return false;
        } else {
                return true;
// Fonction de test du filtrage
function filtrageTest($file, $search_regex){
        $pointeur = fopen($file,"r");
        $result = false;
        if ($pointeur)
                while (!feof($pointeur))
                                $ligne = fgets($pointeur);
                                if (preg_match($search_regex, $ligne, $r))
                                $result = true;
        return $result;
// html_portail()
function html_portail () {
        global $webpath;
        global $XPath;
        global $text;

        $file_version = "/var/www/html/VERSION";
        $handle = fopen ($file_version, "r");
        $INSTALLEDVERSION = fread ($handle, filesize ($file_version));
        fclose ($handle);
        $file_bl = "/var/www/html/VERSION-BL";
        $handle = fopen ($file_bl, "r");
        $VERSIONBL = fread ($handle, filesize ($file_bl));
        fclose ($handle);
        $nbr_user = request ('user');
        $nbr_grp  = request ('group');
        $nbr_user_online = exec ("sudo /usr/sbin/chilli_query list | cut -d\" \" -f5 | grep \"1\" | wc -l");
        if (filtrageTest("/usr/local/bin/", "/^FILTERING=\"yes\"/")){
                $network_filter_status = $text['enable'];}
        else {  $network_filter_status = $text['disable'];}
        if (filtrageTest("/etc/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf","/^reportinglevel = 3/")){
                $web_filter_status = $text['enable'];}
        else {  $web_filter_status = $text['disable'];}
        if (InternetTest()){
                $internet_status =  "<img src='/images/state_ok.gif'>".$text['enable'];
                $version = dns_get_record("",DNS_TXT);
                $AVAILABLEDVERSION = $version[0]['txt'];
        } else {
                $internet_status =  "<img src='/images/state_error.gif'>".$text['disable'];
                $AVAILABLEDVERSION = "-";
        $_text = "<table border=\"0\" width=\"100%\" align=\"center\">\n"
                . "  <tr>\n"
                . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['portail-version'] . "</font></td>\n"
                . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $INSTALLEDVERSION . "</font></td>\n"
                . "  </tr>\n"
                . "  <tr>\n"
                . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['portail-disp'] . "</font></td>\n"
                . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $AVAILABLEDVERSION . "</font></td>\n"
                . "  </tr>\n"
                . "  <tr>\n"
                . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['utilisateur'] . "</font></td>\n"
                . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $nbr_user_online . " / " . $nbr_user . "</font></td>\n"
                . "  </tr>\n"
                . "  <tr>\n"
                . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['groupe'] . "</font></td>\n"
                . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $nbr_grp . "</font></td>\n"
                . "  </tr>\n"
                . "  <tr>\n"
                . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['bl-version'] . "</font></td>\n"
                . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $VERSIONBL . "</font></td>\n"
                . "  </tr>\n"
                . "  <tr>\n"
                . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['filter'] . "</font></td>\n"
                . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">web : " . $web_filter_status . ", " . $text['network'] . " : " . $network_filter_status . "</font></td>\n"
                . "  </tr>\n"
                . "  <tr>\n"
                . "    <td valign=\"top\"><font size=\"-1\">" . $text['internet_link'] . "</font></td>\n"
                . "    <td><font size=\"-1\">" . $internet_status . "</font></td>\n"
                . "  </tr>\n"
                . "</table>\n";
        return $_text;

function wml_portail () {
        global $XPath;
        global $text;
        $_text = "<card id=\"vitals\" title=\"" . $text['vitals']  . "\">\n"
                . "<p>" . $text['hostname'] . ":<br/>\n"
                . "-&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData( "/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Hostname" ) . "</p>\n"
                . "<p>" . $text['ip'] . ":<br/>\n"
                . "-&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData( "/phpsysinfo/Vitals/IPAddr" ) . "</p>\n"
                . "<p>" . $text['kversion'] . ":<br/>\n"
                . "-&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData( "/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Kernel" ) . "</p>\n"
                . "<p>" . $text['uptime'] . ":<br/>\n"
                . "-&nbsp;" . uptime( $XPath->getData( "/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Uptime" ) ) . "</p>\n"
                . "<p>" . $text['users'] . ":<br/>"
                . "-&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData( "/phpsysinfo/Vitals/Users" ) . "</p>\n"
                . "<p>" . $text['loadavg'] . ":<br/>"
                . "-&nbsp;" . $XPath->getData( "/phpsysinfo/Vitals/LoadAvg" ) . "</p>\n"
                . "</card>\n";
        return $_text;