Subversion Repositories ALCASAR


Rev 3194 | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log

define("CONF_FILE", "/usr/local/etc/alcasar.conf");
define("ETHERS_INFO_FILE", "/usr/local/etc/alcasar-ethers-info");
foreach ($conf_files as $file) {
        if (!file_exists($file)) {
                exit("Requested file ".$file." isn't present");
        if (!is_readable($file)) {
                exit("Can't read the file ".$file);

$alcasar_conf_file = '/usr/local/etc/alcasar.conf';
$file_conf = fopen($alcasar_conf_file, 'r');
if (!$file_conf) {
        exit('Error opening the file '.$alcasar_conf_file);
while (!feof($file_conf)) {
        $buffer = fgets($file_conf, 4096);
        if ((strpos($buffer, '=') !== false) && (substr($buffer, 0, 1) !== '#')) {
                $tmp = explode('=', $buffer, 2);
                $conf[trim($tmp[0])] = trim($tmp[1]);

$csrf_key = "";
$csrf_token = hash('sha256', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].$csrf_key);
$tmp = explode("/",$conf["PRIVATE_IP"]);
$intif = $conf["INTIF"];
if ($conf['MULTIWAN'] !== 'off') {
        exec ('sudo /usr/local/bin/', $list_ip_gw); 
# Choice of language
$Language = 'en';
        $Langue = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
        $Language = strtolower(substr(chop($Langue[0]), 0, 2));
if ($Language === 'fr') {
        $l_activity = "Activité sur le réseau de consultation";
        $l_ip_adr = "Adresse IP";
        $l_mac_adr = "Adresse MAC";
        $l_unknown = "manufacturer unknown";
        $l_user = "Usager";
        $l_mac_allowed = "@MAC autorisée";
        $l_mac_temporarily_allowed = "@MAC autorisée temporairement";
        $l_action = "Action";
        $l_dissociate = "Dissocier @IP";
        $l_disconnect = "Déconnecter";
        $l_stop_capture_disconnect = "Arrêter la capture et déconnecter";
        $l_refresh = "Cette page est rafraichie toutes les 30 secondes";
        $l_edit_user = "Editer l'utilisateur";
        $l_connect = "Autoriser temporairement";
        $l_captureon = "Autoriser et capturer";
        $l_captureoff = "Arrêter la capture";
        $l_captureonly_on = "Capturer";
        $l_gw = "Routeur";
} else if ($Language === 'es') {
        $l_activity = "Actividad en la LAN";
        $l_ip_adr = "Dirección IP";
        $l_mac_adr = "Dirección MAC";
        $l_unknown = "fabricante desconocido";
        $l_user = "Usuario";
        $l_mac_allowed = "@MAC autorizada";
        $l_mac_temporarily_allowed = "@MAC temporalmente autorizada";
        $l_action = "Acción";
        $l_dissociate = "Liberar @IP";
        $l_disconnect = "Desconectar";
        $l_stop_capture_disconnect = "Deje de capturar y desconecte";
        $l_refresh = "Esta información es actualizada cada 30''";
        $l_edit_user = "usuario de edición"; 
        $l_connect = "Permitir temporalmente";
        $l_captureon = "Autorizar y capturar";
        $l_captureoff = "Detener la captura";
        $l_captureonly_on = "Captura";
        $l_gw = "Router";
} else {
        $l_activity = "Activity on the consultation LAN";
        $l_ip_adr = "IP Address";
        $l_mac_adr = "MAC Address";
        $l_unknown = "fabricant inconnu";
        $l_user = "User";
        $l_mac_allowed = "@MAC allowed";
        $l_mac_temporarily_allowed = "@MAC temporarily allowed";
        $l_action = "Action";
        $l_dissociate = "Dissociate @IP";
        $l_disconnect = "Disconnect";
        $l_stop_capture_disconnect = "Stop capture and disconnect";
        $l_refresh = "This frame is refreshed every 30'";
        $l_edit_user = "Edit user";
        $l_connect = "Temporarily authorize";
        $l_captureon = "Authorize and capture";
        $l_captureoff = "Stop capture";
        $l_captureonly_on = "Capture";
        $l_gw = "Router";
function taille_fichier($fichier)
        $taille_fichier = filesize($fichier);
        if ($taille_fichier >= 1073741824){
                $taille_fichier = round($taille_fichier / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " Go";}
        elseif ($taille_fichier >= 1048576){
                $taille_fichier = round($taille_fichier / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " Mo";}
        elseif ($taille_fichier >= 1024){
                $taille_fichier = round($taille_fichier / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " Ko";}
        else {$taille_fichier = $taille_fichier . " o";}
        return $taille_fichier;

if (isset($_POST['action'])){
        $mac= trim($_POST['mac_addr']);
        if ((filter_var($mac, FILTER_VALIDATE_MAC) !== false) && (trim($_POST['post_csrf_token']) == $csrf_token)){
                switch ($_POST['action']){
                        case "$l_disconnect" :
                                exec("sudo /usr/sbin/chilli_query logout ".$mac);
                        case "$l_stop_capture_disconnect" :
                                exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/ -k '.$mac.' &>/dev/null &');
                                exec("sudo /usr/sbin/chilli_query logout ".$mac);
                        case "$l_dissociate" :
                                exec("sudo /usr/sbin/chilli_query dhcp-release ".$mac);
                        case "$l_connect" :
                                exec("sudo /usr/sbin/chilli_query authorize mac ".$mac);
                        case "$l_captureon" :
                                exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/ -l '.$mac.' &>/dev/null &');
                                exec("sudo /usr/sbin/chilli_query authorize mac ".$mac);
                        case "$l_captureonly_on" :
                                exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/ -l '.$mac.' &>/dev/null &');
                        case "$l_captureoff" :
                                exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/ -k '.$mac.' &>/dev/null &');
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html><!-- written by Rexy -->
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="30">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?= $config['general_charset'] ?>">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/acc.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
<script src="/js/jquery-3.6.min.js"></script>
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<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
        $.extend(true, $.fn.dataTable.defaults, {
                language: {
                        url: '/js/jquery.dataTables.<?= $Language ?>.json'
<div id="ldoverlay" class="overlay">
        <div class="lds-spinner" id="spinner"><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><th><?= $l_activity ?></th></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#FFCC66"><td><img src="/images/pix.gif" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
<table width="100%" border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>
        <tr><td valign="middle" align="center"><?= $l_refresh ?><br>
        <table border=1  id="datatable_display" class="display" width="80%" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
                <tr bgcolor="#686464">
                        <th><?= $l_ip_adr ?></th>
                        <th><?= $l_mac_adr ?></th>
                        <th><?= $l_user ?></th>
                        <th><?= $l_action ?></th>
                        if ($conf['MULTIWAN'] !== 'off') {
                                echo "<th>$l_gw</th>";
                echo "</tr>";
                echo "</thead>";
                $IoT_capture = $conf["IOT_CAPTURE"];
                $output = array(); $detail = array(); $nb_ligne = 0;
                exec("sudo /sbin/ip link show ".escapeshellarg($intif), $output); // retrieve ALCASAR @MAC
                $detail = explode (" " , $output[1]);
                unset ($output);unset ($detail);
                exec ('sudo /usr/sbin/chilli_query list|sort -k5 -r', $output); 
                echo "<tbody>";
                foreach ($output as $ligne){
                        $detail = explode (" ", $ligne);
                        $nb_ligne ++;
                        echo "<tr valign=\"middle\">";
                        echo "<td>".$nb_ligne."</td>";
                        echo "<td>".$detail[1]."</td>"; // @IP
                        echo "<td>$detail[0]"; // @MAC
                        if(file_exists('/usr/share/nmap/nmap-mac-prefixes')){ // retrieve @MAC manufacturer
                                $oui_id = substr(str_replace("-","",$detail[0]),0,6);
                                exec ("grep ^$oui_id /usr/share/nmap/nmap-mac-prefixes | cut -d' ' -f2-", $mac_manufacturer);
                                if(! empty($mac_manufacturer[0])) echo " <font size=\"1\">($mac_manufacturer[0])</font>";
                                        else echo " <font size=\"1\">($l_unknown)</font>";
                        exec ("grep $detail[0] /usr/local/etc/alcasar-ethers-info |cut -d' ' -f3", $mac_in_ether_file); // retrieve @MAC info
                        if (!empty($mac_in_ether_file[0])){
                                $mac_info= ltrim($mac_in_ether_file[0],'#');
                                if (!empty($mac_info)) echo " - <b>" . ltrim($mac_in_ether_file[0],'#') . "</b>";
                        echo "</td><td>";
                        if ($detail[4] == "1"){ // is user authenticated ?
                                $login = $detail[5];
                                unset ($found_users); unset ($cn);
                                $search = $login; $search_IN = 'username'; // search user in database
                                if (is_file("../lib/sql/find.php"))
                                if (isset ($found_users)){ // is user in database ? 
                                        if (is_file("../lib/sql/user_info.php")) // retrieve user info (especialy $cn)
                                if (! isset ($cn)){ $cn='-';}
                                if ($detail[5] == $detail[0]){ // is user an @MAC ?
                                        if (isset ($found_users)){ // is @MAC allowed ?
                                                echo "<a href=\"/acc/manager/htdocs/user_admin.php?login=$detail[5]\" title=\"$l_edit_user\">$l_mac_allowed";if ($cn != '-'){ echo " ($cn)";};echo "</a>";
                                                echo "</td>";
                                                echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>"; // no 'disconnect' button for allowed @MAC
                                        else {
                                                echo "<b>$l_mac_temporarily_allowed</b>";
                                                echo "</td><td>";
                                                echo "<form action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" method=\"POST\">";
                                                echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mac_addr\" value=\"$detail[0]\">";
                                                echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"post_csrf_token\" value=\"$csrf_token\">";
                                                if($IoT_capture == "on"){
                                                        if(exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/ -i '.$detail[0]) == "CaptureON"){
                                                                echo "<input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_stop_capture_disconnect\">";
                                                                echo "<input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_captureoff\">";
                                                        else {
                                                                echo "<input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_disconnect\">";
                                                                echo "<br><input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_captureonly_on\">";
                                                                $file = '/var/Save/iot_captures/'.$detail[0].'.pcap';
                                                                if (file_exists($file)) {
                                                                        echo "<br><center><a href=\"/save/iot_captures/$detail[0].pcap\">$detail[0].pcap</a> (";echo taille_fichier("/var/Save/iot_captures/".$detail[0].".pcap");echo ")</center>";
                                                else echo "<input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_disconnect\">";
                                                echo "</form></td>";
                                else { // The user is a humanoide ;-)
                                        if ($cn != '-') { echo "<a href=\"/acc/manager/htdocs/user_admin.php?login=$detail[5]\" title=\"$l_edit_user $detail[5]\">$detail[5] ($cn)</a>";}
                                        else { echo "<a href=\"/acc/manager/htdocs/user_admin.php?login=$detail[5]\" title=\"$l_edit_user $detail[5]\">$detail[5]</a>";}
                                        echo "<td>";
                                        echo "<form action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" method=\"POST\">";
                                        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mac_addr\" value=\"$detail[0]\">";
                                        echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"post_csrf_token\" value=\"$csrf_token\">";
                                        echo "<input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_disconnect\">";
                                        echo "</form></td>";
                        // equipment without authenticated user
                        else if (($detail[0] == $intif_mac_addr) || ($detail[1] == $private_ip)){ 
                                echo "ALCASAR system";
                                echo "<td>";
                                echo "&nbsp;";
                                echo "</td>";
                        else {  
                                echo "&nbsp;";
                                echo "<td>";            
                                echo "<form action=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."\" method=\"POST\">";
                                # Dissociate user (... or other) who is not connected yet
                                echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mac_addr\" value=\"$detail[0]\">";
                                echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"post_csrf_token\" value=\"$csrf_token\">";
                                exec ("grep $detail[0] /usr/local/etc/alcasar-ethers-info", $mac_in_ether_file);
                                if (empty($mac_in_ether_file[1])){
                                        echo "<input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_dissociate\">"; // Dissociate only MAC not in ether file (dhcp)
                                echo "<input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_connect\">"; // Enable temporarily @MAC access
                                if($IoT_capture == "on"){
                                        if(exec('sudo /usr/local/bin/ -i '.$detail[0]) == "CaptureON"){
                                                echo "<br><input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_captureoff\">";
                                        else {
                                                echo "<br><input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_captureon\">";
                                                echo "<input type=\"submit\" onClick=\"document.getElementById('ldoverlay').style.display='block';\" name=\"action\" value=\"$l_captureonly_on\">";
                                                $file = '/var/Save/iot_captures/'.$detail[0].'.pcap';
                                                if (file_exists($file)) {
                                                        echo "<br><center><a href=\"/save/iot_captures/$detail[0].pcap\">$detail[0].pcap</a> (";echo taille_fichier("/var/Save/iot_captures/".$detail[0].".pcap");echo ")</center>";
                                echo "</form></td>";
                        if ($conf['MULTIWAN'] !== 'off') {
                                if ($detail[4] == "1"){ // authenticated user
                                        foreach ($list_ip_gw as $ligne2){
                                                $detail2 = explode (" ", $ligne2);
                                                if ($detail2[0] == $detail[1]){
                                                        echo "<td>$detail2[1]</td>";
                                                        reset ($list_ip_gw);
                        else echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>"; 
                        unset ($mac_in_ether_file);
                        echo "</tr>";
                echo "</tbody>";