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namespace mbolli\nfsen_ng\api;
use mbolli\nfsen_ng\common\Config;
use mbolli\nfsen_ng\common\Debug;
class Api {
private readonly string $method;
private array $request;
public function __construct() {
header('Content-Type: application/json');
header('X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff');
header('X-Frame-Options: deny');
// try to read config
try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->error(503, $e->getMessage());
// get the HTTP method, path and body of the request
$this->method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
$this->request = explode('/', trim((string) $_GET['request'], '/'));
// only allow GET requests
// if at some time POST requests are enabled, check the request's content type (or return 406)
if ($this->method !== 'GET') {
// call correct method
if (!method_exists($this, $this->request[0])) {
// remove method name from $_REQUEST
$_REQUEST = array_filter($_REQUEST, fn ($x) => $x !== $this->request[0]);
$method = new \ReflectionMethod($this, $this->request[0]);
// check number of parameters
if ($method->getNumberOfRequiredParameters() > \count($_REQUEST)) {
$this->error(400, 'Not enough parameters');
$args = [];
// iterate over each parameter
foreach ($method->getParameters() as $arg) {
if (!isset($_REQUEST[$arg->name])) {
if ($arg->isOptional()) {
$this->error(400, 'Expected parameter ' . $arg->name);
/** @var ?\ReflectionNamedType $namedType */
$namedType = $arg->getType();
if ($namedType === null) {
// make sure the data types are correct
switch ($namedType->getName()) {
case 'int':
if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST[$arg->name])) {
$this->error(400, 'Expected type int for ' . $arg->name);
$args[$arg->name] = (int) $_REQUEST[$arg->name];
case 'array':
if (!\is_array($_REQUEST[$arg->name])) {
$this->error(400, 'Expected type array for ' . $arg->name);
$args[$arg->name] = $_REQUEST[$arg->name];
case 'string':
if (!\is_string($_REQUEST[$arg->name])) {
$this->error(400, 'Expected type string for ' . $arg->name);
$args[$arg->name] = $_REQUEST[$arg->name];
$args[$arg->name] = $_REQUEST[$arg->name];
// get output
$output = $this->{$this->request[0]}(...array_values($args));
// return output
if (\array_key_exists('csv', $_REQUEST)) {
// output CSV
header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export.csv');
$return = fopen('php://output', 'w');
foreach ($output as $i => $line) {
if ($i === 0) {
} // skip first line
fputcsv($return, $line);
} else {
// output JSON
echo json_encode($output, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
* Helper function, returns the http status and exits the application.
* @throws \JsonException
public function error(int $code, string $msg = ''): never {
$debug = Debug::getInstance();
$response = ['code' => $code, 'error' => ''];
switch ($code) {
case 400:
$response['error'] = '400 - Bad Request. ' . (empty($msg) ? 'Probably wrong or not enough arguments.' : $msg);
$debug->log($response['error'], \LOG_INFO);
case 401:
$response['error'] = '401 - Unauthorized. ' . $msg;
$debug->log($response['error'], \LOG_WARNING);
case 403:
$response['error'] = '403 - Forbidden. ' . $msg;
$debug->log($response['error'], \LOG_WARNING);
case 404:
$response['error'] = '404 - Not found. ' . $msg;
$debug->log($response['error'], \LOG_WARNING);
case 501:
$response['error'] = '501 - Method not implemented. ' . $msg;
$debug->log($response['error'], \LOG_WARNING);
case 503:
$response['error'] = '503 - Service unavailable. ' . $msg;
$debug->log($response['error'], \LOG_ERR);
echo json_encode($response, \JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
* Execute the processor to get statistics.
* @return array
public function stats(
int $datestart,
int $dateend,
array $sources,
string $filter,
int $top,
string $for,
string $limit,
array $output = [],
) {
$sources = implode(':', $sources);
$processor = Config::$processorClass;
$processor->setOption('-M', $sources); // multiple sources
$processor->setOption('-R', [$datestart, $dateend]); // date range
$processor->setOption('-n', $top);
if (\array_key_exists('format', $output)) {
$processor->setOption('-o', $output['format']);
if ($output['format'] === 'custom' && \array_key_exists('custom', $output) && !empty($output['custom'])) {
$processor->setOption('-o', 'fmt:' . $output['custom']);
$processor->setOption('-s', $for);
if (!empty($limit)) {
$processor->setOption('-l', $limit);
} // todo -L for traffic, -l for packets
try {
return $processor->execute();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->error(503, $e->getMessage());
* Execute the processor to get flows.
* @return array
public function flows(
int $datestart,
int $dateend,
array $sources,
string $filter,
int $limit,
string $aggregate,
string $sort,
array $output,
) {
$aggregate_command = '';
// nfdump -M /srv/nfsen/profiles-data/live/tiber:n048:gate:swibi:n055:swi6 -T -r 2017/04/10/nfcapd.201704101150 -c 20
$sources = implode(':', $sources);
if (!empty($aggregate)) {
$aggregate_command = ($aggregate === 'bidirectional') ? '-B' : '-A' . $aggregate;
} // no space inbetween
$processor = new Config::$processorClass();
$processor->setOption('-M', $sources); // multiple sources
$processor->setOption('-R', [$datestart, $dateend]); // date range
$processor->setOption('-c', $limit); // limit
$processor->setOption('-o', $output['format']);
if ($output['format'] === 'custom' && \array_key_exists('custom', $output) && !empty($output['custom'])) {
$processor->setOption('-o', 'fmt:' . $output['custom']);
if (!empty($sort)) {
$processor->setOption('-O', 'tstart');
if (!empty($aggregate_command)) {
$processor->setOption('-a', $aggregate_command);
try {
$return = $processor->execute();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->error(503, $e->getMessage());
return $return;
* Get data to build a graph.
* @return array|string
public function graph(
int $datestart,
int $dateend,
array $sources,
array $protocols,
array $ports,
string $type,
string $display,
) {
$graph = Config::$db->get_graph_data($datestart, $dateend, $sources, $protocols, $ports, $type, $display);
if (!\is_array($graph)) {
$this->error(400, $graph);
return $graph;
public function graph_stats(): void {}
* Get config info.
* @return array
public function config() {
$sources = Config::$cfg['general']['sources'];
$ports = Config::$cfg['general']['ports'];
$frontend = Config::$cfg['frontend'];
$stored_output_formats = []; // todo implement
$stored_filters = Config::$cfg['general']['filters'];
$folder = \dirname(__FILE__, 2);
$pidfile = $folder . '/';
$daemon_running = file_exists($pidfile);
// get date of first data point
$firstDataPoint = \PHP_INT_MAX;
foreach ($sources as $source) {
$firstDataPoint = min($firstDataPoint, Config::$db->date_boundaries($source)[0]);
$frontend['data_start'] = $firstDataPoint;
return [
'sources' => $sources,
'ports' => $ports,
'stored_output_formats' => $stored_output_formats,
'stored_filters' => $stored_filters,
'daemon_running' => $daemon_running,
'frontend' => $frontend,
'version' => Config::VERSION,
'tz_offset' => (new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()))->getOffset(new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'))) / 3600,
* executes the host command with a timeout of 5 seconds.
public function host(string $ip): string {
try {
// check ip format
if (!filter_var($ip, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
$this->error(400, 'Invalid IP address');
exec('host -W 5 ' . $ip, $output, $return_var);
if ($return_var !== 0) {
$this->error(404, 'Host command failed');
$output = implode(' ', $output);
if (!preg_match('/domain name pointer (.*)\./', $output, $matches)) {
$this->error(500, "Could not parse host output: {$output}");
return $matches[1];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->error(500, $e->getMessage());