Rev 2976 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log
var langxml = [], langarr = [], current_language = "", plugins = [], blocks = [], plugin_liste = [],
showCPUListExpanded, showCPUInfoExpanded, showNetworkInfosExpanded, showNetworkActiveSpeed, showCPULoadCompact, oldnetwork = [], refrTimer;
* generate a cookie, if not exist, and add an entry to it<br><br>
* inspired by <a href=""></a>
* @param {String} name name that holds the value
* @param {String} value value that needs to be stored
* @param {Number} days how many days the entry should be valid in the cookie
function createCookie(name, value, days) {
var date = new Date(), expires = "";
if (days) {
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
if (typeof(date.toUTCString)==="function") {
expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
} else {
expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
} else {
expires = "";
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/; samesite=strict";
* read a value out of a cookie and return the value<br><br>
* inspired by <a href=""></a>
* @param {String} name name of the value that should be retrieved
* @return {String}
function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = "", ca = [], c = '';
nameEQ = name + "=";
ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) === ' ') {
c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (!c.indexOf(nameEQ)) {
return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
return null;
* activates a given style and disables the old one in the document
* @param {String} template template that should be activated
function switchStyle(template) {
$("#PSI_Template")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/' + template + "_bootstrap.css");
* load the given translation an translate the entire page<br><br>retrieving the translation is done through a
* ajax call
* @private
* @param {String} plugin if plugin is given, the plugin translation file will be read instead of the main translation file
* @param {String} langarrId internal plugin name
* @return {jQuery} translation jQuery-Object
function getLanguage(plugin, langarrId) {
var getLangUrl = "";
if (current_language) {
getLangUrl = 'language/language.php?lang=' + current_language;
if (plugin) {
getLangUrl += "&plugin=" + plugin;
} else {
getLangUrl = 'language/language.php';
if (plugin) {
getLangUrl += "?plugin=" + plugin;
url: getLangUrl,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
timeout: 100000,
error: function error() {
$("#errors").append("<li><b>Error loading language</b> - " + getLangUrl + "</li><br>");
$("#errorbutton").attr('data-toggle', 'modal');
$("#errorbutton").css('cursor', 'pointer');
$("#errorbutton").css("visibility", "visible");
success: function buildblocks(xml) {
var idexp;
langxml[langarrId] = xml;
if (langarr[langarrId] === undefined) {
langarr[langarrId] = [];
$("expression", langxml[langarrId]).each(function langstore(id) {
idexp = $("expression", xml).get(id);
langarr[langarrId][this.getAttribute('id')] = $("exp", idexp).text().toString().replace(/\//g, "/<wbr>");
* generate a span tag
* @param {Number} id translation id in the xml file
* @param {String} [plugin] name of the plugin for which the tag should be generated
* @param {String} [defaultvalue] default value
* @return {String} string which contains generated span tag for translation string
function genlang(id, plugin, defaultvalue) {
var html = "", idString = "", plugname = "",
langarrId = current_language + "_";
if (plugin === undefined) {
plugname = "";
langarrId += "phpSysInfo";
} else {
plugname = plugin.toLowerCase();
langarrId += plugname;
if (id < 100) {
if (id < 10) {
idString = "00" + id.toString();
} else {
idString = "0" + id.toString();
} else {
idString = id.toString();
if (plugin) {
idString = "plugin_" + plugname + "_" + idString;
html += "<span class=\"lang_" + idString + "\">";
if ((langxml[langarrId] !== undefined) && (langarr[langarrId] !== undefined)) {
html += langarr[langarrId][idString];
} else if (defaultvalue !== undefined) {
html += defaultvalue;
html += "</span>";
return html;
* translates all expressions based on the translation xml file<br>
* translation expressions must be in the format <span class="lang_???"></span>, where ??? is
* the number of the translated expression in the xml file<br><br>if a translated expression is not found in the xml
* file nothing would be translated, so the initial value which is inside the span tag is displayed
* @param {String} [plugin] name of the plugin
function changeLanguage(plugin) {
var langarrId = current_language + "_";
if (plugin === undefined) {
langarrId += "phpSysInfo";
} else {
langarrId += plugin;
if (langxml[langarrId] !== undefined) {
} else {
getLanguage(plugin, langarrId);
function changeSpanLanguage(plugin) {
var langId = "", langStr = "", langarrId = current_language + "_";
if (plugin === undefined) {
langarrId += "phpSysInfo";
$('span[class*=lang_]').each(function translate(i) {
langId = this.className.substring(5);
if (langId.indexOf('plugin_') !== 0) { //does not begin with plugin_
langStr = langarr[langarrId][langId];
if (langStr !== undefined) {
if (langStr.length > 0) {
this.innerHTML = langStr;
$("#select").css( "display", "table-cell" ); //show if any language loaded
} else {
langarrId += plugin;
$('span[class*=lang_plugin_'+plugin.toLowerCase()+'_]').each(function translate(i) {
langId = this.className.substring(5);
langStr = langarr[langarrId][langId];
if (langStr !== undefined) {
if (langStr.length > 0) {
this.innerHTML = langStr;
$('#panel_'+plugin.toLowerCase()).show(); //show plugin if any language loaded
function reload(initiate) {
$("#errorbutton").css("visibility", "hidden");
$("#errorbutton").css('cursor', 'default');
$("#errorbutton").attr('data-toggle', '');
dataType: "json",
url: "xml.php?json",
error: function(jqXHR, status, thrownError) {
if ((status === "parsererror") && (typeof(xmlDoc = $.parseXML(jqXHR.responseText)) === "object")) {
var errs = 0;
try {
$(xmlDoc).find("Error").each(function() {
$("#errors").append("<li><b>"+$(this)[0].attributes.Function.nodeValue+"</b> - "+$(this)[0].attributes.Message.nodeValue.replace(/\n/g, "<br>")+"</li><br>");
catch (err) {
if (errs > 0) {
$("#errorbutton").attr('data-toggle', 'modal');
$("#errorbutton").css('cursor', 'pointer');
$("#errorbutton").css("visibility", "visible");
success: function (data) {
// console.log(data);
// data_dbg = data;
if ((typeof(initiate) === 'boolean') && (data.Options !== undefined) && (data.Options["@attributes"] !== undefined) && ((refrtime = data.Options["@attributes"].refresh) !== undefined) && (refrtime !== "0")) {
if ((initiate === false) && (typeof(refrTimer) === 'number')) {
refrTimer = setInterval(reload, refrtime);
for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
if ($("#reload_"+plugins[i]).length > 0) {
$("#reload_"+plugins[i]).attr("title", "reload");
if ((typeof(initiate) === 'boolean') && (initiate === true)) {
for (var j = 0; j < plugins.length; j++) {
if ($("#reload_"+plugins[j]).length > 0) {
function clickfunction(){
return function(){
plugin_request(; //cut "reload_" from name
$(this).attr("title", datetime());
* load the plugin json via ajax
function plugin_request(pluginname) {
dataType: "json",
url: "xml.php?plugin=" + pluginname + "&json",
pluginname: pluginname,
success: function (data) {
try {
for (var propertyName in data.Plugins) {
if ((data.Plugins[propertyName]["@attributes"] !== undefined) &&
((hostname = data.Plugins[propertyName]["@attributes"]["Hostname"]) !== undefined)) {
$('span[class=hostname_' + pluginname + ']').html(hostname);
// dynamic call
window['renderPlugin_' + this.pluginname](data);
catch (err) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var old_template = null, cookie_template = null, cookie_language = null, plugtmp = "", blocktmp = "", ua = null, useragent = navigator.userAgent;
if ($("#hideBootstrapLoader").val().toString()!=="true") {
$(document).ajaxStart(function () {
$("#loader").css("visibility", "visible");
$(document).ajaxStop(function () {
$("#loader").css("visibility", "hidden");
if ((ua=useragent.match(/Version\/(\d+)\.[\d\.]+ (Mobile\/\S+ )?Safari\//)) !== null) {
if (ua[1]<=5) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-safari5.css');
} else if (ua[1]<=8) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-safari8.css');
} else if ((ua=useragent.match(/Firefox\/(\d+)\.[\d\.]+/)) !== null) {
if (ua[1]<=15) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-firefox15.css');
} else if (ua[1]<=20) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-firefox20.css');
} else if (ua[1]<=27) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-firefox27.css');
} else if (ua[1]==28) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-firefox28.css');
} else if ((ua=useragent.match(/Midori\/(\d+)\.?(\d+)?/)) !== null) {
if ((ua[1]==0) && (ua.length==3) && (ua[2]<=4)) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-midori04.css');
} else if ((ua[1]==0) && (ua.length==3) && (ua[2]==5)) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-midori05.css');
} else if ((ua=useragent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\.[\d\.]+/)) !== null) {
if (ua[1]<=25) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-chrome25.css');
} else if (ua[1]<=28) {
$("#PSI_CSS_Fix")[0].setAttribute('href', 'templates/vendor/bootstrap-chrome28.css');
showCPUListExpanded = $("#showCPUListExpanded").val().toString()==="true";
showCPUInfoExpanded = $("#showCPUInfoExpanded").val().toString()==="true";
showNetworkInfosExpanded = $("#showNetworkInfosExpanded").val().toString()==="true";
showCPULoadCompact = $("#showCPULoadCompact").val().toString()==="true";
switch ($("#showNetworkActiveSpeed").val().toString()) {
case "bps": showNetworkActiveSpeed = 2;
case "true": showNetworkActiveSpeed = 1;
default: showNetworkActiveSpeed = 0;
blocktmp = $("#blocks").val().toString();
if (blocktmp.length >0 ){
if (blocktmp === "true") {
blocks[0] = "true";
} else {
blocks = blocktmp.split(',');
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
if ($("#block_"+blocks[i]).length > 0) {
plugtmp = $("#plugins").val().toString();
if (plugtmp.length >0 ){
plugins = plugtmp.split(',');
if ($("#language option").length < 2) {
current_language = $("#language").val().toString();
/* not visible any objects
/* plugin_liste not initialized yet
for (var i = 0; i < plugin_liste.length; i++) {
} else {
cookie_language = readCookie("psi_language");
if (cookie_language !== null) {
current_language = cookie_language;
} else {
current_language = $("#language").val().toString();
/* not visible any objects
/* plugin_liste not initialized yet
for (var i = 0; i < plugin_liste.length; i++) {
$("#langblock").css( "display", "inline-block" );
$("#language").change(function changeLang() {
current_language = $("#language").val().toString();
createCookie('psi_language', current_language, 365);
for (var i = 0; i < plugin_liste.length; i++) {
return false;
if ($("#template option").length < 2) {
} else {
cookie_template = readCookie("psi_bootstrap_template");
if (cookie_template !== null) {
old_template = $("#template").val();
if ($("#template").val() === null) {
$("#tempblock").css( "display", "inline-block" );
$("#template").change(function changeTemplate() {
createCookie('psi_bootstrap_template', $("#template").val().toString(), 365);
return false;
$(".logo").click(function () {
Array.prototype.push_attrs=function(element) {
for (var i = 0; i < element.length ; i++) {
return i;
function full_addr(ip_string) {
var wrongvalue = false;
ip_string = $.trim(ip_string).toLowerCase();
// ipv4 notation
if (ip_string.match(/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$)/)) {
ip_string ='::ffff:' + ip_string;
// replace ipv4 address if any
var ipv4 = ip_string.match(/(.*:)([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$)/);
if (ipv4) {
ip_string = ipv4[1];
ipv4 = ipv4[2].match(/[0-9]+/g);
for (var i = 0;i < 4;i ++) {
var byte = parseInt(ipv4[i], 10);
if (byte<256) {
ipv4[i] = ("0" + byte.toString(16)).substr(-2);
} else {
wrongvalue = true;
if (wrongvalue) {
ip_string = '';
} else {
ip_string += ipv4[0] + ipv4[1] + ':' + ipv4[2] + ipv4[3];
if (ip_string === '') {
return '';
// take care of leading and trailing ::
ip_string = ip_string.replace(/^:|:$/g, '');
var ipv6 = ip_string.split(':');
for (var li = 0; li < ipv6.length; li ++) {
var hex = ipv6[li];
if (hex !== "") {
if (!hex.match(/^[0-9a-f]{1,4}$/)) {
wrongvalue = true;
// normalize leading zeros
ipv6[li] = ("0000" + hex).substr(-4);
else {
// normalize grouped zeros ::
hex = [];
for (var j = ipv6.length; j <= 8; j ++) {
ipv6[li] = hex.join(':');
if (!wrongvalue) {
var out = ipv6.join(':');
if (out.length == 39) {
return out;
} else {
return '';
} else {
return '';
sorttable.sort_ip=function(a,b) {
var x = full_addr(a[0]);
var y = full_addr(b[0]);
if ((x === '') || (y === '')) {
x = a[0];
y = b[0];
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
function items(data) {
if (data !== undefined) {
if ((data.length > 0) && (data[0] !== undefined) && (data[0]["@attributes"] !== undefined)) {
return data;
} else if (data["@attributes"] !== undefined ) {
return [data];
} else {
return [];
} else {
return [];
function renderVitals(data) {
var hostname = "", ip = "";
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('vitals', blocks) < 0))) {
if ((data.Vitals !== undefined) && (data.Vitals["@attributes"] !== undefined) && ((hostname = data.Vitals["@attributes"].Hostname) !== undefined) && ((ip = data.Vitals["@attributes"].IPAddr) !== undefined)) {
document.title = "System information: " + hostname + " (" + ip + ")";
var directives = {
Uptime: {
html: function () {
return formatUptime(this.Uptime);
LastBoot: {
text: function () {
var lastboot;
var timestamp = 0;
var datetimeFormat;
if ((data.Generation !== undefined) && (data.Generation["@attributes"] !== undefined) && (data.Generation["@attributes"].timestamp !== undefined) ) {
timestamp = parseInt(data.Generation["@attributes"].timestamp, 10) * 1000; //server time
if (isNaN(timestamp)) timestamp = Number(new Date()); //client time
} else {
timestamp = Number(new Date()); //client time
lastboot = new Date(timestamp - (parseInt(this.Uptime, 10) * 1000));
if (((datetimeFormat = data.Options["@attributes"].datetimeFormat) !== undefined) && (datetimeFormat.toLowerCase() === "locale")) {
return lastboot.toLocaleString();
} else {
if (typeof(lastboot.toUTCString) === "function") {
return lastboot.toUTCString();
} else {
return lastboot.toGMTString();
Distro: {
html: function () {
return '<table class="borderless table-hover table-nopadding" style="width:100%;"><tr><td style="padding-right:4px!important;width:32px;"><img src="gfx/images/' + this.Distroicon + '" alt="" style="width:32px;height:32px;" /></td><td style="vertical-align:middle;">' + this.Distro + '</td></tr></table>';
OS: {
html: function () {
return '<table class="borderless table-hover table-nopadding" style="width:100%;"><tr><td style="padding-right:4px!important;width:32px;"><img src="gfx/images/' + this.OS + '.png" alt="" style="width:32px;height:32px;" /></td><td style="vertical-align:middle;">' + this.OS + '</td></tr></table>';
LoadAvg: {
html: function () {
if (this.CPULoad !== undefined) {
return '<table class="borderless table-hover table-nopadding" style="width:100%;"><tr><td style="padding-right:4px!important;width:50%;">'+this.LoadAvg + '</td><td><div class="progress">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width:' + round(this.CPULoad,0) + '%;"></div>' +
'</div><div class="percent">' + round(this.CPULoad,0) + '%</div></td></tr></table>';
} else {
return this.LoadAvg;
Processes: {
html: function () {
var processes = "", p111 = 0, p112 = 0, p113 = 0, p114 = 0, p115 = 0, p116 = 0;
var not_first = false;
processes = parseInt(this.Processes, 10);
if (processes > 0) {
if (this.ProcessesRunning !== undefined) {
p111 = parseInt(this.ProcessesRunning, 10);
if (this.ProcessesSleeping !== undefined) {
p112 = parseInt(this.ProcessesSleeping, 10);
if (this.ProcessesStopped !== undefined) {
p113 = parseInt(this.ProcessesStopped, 10);
if (this.ProcessesZombie !== undefined) {
p114 = parseInt(this.ProcessesZombie, 10);
if (this.ProcessesWaiting !== undefined) {
p115 = parseInt(this.ProcessesWaiting, 10);
if (this.ProcessesOther !== undefined) {
p116 = parseInt(this.ProcessesOther, 10);
if (p111 || p112 || p113 || p114 || p115 || p116) {
processes += " (";
for (var proc_type in {111:0,112:1,113:2,114:3,115:4,116:5}) {
if (eval("p" + proc_type)) {
if (not_first) {
processes += ", ";
processes += eval("p" + proc_type) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(proc_type);
not_first = true;
processes += ")";
return processes;
if (data.Vitals["@attributes"].SysLang === undefined) {
if (data.Vitals["@attributes"].CodePage === undefined) {
if (data.Vitals["@attributes"].Processes === undefined) {
$('#vitals').render(data.Vitals["@attributes"], directives);
if ((data.Vitals !== undefined) && (data.Vitals["@attributes"] !== undefined) && ((hostname = data.Vitals["@attributes"].Hostname) !== undefined) && ((ip = data.Vitals["@attributes"].IPAddr) !== undefined)) {
document.title = "System information: " + hostname + " (" + ip + ")";
function renderHardware(data) {
var hw_type, datas, proc_param, i;
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('hardware', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
Model: {
text: function () {
return this.Model;
CpuSpeed: {
html: function () {
return formatHertz(this.CpuSpeed);
CpuSpeedMax: {
html: function () {
return formatHertz(this.CpuSpeedMax);
CpuSpeedMin: {
html: function () {
return formatHertz(this.CpuSpeedMin);
Cache: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this.Cache, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat);
BusSpeed: {
html: function () {
return formatHertz(this.BusSpeed);
Cputemp: {
html: function () {
return formatTemp(this.Cputemp, data.Options["@attributes"].tempFormat);
Voltage: {
html: function() {
return round(this.Voltage, 2) + ' V';
Bogomips: {
text: function () {
return parseInt(this.Bogomips, 10);
Load: {
html: function () {
return '<div class="progress">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width:' + round(this.Load,0) + '%;"></div>' +
'</div><div class="percent">' + round(this.Load,0) + '%</div>';
var hw_directives = {
hwName: {
html: function() {
return this.Name;
hwCount: {
text: function() {
if ((this.Count !== undefined) && !isNaN(this.Count) && (parseInt(this.Count, 10)>1)) {
return parseInt(this.Count, 10);
} else {
return "";
var mem_directives = {
Speed: {
html: function() {
return formatMTps(this.Speed);
Voltage: {
html: function() {
return round(this.Voltage, 2) + ' V';
Capacity: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this.Capacity, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat);
var dev_directives = {
Speed: {
html: function() {
return formatBPS(1000000*this.Speed);
Capacity: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this.Capacity, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat);
var html="";
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"] !== undefined) {
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Name !== undefined) {
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-Machine\">";
html+="<th style=\"width:8%;\">"+genlang(107)+"</th>"; //Machine
html+="<td colspan=\"2\"><span data-bind=\"Name\"></span></td>";
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Virtualizer !== undefined) {
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-Virtualizer\">";
html+="<th style=\"width:8%;\">"+genlang(134)+"</th>"; //Virtualizer
html+="<td colspan=\"2\"><span data-bind=\"Virtualizer\"></span></td>";
var paramlist = {CpuSpeed:13,CpuSpeedMax:100,CpuSpeedMin:101,Cache:15,Virt:94,BusSpeed:14,Voltage:52,Bogomips:16,Cputemp:51,Manufacturer:122,Load:9};
try {
datas = items(data.Hardware.CPU.CpuCore);
for (i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-CPU\" class=\"treegrid-CPU\">";
html+="<td><span class=\"treegrid-span\">" + genlang(119) + ":</span></td>"; //Number of processors
html+="<td class=\"rightCell\"><span id=\"CPUCount\"></span></td>";
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-CPU-" + i +"\" class=\"treegrid-CPU-" + i +" treegrid-parent-CPU\">";
if (showCPULoadCompact && (datas[i]["@attributes"].Load !== undefined)) {
html+="<td><span class=\"treegrid-span\" data-bind=\"Model\"></span></td>";
html+="<td style=\"width:15%;\" class=\"rightCell\"><span data-bind=\"Load\"></span></td>";
} else {
html+="<td colspan=\"2\"><span class=\"treegrid-span\" data-bind=\"Model\"></span></td>";
for (proc_param in paramlist) {
if (((proc_param !== 'Load') || !showCPULoadCompact) && (datas[i]["@attributes"][proc_param] !== undefined)) {
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-CPU-" + i + "-" + proc_param + "\" class=\"treegrid-parent-CPU-" + i +"\">";
html+="<td><span class=\"treegrid-span\">" + genlang(paramlist[proc_param]) + "<span></td>";
html+="<td class=\"rightCell\"><span data-bind=\"" + proc_param + "\"></span></td>";
catch (err) {
var devparamlist = {Capacity:43,Manufacturer:122,Product:123,Speed:129,Voltage:52,Serial:124};
for (hw_type in {MEM:0,PCI:1,IDE:2,SCSI:3,NVMe:4,USB:5,TB:6,I2C:7}) {
try {
if (hw_type == 'MEM') {
datas = items(data.Hardware[hw_type].Chip);
} else {
datas = items(data.Hardware[hw_type].Device);
for (i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-" + hw_type + "\" class=\"treegrid-" + hw_type + "\">";
html+="<th>" + hw_type + "</th>";
if (hw_type == 'MEM') {
html+="<td><span class=\"treegrid-span\">" + genlang('128') + ":</span></td>"; //Number of memories
} else {
html+="<td><span class=\"treegrid-span\">" + genlang('120') + ":</span></td>"; //Number of devices
html+="<td class=\"rightCell\"><span id=\"" + hw_type + "Count\"></span></td>";
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-" + hw_type + "-" + i +"\" class=\"treegrid-" + hw_type + "-" + i +" treegrid-parent-" + hw_type + "\">";
html+="<td><span class=\"treegrid-span\" data-bind=\"hwName\"></span></td>";
html+="<td class=\"rightCell\"><span data-bind=\"hwCount\"></span></td>";
for (proc_param in devparamlist) {
if (datas[i]["@attributes"][proc_param] !== undefined) {
html+="<tr id=\"hardware-" + hw_type +"-" + i + "-" + proc_param + "\" class=\"treegrid-parent-" + hw_type +"-" + i +"\">";
html+="<td><span class=\"treegrid-span\">" + genlang(devparamlist[proc_param]) + "<span></td>";
html+="<td class=\"rightCell\"><span data-bind=\"" + proc_param + "\"></span></td>";
catch (err) {
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"] !== undefined) {
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Name !== undefined) {
if (data.Hardware["@attributes"].Virtualizer !== undefined) {
try {
datas = items(data.Hardware.CPU.CpuCore);
for (i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
$('#hardware-CPU-'+ i).render(datas[i]["@attributes"], directives);
for (proc_param in paramlist) {
if (((proc_param !== 'Load') || !showCPULoadCompact) && (datas[i]["@attributes"][proc_param] !== undefined)) {
$('#hardware-CPU-'+ i +'-'+proc_param).render(datas[i]["@attributes"], directives);
if (i > 0) {
catch (err) {
var licz;
for (hw_type in {MEM:0,PCI:1,IDE:2,SCSI:3,NVMe:4,USB:5,TB:6,I2C:7}) {
try {
licz = 0;
if (hw_type == 'MEM') {
datas = items(data.Hardware[hw_type].Chip);
} else {
datas = items(data.Hardware[hw_type].Device);
for (i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
$('#hardware-'+hw_type+'-'+ i).render(datas[i]["@attributes"], hw_directives);
if ((datas[i]["@attributes"].Count !== undefined) && !isNaN(datas[i]["@attributes"].Count) && (parseInt(datas[i]["@attributes"].Count, 10)>1)) {
licz += parseInt(datas[i]["@attributes"].Count, 10);
} else {
if (hw_type == 'MEM') {
for (proc_param in devparamlist) {
if ((datas[i]["@attributes"][proc_param] !== undefined)) {
$('#hardware-'+hw_type+'-'+ i +'-'+proc_param).render(datas[i]["@attributes"], mem_directives);
} else {
for (proc_param in devparamlist) {
if ((datas[i]["@attributes"][proc_param] !== undefined)) {
$('#hardware-'+hw_type+'-'+ i +'-'+proc_param).render(datas[i]["@attributes"], dev_directives);
if (i > 0) {
$("#" + hw_type + "Count").html(licz);
catch (err) {
initialState: 'collapsed',
expanderExpandedClass: 'normalicon normalicon-down',
expanderCollapsedClass: 'normalicon normalicon-right'
if (showCPUListExpanded) {
try {
catch (err) {
if (showCPUInfoExpanded && showCPUListExpanded) {
try {
datas = items(data.Hardware.CPU.CpuCore);
for (i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
catch (err) {
function renderMemory(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('memory', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
Total: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this["@attributes"].Total, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat);
Free: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this["@attributes"].Free, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat);
Used: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this["@attributes"].Used, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat);
Usage: {
html: function () {
if ((this.Details === undefined) || (this.Details["@attributes"] === undefined)) {
return '<div class="progress">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width:' + this["@attributes"].Percent + '%;"></div>' +
'</div><div class="percent">' + this["@attributes"].Percent + '%</div>';
} else {
var rest = parseInt(this["@attributes"].Percent, 10);
var html = '<div class="progress">';
if ((this.Details["@attributes"].AppPercent !== undefined) && (this.Details["@attributes"].AppPercent > 0)) {
html += '<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width:' + this.Details["@attributes"].AppPercent + '%;"></div>';
rest -= parseInt(this.Details["@attributes"].AppPercent, 10);
if ((this.Details["@attributes"].CachedPercent !== undefined) && (this.Details["@attributes"].CachedPercent > 0)) {
html += '<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning" style="width:' + this.Details["@attributes"].CachedPercent + '%;"></div>';
rest -= parseInt(this.Details["@attributes"].CachedPercent, 10);
if ((this.Details["@attributes"].BuffersPercent !== undefined) && (this.Details["@attributes"].BuffersPercent > 0)) {
html += '<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" style="width:' + this.Details["@attributes"].BuffersPercent + '%;"></div>';
rest -= parseInt(this.Details["@attributes"].BuffersPercent, 10);
if (rest > 0) {
html += '<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width:' + rest + '%;"></div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="percent">' + 'Total: ' + this["@attributes"].Percent + '% ' + '<i>(';
var not_first = false;
if (this.Details["@attributes"].AppPercent !== undefined) {
html += genlang(64) + ': '+ this.Details["@attributes"].AppPercent + '%'; //Kernel + apps
not_first = true;
if (this.Details["@attributes"].CachedPercent !== undefined) {
if (not_first) html += ' - ';
html += genlang(66) + ': ' + this.Details["@attributes"].CachedPercent + '%'; //Cache
not_first = true;
if (this.Details["@attributes"].BuffersPercent !== undefined) {
if (not_first) html += ' - ';
html += genlang(65) + ': ' + this.Details["@attributes"].BuffersPercent + '%'; //Buffers
html += ')</i></div>';
return html;
Type: {
html: function () {
return genlang(28); //Physical Memory
var directive_swap = {
Total: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this.Total, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat);
Free: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this.Free, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat);
Used: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this.Used, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat);
Usage: {
html: function () {
return '<div class="progress">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width:' + this.Percent + '%;"></div>' +
'</div><div class="percent">' + this.Percent + '%</div>';
Name: {
html: function () {
return this.Name + '<br>' + ((this.MountPoint !== undefined) ? this.MountPoint : this.MountPointID);
var data_memory = [];
if (data.Memory.Swap !== undefined) {
var datas = items(data.Memory.Swap.Mount);
$('#swap-data').render(data_memory, directive_swap);
} else {
$('#memory-data').render(data.Memory, directives);
function renderFilesystem(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('filesystem', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
Total: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this.Total, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat, (this.Ignore !== undefined) && (this.Ignore > 0) && showtotals);
Free: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this.Free, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat, (this.Ignore !== undefined) && (this.Ignore > 0) && showtotals);
Used: {
html: function () {
return formatBytes(this.Used, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat, (this.Ignore !== undefined) && (this.Ignore >= 3) && showtotals);
MountPoint: {
text: function () {
return ((this.MountPoint !== undefined) ? this.MountPoint : this.MountPointID);
Name: {
html: function () {
return this.Name.replace(/;/g, ";<wbr>") + ((this.MountOptions !== undefined) ? '<br><i>(' + this.MountOptions + ')</i>' : '');
Percent: {
html: function () {
var used1 = (this.Total != 0) ? Math.ceil((this.Used / this.Total) * 100) : 0;
var used2 = Math.ceil(this.Percent);
var used21= used2 - used1;
if (used21 > 0) {
return '
' + '(parseInt(this.Percent, 10) >= parseInt(data.Options["@attributes"].threshold, 10))) ) ? 'progress-bar progress-bar-danger' : 'progress-bar progress-bar-info' ) +
'" style="width:' + used1 + '% ;">
div>' +
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-warning" style="width:' + used21 + '% ;"></div>'
div><div class="percent">' + this.Percent + '% ' + ((this.Inodes !== undefined) ? '<i>(' + this.Inodes + '%)</i>' : '') + 'div>';
} else {
return '
<div class="progress">' + '<div class="' +
( ( ((this.Ignore == undefined) || (this.Ignore < 4)) && ((data.Options["
@attributes"].threshold !== undefined) &&
(parseInt(this.Percent, 10) >= parseInt(data.Options["
@attributes"].threshold, 10))) ) ? 'progress-bar progress-bar-danger' : 'progress-bar progress-bar-info' ) +
style="width:' + used2 + '% ;"></div>' +
div>' + '<div class="percent">' + this.Percent + '% ' + ((this.Inodes !== undefined) ? '<i>(' + this.Inodes + '%)</i>' : '') + 'div>';
try {
var fs_data = [];
var datas = items(data.FileSystem.Mount);
var total = {Total:0,Free:0,Used:0};
var showtotals = $("#hideTotals").val().toString()!=="true";
for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
if (showtotals) {
if ((datas[i]["@attributes"].Ignore !== undefined) && (datas[i]["@attributes"].Ignore > 0)) {
if (datas[i]["@attributes"].Ignore == 2) {
total.Used += parseInt(datas[i]["@attributes"].Used, 10);
} else if (datas[i]["@attributes"].Ignore == 1) {
total.Total += parseInt(datas[i]["@attributes"].Used, 10);
total.Used += parseInt(datas[i]["@attributes"].Used, 10);
} else {
total.Total += parseInt(datas[i]["@attributes"].Total, 10);
total.Free += parseInt(datas[i]["@attributes"].Free, 10);
total.Used += parseInt(datas[i]["@attributes"].Used, 10);
total.Percent = (total.Total != 0) ? round(100 - (total.Free / total.Total) * 100, 2) : 0;
if (i > 0) {
#filesystem-data').render(fs_data, directives);
if (showtotals) {
#filesystem-foot').render(total, directives);
#filesystem_MountPoint').removeClass("sorttable_sorted"); //reset sort order
// sorttable.innerSortFunction.apply(document.getElementById('
filesystem_MountPoint'), []);
#filesystem_MountPoint')[0], []);
} else {
catch (err) {
function renderNetwork(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('
network', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
RxBytes: {
html: function () {
var htmladd = '
if (showNetworkActiveSpeed && ($.inArray(this.Name, oldnetwork) >= 0)) {
var diff, difftime;
if (((diff = this.RxBytes - oldnetwork[this.Name].RxBytes) > 0) && ((difftime = data.Generation["@attributes"].timestamp - oldnetwork[this.Name].timestamp) > 0)) {
if (showNetworkActiveSpeed == 2) {
htmladd ="<br><i>("+formatBPS(round(8*diff/difftime, 2))+")</i>";
} else {
htmladd ="<br><i>("+formatBytes(round(diff/difftime, 2), data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat)+"/s)</i>";
return formatBytes(this.RxBytes, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat) + htmladd;
TxBytes: {
html: function () {
var htmladd = '
if (showNetworkActiveSpeed && ($.inArray(this.Name, oldnetwork) >= 0)) {
var diff, difftime;
if (((diff = this.TxBytes - oldnetwork[this.Name].TxBytes) > 0) && ((difftime = data.Generation["@attributes"].timestamp - oldnetwork[this.Name].timestamp) > 0)) {
if (showNetworkActiveSpeed == 2) {
htmladd ="<br><i>("+formatBPS(round(8*diff/difftime, 2))+")</i>";
} else {
htmladd ="<br><i>("+formatBytes(round(diff/difftime, 2), data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat)+"/s)</i>";
return formatBytes(this.TxBytes, data.Options["@attributes"].byteFormat) + htmladd;
Drops: {
html: function () {
return this.Err + "/<wbr>" + this.Drops;
var html = "";
var preoldnetwork = [];
try {
var datas = items(data.Network.NetDevice);
for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
html+="<tr id=\"network-" + i +"\" class=\"treegrid-network-" + i + "\">";
html+="<td><span class=\"treegrid-spanbold\" data-bind=\"Name\"></span></td>";
html+="<td class=\"rightCell\"><span data-bind=\"RxBytes\"></span></td>";
html+="<td class=\"rightCell\"><span data-bind=\"TxBytes\"></span></td>";
html+="<td class=\"rightCell\"><span data-bind=\"Drops\"></span></td>";
var info = datas[i]["@attributes"].Info;
if ( (info !== undefined) && (info !== "") ) {
var infos = info.replace(/:/g, "<wbr>:").split(";"); /* split long addresses */
for (var j = 0; j < infos.length; j++){
html +="<tr class=\"treegrid-parent-network-" + i + "\"><td colspan=\"4\"><span class=\"treegrid-span\">" + infos[j] + "</span></td></tr>";
if (i > 0) {
for (var k = 0; k < datas.length; k++) {
#network-' + k).render(datas[k]["@attributes"], directives);
if (showNetworkActiveSpeed) {
preoldnetwork[datas[k]["@attributes"].Name] = {timestamp:data.Generation["@attributes"].timestamp, RxBytes:datas[k]["@attributes"].RxBytes, TxBytes:datas[k]["@attributes"].TxBytes};
initialState: showNetworkInfosExpanded?'
expanderExpandedClass: '
normalicon normalicon-down',
expanderCollapsedClass: '
normalicon normalicon-right'
} else {
catch (err) {
if (showNetworkActiveSpeed) {
while (oldnetwork.length > 0) {
delete oldnetwork[oldnetwork.length-1]; //remove last object
oldnetwork.pop(); //remove last object reference from array
oldnetwork = preoldnetwork;
function renderVoltage(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('
voltage', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
Value: {
text: function () {
return round(this.Value,2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + "V";
Min: {
text: function () {
if (this.Min !== undefined)
return round(this.Min,2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + "V";
Max: {
text: function () {
if (this.Max !== undefined)
return round(this.Max,2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + "V";
Label: {
html: function () {
if (this.Event === undefined)
return this.Label;
return this.Label + " <img style=\"vertical-align:middle;width:20px;\" src=\"./gfx/attention.gif\" alt=\"!\" title=\"" + this.Event + "\"/>";
try {
var voltage_data = [];
var datas = items(data.MBInfo.Voltage.Item);
if (voltage_data.push_attrs(datas) > 0) {
#voltage-data').render(voltage_data, directives);
} else {
catch (err) {
function renderTemperature(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('
temperature', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
Value: {
html: function () {
return formatTemp(this.Value, data.Options["@attributes"].tempFormat);
Max: {
html: function () {
if (this.Max !== undefined)
return formatTemp(this.Max, data.Options["@attributes"].tempFormat);
Label: {
html: function () {
if (this.Event === undefined)
return this.Label;
return this.Label + " <img style=\"vertical-align:middle;width:20px;\" src=\"./gfx/attention.gif\" alt=\"!\" title=\"" + this.Event + "\"/>";
try {
var temperature_data = [];
var datas = items(data.MBInfo.Temperature.Item);
if (temperature_data.push_attrs(datas) > 0) {
#temperature-data').render(temperature_data, directives);
} else {
catch (err) {
function renderFans(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('
fans', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
Value: {
html: function () {
if (this.Unit === "%") {
return '
<div class="progress">' +
<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width:' + round(this.Value,0) + '%;"></div>' +
div><div class="percent">' + round(this.Value,0) + '%</div>';
} else {
return round(this.Value,0) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(63); /
Min: {
html: function () {
if (this.Min !== undefined) {
if (this.Unit === "%") {
return round(this.Min,0) + "%";
} else {
return round(this.Min,0) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(63); /
Label: {
html: function () {
if (this.Event === undefined)
return this.Label;
return this.Label + "
gfx/attention.gif\" alt=\"!\" title=\"" + this.Event + "\"/>";
try {
var fans_data = [];
var datas = items(data.MBInfo.Fans.Item);
if (fans_data.push_attrs(datas) > 0) {
$('#fans-data').render(fans_data, directives);
} else {
catch (err) {
function renderPower(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "
true") && ($.inArray('power', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
Value: {
text: function () {
return round(this.Value,2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + "
Max: {
text: function () {
if (this.Max !== undefined)
return round(this.Max,2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + "
Label: {
html: function () {
if (this.Event === undefined)
return this.Label;
return this.Label + "
<img style=\"vertical-align:middle;width:20px;\" src=\"./gfx/attention.gif\" alt=\"!\" title=\"" + this.Event + "\"/>";
try {
var power_data = [];
var datas = items(data.MBInfo.Power.Item);
if (power_data.push_attrs(datas) > 0) {
$('#power-data').render(power_data, directives);
} else {
catch (err) {
function renderCurrent(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('current', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
Value: {
text: function () {
return round(this.Value,2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + "A";
Min: {
text: function () {
if (this.Min !== undefined)
return round(this.Min,2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + "A";
Max: {
text: function () {
if (this.Max !== undefined)
return round(this.Max,2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + "A";
Label: {
html: function () {
if (this.Event === undefined)
return this.Label;
return this.Label + " <img style=\"vertical-align:middle;width:20px;\" src=\"./gfx/attention.gif\" alt=\"!\" title=\"" + this.Event + "\"/>";
try {
var current_data = [];
var datas = items(data.MBInfo.Current.Item);
if (current_data.push_attrs(datas) > 0) {
$('#current-data').render(current_data, directives);
} else {
catch (err) {
function renderOther(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('other', blocks) < 0))) {
var directives = {
Value: {
html: function () {
if (this.Unit === "%") {
return '<div class="progress">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width:' + round(this.Value,0) + '%;"></div>' +
'</div><div class="percent">' + round(this.Value,0) + '%</div>';
// return round(this.Value,0) + "%";
} else {
return this.Value;
Label: {
html: function () {
if (this.Event === undefined)
return this.Label;
return this.Label + " <img style=\"vertical-align:middle;width:20px;\" src=\"./gfx/attention.gif\" alt=\"!\" title=\"" + this.Event + "\"/>";
try {
var other_data = [];
var datas = items(data.MBInfo.Other.Item);
if (other_data.push_attrs(datas) > 0) {
$('#other-data').render(other_data, directives);
} else {
catch (err) {
function renderUPS(data) {
if ((blocks.length <= 0) || ((blocks[0] !== "true") && ($.inArray('ups', blocks) < 0))) {
var i, datas, proc_param;
var directives = {
Name: {
text: function () {
return this.Name + ((this.Mode !== undefined) ? " (" + this.Mode + ")" : "");
LineVoltage: {
html: function () {
return this.LineVoltage + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(82); //V
LineFrequency: {
html: function () {
return this.LineFrequency + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(109); //Hz
BatteryVoltage: {
html: function () {
return this.BatteryVoltage + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(82); //V
TimeLeftMinutes: {
html: function () {
return this.TimeLeftMinutes + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(83); //minutes
LoadPercent: {
html: function () {
return '<div class="progress">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width:' + round(this.LoadPercent,0) + '%;"></div>' +
'</div><div class="percent">' + round(this.LoadPercent,0) + '%</div>';
BatteryChargePercent: {
html: function () {
return '<div class="progress">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width:' + round(this.BatteryChargePercent,0) + '%;"></div>' +
'</div><div class="percent">' + round(this.BatteryChargePercent,0) + '%</div>';
if ((data.UPSInfo !== undefined) && (items(data.UPSInfo.UPS).length > 0)) {
var html="";
var paramlist = {Model:70,StartTime:72,Status:73,BeeperStatus:133,Temperature:84,OutagesCount:74,LastOutage:75,LastOutageFinish:76,LineVoltage:77,LineFrequency:108,LoadPercent:78,BatteryDate:104,BatteryVoltage:79,BatteryChargePercent:80,TimeLeftMinutes:81};
try {
datas = items(data.UPSInfo.UPS);
for (i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
html+="<tr id=\"ups-" + i +"\" class=\"treegrid-UPS-" + i+ "\">";
html+="<td colspan=\"2\"><span class=\"treegrid-spanbold\" data-bind=\"Name\"></span></td>";
for (proc_param in paramlist) {
if (datas[i]["@attributes"][proc_param] !== undefined) {
html+="<tr id=\"ups-" + i + "-" + proc_param + "\" class=\"treegrid-parent-UPS-" + i +"\">";
html+="<td style=\"width:60%;\"><span class=\"treegrid-spanbold\">" + genlang(paramlist[proc_param]) + "</span></td>";
html+="<td class=\"rightCell\"><span data-bind=\"" + proc_param + "\"></span></td>";
catch (err) {
if ((data.UPSInfo["@attributes"] !== undefined) && (data.UPSInfo["@attributes"].ApcupsdCgiLinks === "1")) {
html+="<td colspan=\"2\">(<a title='details' href='/cgi-bin/apcupsd/multimon.cgi' target='apcupsdcgi'>"+genlang(99)+"</a>)</td>";
try {
datas = items(data.UPSInfo.UPS);
for (i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
$('#ups-'+ i).render(datas[i]["@attributes"], directives);
for (proc_param in paramlist) {
if (datas[i]["@attributes"][proc_param] !== undefined) {
$('#ups-'+ i +'-'+proc_param).render(datas[i]["@attributes"], directives);
catch (err) {
initialState: 'expanded',
expanderExpandedClass: 'normalicon normalicon-down',
expanderCollapsedClass: 'normalicon normalicon-right'
} else {
function renderErrors(data) {
try {
var datas = items(data.Errors.Error);
for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
$("#errors").append("<li><b>"+datas[i]["@attributes"].Function+"</b> - "+datas[i]["@attributes"].Message.replace(/\n/g, "<br>")+"</li><br>");
if (i > 0) {
$("#errorbutton").attr('data-toggle', 'modal');
$("#errorbutton").css('cursor', 'pointer');
$("#errorbutton").css("visibility", "visible");
catch (err) {
$("#errorbutton").css("visibility", "hidden");
$("#errorbutton").css('cursor', 'default');
$("#errorbutton").attr('data-toggle', '');
* format seconds to a better readable statement with days, hours and minutes
* @param {Number} sec seconds that should be formatted
* @return {String} html string with no breaking spaces and translation statemen
function formatUptime(sec) {
var txt = "", intMin = 0, intHours = 0, intDays = 0;
intMin = sec / 60;
intHours = intMin /
intDays = Math.floor(intHours / 24);
intHours = Math.floor(intHours - (intDays * 24));
intMin = Math.floor(intMin - (intDays * 60 * 24) - (intHours * 60));
if (intDays) {
txt += intDays.toString() + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(48) + String.fromCharCode(160); /
if (intHours) {
txt += intHours.toString() + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(49) + String.fromCharCode(160); /
return txt + intMin.toString() + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(50); /
* format a celcius temperature to fahrenheit and also append the right suffix
* @param {String} degreeC temperature in celvius
* @param {jQuery} xml phpSysInfo-XML
* @return {String} html string with no breaking spaces and translation statements
function formatTemp(degreeC, tempFormat) {
var degree = 0;
if (tempFormat === undefined) {
tempFormat = "c";
degree = parseFloat(degreeC);
if (isNaN(degreeC)) {
return "---";
} else {
switch (tempFormat.toLowerCase()) {
case "f":
return round((((9 * degree) /
5) + 32), 1) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(61);
case "c":
return round(degree, 1) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(60);
case "c-f":
return round(degree, 1) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(60) + "<br><i>(" + round((((9 * degree) / 5) + 32), 1) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(61) + ")i>";
case "
return round((((9 * degree) / 5) + 32), 1) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(61) + "
<br><i>(" + round(degree, 1) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(60) + ")</i>";
* format a given MHz value to a better readable statement with the right suffix
* @param {Number} mhertz mhertz value that should be formatted
* @return {String} html string with no breaking spaces and translation statements
function formatHertz(mhertz) {
if ((mhertz >= 0) && (mhertz < 1000)) {
return mhertz.toString() + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(92);
} else {
if (mhertz >= 1000) {
return round(mhertz /
1000, 2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(93);
} else {
return "";
* format a given MT/s value to a better readable statement with the right suffix
* @param {Number} mtps mtps value that should be formatted
* @return {String} html string with no breaking spaces and translation statements
function formatMTps(mtps) {
if ((mtps >= 0) && (mtps < 1000)) {
return mtps.toString() + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(131);
} else {
if (mtps >= 1000) {
return round(mtps / 1000, 2) + String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(132);
} else {
return "";
* format the byte values into a user friendly value with the corespondenting unit expression<br>support is included
* for binary and decimal output<br>user can specify a constant format for all byte outputs or the output is formated
* automatically so that every value can be read in a user friendly way
* @param {Number} bytes value that should be converted in the corespondenting format, which is specified in the phpsysinfo.ini
* @param {jQuery} xml phpSysInfo-XML
* @param {parenths} if true then add parentheses
* @return {String} string of the converted bytes with the translated unit expression
function formatBytes(bytes, byteFormat, parenths) {
var show = "";
if (byteFormat === undefined) {
byteFormat = "auto_binary";
switch (byteFormat.toLowerCase()) {
case "pib":
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1024, 5), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(90);
case "tib":
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, 4), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(86);
case "gib":
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1024, 3), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(87);
case "mib":
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, 2), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(88);
case "kib":
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1024, 1), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(89);
case "pb":
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1000, 5), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(91);
case "tb":
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1000, 4), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(85);
case "gb":
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1000, 3), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(41);
case "mb":
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1000, 2), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(40);
case "kb":
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1000, 1), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(39);
case "b":
show += bytes;
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(96);
case "auto_decimal":
if (bytes > Math.pow(1000, 5)) {
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1000, 5), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(91);
} else {
if (bytes > Math.pow(1000, 4)) {
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1000, 4), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(85);
} else {
if (bytes > Math.pow(1000, 3)) {
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1000, 3), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(41);
} else {
if (bytes > Math.pow(1000, 2)) {
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1000, 2), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(40);
} else {
if (bytes > Math.pow(1000, 1)) {
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1000, 1), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(39);
} else {
show += bytes;
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(96);
if (bytes > Math.pow(1024, 5)) {
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, 5), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(90);
} else {
if (bytes > Math.pow(1024, 4)) {
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1024, 4), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(86);
} else {
if (bytes > Math.pow(1024, 3)) {
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, 3), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(87);
} else {
if (bytes > Math.pow(1024, 2)) {
show += round(bytes /
Math.pow(1024, 2), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(88);
} else {
if (bytes > Math.pow(1024, 1)) {
show += round(bytes / Math.pow(1024, 1), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(89);
} else {
show += bytes;
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + genlang(96);
if (parenths === true) {
show = "(" + show + ")
return "
<span style='display:none'>" + round(bytes,0) + ".</span>" + show; //span for sorting
function formatBPS(bps) {
var show = "";
if (bps > Math.pow(1000, 5)) {
show += round(bps /
Math.pow(1000, 5), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + 'Pb/s';
} else {
if (bps > Math.pow(1000, 4)) {
show += round(bps / Math.pow(1000, 4), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + 'Tb/
} else {
if (bps > Math.pow(1000, 3)) {
show += round(bps / Math.pow(1000, 3), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + '
} else {
if (bps > Math.pow(1000, 2)) {
show += round(bps /
Math.pow(1000, 2), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + 'Mb/s';
} else {
if (bps > Math.pow(1000, 1)) {
show += round(bps / Math.pow(1000, 1), 2);
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + 'Kb/
} else {
show += bps;
show += String.fromCharCode(160) + '
return show;
Array.prototype.pushIfNotExist = function(val) {
if (typeof(val) == 'undefined' || val === '') {
val = $.trim(val);
if ($.inArray(val, this) == -1) {
* generate a formatted datetime string of the current datetime
* @return {String} formatted datetime string
function datetime() {
var date, day = 0, month = 0, year = 0, hour = 0, minute = 0, days = "", months = "", years = "", hours = "", minutes = "";
date = new Date();
day = date.getDate();
month = date.getMonth() + 1;
year = date.getFullYear();
hour = date.getHours();
minute = date.getMinutes();
/ format values smaller that 10 with a leading 0
days = (day < 10) ? "0" + day.toString() : day.toString();
months = (month < 10) ? "0" + month.toString() : month.toString();
years = (year < 1000) ? year.toString() : year.toString();
minutes = (minute < 10) ? "0" + minute.toString() : minute.toString();
hours = (hour < 10) ? "0" + hour.toString() : hour.toString();
return days + "." + months + "." + years + " - " + hours + ":" + minutes;
* round a given value to the specified precision, difference to Math.round() is that there
* will be appended Zeros to the end if the precision is not reached (0.1 gets rounded to 0.100 when precision is set to 3)
* @param {Number} x value to round
* @param {Number} n precision
* @return {String}
function round(x, n) {
var e = 0, k = "";
if (n < 0 || n > 14) {
return 0;
if (n === 0) {
return Math.round(x);
} else {
e = Math.pow(10, n);
k = (Math.round(x * e) /
if (k.indexOf('.') === -1) {
k += '.';
k += e.toString().substring(1);
return k.substring(0, k.indexOf('.') + n + 1);