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# NfSen master config file
# $Id: nfsen-dist.conf 22 2007-11-20 12:27:38Z phaag $
# Configuration of NfSen:
# Set all the values to fit your NfSen setup and run the ''
# script from the nfsen distribution directory.
# The syntax must conform to Perl syntax.
# NfSen default layout: 
# Any scripts, modules or profiles are installed by default under $BASEDIR. 
# However, you may change any of these settings to fit your requested layout.

# Required for default layout
$BASEDIR = "/usr";

# Where to install the NfSen binaries

# Where to install the NfSen Perl modules

# Where to install the config files

# NfSen html pages directory:
# All php scripts will be installed here.
# URL: Entry point for nfsen: http://<webserver>/nfsen/nfsen.php
$HTMLDIR    = "/var/www/html/acc/manager/nfsen";

# Where to install the docs

# Var space for NfSen

# directory for all pid files
# Filter directory

# FORMATDIR for custom printing formats

# The Profiles stat directory, where all profile information
# RRD DBs and png pictures of the profile are stored

# The Profiles directory, where all netflow data is stored

# Where go all the backend plugins

# Where go all the frontend plugins

# nfdump tools path
$PREFIX  = '/usr/bin';

# nfsend communication socket
# $COMMSOCKET = "$PIDDIR/nfsen.comm";

# BASEDIR unrelated vars:
# Run nfcapd as this user
# This may be a different or the same uid than your web server.
# Note: This user must be in group $WWWGROUP, otherwise nfcapd
#       is not able to write data files!
$USER    = "apache";

# user and group of the web server process
# All netflow processing will be done with this user
$WWWUSER  = "apache";
$WWWGROUP = "apache";

# Receive buffer size for nfcapd - see man page nfcapd(1)
$BUFFLEN = 200000;

# list of extensions for each collector. See argument -T 
# for nfcapd(1) for more detailes.
# defaults to empty -> compatible to nfdump-1.5.8
# Example:
# $EXTENSIONS = 'all';
# $EXTENSIONS = '+3,+4';
# Directory sub hierarchy layout:
# Possible layouts:
# 0 default     no hierachy levels - flat layout - compatible with pre NfSen versions
# 1 %Y/%m/%d    year/month/day
# 2 %Y/%m/%d/%H year/month/day/hour
# 3 %Y/%W/%u    year/week_of_year/day_of_week
# 4 %Y/%W/%u/%H year/week_of_year/day_of_week/hour
# 5 %Y/%j       year/day-of-year
# 6 %Y/%j/%H    year/day-of-year/hour
# 7 %Y-%m-%d    year-month-day
# 8 %Y-%m-%d/%H year-month-day/hour

# Compress flows while collecting 0 or 1
$ZIPcollected    = 1;

# Compress flows in profiles 0 or 1
$ZIPprofiles     = 1;

# Interrupt expire -- not yet enabled as not yet fully tested
#$InterruptExpire = 0;

# number of nfprofile processes to spawn during the profiling phase
# depends on how busy your system is and how many CPUs you have
# on very busy systems increase it to a higher value

# if the PROFILEDATADIR is filled up to this percentage, a warning message will be printed.
# set to 0 to disable the test

# number of nfprofile processes to spawn during the profiling phase

# Netflow sources
# Define an ident string, port and colour per netflow source
# Required parameters:
#    ident   identifies this netflow source. e.g. the router name, 
#            Upstream provider name etc.
#    port    nfcapd listens on this port for netflow data for this source
#                        set port to '0' if you do not want a collector to be started
#    col     colour in nfsen graphs for this source
# Optional parameters
#    type    Collector type needed for this source. Can be 'netflow' or 'sflow'. Default is netflow
#        optarg  Optional args to the collector at startup
# Syntax: 
#         'ident' => { 'port' => '<portnum>', 'col' => '<colour>', 'type' => '<type>' }
# Ident strings must be 1 to 19 characters long only, containing characters [a-zA-Z0-9_].

%sources = (
    'alcasar_netflow'    => { 'port' => '2055', 'col' => '#0000ff', 'type' => 'netflow' },

# Low water mark: When expiring files, delete files until
# size = $low_water % of max_size
# typically 90 
$low_water = 90;

# syslog facility for periodic jobs
# nfsen uses level 'debug', 'info', 'warning' and 'err'
# Note: nfsen is very chatty for level 'debug' and 'info'
# For normal operation, you may set the logging level in syslog.conf
# to warning or error unless you want to debug NfSen
$syslog_facility = 'local3';

# SYSLOG mess 
# Log socket type: Most *NIX such as LINUX and *BSD are fine with 'unix'
# which is the default. You need to change that to 'stream' or 'inet' for 
# some Solaris version 8/9, AIX and others ..
# You may set it to undef to prevent calling Sys::Syslog::setlogsock at all
# ( works for Solaris 10 and newer Sys::Syslog module
# If not defined at all, 'unix' is assumed unless for Solaris, which defaults to 'stream'
# $LogSocket = 'unix';

# Plugins
# Plugins extend NfSen for the purpose of: 
# Periodic data processing, alerting-condition and alerting-action
# For data processing a plugin may run for any profile or for a specific profile only.
#     Syntax: [ 'profile list', 'module' ]
#            profile list:  ',' separated list of profiles ( 'profilegroup/profilename' ), 
#                           or '*' for any profile, '!' for no profile
#            module:        Perl Module name, equal to plugin name 
# The profile list '!' make sense for plugins, which only provide alerting functions
# The module follows the standard Perl module conventions, with at least one
# function: Init(). See for a simple template.
# A file with the same name in the FRONTEND_PLUGINDIR and .php extension is automatically
# recongized as frontend plugin.
# Plugins are installed under 

@plugins = (
    # profile    # module
     [ 'live','PortTracker' ],

%PluginConf = (
        # For plugin demoplugin
        demoplugin => {
                # scalar
                param2 => 42,
                # hash
                param1 => { 'key' => 'value' },
        # for plugin otherplugin
        otherplugin => [ 
                # array
                'mary had a little lamb' 

# Alert module: email alerting:
# Use this from address 
$MAIL_FROM   = '';

# Use this SMTP server
$SMTP_SERVER = 'localhost';

# Use this email body:
# You may have multiple lines of text.
# Var substitution:
# @alert@               replaced by alert name
# @timeslot@    replaced by timeslot alert triggered
$MAIL_BODY       = q{ 
Alert '@alert@' triggered at timeslot @timeslot@

# For the NfSen simulator include the section below.
# Nfsen Simulator
# The simulator requires, that you have already installed
# and configured NfSen. The simulation is based on already
# pre-colleted data, which you may get from another live 
# NfSen system.
# Steps to setup the NfSen simulator:
# 1. Configure the sources of the live profile with the 
#    same names of the NfSen system, you take netflow data
#    for the simulation. Set the port for each netflow source
#    to 0 to prevent a collector to be started.
#    Install NfSen with this config in a seperate directory
# 2. Copy the pre-collected data into the appropriate 
#    netflow directory of the live profile.
# 3. Configure the simulator using the parameters below
#    Enable Simulation mode => $SIMmode = 1
#    Configure the time window of the pre-collected data.
#      tstart    => Start of time window. yyyymmddhhmm
#      tbegin    => Optional parameter. Start of simulation 
#                   profile exists already between tstart - tbegin
#      tend      => End of time window. yyyymmddhhmm
#      cycletime => simulation time in seconds of a 5min slot
#    Setting cycletime = 0 processes the cycles as fast as
#    possible. Please note, if you test plugings, your 
#    cycletime needs to be at least the time required to 
#    process all plugins.
# 4. Start nfsen: ../nfsen start
#    Simulation starts
# The simulator runs from tstart to tend and stops when tend
# is reached. You may stop the simulation at any given time
# using ./nfsen stop. To continue the simulation start NfSen
# again: ./nfsen start. You may reset the simulator at any
# given time using ./nfsen abort-reset. This stops the sumulation
# and rolls back to tstart. All profiles/alerts are deleted,
# so you may start from scratch again.
# Configure simulator parameters
# $SIMmode = 1;
# %sim = (
#    'tstart'     => '200707100000',    # Simulation data available from July 10th 2007 00:00
#    'tbegin'     => '200707110000',    # Simulation begins at July 11th 2007 00:00
#    'tend'       => '200707112355',    # Simulation ends at July 11th 2007 23:55
#    'cycletime'  => '30',                              # 30s per 5min slot
# );